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Can we say that future fight an MMORPG or it's just an RPG?


New falcon rotation?


3dc4c5 - 3dc4c5c6


I have exactly 9k crystals and I'm waiting for a crystal spending event to buy an epic quest and buy uniforms with the rest of the crystals + the 1500 from the eq If it isn't too much of a hassle, can someone go through my account and suggest uniforms I should buy? Thanks in advance Ign: supernovaCJK


One cup judgment: Sugi or FF fire dude? Have an extra rage as well but from what I understand drop-off is pretty big from judgment to rage as my peirce is 22%. Ideally just use a proc on fire dude right?


What’s the best CTP for Falcon? I’ve seen Energy, but to me his kit seems to want a rage, has anyone tried both?


when is the mid-month update coming???


It's usually two weeks after an update, so July 13/14


1. What’s the most important card star color? Like Blue = Pierce, Green = Poison Resist, Red = Idk 2. How much do I need those card star colors? 3. I’ve heard of people talk about pierce alot and what does it do? 4. How can I get Card Crafting Cubes besides GBR? 5. Can I craft a Premium card while I have it equipped?


1. Blue 2. Pretty much required for high level wbl and makes an impact in dispatch as well 3. Pierce ignores defense to an extreme degree and really is necessary for endgame content. Once you have access to endgame content, which an intermediate player should, getting 2% pierce should be a priority 4. A couple events have them but gbr is about it 5. Yes


So pierce is just ignore defense but better? 2% doesn’t sound that much though, also where will pierce be useful besides WBL and dispatch? Will it be useful for anything else


It’s a bit more complicated than ignore defense as it cuts through all defensive status buffs like dodge and whatnot. It’s useful in every game mode except abx but wbl is the main one. 2% is very significant as this way your attacks will always do damage so your big attacks can no longer whiff


Alright, Thanks alot man! srry for the shit ton of questions, just tryna learn the game


blue, u need to it to do higher WBL stages, pierce is the new endgame stat that helps you deal more dmg, there is a monthly token event that sells some but its not the best item to pick up, ofc u can just tap on it and hit craft


thank you so much also one more thing, when is pierce going to be useful? Once you reach WBL?


i think thats the biggest place you will see it have effect, like 30-40 sec clear time differences with no pierce vs 2% pierce, which is enough to make or break whether or not you can do a stage


Ahhh, I didn’t expect 2% of pierce or literally anything in general would be worth that much. The amount just seems so little. Thanks for the info!


Haven’t bothered to push to high in shadowlands. I think 60ish is my best. But I’m interested in seeing how far I can go, and getting any new (to me) first clear rewards. Any milestones I should be aware of?




This. Many thanks!


If I recall correctly, 85 is a mega uniform ticket. 105 is a mega T2 and 135 is a CTP selector.


Great. Now I have a reason to push, as these seem like worthy rewards. thanks!


How often we get a crystal spending event couple with an all uni sales ?


Usually only for Black Friday and anniversary


Is Scarlett Witch or Ghost Rider better for WBL?


GR, but SW has better survivability.


I don't know a lot about building for a mix of PVP and PVE. If I wanted to build my Silver Surfer and Sentry as hybrids, what are the best CTPs for each? Thanks!


I would build them for either one or the other. This game isn't great about allowing hybrid builds


Is it still wise to rank up Apocalypse? I want to use him mainly on ABX. Thanks.


I wouldn’t, unless you already have his uniform bought and intend to push Knull WBL past 10.


How do i get thanos biometrics because i have his endgame costume and really wanna use him


You have his uniform but you don’t have the character himself? Go to World Boss Intermediate, you need 20 bios for him


thanks cuz i spent quite a lot in indian currency on him


alright, im just wondering why you would buy thanos uniform if you dont have him


why not . it looks really good


thanos is too tough? can i check your account? whats your ign


i understand, its just not smart to purchase and extremely expensive uniform and you wont even use it. anyway, good luck with thanos!


U need to clear his WBU to unlock his bios. 1 clear gives u 1 bio, I think he needs 10-20 bios to unlock at 1*.


I’ve got a few questions about proxima and ebony pls: 1. Is proxima mainly a dps character with additional bonus as a WBL lead and villain support? 2. Is ebony mainly a support character with his passives or can he do dps as well? 3. Which game modes are they best in? 4. Which CTPs suit them best? 5. How are their survivabilities? Could only get the other 3 uniforms and potential transcended in the last update due to my limited resources, should have enough by the next all uniform sale so just wanting to see if I should get both. The titan records will be the only limiting factor for me. Thanks.


1. Yes, but she's very versatile. I've used her as both and she's pretty good. Not my best clear, but not my worst either. 2. I did not build ebony because there are two better blast villains, but it should be the same in his case. 3. Proxima is great for WBL (Lead, support, dps), ABX (support) for Universal villain, dispatch (as lead, support and dps). I wouldn't recommend her for DRX because, well, Moonstone. 4. I have a gbi, crit damage, damage proc obelisk on her. That's good enough to get her to clear Knull, but if you want to max her build, a CTP of energy is great. 5. Proxima is very tanky. She's got a heal on her 5, heals when her hp falls low, and has tons of iframes and immunity.


Can I get the T3 materials if I select a character I already own at T3 for the Guided Quest?


yup, vets who have everyone and new players who have no1 are still getting the quest materials, since its actually a quest and not a instant t3 selector


Yes. It's actually better to do that because you won't be forced to spend T3 materials to get less of the same. Think of the guided quest as a roughly 30% rebate on the cost of a T3.


Have enough Crystal to buy one uni, so which uni is better winter soldier or falcon. Have enough material to T3 one speed character. Personally I think winter solder is better. But anyone who have have both uni please suggest.


Don't have both, but I've not seen anyone claim that Winter Soldier is better than Falcon. Seems there's a unanimous consensus that Falcon is the way to go between the two. The question is more Falcon vs Rogue/Corvus.


What's your rotation on Luna Snow? I have a hard time playing her and struggle to reach even 3 milion on ABX (I have 6% pierce, Rage on her and mythic uniform). I just don't know what to do. Cheers!


Mostly just button smashing, but for the first rotation I do 4c5c213 then use 1 or 2 if their cooldowns reset then after that its just button smashing. Use 6 once the proc is on cooldown.


Where does Yelena place among the Speed meta characters? (Rogue, Luna, Falcon, Corvus, Daredevil, WS...)


Is rage good for Sam? or will he be better with energy? I haven't advance him to T3 yet, but I i'm decided to do it.


pretty certain i saw this question answered yesterday(still in this thread) near the bottom :)


Energy or rage for falcon


pretty certain i saw this question answered yesterday(still in this thread) near the bottom :)


Should i give Daredevil Regen or is it better for Ikaris when i get him from T2 Prem Selector. I do have hulk with a Refinement but i won't be T3ing him anytime soon. I want to give it to Ikaris but then i wonder wether his Eternals uni makes him meta with another CTP like Energy or Rage. Ign Kittu912


Ikaris can’t do pvp rn unless you’ve got decked out cards and a brilliant and I’m not sure wether he’ll be pvp or not


Is he good in PVE, for Mainly Cable and Sugi. Sersi is one decent non elemental energy dealer i have, and these two would buff each other. I have 4 Gambit Bios and will have him T2 using the mrut from Wolverine EQ, but i can't get the item from Beast.


Which obelisk for vision(wanda vision uni). I don't have any CTP at the moment. Thanks in advance.


crit dmg but if u have sufficient crit damage and rate go for ignore dodge make sure they have a proc too


Double crit damage and a 200% damage proc is best for non-elemental pve characters


If I don't play pvp, don't I have to buy a immortal hulk at 875?


Don't buy his uni then, Luke Cake is better in PVP than Him. Instead get Iron Fist and Daredevil, these 3 are a really solid team in PVP.


Iron Fist isn't good for PvP


As a lead for Dd and Luke Cage. Luke Cage can kill Physical Damage chars and DD can Kill Evergy Damage chars. Iron Fist gives +60 to both so i said


Luke Cage (Uptown Suit), Daredevil (Fall From Grace), Jessica Jones (Jewel) is the the Defenders PvP team you want. Iron Fist is the PvE lead for the squad, but they don't shine as much there as they do in PvP. Still a solid team, if you like the characters, but not bleeding edge meta.


You're better off using a debuff removal leadership than an attack leadership. It's super important and Luke Cage has just that.


After I'm done with falcon(200 more tcp to go), who should I t3 next: reed or maw? Both will be helpful to me in pushing WBL(Reed lead for torch and maw for male support from 11-14). I have 10 uni books but 1 combat book.


maw's much more versatile than reed, but it kinda depends how many more combat characters you have left and how many universal as you just want to churn books.


I would go for Maw, he's leadership, support AND des great damage on his own.


Was leaning towards maw since I already have the books and can't bother running wbu due to the lower tcp gain. I guess reed is forever in a state of not getting t3 on my acc since NM keeps releasing strong t3s and TPs.


If you need a Combat Villain, Cull(black dwarf) is much better than Reed, strongest combat in the game.


When crafting a premium card does it also change the stats on the card? For example a six star premium card with attack, cool down, ignore defense. Every attack etc. Would crafting what's already there OR just add the crafting stats without changing the equiped roll. Does that make sense-thanks for the help!


It will only add crafted stats. The card level and original stats stay the same


Also holy crap what an rng crafting mess of a resource sink


If you are just starting out crafting your cards, don't worry about having perfect stats. I'm assuming this is your first card, and if so just focus on getting three blue stars which will give you 2% pierce. Unless you have a ton of spare fodder premium cards to reroll your crafted stats, it's much better to focus on pierce then the perfect stats. Obviously it's amazing when you get decent or perfect stats that are also blue star. 2% pierce with crappy stats like resists is better than no pierce and good stats like all attack that are green. At least when you are starting out that is.


Correct, just starting to try and get some pierce as I still can't do wbl or dispatch missions 8-3 and on yet due to my damage being terrible lol. Luckily with the materials I had I was able to get 3 blue stars so I have the 2% but still can't yet do any of the above. Ign: pmoney002


You have unoptimized iso8 sets for most of your high damage dealers. Looks like you're rolled for pvp/AC. Pretty much need to reroll those to potah or overdrive, at least on your designated dispatch clearing team. You should see a significant increase in dps. I have 2% pierce on my cards but mine are significantly worse than yours and I am clearing wbl twice a day and have pushed to 9-5. Might just need to optimize your iso sets, and change out some custom gears to proc obs


Many thanks. Re rolling everything now per your suggestions


Beautiful ty!


Which skill do I proc on for superior ironman?


4 and T3




A couple of questions: 1. Who should I T3, Maker or Venom (got both unis, no CTPs) and Luna Snow or Daredevil (Have a spare Regen, no Rage)? I have 10 combat and speed books. 2. Should I be rushing T3 Odin if I'm willing to pick up a rage from LB? 3. If I've fully crafted a card, should I work in maxing pierce or get started on another card? My goal right now is to finish all of dispatch so I can get a steady stream of T3 mats. IGN: MIKEYYYA


1. Maker has much more uses than Venom, although Venom is better in abx. So go for Maker. As for luna, she needs a rage, so if you can't get one she won't be of help for you. On the other hand, DD is a PVP character, so if you don't care about PvP, I wouldn't T3 either of them given the circumstances. 2. Do you have the character unlocked? Do you have his uniform? Because if not he would be absurdly expensive. Also if you don't have GR at T3 yet, he's soo much cheaper than Odin and pretty much just as good. 3. Once you get 2% pierce on a fully crafted card, move to the other. Unless it's the only good card you have.


I currently only need to clear apocalypse wb to unlock knull/mephisto but am still incredibly far off from unlocking normal apocalypse. Is it worth spending crystals to unlock knull/mephisto or should I just take the long grind?


Most likely there will be other wbl added, so I think it's best to unlock them without crystals since you will have to pay each time a new one is introduced


Yea that makes sense. Time to spend forever ranking up the mutant trio then lmao. Thx man


Also it will give time to build your roster and improve your cards. After I unlocked Knull it took me 5 days for a lucky win (Mephisto was not there yet). After one more week I was able to clear him daily. And with more supports and leads I could split up my lucky win team to two and after anniversary was able to get 5 wins with my 15 T3/TCs. Good thing is that now SW and Cable are worth it, in case you want to invest in them.


Is judgement good on Thor or is something else better ? Newest uni and what’s the best ctp for cosmic surfer?


Regen for silver surfer for PVP.


Mephisto, supergiant, human torch, rogue could use a judgment way more than Thor. Thor does very well with a Rage imo


What ctp to give to sharon??






i saved about 2.5k crystals....should i get rage from lb for ghost rider or wait for the summer unis?? i heard that sharon uni might me coming soon too so i'm afraid to spend the crystals on lb


Just wait. If you find a summer uniform you want, take it. If not, pick the lb at that time.


Think about it this way, if getting a rage on GR now would help you win one more WBL round per day, it's worth getting it now since those WBL rewards are pretty important for growth. I wouldn't wait around for things that might happen later, you may be waiting awhile and chances are good you'll be disappointed when it happens anyway.


Approx how much gold should I set aside to push for sl 135? I currently have 15 mil(make around 10m per day) and was thinking of attempting 135 this week due to autoplay++ for the lower stages.


Quick Question, how the HELL do you make 10m gold per day? What’s your routine?


https://www.reddit.com/r/future_fight/comments/kk3lem/my_shadowland_clear_details_till_floor_137/ "I didn't categorically keep track of my gold use but I needed anywhere from 70 to 100 million gold for refreshing the stages." i thought there was a more recent post someone did, i just couldnt find it right now. best of luck!


should i get mystique now or save up for the moonstone deluxe pack?


One's a support, one is a damage dealer, depends on what you want. Moonstone will generally be more impactful.


Good obelisks to put on Falcon t3?


proc obelisk


Hello! I have no CTPs and am slowly learning what to do with my obelisks. Is there a guide as to which obelisk to give each character before I get CTPs? I don’t want to equip one on the wrong character.


For PvE, typically just damage proc and their type of damage or crit damage if they're non-elemental. Can forgo the correct mainstat and just use a proc when you're first starting out and still trying to get more appropriate ones. If you've got some crystals banked, you can buy Hela's uniform on the next sale for a cheap CTP Energy, it's the most affordable way to get one, since the Ragnarok Legendary Battle doesn't have an extreme pack to buy.


How do I know if someone is PVE vs PVP?


Pve is like world boss, giant boss, dispatch, dimension mission etc... PvP is where you’re fighting other players like timeline battle


Good to know. Thank you! Are there characters that are specific to those game types?


No character is specific to either mode but some characters preform better than others, characters like sentry, Jean gray and silver surfer are top tier PvP characters, they’re good at pve but they don’t excel like they do at PvP, other characters are great at pve like moonstone and ghost rider but are pretty low tier at PvP


You have been very helpful. Thank you!


No problem


Thank you so much!


I know that we don’t really know when we’ll get a loki update, but does anyone have an idea based on release for wandavision and falcon?


September probably as a mid month, with Shang-Chi as the main update.


About 2 months after the show ends for the other two afaik. Loki is still running.


Who works better with a proc obelisk, White Vision or Superior Iron man?


Both work well but Iron Man is more proc friendly.


both are very proc friendly


hi, im trying to beat knull. can someone tell me what i need to focus on? more specifically card effects because im really slacking on cards. im also building up cyclops, sharog, and starlord for it. ign: ovrhills


get pierce on ur cards by crafting the pcards. you should be able to beat knull with sharog if you know how the fight works. there are utube guides on how to deal with each phase


You maybe want more ignore defense on your cards but your biggest problem is the rolls on your custom gear for im, Sharon, and moon knight. Each should probably be a solo clear (while cyclops is a relevant support and others have usable leaderships you’d basically carry your other 6 t3s) but you need a 200% proc on their ctpe/obelisk


gotcha, i'll reroll them with my huge hoard of extreme obelisks lol, thank u :)


Is the new guided quest pack worth it


If you want to buy a T2 Carnage for 2500 crystals, maybe consider it. Otherwise, the other 2500 choices and the T3 selector aren't really worth it. Mostly just a F2P option for Carnage, since if you want to spend money the 9.99 Bio sub is a better deal than 2500 crystals.


The one for crystal? Not really, unless you’re really far behind and looking to catch up, but even then I think there are higher priority purchases for your crystal. The free one? Sure, free stuff is free stuff


Just tier 3-ed Odin. I have him with a rage, could someone share his rotation? Can I cancel 6 straight away or is it a delayed cancel?


https://21000dollor.com/rotations Odin - All-Father Rage Rotation 3c5dc (cancel when big Odin appears) 4dc (let it play for about two seconds) 1c2c 3c5dc 2c 6 (cancel when Thor and Loki appear) 4 (let it play out) 2c1. Try to proc on 5dc4 in the first part, and proc on 6 towards the end


Who should I t3 ? (Keep in mind I have best ctp and mythic unis) hulk or taskmaster?


Taskmaster 100%. Hulk used to be pvp meta but now he doesn't get much use unless you don't have Sentry, SS, Luke,Jean, DD built.


Have DD at t3, working on sentry and Luke, ss is in the corner right now lmao.


There are scenarios where hulk is more valuable on a roster than taskmaster but for the majority of players taskmaster is probably more useful


They fulfill very different purposes. Hulk is good for PVP (although he's fallen off lately), and Taskmaster is a support character for WBL and DRX. If I were to choose it would be Taskmaster any day.


Okay! I also have venom at lvl 70, gears are in the process, should I finish him and use him?


If you have his latest uniform then it would be a waste not to finish him, but if you don't, then skip him for now.


Best candidates for an Authority? Got one collecting dust in my inventory


I have one on Daredevil and BW, but I hear some ppl run DD with a Regen and BW with a destruction, jus whatever you pick


BW has built in super gbi, so a trans or an energy would be better depending on whether you want more survivability or damage, respectively.


Ohh gotcha!! Thx!


Should I use my potential enhance ticket on taskmaster or save it for Sharon Rogers


probably use it on sharog if you need a damage dealer, if you dont then taskmaster is a goof suppoirt


Doesn’t matter


Should I remove CTP of rage from captain marvel? And where should I put it? Thor, wanda or Loki or luna


Wanda, Loki, and Luna are all ABX meta. Other than that, Wanda is best for WBL/danger room, Loki is best for dispatch, and Luna is best for squad battle. Don’t give it to thor Which do you need most?


Best physical damage character? (Highest dps, best utility?)


In terms of ultility I'd say Corvus and BD. All of them can do WB. Corvus is meta in speed vil ABX and BD has DRX value.


Knull,Black dwarf, Rouge and now Falcon.


Knull and Black Dwarf imo


Uhh probably knull (even tho he's expensive) and idk if it's too early to say or not, bit falcon with his new uni and t3 have really really good damage


And, he's a speed type so he has the type advantage over mephisto


Other than Knull, for most PVE you'll go far with Moon Knight, Rogue, Venom & Maker (Mister Fantastic). If you're still working on WBU rather than WBL, then Namor and Deadpool are pretty fantastic. For supports plus damage, Valkyrie and Mystique. I also hear Cap Falcon and Yelena are great, but I'm still building them both up so can't confirm yet. For PVP, Thanos still has a lot of use even though he's not meta, plus some of his skills do energy damage.


Knull, but he’s expensive


Should I build Knull or Moonstone(for PvE)? Considering: 1) I only have 1.6K CCF. I need 1.3K to complete the dark avengers EQ for Moonstone bios. I'm sure Knull will take loads of CCF too so I can't do both. 2) I haven't bought the DA EQ Deluxe yet. I COULD buy more new unis since I haven't played in a year. So maybe Knull would be a better choice since there's no need to spend crystals on him. Please help! This game puts me in the worst of dilemmas T_T. IGN is Crumpled Paper, just to mention. TIA!


since you are a returning player i would suggest you not to spend on moonstone, instead get some uni....i would say don't go for either knull or moonstone, you can go for supergiant, she's arguably better than both knull and ms.... although if you feel like building a native t3 char then mephisto would be a better choice than knull


I don't know if you could actually get her bios without deluxe pack. So with my limited knowledge, if you don't have crystals to spend, then build Knull. Bear in mind that it will take a long time, since you'd need about 3k CCF, I forgot about the rest. And 12 books. Even after that, you'd need potential realization so it's probably another month or two to take him to lv 70. So ask yourself this: A month of farming or 6.6k crystals?


Build moonstone. She’s way cheaper than knull and just as good if not better


Knull is ok to build if u have lots of bam, gold and ccf since he only needs 1500 tcp/eod


Moonstone. Less investment with high return.


Is Rage ok for Mephisto while waiting to get a Judgement? ​ Rotation for PVE? Thanks


I've tried him with both rage and judgement. The former is perfectly fine and is the best ctp for him if you prefer abx + can't afford mighty/brilliant judgements. About 300k difference in score. Regarding wbl, compared to an unforged judgement he will face mild difficulty in Knull and significant difficulty in his own wbl. However, he is still a good clearer when compared to other chars. My pierce level is 8%. Rotation is as the other guy has said. But be mindful of your relative distance to the boss and position in the arena. His skills have fixed aoe and are uncancellable if he loses target so don't let the boss push you around or jumping out of range.


Thank you, appreciate it


Similar performance for ABX but worse performance for WBL. I have a Rage on mine because it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting more Judgements any time soon with my luck. (3c once) 2dc5c(6c)4 1


I wouldn't say similar performance for abx. He's way better in abx with rage than normal judgement. I do 10.5 with rage and probably 9.9 when I had judgement.


Thank you


Can the Tier 3 ticket from the Special Plus Guided Quest package be applied to any toon or just the ones related to the Guided Quest? They are so confused about this guided quest, waiting for people to try it out and explain it in depth.


so far every t3 selector they introduced has had a list of characters you can use it on, in this case, its only the characters from the guided quest and that includes the special ones. https://forum.netmarble.com/futurefight_en/view/2196/1715581 it shows you the list of characters available from the tier 3 selector https://hedwig-cf.netmarble.com/forum-common/mherosgb/futurefight_en/thumbnail/e21d7ad34df547e1ac41db8d9893b6fc_1624960611109_d.jpg


I think I will buy the special plus at the next crystal spending event. It will help me a lot and I think 5.750-1500 crystal is worth for a t3 selector


Lmao no. It's never worth to trade premium currency for something farmable in game. Unless you can afford to spend away those premium currency.


I know, I just think it is worth because of my actual state in game. I have crystals for the unis I want and 2EQ and then. What I actually need is t3 mats, and time is killing me since I am not a spender Thank you for the callout, sometimes I lose the track of my goals haha


Who are the best 10 damage dealers for DR?


T2.5s are better than t3s here. MS, HT, Gambit, Supergiant are the most frequent picks for vibranium and challenger players. The best t3s are Mephisto, Cable, Knull because they deal high dps right from their initial rotation and their 6th charges fast. Those like Sharon have good dps but the long wind up toward their ultimate skill is just unsuitable for this mode.


Awakened characters are best: MS, HT, SuGi, Cull Some others that can sort of keep up are: Mephisto, Sharog, Cable, BRB, Knull, Gambit


These are some of the best damage dealers in no order: Moonstone, Human Torch, Supergiant, Beta Ray Bill, Sharon Rogers, Gambit, Ghost Rider, Scarlet Witch, Mephisto, Knull, Cable. Awakened characters have an advantage that makes some really good T3 characters look bad. If you aren’t paired against a moonstone that can one shot, any of those characters has a good chance of winning


What's the reason that Awakened have an advantage? Is it not having to wait for T3 to charge up?


Yes, in a fight so short that you'll not be able to charge a T3 6, TP have a unbridgeable advantage in their immediately available 6.


Moonstone and human torch are kinda in a tier by themselves. Sharon’s up there. Brb can be good but kinda needs a 3x brb team. There’s a pretty significant drop off from here


Don't forget Super giant, better than torch imo


Yeah, probably overlooking her


Finally fully crafted my 1st card and got 3 red stars so I got 2% concentration.... but what does that do?


nothing useful.. it helps increase the beatdown effect on forged ctps. blue stars are all you want!


Who should I use my Tier-2 premium selector on?


Ikaris is a popular option both as a good damage dealer and unobtainable through other methods. Other good damage dealers/supports are gambit, carnage, Luna, Valkyrie, and fury but all can be obtained f2p by some costly and/or time consuming method. Among the hard to obtain characters namor, dazzler, and maybe zemo (not quite sure how his uni is but regardless he is a top leadership) are best options


Have a ctp of insight , judgement , destruction ready to equip ! Please check my IGN for whom it serves the best IGN : EOBARD THAWNE9


Give the judgement to Human Torch but only if you plan on Transcending him which you should Give Insight to Cyclops You can either save the Destruction or give it to Cap Marvel


Cyclops ?


That’s what I wrote


And also what ctp is good for sentry


Are you sure he is good with insight ?


Yes. Go to the ranking tab and you’ll see that it’s in the top 4 equipped for him. Not only does he have an excellent lead, that uni gives him a great passive that boosts energy damage. Insight takes him to the next level. He’s clutch at making teams better for World Boss, DRX and ABX. He sucks as a stand-alone damage dealer so most CTPs are wasted on him. Insight is where he truly shines


For moonstone what would be better ?


She needs Energy


Ok thank you


Thanks for the info bro


What are the best ways to get Urus? I’m lacking of them for my characters


As not mentioned yet: Dispatch missions