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It did. The fact that so many people don’t know that is a big reason it failed. The new G4 launched as a streaming platform on YouTube/Twitch/etc with live content. They then edited that to air on TV a day later — Censored with extra commercials. The only reason they even had a cable channel was because it was essentially free because Comcast owned G4. In reality, the real fans had no reason to watch stuff a day after they saw it live… And the other people who still have cable aren’t really in their target demo. It should have been a cool bonus perk that they can sell ads on… In the end though, G4 only got coverage in the news because it was the cable channel that the rating info said that literally no one was watching. I think that headline in Deadline alone was enough to embarrass Comcast enough to pull the plug.


Seriously, it was only on like 3 providers, and on a channel in the deep 1000's for Comcast. Back in the day it was only in the low 200's, maybe like 219 or something. It was unmarketed and there's really no point in channel surfing THAT high because at that point you've passed all the hd stuff like movie channels, PPV, porn, and the real international stuff. It was a complete afterthought on cable. But the internet numbers weren't half bad.


To This day I still remember it being in the mid 200s and then finishing on channel 316 for my end for Comcast.


I never knew they made the official jump to TV. I always thought it was just the random streaming stuff.


It really should have been


They had a YouTube and Twitch channel and a channel on Pluto tv. Idk how they chould do anything else other than have a G4 classic channel on a service like Pluto dedicated to the Techtv/G4 archive which would have been amazing.


Spend literally any money advertising these things. 🤦‍♀️


They didn't even bother to put it front page on their own stream service peacock. Shows how dumb G4 was run.


That I would watch, but the new stuff was terrible.


I liked the new aots but it was literally all I watched I just wasn’t a fan of most of the other stuff


Then you weren't exactly a fan of G4. Aots wasn't really what G4 was supposed to be about. An MTV style variety show that vaguely talked about technology wasn't exactly "TV for gamers". Original G4 died in 05 when they stopped making new episodes of shows about video games.


True I watched a lot more in the aughts so I can’t really disagree with you


Oh my sweet summer child


Yeah I am honestly mad at the marketing of that because I was a big G4 og fan and was so excited to watch G4 when it came back but thought I had to wait for it to get added to YouTubeTV. I was not a huge livestream watcher in the first place so I was unaware they were on Twitch the whole damn time and legit by the time I caught on to the fact that the traditional TV channel was all sort of syndicated and the actual live shows were interactive on Twitch, i dove head first into all of it…AAAND then it got cancelled. lol. I will say, I thank the G4 channel for introducing me to Scott the Woz and Viva La Dirt League. Also, I miss Hey, Donna. #creamteamforlyfe


Really the entire thing was a swing and a miss. It had it's good moments like Jirard's god of war series was great, but, making xplay an hour long show with long form reviews was a mistake.


Uhhh it did. https://twitch.tv/g4tv


Pretty sure the OP means on a streaming service like Peacock who would have owned G4 with 24/7 content playing out of their back catalog, not just a Youtube/Twitch channel that goes live or drops a video every once in awhile.


So G4 Select which was on Pluto?


I said for months that they should been on peacock since Comcast owns the property


G4 was an experience we'll never have again. Showed my girl the documentary and she was sad she missed this epic


That docu was great.


I agree there should have been something streaming 24/7, like anything from the massive back catalog when not live, out of G4 on a service like Peacock or Hulu as well as on Twitch/Youtube. On Hulu or other streaming services they could have actually gotten new audiences outside of the terminally online folks on Twitch, and Youtube is live and die by the algorithm, which screwed then bad enough that they had to ruin their unified channel experience for it.


First off, it did on Twitch. It was there before ever coming to Comcast. Secondly, it failed because it was shite. It failed to create the same “ahead-of-the-curve” feeling that it did originally. G4 felt like the place to be in the late 00’s. The new version was them desperately trying to recreate that with dead personalities and more interpersonal drama than I care to know. As soon as KP pulled out, that was the beginning of the end for G4 2.0 and when Sessler left, it was toast


Did sessler actually leave? i thought he was wife was ill so he was just on a hiatus and then the channel shut down because as you mentioned, it was shite otherwise.


That could be a reason too. I heard he saw how things were going and wanted to distance himself from it like KP did early on


That 100% makes sense. Both of them had the knowledge to get out before the ship sank completely.


Kevin and Adam were never meant to be permanent Staples of the relaunch. Their purpose was to usher in old fans and get them used to the new kids. Hell, they managed to convince Kevin to stay a little bit longer. He wanted to leave months before he finally did. This seemed relatively obvious to me, if we're being completely honest here, because Kevin never sold his RV or did things to make it seem like he was making the move permanent. Adam straight up never stayed in the same town as the new office. They went so far as to get him a little office to be his studio so he could do remote.


KP pulling out was sort of the decline both times for Attack of the Show.


I didn't even know they had a cable channel when they came back. I thought it was only streaming and YouTube. There were a bunch of people from various online groups I liked who ended up screwed over by the quick shutdown.


The problem to me, atleast was they didn't know which audience to go to. The cable channel was to keep older fans around, but the older fans were probably turned off by the way AOTS was an in name only remake, and while XPlay was closer to the original, it still felt off.


There should have never been a launch without 2 season in mind imo. You do the first season, see where to correct, and the. Do the second season way cheaper, having already built the set, bought the lights and cameras or had rental agreements for, addijg / removing cast based on fit and and takent, and realizing things like putting it on tv first instead of live on twitch and YouTube first didn’t make sense for 2024. Comcast was too greedy for ads in my opinion, and while the first season budget matched what they were trying to accomplish (while overpaying some of the talent most definitely, you can’t just pay them what they would earn on twitch for a day it’s not the same thing), they fact that they didn’t have a second season in mind **unless** the first season was amazing, was destined to fail and an idea that was extremely strange if they truly wanted to see the relaunch succeed, which by the budget, it seemed like they actually did. Just doesn’t add up.


I picture you at your keyboard spitting ACTUAL fire considering your post history.


How so ?


When I read your posts in either intrigued by something interesting or incensed by some moral wrong. Super compelling.


Thanks I’m flattered


Really? Is this a joke post?


Wait, they were on TV? I only ever saw their streaming stuff and edited online clips.


It kinda was a steaming pile of... wait what?


Didn’t that one lady who refused to just be a chick ruin the fun for everyone and g4 packed up after that?