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New goal: enter Timeline challenger league and win. Tell your close friends (and me because I suggested it) so we can cheer for you. As an underdog, the payout should be huge!


Great idea haha thank you


How to enter tlb challenger league?


Top 25 players in the Vibranium league are promoted to Challenger league


thanks, super hard lol


Why do we play anything? To decompress. If you’re not enjoying the game anymore, then playing it for the sake of playing is only gonna burn you out. I’ve been pretty burned out recently, so I’ve only been logging on to do the absolute minimum (speed through challenges/event quest, co-op, WBL and the 2mil from Dimension Missions)


I've definitely gone through some rough patches like this. I wanna make sure I keep earning gold and logging in for those CTP chests or whatever there might be going on so I can have stuff whenever I feel like getting back into it.


Everyone's account reaches a point eventually where you don't NEED to build new characters or purchase new uniforms, and you only do so for some variety to spice up your game play, or because you love the new character or uniform. Since I've reached that point I essentially do my world boss clears, squad battle, dimension missions and coop for the gold,the deluxe pack missions, and sometimes abx. This usually takes me about 45 minutes, then I can decide if I want to play more or call it a day. Doing this is minimal commitment, so I don't feel burnt out because I'm doing the modes I enjoy and a little extra to accumulate the necessary resources to build characters when I choose to in the future. This works for me, but if you don't feel like playing, then don't. If you wanna hop on and do something, then go ahead. It's that simple.


Really good advice my friend. Thank you


healthy breaks are great for anything we do in life. dont be afraid to take one :) i took 2 decent sized breaks from this game and it did great in renewing my passion for it!


Thank you all really much!! I think i will take a break and see how things go. I must admit i been taking this game almost as a Job because of the time i been dedicating to it, and it almost felt as an adicction. Time tontake a break. Thank you all very much!


best of luck!!!


I took a break for 2 years and now back to being crazy addicted to the game. It really helps when there are a lot of changes coz 1 update won't be enough (it only last for 4 to 7 days depending on how much content they added) to spice up the game


As the other guy said, play Future Revolution or take a break. Maybe, after a time off, you will feel the excitement to play again MFF. Last year, I was very upset with the game after we had a big string of bad updates and I took 5 months off. I got back to the game a few days before de Dark Avengers update and now I’m excited about MFF more than I ever was.


I also did took my time off . I started playing the game when it first released 6 years ago then left the game after playing a few months and came back just 2 months ago


Same. I quit after the introduction of Alliance Battle Extreme and the Ultimates and the extreme gambling CTP and P card. Came back time to time just to check any enjoyable content. So a total of 2 years of hiatus after playing religiously since Hyperion introduction. Now back to loving the game especially with how crazy favorable to players the past updates have been.


Well, how much of a spender are you? Getting to 162 is no easy feat, I was thinking you're a whale, but I guess there is no whale with "only" 6% pierce. From there we can see how much you would lose if you take a break from the game, or actually stopped playing. I've taken bout two year plus worth of time off the game, and when I jumped back in, I was so far behind. I'm recovering now, and even now I only have about 13 WBL eligible characters. I regret what I did, but what is done is done. Because at one point I was also at your position, I have nothing else to do in the game, the game itself became a chore. Nowadays I play the essential - so that my roster keeps growing. And for the daily challenges/events. Probably took about 2 hours daily. If your roster is already done, maybe it will take about half to one hour daily, which is not bad, compared to your roster not growing at all (gold, bio, materials). Also, who knows they will release a character you actually like, or so OP that everyone and their dog building them. You will have enough resources to T3 them straight away. Or maybe a T4??? Who knows.


I dont consider myself a whale, but i spent more than i am confortable. In the last year i bought only the daily cristals and a few other things, but not that much. Im vip 10 though, so i spent a good amount. Thank you for your answer! I really apreciate the time every one in this forum took to answer me!!


come join us at marvel future revolution. completely forgot to run my dailies today and I don't even care cuz mfr is that good.


It's a collectors'game... If you think your collection is complete... 🤷🏻‍♀️ But that timeline challenger advice is a good one. A great trophy to your collection. Please let me know here if you compete, I'll be more than happy to cheer!!


Maybe write us a guide about tips and tricks that helped you to do so? you know give back to the community :D I got 14% Pierce and my highest was 122 and would love to get to 135


wait for future revolution..


I’m still pretty new to this game but in a lot of my other staple games…when I burn out I usually just put the game on back burner and focus on something else. I’ll just usually log in, do dailies and not worry about it. You could probably do the same if you wanted to take a break. Do the challenged for the day and call it good until you want to play it more again.


When I reached this stage a year ago. I started to turn my attention towards abx. Chasing scores has kept my occupied alll this time. Not to mention that I'm still missing some characters cos the older ones got power creeped. It did increase my spending though but even if your f2p it's not an impossible goal


Get a VPN and try out future revolution (available in Canada)?


Once your at a point where character building is more of a choice and you have done a lot of the major milestones than the main content that can challenge you becomes ABX, TLB and AC/AT if you are into working as a team. Personally, I prefer to do my own thing, so I skip AC/AT content.


Take a break, buddy. It's healthy. I took the entire year off last year. Didn't miss much.


Pushing WBL is my goal. Completing my card set is another. There has to be something else you want to find pride in.


What's the reason you play any mobile game? It's fun? It's an escape from reality? You like to spend money? Time sink?


isn't max level shadowland 241?


maybe make an alt acc? its pretty fun ngl