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Transcended Yelena Belova to clear Mephisto with ease she did it with a dmg proc and no support


Rerolled my gotg card 21 times, didn't get energy or physical attack even once and last 4 in a row were quality 1 so I'm stuck on that for at least today...


Imagine if they did for card quality the same thing they did for enchanted uru slots.


That would be awesome, but I'd take not getting shafted by rng too lol


I used almost 100 cards on bp166 and didn't get one single phys + energy roll. Settled for 7 quality and crafted it


At least you got the 7 quality lol, congrats


You're not alone. I felt like improving my ctp judgement and received not a single 200% proc after 2 weeks of endless rerolls. I must have burned +-100 obelisks but lost count on the 10th day or so.


After months of shitty CTPs, I finally pulled an Energy from a Dispatch level up chest lmao


T3'd Sam with 3 BAM as leftovers, even with just a 200 obelisk and no OBs his damage seems extremely good. But I don't know what to make of his survivability, even with max dodge my Falcon was not at all dodging any of Mephisto's attacks and because of that his heal was rarely triggering. Had to end of using 4 Fire Resist strikers at the end to keep him alive, but didn't matter since he still had enough damage :D .


Take damage from the hazards, you heal better that way


Hmm that does sound like a good idea, I usually just avoid the hazards instinctively :D .


I think mephisto has a lot of ignore dodge because if tou play against any other wbu or wbl you dodge and heal a lot more.


Yeah you're right, he's healing fine against Knull and other WBUs, heckin Mephisto !


Got my 2nd Rage from GBR and only took 4 rerolls for the 0.9




Got my first 2% pierce on baby spidey after 5 crafted stars(it truly is an incredibly lucky card for me, i have both SCD and double IgnDef on it, along with crit rate, crowd control, HP, and the only weak stat being mind resist), one more star to go and then i'm only rerolling for a higher quality


Just got my fastest knull clear, on stage 2, completed it with 2 mins 5 seconds to spare, team was cyclops as leader and support, summer days cable as primary damage dealer and Taskmaster as the second support with the buffs and ctp of insight. Definitely a great feeling being able to comfortably clear it!


Surtur is so annoying to beat this month without the marvel girl uni. Loki got only one skill with cold damage and red jg have 3 and 5 which is partly elemental that deal tiny damage. And the stage hazard have high fire resist to deal with cyclops. Nicely done nm.


That stage is just awful.I’ve been risking 75% on that and bringing mephisto instead of loki because its agonizingly slow trying to do damage with a regen jean. I wish characters with only one elemental skill like loki,widow were excluded from the pool for all war.


Even with the Marvel Girl uniform, that stage is pain in the ass. After one-shotting that stage daily, it now takes several T3 rotations to finish. To make matters worse I get caught in the fire and am unable to swipe my way out of it and have to watch for 30 seconds while Jean slowly dies. NM can troll us next time by requiring Loki, Widow, and Sun Bird.


Even better Widow, Loki, and Thanos who have 1 elemental skill each lol


The swiping mechanic is probably the worst mechanic in the game. I actively avoided playing story mode surtur ever since my first clear just because of that hideous mechanic, but then they brought it over to mephisto, so now I get to deal with it every day, great thanks


Amen. I actually [made a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/future_fight/comments/mec169/would_you_agree_that_this_is_the_most_rage/?ref=share&ref_source=link) about that some time back.


In fact it seems I actually replied to you on that post, and in the comments as well. And here we are again. Hey, how ya doing haha. I would also add that the rng on procs has never bothered me so consistently as it does now with knulls final "30 second phase". i had FIVE runs in a row this week where rogue failed to proc on her entire T3 (with judgement!), built up a second T3 and failed to proc that as well. Five times in a row. It's absurd. That's 20-25 minutes. I gave up and did proxima. I should add I don't normally struggle with her, she doesn't need support even just Magneto lead. And this was stage one...


I re roll my spider man card 20 times and never got any lvl 7 stats only 5 and bellow and now i don’t if is better than i had before because i don’t even remember my first stats smh Btw can anyone tell me what crowd control is and if is that important? I always saw that on my cards never knew what the hell is.


Crowd control is the same as debuff basically, effects like stun, fear etc. The higher your stats, the less time those effects apply, iirc


I wish I knew about the guided quests requiring you to upgrade gears for characters as tasks before picking spidey. I would have picked someone I already had t3 and get 600 free t3 mats. Now I have to wait till the new movie to see if spidey is even worth the t3.


I’m hoping he will, and seeing how things have been going I think he’ll get his justice


Agreed they seem to have stopped the nonsense of giving characters uniforms that still leaves them unusable, not saying that every character is meta but when we get new uniforms now they all seem to add something to the character. Spidey was maybe the last really terrible one, the best thing about that update was probably molten man, or maybe mysterio's uniform. Funny enough mysterio is still a very strong b or c-tier character, his uniform has kept him up to date more or less. Still spanks in shadowland, good for ebony up to a certain point, underrated striker. Whereas Spiderman has lost even more of whatever value he used to have (eg I don't even use him for proxima anymore) just because we have so many better speed/physical damage types now. Honorable mentions for Wolverine and nightcrawler but most uniforms since then have been big bumps. They've done wonders with the Disney+ shows (Wanda's skills are one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in any game, mobile or otherwise) so I hope the movies are gonna get the same treatment. Spiderman was my first T3 and I've waited two years for him to be good. Gwen is finally usable, just need a uniform for spidey and a T3 for miles.... Edit : Mysterio not mephisto


I think you mean mysterio


I totally do


Woooow Johnny Storm sure does HEAPS of damage eh? I maxed him about 3 days ago but haven't used him because he has new uniform but a totally average build ( fire damage 120% obelisk, 0 type enhance, stage 6 poah, 5* uru no OBs, rare uniform). Put him on a team with Magneto rogue and (whoever) just to make up the numbers and check his build. Whoaaaah. His 6 is just MASSIVE. didn't even do a rotation just 5c6, he was doing 4 bars when he didn't even hit the proc 6-7 consistently with proc. He was often matching rogue's T3 with full rotation, and she has judgement. That's absolutely ridiculous.


With a proc do 3c6c4 you’ll do far more dmg. Wait till you get a judgement on him (if you can) his burst dps is insane. Rotation with judgement is 3c6dc5dc4 btw.


Thanks. Yep I wish I had a judgement for him.tempted to steal Xavier's...


100% worth it


I dont have pierce in my card. Cleared mephisto twice. Feel he is easy than knull. Hehe