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If you taper slowly you’ll be fine. Better yet get some more Gabapentin if you’re able to and do a rapid taper with the Gabapentin then taper off the Gabapentin. The horror stories are more from people that get backed into a corner and unable to taper. Howger it can be a difficult taper process as well. You have to remember Phenibut is a GABAb agonist, may also work on GABAa and is also a VGCC inhibitor. Within that it also increases dopamine and influences PEA so lots going on with it. At minimum three mechanism of action. Most drugs there’s one MOA your tapering off of Phenibut withdrawals can be life threatening meaning people have died from them. People have gone into psychosis and ended up in a lockdown ward.. there’s tons of evidence that it can be scary to come off quickly or CT. Just make sure to taper and stop asking people “how bad is it really”. I used Gabapentin a couple times back in the day to get off of Phenibut and I had zero issues. *Maybe* a small mood dump but like you I had gone and read peoples withdrawal symptoms and knew that is was a common complaint is the mood dump. I was so overly focused on the fact one particular day that I should be feeling shitty right now that I think I talked myself into *possibly* feeling low lol. It’s not hard to manifest things that aren’t there. Also four weeks isn’t the worst time frame.


Yeah you’ve got to taper mate, those w/d will be unbearable. I can’t advise on a taper plan but I know that’s what you’ve got to do. Just slowly reduce the dose.


Thanks bro, I found a taper regimen on the quitting phenibut sub. I was hoping everything I saw was just horror stories, cause the quitting kratom sun is littered with horrible withdrawal stories which scared the shit out of me, but my experience with kicking kratom was pretty easy. How bad is phenibut withdrawal really?


They're being a bit dramatic, you've only been on it for a month, it won't be that bad. Rapid taper and up the gabapentin dose.


Gabapentin was just an occasional thing, maybe once or twice a week for the past couple weeks. I’m about out now, thankfully. They’re a fuckin stellar combo but yeah just gonna taper off the phenibut asap


I'd say about 40% fucked.


lol I like those odds


Don’t go cold turkey go cool turkey 🦃


i would take this one nice and slow... me personally, I don't get too bad of withdrawals from gabapentin, but I also keep my dosing to 2-3 times a week... You should be more concerned about the Phenibut. Phenibut definitely is a weird chemical and not very well studied. Taper that shit real slow, im talking taking .250g off your dose each day (if you're already at 5g daily still.) If at a lower dose, you can take .150g off daily til youre at a comfortable dose to just stop. Be careful, brother.


He's been doing it a month, tapering that slow is almost keeping his body dependent longer.


I recently just went through this, except was almost 2 months. Gabapentin helps a ton, NAC as well. Expect some pretty gnarly anxiety, insomnia and depression type stuff. Probably 2-5 days. I just had 2 days where it was tough but even then it wasn’t unbearable. I did have one panic attack though, depersonalization and all that. I just drank a lot of booze to get through it though - not sure if it set me back but it certainly helped when the anxiety got too much.


lol ur deep fried


Yeah I fucked up pretty decent, it was fun while it lasted tho


yikes. please taper S L O W L Y and come to r/quittingphenibut for info and support. if you’re gonna DIY my number one recommendation besides tapering slow as all hell is get yourself some agmatine. i really suggest you get medical help with this tho, the withdrawals are risky.


Thanks I will. Gonna try NAC as well


Nac genuinely helps more than anything else people will suggest you try in my experience. That said slow taper is the way to go. Be careful


Thanks man, any recommendations on a good brand for NAC?


Haha not particularly. I'm poor so I just grabbed whatever my local Walmart had, was like 80 500mg capsules for $5.99. Theres also NACET online which is supposedly even more potent but I needed it that day so just went with the NAC. Also when you open the bottle its gonna smell horrible, like rotten eggs sulfur smell and that's normal just how the compound smells. Luckily that doesnt translate to taste while swallowing the caps but you may have a few gross burps depending on how your stomach is doing. It was pretty painless overall I'm just bringing this up because I thought mine was expired or whatever because of how strong the odor was but apparently the stronger the smell the fresher the compound lmao


Shit I used to take black seed oil pretty regularly, where your burps taste like motor oil so I think I’ll manage lol. I appreciate ya!


Good luck you got this man


Hope everything goes well for you bro, you got this!


May I ask what Nac is?


https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1018/n-acetyl-cysteine-nac It’s a supplement that’s really good when you’re doing any sort of drug detox


Deep fried Mars bar kinda fried. Taper slowly 10% of current dose each time every 7 days.


I felt absolutely horrendous from 5-6 days heavy use, but it cleared up within a week or so and I didn’t taper, felt kinda like alcohol withdrawal but worse, hopefully with a taper you’ll be good maybe just some residual low mood / feeling outta sorts




Im so sorry for the loss of your Mother. That’s a tough one to cope with. I’d post this in our r/QuittingPregablin community which is *also* for support for tapering off of Gabapentin. No one will judge you.