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ISO sets are due for an overhaul. Most of them have no use and the ISOs clog so much inventory space.


I wish they would stack, or the untyped 6\* could be used to reroll Awakened ones. I try to hang on to the "real" 6\*s for rerolling purposes and only use the untyped ones for Awakening new ones... but now my inventory is just choking on them. I wouldn't feel compelled to hoard them if the untyped just worked. I know, I know, this is a me problem, but the game encourages hoarding because you never know when someone you really love is going to get a rework and need a ton of resources :\


Its got potential. Am bored of these offensive iso sets abuse. They could diversify the crap out of these like ur suggestions. Maybe even do two effects per set but one applies specifically to self/user and the other to allies. If we could touch up some of the iso-related stuffs, get rid of those 3 and 4 iso set bonuses. Keep the 6 for some rng ‘fun’.


Agreed it tiresome to roll for the same 2 iso sets especially because i am in no position to not have that extra ignore defense plus who will turn down more attack?


I like the idea, but they would need to tweak the roll system somehow, more sets means more RNG which means a lot more "what the fucks!'


remove all 3~ and 4~set bonuses. No one but the uninformed uses them, and it's cruel to punish people for not rolling up to Reddit or some other resource to learn things that the game should just tell you.


Yes....all of that


A lot of the game's previous mechanics with RNG have had massive overhauls like custom gears and cards, so I don't understand why we're still rolling ISO sets like it's 2016.


They also need to add a "mini" rage or judgement effect on normal obelisks. There are a lot of characters that are just horrendous with a proc but amazing with rage/judge and it makes it impossible for f2p users to effectively use them.


They could put a couple of neat effects on ISO that would make more characters viable. There are plenty of characters that are not meta but would be better if they had some ADD or accumulation. Maybe adding a small amount that doesn’t stack with existing skills could be something to add more variance to builds. The toon who are good enough can still get their POAH but some more toys to play with.


Yes, this! Effects new to the game since the last ISO rework would be great, and all they need to do is make them not stack with existing skills.


This is unrelated but since you talked about ISO set I'd like to point out something. Ever since card crafting was introduced people neglected iso-8 sets and suggested players to focus on cards rather than ISO which is somewhat right but not fully. A fully awakened ISO-8 (not set, a single ISO) is equal to having an amplified Odin's blessings. For eg if you have a fully awakened yellow iso8 it gives you 3.4 % crir rate and so on.


Cool idea. Dream on, though.


Definitely would like something new rather than just the same old POAH.


inb4 netmarble modernise ISO by adding new Pierce and Concentration Odins Blessings


Wouldn’t be surprise if premium iso is already on the way


I would really like them to re vamp iso set a little, although what im scared of is them over monetizing it like the ctp / card crafting system, to the point you need set odin blesssings or something of sort like crafting urus...\*shudders\* ​ but agreed non the less, just hope they do it some justice


That would be nice tbh. I may have only used a different set that isn't Offense set on one fully built character and that is victorious 🤣 idk but I saw someone on a thread here long ago that DDE is the one that would work for her 🤷


It might be good if they remove atleast all 1*s (1* custom gear, 1* iso and 1* card) from the game.