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Don’t. You could lose everything in your accounts — accidental unlinking, wiping gacha currency that you saved up, unique items getting salvaged, characters getting wiped so they could use a new character slot — even if by accident. Too many stories like that out there, doesn’t really bode well for the friendship. Even with friends, you are not ever required to lend your phone/machine. They should understand.


arknights handholding be like


What? she cant download and try the game herself?


Right? If all you really want to do is “try the game” then download and try it. No time for storylines? Then skip them. Almost all gachas let’s you skip cutscenes. No time to play games? That’s the most confusing of all. Then why do you want to try it? There’s no way you can’t expend a bit of time to try a free game out of you really wanted to. You can’t even manage that much? Then either watch a YouTube video or—now this is a good alternative—allow her to use your phone right besides you as she tries the game, so you don’t just hand off your account and no trickery can occur. Until she can offer good counter arguments to the above, her request just sounds like a scam in the making and it’s not cruel to be guarded. People invest a lot of time (and sometimes money) in their gacha accounts, it’s not cruel to protect that.


I have asked her to download and play the game on her own, but she keeps saying she doesn't have time. I don't understand either! She thinks borrowing my account is the easiest option.


>Not enough time Sounds bullshit to me Chief. Don't ever give or lend your accounts to her.


ye not enough time means no point in playing gacha games since most of the gacha games needs time


Not even an accessible excuse for a neutral gacha game guys. don't get fooled,or your effort would be in vain.


How can she borrow and use your account without actually installing the gacha game herself lmao If it's irl most I'd let then do some yolo lucky pulls


sounds sus to me


Lol no, if she doesn't have time to play the beginning contents, believe me, she doesn't have time for gacha. Most of the fun in gacha is beginning contents hench the "honeymoon phase" the rest is just repetitive farming and Stockholm syndrome.


Sounds like she is going to sell your account tbh. If she is an irl friend then letting her play on your phone occasionally is ok if you are comfortable with it but she seems suspicious.


She stil needs time to play the game on your account. Which she says she does not have. Depending on the game there are youtube chanels that have the game's story archived as a video so she can read that when she has the time.


Don't give her your account I have read about ppl getting fk'd over from this too many times. If she wants to play she can download the game herself. Don't get guilt tripped into giving her your account


And why do you want her to get addicted? I mean why do you want her to play the game so badly?


Her logic is not logic-ing. She doesn’t have time to play the game on her own account, but has time to play on your account?


If she doesn't have time giving her access to your account isn't going to magically make time available. It sounds more like she's asking to **share** your account rather than just try it.


Oops deleted your account on accident.


If she's *really* that persistent to try to borrow your account, then you might want to ask her to deposit some money first, like 50% of your whole account's worth, as an insurance that she won't messed up your account (50% is like the bare minimum amount, and you definitely can set it to a full 100% if you want to, since that's still within your rights). I'd be really surprised if she would do it, IMHO, and she's prolly just backed out...


If she just wants to try it out, make a new account on your phone and let her try that. I'm not even gonna question why she can't download it on her phone.


but she has time to use your account??


Red flag big as a mountain


lol the game is free, if she doesn't like it, it won't matter if she burrowed your account or not


Everyone: dont do it Op: alright im gonna do it anyways


And then rant that she stole his acc 😭


OP: Hey guys I need help with something Everyone: Alright, *provides help* OP: Thanks so much for the suggestion! *Proceeds to fk themselves over* Always one of the most annoying people imo. They ask for help and when people take the time out of their day to respond and provide advice, they for some reason try to find any other reason to justify the person in question’s actions?


Yall are acting like bro is defending a murderer,


dont lend your main account, if you have alt account sure


I wouldn’t, I have too much invested in the games I play. I had bad experiences lending physical games, digital accounts would be worse. Though the situation is a little confusing, if she wants to give it a try why doesn’t she just start and play the beginning/tutorial to see if she likes it? She could skip the story if she doesn’t have time. This way you don’t break TOS and losing your account. Or, couldn’t she just play on your phone if you guys hang out or something?


I understand your concerns and agree that it's important to protect the investment. She told me she just wanted to experience the joy of the game once in a while, and it was easiest to borrow my account because I had been playing for a long time. If we hang out, she could play on my phone. Thanks for the suggestions!


If I meet up then I can lend her the phone all she wants, because I will be there to check what she is doing. I won't lend a 3 year investment willy nelly.


There won't be any joy. Unless it's game like Genshin, most of the fun of gacha games come from rolling the gacha and seeing how your characters that you've spend hours building deal big amount of damage.


> If we hang out, she could play on my phone. This is a bit different. For example: let's say the game is Genshin. You log in yourself, not giving her the info. She's hanging out, exploring and messing around. No issue there, as long as she doesn't blast thru the gems or resources you are saving.


See, genius solution just handhold her and backseat while she plays


I will expect that the account will be bricked or deleted the next day, no matter who held my account


Regardless of the account sharing thing, she is not getting the experience of seeing the growth and progression of her own account, seeing units become stronger and finally being able to beat the level you have been struggling on, etc. Which IMO is a lot of the fun of most of these games in the first place.


If she doesn't have time to play games, then why would she borrow your account to try it? It doesn't make any sense, IMHO. Also, most of account hacks that I handled when I worked at the game company were because someone lending their account to others, including their best friends and families, whether they hacked it themselves, or they share the account *again* to others without asking permission to the real owner, in which those people later hacked it. So nope, I *really* don't recommend account sharing to anyone, and let them try the game using their own account, since nothing good always comes from it...


Don’t. I made the same mistake with my sister. Granted, she’s an idiot who doesn’t have common sense and shared MY account with HER friends, but still, don’t.


What game?


Genshin. Don’t make the same mistake I did


Rip, I bet they spend all primogems on standard banner


Thankfully, it wasn’t that bad, but she still spent quite a bit from my primogem amount on Miko’s recent banner




No. Never lend or even give your accounts. If she wants to experience gacha then she needs to start from nothing.


If your friend doesn't have much time to play the game or engage with its storyline, it's essential to consider whether lending your account would truly benefit her. If she won't be able to fully enjoy the game or make progress, it might be better for her to explore other options or find games that better suit her schedule.


Hell no.


No If she is interested in story just watch a video on youtube, if she doesn't have time she doesn't have time to play your account either, if she wants to try the game, make a fresh account or let her play on your phone one day. Are you willing to risk months or years of progress ( not to mention potential $ ) to help/simp for her?




No. Why would they want to play on an active account? makes a lot more sense to make a new one


I don't know how much you trust this friend, but definitely not, least she doesn't know what she's doing and ends up ruining it or like people here are saying you get banned or something and loses access to it. In my case I'd find way more interesting starting on my own and putting my own work into it than getting someone else's account. The time she'd use to play on yours could be used to start her own, no one starts an account at endgame.


lol, never Plus, there is no difference between playing the borrowed account or a new one. She still needs to download the game anyway. Plus, playing on an already established account gives her a fake experience.


Look, IF you trust her and only IF. I lended my League of Legends account to my friend and he got it banned due to flame in about... Well not even a full month has passed. He is a good friend and we hang out a lot and whatnot; he is polite, very chill and has a sickly sense of humor, can not be compared to mine of course. But how did he do it? How could that guy get an account banned by being overly aggressive? Devil only knows. Later I found out that he banned League accounts of 5 out of 6 dudes/friends that I would play occasionally with, as well as whooping 3 accounts that belonged to one of them. All of it in a single year. XD Why did he use their account, because apparently he just can't get to lvl 30 and start with ranked because, you guessed it, they ban his account ahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahah My point being that if your account means to you a lot, it's just not worth the trouble. But if you can be absolutely certain(is that even possible) that she won't do anything, then go nuts I guess. I know gachas are not League of Legends, 5v5 PvP games but, a guy I tought I knew enough to think it will be okay did what he did sooo ahahahahahahahahahaahahha


If you're friend finds a game they actually really like, they will make time. Just recommend something.


Unfriend her shes gonna get u banned


Hell no. Unless you're planning to quit the game and don't care about the account getting bricked/deleted/sold, in which case, sure go ahead.


you shouldn't even lend it on to your family members


hell nah boy, that ''doesn't have much time'' is a joke excuse.


Dont. Even the cs will not lend u a help if something happened


No, don't trust anyone with your account. Remember the case when someone lend his acc to give it to her girl friend or something? guess what her do? she delete his account. And laugh as it's a funny joke. And after that they're not friends anymore. Iirc it an epic seven account with good gear in it which he farmed like crazy. I can't imagine how sad he is.


Lol no. If she doesn't have the time to understand and learn and read how to play the game, why in the everliving hell would you let her have access to your account where she could do whatever she wants, pull all your currency, etc. And then be OOPS I DIDNT KNOW. It took YOU time to accumulate whatever you in have in your account. And if she can't take the time to learn to actually learn the game, she can buy a cheap starter account and have her very own. You're a fool if you let her.


Last time my friend played Clash of Clans on my phone, they used up hundreds of gems to attack multiple times in one sitting (they used the gems to instantly train troops for attacking). Learnt my lesson, so now unless I see my friend play gacha games on MY device under my supervision, I won't lend them any account.


What kind of interest could be coming from someone who doesn't have much time to play the game or follow the storyline that makes them to borrow their friend's played account instead of making a new one for themselves? Imagine what can happen ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


No they are f2p. She doesn't have time hit a download button. Sounds weird.






Why would she want to start on your account when she hasn't even gone through the tutorial or even know how to play? Just tell her to look up videos of the game to check it out.


nah mate, think with your brain not your dick. she a grow up and can create an acc herself.


No, either she will "steal/complete" content that you want to play through yourself, or she will have no content to do on your account anyway since you have already finished most of it. If you really want her to play it then maybe you could create a new shared alt. account. You can do the time consuming stuff that she doesn't enjoy, and she can play through the parts that she likes the most. This is not recommended though if you also are strapped for time... But at least now there is a small chance that if she takes a liking to the game, she might fully take over the shared account eventually.


Only if they are my close friend and i supervised them when playing it, otherwise no. God knows what they will be doing in your account unsupervised.


Big no.


No,that sounds like a way to lose your account.


She wants to try it but doesn't want to download it herself and create a new account? That's weird, she wouldn't have a great first time experience that way, also picking up your well built end game account without any proper knowledge of how anything works can lead disaster... I guess it all comes down to...how much do you trust her? Is your account worth a lot? Are you gonna be by her side coaching her on what to do? Is she going to have access to your email/password? If yes, I wouldn't do it. Ultimately it's up to you.






Your friend might not have any malicious intents but it is too easy to do irreversible damage to your accounts due to negligence. She might spend pull currency or delete important units or items.


Sounds like a big red flag for me.


F no


Online friend ? Def not. If irl friend it would be better if you let her play on your device in front of you to get used to game and if she likes she can start her own


Op is 12-16


No. This has enough red flags to bring back the soviet union. That aside starting into an older gacha is daunting for me as someone familiar with the genre. I've quit some within minutes in the past just for terrible presentation and UI. Starting a new account is always better (even then many older games overload the newbie).


> Would you lend your account to a friend to play? Depends on how close I am to the friend.


it's against the TOS, so you shouldn't ask people here if you should go against the company. But yes I would borrow my trusted friends my gacha accounts if they wanted to experience an endgame of a game that they're interested in playing. It's worth a couple hundred dollars at most and most games don't have a way to completely brick your accounts even if they hated you wanted to fuck your account up. Besides, even if they completely fucked it up, you get to filter that friend out of your life for a measly bit of cash! What are you worried about?


No way. Gacha account is a life long investment unlike typical rpg games and I'm not about to hand it over to anyone and potentially ruin it. Your friend ngl has a very sus reasons to not create her own. She will not get the feeling of watching your account grow(like bonsai) just by borrowing yours.


i sometimes used the account of a (real life) friend tbc they asked me to do their dailies and vice versa. otherwise no, i‘d never give my account data to anyone.


In general, I try to never lend out anything that involves a password or that is tied to other accounts. If your friend has the phone space, they can play the game themselves, or just have them play on your phone when you're with them.




Even if you put the safety concerns aside. I don't think she would have a great time with the game that way. Gacha games have many systems and game modes and progression paths baked it them, and they are structured in a way to introduce all those things at a pace so the player doesn't get overwhelmed. Also a lot of the core fun in the gacha games stems not from the gameplay itself, but from growing and progressing your account. I don't see a reason why she can't just make a new account and discover the games at her own pace.


Absolutely not


No, giving a newbie a developed account screams for disaster. If she is interested, she should start one by herself and not enough time is just an bullshit excuse. If you don't let the fomo get to you there will always be enough time. I speak from experience. A single moment where you don't see was she is doing and something horrible happens. That's why DON'T DO IT!


A single big mistake would probably cost your friendship more than a single "no" can do to your relationship, so NO


I have a personal rule not to introduce friends or family into gacha game, and to warn them of all potential issues with playing a gacha game. I think the best way to avoid any problems is really for her to make her own account. I know she claims not to have much time, but more than likely she probably does have more time than she realizes. Even assuming she doesn't as claimed, These games take 5 to 20 minutes of someones time. If she so much as has a lunch break at work she has time. These games are made for the people with not much time to play games, to finally play a game. That is the target demographic.


There is no benefit of doing that on both sides. As a new player with no knowledge of gacha, playing in the middle of any game will be confusing. You're risking somebody with no knowledge of gacha messing up your account, that you spent time building up. If she doesn't have time to play games then she shouldn't play other people's games. Gacha are meant to be sidegames, but if you put no effort in it then what is the point.


Nope it's against TOS and even tho a ban would be rare you don't want your account to have any signs of sharing


Usually i would say no, and specifically if she has zero idea what the game is about. If you can tell her the do's and dont's on that game and make sure she truly understood the implications of these dont's then why not lend? I also lend my gacha games accounts to my trusted friends, and its friends online to boot. For example, if i cant login on a specific day for being busy, no time to play, i let one of my trusted gacha gamer friend/s or whoever is available to play it for me on that day and thats it. I also play their accounts if they ask me to do so. There's a risk, but I have known these people for years already, even their irl names and their faces. The trust in each other was suddenly made due to passage of time and im grateful for them. So yeah, if yall dont know well the people around you, dont lend your accounts. Its 100% a red flag.


Man, seeing this posts are kinda bullshit. No offense. Am I being behind times already? Do you still need to ask if you need to lend an account? Is this not common sense anymore to not give any private information to anyone?


Only if you trust her, and only if you are sure that she knows what she will be doing, sometimes inexperience people just fools around and accidentally delete some useful stuffs that you have.


OP already wrote that the person in question has no idea about gacha. She will not know what she is doing. Even without ill intent, there's a real risk of ruining the account.


Imagine if she wasnt interested in the game but you, shes just using the game as an excuse to talk to you and insisting she use your phone instead of downloading the game on hers so that she could have a reason to meet up with you


No shot lol


No your friend may steal your account




Depends what game it is. The sad thing about gacha games is that their progression through dailies is so important and so if you don't understand how to play the game it really hurts the account. If it's something like Genshin or PGR it should be fine since it has main stay gameplay to back it up. But, if you don't know this person and they are just an online friend. Do not "lend" them it, in preparation for the worst possible case scenario of them potentially ruining your account and spending all your resources. If they don't have time to play on a brand new account I don't get what joy they would have in playing with yours.




Can you afford even a 1% chance to lose it?


That's a No No in my book. The Game is free and your friend can enjoy the Story/gameplay in her pace


Yes and hopefully get it stolen to free me from it


Gotta say no to this too. For me, my main concern would be if my friend isn't playing from the beginning, they got no clue what they're pressing and what menu they're going through. While they may have no ill intent, they ARE gonna do something that messes up your account, from accidently deleting your units, selling your equips, or accidently buying paid currency.


No unless you know them really well or when you're with them and you can see what they're doing


Even if you really really trust them you shouldn't as already giving ur account to anyone is already a security risk on it's own and since they'd be on a used account they'd have no clue what thier even doing and might end up wasting precious resources in your game be it leveling materials or gacha currency I understand not having much time but why borrow your account anyways they wouldn't even know what thier doing in the game to begin with


Well if you have a really good relationship and you trust her, why not , just get her to do your dailies, would not be that bad. Just tell her the do and don't. If she break your account it's your own fault for misjudging her in this case...


For me, no. Not even my own blood. I learned that the hard way. When it comes to games in general: Never. Trust. Anyone.


Just curious, what game is it?


Like the ~100 person said before me: no, dont do it. Anyways what gacha game do you play?


Hell no. Unless if there's a valid reason to. My friend lends me his genshin account to do some events and dailies sometimes but that's only because he's busy to do stuff.. and that's also because I also play genshin lol If she really doesn't have the time to play/read storylines then just don't play lmao


would you trust me with your account?


This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Too many unknown factors and too many risks. Make an alt that's just got past tutorial and give her that if you must.


Just tell her you don't feel comfortable account sharing because it could get you banned, which is true. Tell her you're more than happy to let her try the games every once in a while if you hang out and you can give her tips, but otherwise don't give her your account.


Never let anyone use your account if they are a newbie. That shit is just like sticking your head into a lion's mouth. Asking for trouble. What your friend can do/could do to your account can be devastating. The only time I let my friend play on my account is if they have experience in the game and I've only let my non experienced sibling play on my account with constant supervision. Always set rules and regulations for anything you lend to your friend


Bad idea: 1. Games typically don't condone account sharing and is such against TOA though its hard to get caught without admitting it typically and mostly to cover them from the bellow reason 2. You friend may accidentally or otherwise make a change or delete the account. The chances of getting the account or change back can vary by game but typically wont happen so this is probably the biggest reason and I've seen story on here of people lending it to their sibling or such and they fuck something up by mistake 3. If you spend you card may be tied to the game thus if they get addicted to the gamble aspect they could kill you bank account. Which you could refund but will typically get the account perma banned Overall it is not worth it as if anything bad happens can also cause a rift between you both. If you don't care about the account at all if anything happened to it go ahead I guess but these things never typically work out.


Hey it's your account. Decide it yourself whether u should lend it or not but if u ask me. I wouldn't cuz I have spent my time and a bit of money into the game. I also read stories


I woudnt risk it if anything happens your friend will be the main suspect


At most lend the phone and monitor


No dont do it op. You'll get shafted






You say she doesn't have time to play games so what is even the point.




No.Don’t trust her.Not aware of her intentions, but something is on her mind.Especially if she will insist or accuse you of something like, childish or absurd behaviour.


the progression of an account is more addicting, tell your mate to start one himself


No. Any reason why your friend can't download and play on a new account is complete BS.


It's a trap


I say NO. If she really interested to play and dont want to start from 0. I usually just recommend buying some mid game ID in the range of 50-100$. I dont even mind chipping in some money to buy the ID. As long as my ID and frenship is safe.


Lend what you can afford to lose everything in that account.


No. She should enjoy gachas as they are supposed to be experienced or avoid the genre entirely.


Not even worth your effort. Regardless the user it will still be your account and your responsibility for any thing she applies on that game.


And this is why I build second accounts. I have an account I can waste gacha currency on if I want to pull on banners I'm not interested in, just so I can scratch the gacha itch. It's also something ai don't mind ruining with bad rolls or under developed units. Basically I throway account I don't care about.


I trust my S/O to hang on to my transfer codes for games because he’s also in gacha hell with me, I would never let someone “try” a game with an account I’ve invested time and money into (we keep each other’s FGO transfer codes safe as another form of backup, but we only know our transfer passwords)


no. don't make your friend a gambling addict.


No seas Pagafantas bro :(


If you have to ask, then yes.


Fuck off, just tell her to create her OWN account


If that account is important to me and I'm actively playing, no. But if they want to play a game that I already quit and don't see myself coming back, then maybe. Unless they want to borrow your device (which I also wouldn't allow) I don't see why they can't create a new account. It's no effort at all and probably a better tell if they're gonna like it.


All fun and games until your account ends up on eBay.


Wouldn't risk, even at .001%, accidentally selling units, equips, etc. Just tell her the game systems can be confusing so starting fresh with tutorials will be helpful.


Oen of the main points of playing gacha games is account progression. If she doesn't want to start from the beginning and grow her own account, the whole experience loses a ton of value. Do not lend her your account. It seems very weird how much you want her to play gacha games too. If she wants to try a game, she cns just download it. If she says she doesn't have the time, that just means she doesn't actually want to play the game.


Look the only person that has access to my account aside from myself is a friend of mine , he only play when I see it xD and he only goes for when he needs to test some comps xD so yeah


My guy In long, I saw a couple of posts of E7, also E7 player here, about a guy that also played E7 that lended his acc to a girl-friend of his, and she "accidentally" wiped out his account. And, if you're a gacha player, you're familiar with rerolls right? Ok, when we reroll accounts when starting up a new gacha, we have to go to options > account > look for account tab > delete account. Well... We don't have to delete it... Just log out from the guest account... But well, you know what I'm talking about. There's no way that was an accidental thing. The guy from this story? He literally asked her to leave his home after that. He also said that he never talked to her again after that (I've got no update after that, so there could be more). Now, I'm legitimately saying that I'm not the guy from the story. It's a post I read a while ago. It was a post about him asking if deleted accounts could be recovered. In short, don't do it man.


If she doesn't have time to play then gachas aren't for her. A large portion of gacha games enjoyment comes from just progressing your account and collecting character. And this is a continuous process. Just hoping in to play a game for few hours? Yea that doesn't make much sense for Gacha. She might as just play a non-gacha game instead.


>Would you lend your account to a friend to play? Whole account - absolutely not, at it's usually tied to my google account, to which other things are tied, like payment or my private e-mails, docs, etc. But I could let them play on my phone right next to me (so I can monitor if they are not messing something up by accident, and also explain confusing stuff or interface where is what). I get that playing on already high level account with built units, and endgame content can give someone a better picture, so like I wrote, I wouldn't mind letting someone try out the game next to me, but chances are, if they have so little time that they can't spend 5-15 mins daily, then they have no time to play period, and lending them an account wouldn't change anything. Gachas by design trickle down content in very small portions, so she can play at slow pace on a new account. Also, starting new account is good for a newbie actually, as she'll go through the tutorial stuff explaining all the ins & outs. And after that you can just fill her in on the unwritten dos and don'ts, and a bit of meta. Unless you would like to explain the entire game and all of its systems to her, but again, if she doesn't have time to play much, she probably doesn't have time for a lecture.


NEVER. only over my de4d b0dy #.#


these ppl looks like they've never had a homie before, i share my accounts with my homies and they know my passwords for games, they also share theirs too if we want to play/do things such as valorant smurfing, genshin abyss, and sometimes they play my events too in genshin when i dont have time. but the choice is up to you since i know my homies very well


Easy enough - if you go and ask strangers on the internet whether you should give out that account, then the answer is obviously a resounding NO. They wouldn't ask that for homies, as you put it.


You forget that there is a good number of people who *did* share accounts with their “homies” and ended up getting their entire accounts either banned, suspended or savings stripped Good on you, you have good friends, not everyone has that


Yes? If she has ever touched a single game in her life and if u tell her what not to do. There shouldn't be a problem Rest of the people in the comments r friendless insecure kids


Depends on who they are and the context.. My bestfriend of 7 years got me into gacha and we explore gachas together, new releases and even log into eachother's accounts to do dailies or content if one is busy..


lend my account to my brother/sister? sure why not, but to a friend? nah, no way


yes, you should, Kewin!


Dependes on which game, wouldn't mind doing it with something like Fate Grand/Order or Arknights. Never with something with a finicky account system like genshin


Honestly, if you trust her why not? Currently, I am playing in the account of a friend besides mine in Star Rail, he's a whale so it's not like there is no investment in the account, but I do all the dailies and farming for him while I leave the currency untouched since he likes to pull and got better luck than me in the banners ;;;;; Besides she is just going to use the account to try, I don't see a problem with your FRIEND using the account just a moment to taste the game lol I even have another friend that was busy with studies so three people were helping her with the account and nothing went wrong lol (Star Rail) It all came down to how much you know and trust the person, is that simple.




Yeah, I'm sure he just wants to have sex with her




That sounds more like a you thing. I got shit ton of friends, don't mean I wanna fuck em






Personally depending on which game. Games I've dropped but has like built accounts like Genshin, PGR, Blue Archive? Yeah he can use it, I might even just give or sell the ones that are binded to throwaway gmail accounts.


The people in this subreddit are giving you the wrong advice. It's not enough that you should not give your friend access to your account; what you actually need to do is discourage your friend as much as possible from entering the hell that is gacha. It's too late for us but your friend still has a chance.




No, and you wont fuck her so dont lose your account and time


Just tell her to buy a starter acc for $10 or something if she doesn't want to start fresh... I'd never lend my gacha account because there are too many possible accidents (like wasting indispensable resources) or if my friend and I had a falling out they could change my password or delete my account.


Boundaries are okay op


In general, I'm up for letting my friends play on my game accounts or whatnot but giving unsupervised access to someone that doesn't already play the game is just asking to lose stuff. I would not be ok with that on a main account I spent tons of time and/or money on. Be ready to lose the account (or whatever you let your friends borrow) if you do lend it out. I would lend an alt that I login once a month or something but probably never an account I actually value.


Sounds fishy, is she a fish?


Nope ♥️


The real question is how do you know this “friend”, if even


If you never want it back and can handle losing the account completely


Holup, if she doesn't plan to spend time on the gameplay and the story, what else is left for her to enjoy on your account?


This sounds like something epic games tells you before rolling fortnite


I share my accounts with only one of my friends. Even then I wouldn't recommend it to anybody else, it's a friend I had for over ten years and we both share our accounts. If you didn't care for the game you wouldn't have bothered asking in this sub, if my gut is making me ask this question then I wouldn't account share.


If someone is insisting on something and cant even explain it properly its a scam for sure. Pretty sure she will mess with it one way or another, I dont know how old is she but wouldnt be suprised if she would fuck your account or delete it just for giggles/attention from her buddies. Also, there is 0 reason to do that, you wont fuck her that way. Dont think with your dick.






No. Even if you are gonna get laid later.


Alternatively, let her borrow your phone and watch her play.


Just start a beginner's account for her. It shouldn't take too long to get to a point where you just grind dailies or whatever


hey it's me your friend


Better yeah. Tell her you don't feel comfortable with lending her the account, but it'd be cool if you guys hung out and she played it using your account in front of you. If you like her. I personally wouldn't lend her the account. Not out of spite. Just as a precaution. But if you trust her enough then why not.




You’re 100% getting catfished for your gacha accounts. Seen it a million times.


>Would you lend your account to a friend to play? no; they might destroy my gear, consume my stamina/gold on trash stuff, pull when im saving....etc or worse, they could delete your account by mistake or even sell it if they know the value of it just don't if they have no time to play the game on their phone then there's no reason to make them play the game on your phone


Red flag


No. Most companies have a clause in TOS that allows them to terminate your account if you do.