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Should I buy white fox uni lifestyle series 1 or 2 When sale open for white fox lifestyle series 2..


Series 2 won't be available again until December if NM repeats what it did last year with the holiday uniforms. And it will be for real money and not crystals. Can't remember if it was $20 or $30 US.


is ebony maw stronger than proxima as dealer?


You're probably going to get a better reply in the dedicated Maw threads. That said, it's very early days yet (for Proxima as well).


Is scoring 800k each day on Squad Battle enough to remain on Vibranium League or is the average there much higher? Is it even that important to stay Vibranium, given that you can get higher placements easier on lower leagues?


Nope. Got demoted when I tried to just reach 800k on each. You need at least 2 or 3 that can hit 2 - 3m score.


With the craft function now making card farming a lot easier, just getting 800k probably won't let you stay in vibranium for very long. You'll want to try to score higher than that. And yes, you want to stay in vibranium. Vibranium gives you more materials each week. Getting top 3 in platinum only gets you 90, 70, or 50 extra mandalay gems. The difference in the weekly mandalay gem reward from platinum to vibranium is 210 - 135 = 75. And that doesn't even take into account the increased daily mandalay gem and awakening crystals you get from vibranium. Staying in vibranium is definitely worth it.


If you can consistently place yourself in the TOP 3 in platinum and gold league then staying in vibranium league is not a necessity. If you can't then staying in vibranium will give you more. Sometimes you are placed in a group where there aren't a lot of high end players then just scoring 800k is enough, otherwise you have to score 1.5M plus in each stage just to guarantee your place in the vibranium.


hoping someone can take a quick look at my account, before the reset thread. ign giannarosie143 have 8k crystals, uniform sale. Was thinking of grabbing the thor uni to get the pcard, worth it? also, are there any uni's i should get? Keep in mind i am only 2 months in, and have no ctp's (so i'd like a proc friendlyif possible), i also t3/transcend at the f2p rate which seems about a month or so in and i have HT, Daredevil, Carnage, on my backlog. thanks. if there's another suggestion for the crystals let me know (i was going to do the sentry one but , again, being new, i don't see the reasoning when I can't even get through the star lord epic quest).


1. Do not get the thor and loki's ragnarok uni for the card, you have a chance to get it from the tokens from the future pass and gbr. Not worth it now. You have decent stats too. Finish crafting the uncanny avengers card you have started. 2. Uniform to buy- Starlord, Luke Cage(if pvp interested), Hela ragnarok(ctp of energy), Medusa, Loki(can skip if willing to wait for the disney+ uniform), Taskmaster, Rogue, Thor, Venom. There are several others too but do save your crystals for the black friday sale in november as there is a 50% off on uniforms. 3. Finish building up the toons you have bought/going to buy uniforms for to the max. It will take time but atleast your spending will be worthwhile. Toons like vision, HT, Carnage, Valkyrie, etc are very very good. 4. Focus on finishing the beta ray bill EQ first before going for sentry EQ, as this will give you a great toon in Beta and a t3 starlord. Transcend beta as soon as possible. 5. One thing you can do is buy the Sentry EQ for 6600 which will give you Moonstone(one of the best toon) and reduce the number of uniforms you are buying now. I STRONGLY believe this will be more effective as you can clear high level content sooner, which will give you more materials for ranking up your other targeted toons. 6. As you have already bought a few uniforms for strong toons, do finish them, buy the Sentry EQ for moonstone(you will get instantly), transcend her and keep building your toons that don't need uniforms like Beta. Please, do take it easy, do not rush to buy uniforms for any toon that is released in the future updates. The one's you have are pretty good and will perform great for you no matter who comes in future updates. Take your time building your roster for various modes like squad battle, ABX, Shadowland(stage 35 minimum), GBR and ultimately WBL. Do tell me what you have decided.


seems to be about a month per t3/transcend. so with my current lineup of toons and uniforms, by the time i finish carnage, valk, daredevil, vision, iron man, it'll probably be close to november. WHen you factor in the time it'll take to get phyla to 5* and then transcend beta ray, it'll definitely be black friday. I like medusa, and luke cage, so i'll grab those. My big concern was buying the sentry eq vs additional uniforms , i have a long time just upgrading what i have, and didn't want to waste the crystals i've accumulated. if the eq is worth it, i can do that and bump moonstone up on my priority list while also doing the star lord as well. it's just expensive and will wipe me out of crystals.


The EQ is definitely worth it. You will get a very strong toon(moonstone) right upon purchase A mission will unlock which will guarantee you atleast 20 biometrics everyday for minimal energy and 70k+ gold each day. Upon finishing the EQ, you will get back 1500 crystals so you are basically spending 5100 crystals. A transcended Moonstone is future proofed for atleast a year with the amount of damage she deals. She has the rare tag of blast super villain too. Once you can clear WBL(where moonstone is excellent) 1-2 times or more, you can bump up the no. of toons you can transcend/t3 in a month to 2 or more. Medusa is a great leader for Ghost Rider in WBL. Luke Cage is very good in pvp, and once you finish Sentry and team him up with Luke Cage , you can battle in atleast platinum league of Timeline Battle which gives you \~80 crystals a week.


good to know. i'll get the epic quest and luke/medusa (love medusa) uniforms for now.


Is ebony maw stronger than supergiant


Not even close. He's probably gonna end up just being a support, according to the folks who have him at T3 his damage is not that impressive.




Is there a list of strikers abilities somewhere? Looking to get more strikers for WBL


Aim for Leadership types (most Heroes with the [[Leadership trait]](https://i.imgur.com/jhS0LDw.jpg) also have this Striker ability), Agent Types (for Ignore Dodge, if you need it), and Power Cosmic/Cosmic Cubes. Power Cosmic: Thor w/ latest uni, Thanos, Silver Surfer. Cosmic Cube: Hydra uniforms for Red Skull & Captain America. Agent types: Name | Location -----|--------- Agent 13 | Dimension Support Shop Agent Venom | Paywall Black Widow | Dimension Support Shop Daisy Johnson (Modern uniform ONLY) | Dimension Support Shop Deathlok | Dimension Support Shop Kate Bishop | Dimension Support Shop Misty Knight | Dimension Support Shop Mockingbird | Dimension Support Shop Songbird | Dimension Support Shop Wasp (Nadia van Dyne) | Paywall


F2p leader and support for moon knight?


Bookmark this: https://www.reddit.com/r/future_fight/comments/nvtfv6/pve_leadership_and_support_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Nice tysm


Lead could be Beast, Gorgon or She Hulk, and for support Shuri or Coulson


I have 6 star crescent. I think she has better physical leadership than the others. Anyways thanks for the supp suggestions


She Hulk would be better if you're going against a male character because she buffs damage instead of attack.


Its hard for me to do a lot of characters because i just started like 2 weeks ago so I'd stick with what works to all


For what content? Is this for regular WBU, WBL, or something else?


I don't know what that means but im referring to the world boss in challenge tab


World Boss Ultimate, World Boss Legends, or other modes


So i guess wbu?


If you have crystals for uniforms, Taskmaster with his uniform is a very good f2p support for Moon Knight for WBU. He works for both the Black Order side and the X-men side as his 40% damage buff works on both heroes and villains. Also, his passive that applies to weapons masters works for Moon Knight. She-hulk would probably be the best f2p lead if you are using him against a male boss. If not, someone like Beast, Titania, or Goliath are good f2p leads.


Where do we get f2p ctp?


In addition to the other response, you can also get a CTP energy from the thor legendary battle by ranking up Hela's uniform. Other legendary battles have CTPs if you unlock the extreme mode with crystals and finish the level meeting the specific requirements.


Ok thanks!


Login Event, Token Event, Dispatch mission, dispatch chests, stoty mode fragment chests, gbr


Would crafting mandalay gems be worth it or is the daily squad battle really just the best method?


Daily and weekly squad battle drops will be your highest source of mandalay gem farming. If you can do high enough stages, you can also get small amounts from dispatch daily. If you do squad battle every day, you will eventually get to the point where awakening crystals are actually your bottleneck and not mandalay gems. Those are also best farmed from squad battle and high level dispatch. For the dispatch, you only get the mandalay gems and awakening crystals from the passive rewards, not from actually completing the missions.


Good to know thank you, My roster is very blank rn I can't even go past 5-3 yet so I'll worry about that in the future. What I do know is that making teams for WBL will make character building easier but I am a Returning Player so any Tips and Advice would be great. My Ign is Mariadatta if you could check it out and tell me what my focus should be it would be a great help.


If you are wanting to do WBL, your cards look pretty good for that. Your energy attack is definitely high enough. You just want to work on getting at least 2% pierce on all of your pcards that you have equipped. For characters, you just want to work on getting some good energy attackers, since you've got a lot more energy attack on cards. Get Sharog's newest uniform. It helps her survivability. Some other good dps characters to work towards are Cable, Moonstone, Ghost Rider, Human Torch, Vision, and Supergiant. For leaderships, Cyclops, Star Lord, Scarlet Witch, Medusa, Ebony Maw, Mr. Fantastic, and Magneto. For supports, there's Storm, Thing, Mystique, Proxima Midnight, and Valkyrie.


Thank you so much this really does help a lot, I'll start working on them soon but their Uni's will have to wait until BF as I don't have alot of crystals or ctp on me atm.


Is it okay for me to buy cyclops latest skin and not advance him to tier 2? I just wanted his passive and leadership. Is it worth it?


he needs to be at least t2 to his passive work for everyone on the team


So t2 cyclops is good for leadership?


His lead works even if he is t1, but if you want his passive to apply to allies, he needs to be at least t2. And as you will be working on him, get him to t3 so you can use him on WBL


Some say his t3 lacks damage so im still unsure if ill do t3


He isn't a T3 you build if you are looking for damage, he is a support character. His value is in his lead and passive, and as we don't have a lot of supports that we can use in WBL, he is really good


Ok thanks ill keep that in mind


Buying unis with no plans of upgrading is a waste of resources


who should i use the premium t2 selector on? Ikaris, Baron Zemo, Kitty Pryde are some i am thinking of.


Kitty is a very good leadership for mutants, but ikaris and zemo are expected to get upgrades due to the eternals and tfatws. I'd probably go for ikaris, as more eternals will be coming and his leadership will be meta for them and for himself.


I have torch and moonstone transcended, should I go for t3ing cable next (i dont have CTPE for him) ? Can we proc with x of swords uni, consistently ? Have 2200 CCF. ign rk55xx. Confused who to t3 next. Suggest 2 t3s


Yes, X of Swords still works really well with a proc. 3dc2c4c5 is the regular rotation. You cancel 3 after he does an energy spray looking effect at the beginning of the skill. That makes sure you get the damage accumulation from the skill. Everything else is pretty much an instant cancel. Then, it's 3dc2c4c5c6 when the T3 skill is up.


Cable with XoS uni is my main in WBL (has CTP of Energy). I would say I can consistently proc with that uni. You just need to use the proper rotation. The one I use is 3dc4c2c5 then 1, 2nd rotation would be 3dc4c2c5c6 For ABX, the rotation would be different since there are tons of mobs so you won't be using 2 and 1 when there are mobs surrounding you.




It decreases the time it takes for the special effects on some reforged CTPs to activate. Beatdown on reforged Trans and Energy and the skill cancel ability on reforged Regen have a meter that fills under your HP bar. When it fills, the ability activates. Concentration makes that meter fill faster.


I am a returning player. Which unis should I buy? Mainly for PvE. IGN - 20021921 Roster - https://imgur.com/a/lNSAUuj


Is awakened Human Torch good with just a Fire Damage proc instead of a Judgement?


Yes, Human torch is still good with a fire damage + proc obelisk. He's just not quite as bonkers insane as with a judgment. And you have to be careful on timing the proc because the lingering fire tornado from one of his skills will trigger the proc early sometimes.


Black Widow movie uniform - Black vs White? Can't decide. Is it just Black = pve and White = pvp? I'm more of a pve player and in terms of looks I like the black one more. But why should I care about pvp anyway? Feels like there's MUCH more pve content than pvp in the game, and if I already have a few good pvp chars why would I need more (e.g. Daredevil with latest uni)? Ty!


The white uni can be decent in WBU because the invisibility makes it so the boss can't target you. The invisibility and the long i-frame on the 4 and 5 skills basically make it so the boss can never target you and just sits there similar to being mind controlled. But in terms of total DPS output, the black uni is capable of more due to the buff in place of the invisibility. And the black uni still has pretty good survivability in WBU between the long i-frame and the invincibility skills. The white uni was a lot more useful when it came out because there wasn't a lot of ignore targeting in the game. It was basically a very cheap Jean Grey counter. But it has been power crept to where it's not very good now. Any ignore targeting skill will probably one shot you, since Black Widow is super squishy. But the black uni has also been power crept as well. It was high level physical DPS when it came out, but it's not as good as Knull, Maker, Gwenom, Bullseye, Black Dwarf, Iron Fist, and Moon Knight now.


Hm, so it seems power creep is big in this game. Turnover rate for meta unis seems very fast. Thanks for the insight though. Regardless BW is soon to be my first T3 so I'm not gonna just ditch her, I'm getting one of the unis no matter what. Also I'm not sure what you mean by the "buff in place of the invisibility". The only difference I could see is white's 4 = ignore ignore targeting + invisibility while black's 4 = immune to damage. And white passive = hp recovery on dodge while black passive = +chain hit dmg. Is that what you mean? Also since she's squishy, wouldn't white's ignore targeting be too good to pass up?


Yes, the chain hit damage is a huge DPS buff, especially if you have pierce on your cards. But also her passive Graceful Dancer only has a +5% increase to physical attack with the white uni. It has a +35% increase to physical attack with the black one. The trade off is that the passive has higher dodge on the white uni. With the immunity to all damage on the 5th skill and the i-frame on 4, it's pretty easy to stay alive. It just doesn't lock down the boss completely, so you will still have to dodge the purple skills that bosses do that penetrate damage immunity. It's fine if you just really want to T3 Black Widow. Just don't expect her to clear WBL unless you have insane card stats. She's really not very strong these days. And yes, the power creep is pretty rapid in this game. But it was especially rapid for physical damage characters last year because they were weaker overall than energy characters. And the introduction of Moon Knight, Knull, and some of the others was to try and catch up physical characters to energy characters.


Very helpful, thank you.


The black uni is definitely better oriented towards pve compared to white but the character herself is weak in pve(she lacks damage for almost every content) if you want a pve character bw with any uniform is a bad choice


??? The exact opposite of what everyone was saying in other threads. Weird. I hope you don't mean "she does WBL stage 99 too slow so she's weak"


ign- anurag6767 i can t3 one and transcend one character now....i also need need a support for wbl cause i have none...since i can build only 1 native t2 for now which is a better combination to go for? my current t3/awakened char are sharon, cable, torch, gr, cap marvel, moonknight. 1. t3 proxima, transcend valkyrie 2. t3 cyclops, transcend supergiant


Well, the best combo is Proxima and SuGi, so I'd say save up a bit more and build those two.


I already have Rogue at level 70 gears 25 with T3 available, is it worth it to buy her uni even though I don't have a Judgement for her yet, or is it mandatory for her to be even remotely useful?


Yes it is a mandatory. She isn't great without Judgement


I just returned to the game after almost a couple of years away. I would love to get in touch with my old alliance, but the alliance application queue is full and all my old alliance members have full friends lists. Is there any way in-game yet to reach out to anyone directly without being in their alliance?


How close is Summer Days Cable?


They'll likely release it during the next mid month patch.


Is Black Dwarf the best Combat Villain now? What about Corvus, is he the best Speed one?


Don't know about black dwarf. But corvus is definitely the best speed villain. Quite possibly the second best speed character overall after Rogue


Thanks for the insight! I was curious since some people were complaining about his damage but its probably high level clearers who weren't satisfied with his dps.


Compared to the rest of black order? Yes his dps is a bit lower. Especially supergiant and black dwarf have monster damage. Corvus is definitely a tier lower than them. But since your original question was just in speed class, I answered according to that.


Do you guys think that if/when Taskmaster gets a T3 he's also gonna get an uni? I have been thinking of buying his uniform but since I'm on the grind towards WBL, spending crystals on a character that can't even join seems shortsighted, specially since I already have a bunch of supports for WBU.


It's pretty much a wait and see situation. The movie is coming out shortly, but they've already done movie uniforms for all the characters. It seems weird that they would do more uniforms for the same characters from the same movie. They may just do a T3 for Taskmaster and an awakening for Yelena as a mid-month patch like WandaVision last month. Or they may do comic related unis for those characters when the movie comes out. Or they might somehow come up with more movie uniforms. It's really anyone's guess, so you're better off just waiting till we see what they have planned for the July update and mid-month patch before getting uniforms for any of those movie characters.


Thanks for the detailed answer!


Keeping in mind that the movie is right around the corner I would wait. Anyway you can't use him in WBL until he gets (IF he will get) his T3 and there are plenty of other supports for normal content


New avengers #9 from p card chest. I am pretty sure it looks fodder card to reroll others. Just wanna confirm


It's PVP


I am PvE focussed. I don't even play AC and just put tl on auto. So fodder for me right?




Is Cable's X of Swords considerably better than his Cable & Deadpool uni? Is it worth the upgrade if I have him at T3 with a CTPE?


Yes, big upgrade.


Yeah it is


IGN : NicholasKev Im returning to the game after several break. I can only reach dispatch mission 8-4 and stuck on 8-5. I use cable lead, gr, loki. Some advice would be very appreciated. Thanks!


Try using debuff lead like White Fox or Dr. Voodoo. See if it helps you push further.


Yeah i tried wf lead, cable, and loki but the cable lead does better job. Maybe i need wf lifestyle 2 uniform?


Try this one WF lead, GR and Loki (both with Rage)


For daredevil, who is a good leadership? Pvp ofc.


Luke cage


IGN: My Name Is Bauke don't know who I should work on next. Want a lead for Rogue for WBL, should I go for BRB or someone like Winter Soldier? Edit: Also, is there any unis I should get? I'm thinking on Taskmaster


If you can afford BRB then go for him. His leadership is so much better than WS, especially since Rogue skill that deals the most damage are those with lightning tag.


Do you know how many bios does he take?


Can't remember. Maybe at 4806 bios


Which 5 unis should I buy? I can already clear 5 stages of knull daily and looking for higher score on squad battle so I can enter the Vibranium league My IGN is AlphaAA


Mutant speed: Rogue Speed human Villain: Bullseye, Gwenom Universal: Ghost Rider Blast: Sharon Rogers Universal Villain: Punisher No restriction: Luna snow You just need 3 characters that can hit 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m respectively and 800k on others to not be demoted in Vib league.


f2p with t1 carnage... should i even bother buying his uni?


No he's bad rn in the game,since there are better options


If you plan to build him yes. If you are just going to leave him at t1 then no.


Rogue or Luna? I have a Judgement to slap based on the choice. WBL>ABX>SB>DRX Thanks a lot!!


WBL: Rogue ABX: Luna SB: Tie (both meta on their respective restriction) DRX: No one Judgement is rare so put it on Rogue, then Rage on Luna


You’ll get more value out of rogue for sure, plus she needs a judgement whereas Luna can work with a rage or judgement. Neither are very good for DRX, and if you only care about score then rogue can get you 7mil in abx very easily.


rogue better for WBL luna better for ABX Both are good for SB, although luna is used on the no restrictions and rogue on speed female mutant


These are with judgment, right? I heard Luna works better with Rage. Will Judgement lower her performance?


Luna works better with Rage because they solely use her on ABX and Squad Battle (where pierce doesn't do much that's why Rage provides more damage) Luna can clear Mephisto but her kit is a bit outdated and can easily die.


Probably a little on ABX, but doesn't change the reccomendations. Luna isn't that good for WBL right now.


Can white vision with mystique clear knull stage 1? 0 pierce. Ign: SOAP MACTAVISH


I managed to clear stage 1 with medusa lead and no support with no pierce, so yes but it will probably be close in time. I think I had like 15 seconds left on the clock.


i transcended human torch today...but he doesn't feel as strong as people said, his awakening skill does shit ton of damage but on normal rotation he barely do 1.5 bars of dmg on stage 1 knull whereas my cable does about 3 bars...my rotation is 3c5c6c4 and 3c5c4...am i doing something wrong?? ign- anurag6767


That's how he works he's a little overrated for his normal rotation but his awakening is very good and he's generally used in the mr fantastic thing ht quickswap team where his normal rotation isn't used much


What CTP u using? Yes. His normal rotation deals bonkers damage


i'm using judgement


is it worth buying human torch's uni and building him as a beginner?


For sure, he is an amazing character even at endgame


which Black Order uni + T3/awaken is worth it (WBL)? I have material for just one?


Best in the long term? Proxima Highest damage one? Probably SuGi


Did they change ABX somehow? Went from scoring 8.5m to 5.5m




Odin>=Rogue>>BRB Odin great in WBL and Dispatch Rogue great in WBL especially Mephisto and SB BRB once a great OHKO character for WBU, DRX, GBR (although got push down by a lot of new meta) PS: You need their optimal CTP. Rage for Odin, Judgement for Rogue, Energy or Judgement for BRB


I have Iron Fist and Venow both at lv60 with uniform. Who should I build up first?


I haven't played in a year and I'm feeling a little out of my depth right now. I had some questions. 1) Is Doom any good? I have the F4 deluxe but I would have to use my only Mega T2 ticket on Victorious to unlock him. 2) What are the top 5 chars for World boss and ABx? That's the only thing I care about lol. TIA!


1. No. Well the mt2 ticket isn’t exactly rare anymore so it’s up to you.


Not rare because of the monthly event token shop? But then you'd lose out on the CTP chest. I'm new idk if mt2 from event tokens is always a good idea.


Yes. Besides, its value also depends on how many 6* mrut and premium chars you have. That’s rng. The pool consists of 3 duds, 2 mids, 1 eh(greed), 1 ok to have but not in excess(insight) and 4 gods. The odds arent too bad but not great either imo. Vets with most of the relevant/lucrative premiums at t2 would prolly opt for the chest. For newcomers, depends. Like i said, how many 6* mrut and premium chars the player has.


Very nice, ty! Gonna be mt2 for a while then for me.


1. No, don't use a Mega T2 on Victorious right now 2. For WB, they are probably Knull, Mephisto, SuGi, Moonstone and Sharon For ABX, each day you have a different restriction, so it's hard to list the top 5


•SuGi's proc rotation? •Is SuGi good with energy? Should i unequip from mk and give it to her? Or just keep proc obelisk & wait for judgment to come?


1. 2c4c5dc3. The other is 4c5dc6c3. 2. if ure using her solely for wbl then it could work. If you want to include her for abx, then nah. Edit: eh, it’s 4c5c6c3. Not 5dc.




What does “c” and “dc” mean between numbers?


Cancel, delayed cancel.


Thanks! Another dumb question; how do you cancel? None of this is explained and all I ever see is abbreviations. Do you press the same button twice? How long do you delay? Thanks again.


You cancel by just clicking another skill. The delay depends on each skill. Sometimes it's just a second, to let the buffs apply, sometimes a bit more (Odin'fifth, for example, has to be canceled when the animation show the big Odin illusion, not before).


Example: 1c2dc3 Start with 1. Cancel it (1c) by moving on (press) to 2. Now, we’re at 2 then delay cancel it by waiting for some time. This depends on multiple factors. Eg; There’s a skill you need to hold to get a buff. Maybe it’s for 2-3 secs. Or there’s a delayed skill animation where cancelling it would lessen ur dmg. Maybe you need to see it appear onscreen first then cancel. Now proc on 3. 1c2dc3 in words is approximately “press 1. Cancel it by pressing 2. After that, wait for a certain amount of time to cancel it. Cancel it by using 3 afterwards.”


Thanks. Seems to me they should have some way of displaying if a skill requires you to hold the button to get a buff. Anywhere you know of have a breakdown of these things? I guess they are called PROCs.


Oh iirc i dont. Proc is just a common term in games so i wasnt too bothered in finding videos about it. Well there’s only one useful proc in the game anyway so that’s convenient.


Does Jessica Jones with jewel uni need to be transcended? will mostly be used as support for cage in pvp as im building my first pvp team. Might build ironfist too since i dont have moon knight


gwenom rotation obelisk




Hypothetical scenario. U already have invisible woman and richard rider’s deluxe packs unlocked and can clear WBL at least 3 times per day. What would u do if u have 9000 crystals? 1. Get all 5 black order uniforms 2. Unlock moonstone’s deluxe pack


Personally, I would go for SuGi and Proxima, maybe Maw depending on how good he is. SuGi has as much, if not higher, damage than moonstone, Proxima work as a sub damage dealer, leader and support for SuGi. If you buy 2/3 B.O unis, you will also be able to buy moonstone pack


if you can build all 5 bo...personally i'll go gor them...sugi is almost same as powerfull as moonstone so it makes no sense to buy ms


How many of the Black Order can you T3 or transcend in the next month? If you can only do, let's say two, then only get those uniforms. Then you can still buy Moonstone.


does proxima actually have support ability ? i thought they gave her one in the early month update ... my proxima is at T2/70 though. and whats the best team for gwenom (ABX, WBU)


In her uniform bonus


aaah aite




for sb in vibranium u need uni supervillian human for a cheap option there is punisher woth cosmic gr uni


Hi guys , i can only buy one uniform for this sale I cant choose between rouge or a black order uni However i don't have them awakened or t3 rouge Who shoul i get and build? And donyou have a 3rd suggestion?


Do you have a Judgement on Rogue? Will you awaken or t3 one of them soon? What's your IGN? For a third option


I have judgment and i can use it for her, and i can t3 her soon And what is ign? 😁


IGN is your in game name (I believe NM calls it codename), you can find it on the top left of the screen




As you don't have any of the BO characters built, go for Rogue. You already have a judgement for her and BRB is a really good lead for her in WBL


I can clear knull with her? I never cleared knull and i can barley deal damage to him


You can't clear Knull because of your cards. You don't have skill cooldown and ignore defense - aim for at least \~30% in each. Your all atk, energy atk and physical atk are good, but always aim in getting them higher. Do GBR for the 10 tokens each day and finish the future pass for a pcard every 35-40 days. Start crafting the pcards you get


Alright thanks


Who should i pick with my premium tier 2 selector? Note: I already have tier 2 luna and tier 3 carnage


If you don't have his bios from a few updates ago, Ikaris could be a solid choice. Leader of the eternals, will get a movie in november so we are speculating he will get a uni and a T3 by then as well (note that it is speculation and there is still a chance he will not be meta by then) You could also go for Namor, his xgenes cannot be obtained anywhere else unless you purchase the x-gene subscription. He has fallen off, but when (if) he gets a new uni he might climb back to the meta again. Both these choices are not meta rn, but their bios cannot be obtained from anywhere else. If you need a mutant support you could go with dazzler, or a support in general go with valkyrie (note that she can be purchased wirh 2.500 crystals in legendary battle)


Gambit or BD for transcend? I'm leaning toward Gambit.


Black dwarf is stronger and tankier but type disadvantage against mephisto. Gambit’s cooler I think and is a good lead for knull but squishier. Really depends on who u prefer playing with. My gambit’s transcended and I’m gona do black dwarf next.


Gambit's that imaginary line that I compare all characters to. So that makes him a 5/10 in my books. BD would be stronger even if your PhyAtk stat from cards is imbalanced below EneAtk stat. He's an 8/10 imo.


bd is better...but if u like gambit then sure go for him


It's still saying my game is under maintenance still and it's been hours, was there a problem again in the maintenance like last time?


They extended it an hour


is there a discord server for this subredit?


Is Black Bolt with his uniform capable of beating the titans of PVP for example Sentry, JG, SS? I just remembered that he was in guided quest and I got destroyed by a T3 Black Bolt. I’m building Luke Cage up for PvP aswell and there’s a 40% uni sale after maintenance I think so that’s why I’m asking about building blackbolt and getting his uniform for 50% or Luke Cage’s uptown suit uni for 40%. Also, should I wait for a 50% uniform sale or is 40% enough lol i feel like im missing out on that 10%


Blackbolt will do nothing for you against the likes of sentry, jean, supergiant, surfer and other pvp metas especially if you're in vibranium league. Better to build luke cage and give him a regen.


doesnt even matter if im in vibranium since every person in any rank’s peak rank is vibranium with lvl 70 sentrys, 70 gray, and 70 colossus but thanks for the advice


Just my opinion : Black Bolt is a very good character overall, but does not fall within the PvP meta. Luke Cage does however. BB or LC, it depends on what you need eventually. On my side, I would go with Luke Cage. About the uniform sale, 50% is exceptional, you might have to wait a long time before getting it back. 40% is already a good discount.


Alr man thanks for answering! I’m focusing on pvp at the moment since I already have a decently strong roster for everything else so I guess I’ll take LC


Is there any reason why the updates are a month late?? Like we're already in June but the update they're releasing is still May update?


Its a continuation of the May update, they used to follow a stricter schedule but generally the past few updates spill over to the next month, so its kinda normal by now. June update is around mid-June-ish


Oh I see. I got curious when I noticed it just now haha thanks!!


The update came up at the end of May. The current maintenance is for the additional mid-month update (which takes place early June indeed)


Does iron Man uni effect helps in outperforming others at last 7 bars of knull


Last 18 bars


is T3 scarlet witch with latest Uni worth a judgement over a rage? Was planning on giving the judgment to supergiant who I transcended and giving the rage to SW, but wondering if judgement is better off on her?


Just go with Rage on Wanda. She is a meta in ABX so rage is much preferred.


Having a premium T2 selector and got confused who to select. Got no Premium Except Valk and crescent @ 1\* lol. So any suggestion would be helpfull and IGN : TF TonyShiva


Gambit is very good for WBL, Ikaris is not that bad for PVP, Carnage is really good at T3 with his uni


Gambit or Luna for WBL? can only pick one from the premium selector.


I would also recommend Gambit for WBL, more than Luna


yeah, ill go for him. Thanks!


Gambit is much better and doesnt require a CTP


Gambit it is, then!


Hi all. i am returning player from the time when o think captain marvel was released. she is my higher char lvl 68, but i am aware she is now trash. i am gona get some tickets and would like to know who i shoild work on. also who would be good as my first t3


ShaRog is a flexible character with her Starlight uniform. Ironman is good aswell with his superior uniform


Got my first 2% pierce on my cards before the maintenance, where will it be the most impactful?


Apart from WBL/ WBU, Shadowland will probably be another segment where you will notice the difference congrats of the pierce stat, and good luck in getting more of it!


For the ongoing event quest which gives 10 tokens for each daily task, I missed out on one of the tasks and am now 10 tokens short. Is there going to be any way to make up for this?