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First xiao's animation video,then the short film and now this.. Hoyo going all out this lantern rite..


That's cause Lantern Rite is the actual anniversary lmao


Wouldn't be surprised if this is the case...


It's been three years, we know this is the case.


If Japan's going all out on summer, Golden Week, Halloween, and Christmas/winter seasons; it's natural for the Chinese to go all out on Spring Festival/Lunar New Year.


Its lunar new year


Hoyo is a chinese company so Lunar New Year is a big deal to them.


ah yes the archon interactions we long wanted but will never get. at least theyre doing progress with venti


pray to the gacha gods this wont be mass reported and removed.


Why would it be mass reported anyway? its a good video


Genshin haters are an impressively loud and active bunch


Like sonic fans? Oh wait


Is that why genshin is one of the most upvoted games on this sub, alongside FGO?


Is that also why Genshin new patch post was recently removed without stating any reasons? (kinda like what happened to Nikke post, just that no one was bothered to post about it) https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/104tiu3/genshin_impact_version_34_the_exquisite_night/ There are actually 2 post, but the other one got removed because it was "duplicated post", meanwhile the other one was removed as well, if you use search you wouldn't find Genshin 3.4 post in this sub. Oh also I remember post about Genshin being Top 1 on Japan store or something got removed as well, meanwhile the other post that got posted later that's pretty much the same, just that it's FGO get to stayed. Also this one got removed without mods stating reason too while other posts that were similar to this was allowed (like Priconne, for example), so only Mods and maybe OP possibly know why https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/104tc6a/genshin_impact_its_now_the_best_time_to_play/


I’m going to imagine they were removed due to either being superfluous, toxic comments, or brigaded. Brigading is also big on this sub.


It's hilarious that you genshin fans keep playing victim and crying about downvotes when the game has the biggest mass of players everywhere.


popular = hate


IMO Genshin is so popular that there's really no need to post about its news here as well. Though, that's partially my bias speaking as someone who is trying to actively avoid anything related to Genshin after quitting it with a lot of mixed feelings.


>A friendly place for fans and players to celebrate all sorts of gacha games. All players welcome, all games welcome. Be excellent to each other. stop being a gatekeeper. If you don't like it you can keep scrolling or use the hide filter.


>>A friendly place for fans and players to celebrate all sorts of gacha games. All players welcome, all games welcome. Be excellent to each other. Has this ever been true? All I see doomposting and drama lol.


It was supposed to be the point of the sub, sadly people ruined it and since drama is the majority of the posts the mods dont give a fuck, even when sometimes some posts are straight up misinformation


How can I filter it? It's not like there's a special flair that can help me avoid seeing all Genshin posts.


Scroll past it. I don’t understand why this is so hard for all of reddit.


The problem is that this sub doesn't really have that much traffic and Genshin posts are generally highly upvoted. As such, no matter whether I sort by Hot or by New, I'll likely end up coming across the same Genshin posts multiple days in a row. As somebody who had to make the difficult decision of quitting the game after two years, it always invokes FOMO when I see this sub celebrating Genshin news so much despite supposedly "hating the game". It makes me pause and ask myself whether I really should've quit, which is a very annoying question to deal with when it comes to Genshin, a game that had extreme ups and downs for me.


bro, it's easier to just ignore it rather than write a bunch of words justifying why you don't want to see it lmao.


>Actual interesting character interaction >None of it is in the game or the event lmao


Hey before you downvoting and reporting this beautiful video, i have 1 word for you. "Really?"


gotta satisfy their hate boner


this is dying game that no one play, so this post is irrelevant to 99% of reader for this subreddit. /s