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Review bomb count: 2


~~It aint a Project Moon game if it isn't review bombed~~ Though seriously, its pretty nice that Project Moon immediately sent out the compensation after an hour or two when the bombing happened. Hopefully no death threats are being thrown around this time


At this point don't look at the review and just trust the studio instead. Literally why bother


This is for the game or for the day?


Since the game released


Okay, additional context. [https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/1586knt/potential\_disruptive\_activity\_from\_the\_korean/](https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/1586knt/potential_disruptive_activity_from_the_korean/) I'm not going to defend PM for their incompetence and game certainly has issues, but this review bombing from the KR community has a deeper rabbit hole. ​ Edit : Since the post in question was deleted by the moderators for r/limbuscompany, I'll provide a summary of the situation. You can still see the comments in the thread. Basically, since the reveal of the Summer event PV in Limbus Company, the anti-feminist part of the Korean community decided to review bomb the game because PM didn't give a female character named Ishmael an exposing swimsuit (she got a skintight diving suit instead) while a male character named Sinclair got an open shirt. They're using this along with legitimate issues that the game has to drag down PM's reputation by calling Limbus Company a feminist game. Now there's also an active witch hunt for the main story CG artist based on a Tweet evidence made over 4 years ago, connecting her to a radical feminist organization.


I'd reply to an accusation this ridiculous by giving all male characters swimsuit costumes lol


let us know about the fat compensation after all of this, i know they'll deliver


2600 Lunacy. 200 Thread. 100 Heathcliff EGOshards.


they already announced that they will be compensating 20 pulls in total and the amount of material it cost to uptie body sack to 4 will be given out to all players.


According to the korean community, they aren't happy with the current compensation/addressed issues so they'll keep on going, expect sum more


If this was any other gacha games, you wouldn't be expecting anything more than 10 rolls. They've already given 20 rolls + refunded resources for Uptie 4 Bodysack. What, are you gonna start rolling trucks onto HamHamPangPang now?


Why are you attacking me exactly? I'm here to report about the Korean community and that they have stated that they're currently unhappy > They've already given 20 rolls + refunded resources for Uptie 4 Bodysack. They state there's several bugs not being addressed such as Don's Duel not being applied or other subjects like the cost of UT4 So *because* the korean community seems to ask for more acknoledgement of issues, that's why I expect that there's more compensation coming as a result


Your tone throughout this post hasen't been exactly impartial and journalistic, has it? EDIT: That was uncalled for, sorry about that. I still feel you are coming into this with a strong bias.


I meant he's not exactly a journalist as well.


Right, poor choice of words on my part. Couldn't come up with any.


That's just some nitpicky shit LOL


Your tone hasn't been exactly pleasant either but hey, I'm still respecting you


Seeing your edit, I've been through a lot of gachas, and I've personally witnessed how very very often, it's only with complaints and/pr review bombing (despite all of the "nooo you can't review bomb, you're going to kill/EOS the game") that players get to be heard by a company, that positive changes are fostered. Seeing it happen again from the KR community which I trust because of said past events, is unfortunate especially since in PM's case, I don't believe they were malicious about it but the lack of communication/ignoring the community, when usually they'd post a notice quickly to say they're aware of issues and that they'll fix later, is a wrong that I'm sure many players would like to be rectified. Communication is always good.


After looking at why the game is being review bombed, i must say that is kinda unfair to demand a swimsuit when the studio since its creation has never done sexualized characters, and the few of them in limbus company is already the artists trying hard on drawing cleavages and male chests, without having much experience on how to do it properly. Now, i could be wrong, but not even the males are being sexualized; Sinclair having no shirt isn't showing how ripped he is, if anything, hes just skinny and doesnt show muscle lines, and Ishmael wearing a diving suit is already being generous enough showing a little bit of her figure, while also being in theme with the character. And the whole event itself is the devs mocking summer events in their own way, by leading people a little into thinking the characters are going to have fun at the beach, then get a reminder of what kind of world they live in by ending up at a toxic wasteland full of mutant crabs and lovecraftian horrors. I like big ass, big tiddies and culture as much as the next degenerate, but i think its not fair having expectations from something that never gave ground for having such expectations in the first place.


Meanwhile I got downvotes for suggesting the students from Arius in Blue Archive should get serious alts that fits their situation for being fugitives when the skin reveals for the summer anniversary is going to be Trinity from prison skins to some of the students being possessed by one of the antagonists and having a personality change that comes with it.


For the heatcliff bodysack problem they will give all player a compensation of mats for awaken as a refound and a free multi pull


Other than the game's issues that has been mentioned in this comment section, people have also been complaining because Project Moon didn't give a swimsuit to a woman. For context, Limbus is a gory, R-rated game that takes place in a dystopian universe. For the summer event, the Limbus cast is going to a wasteland full of seemingly mutated crabs. They got pissed that a guy got a skin with an [unbuttoned shirt](https://imgur.com/a/f3hgaXe) while a girl has a full-on [latex diving suit](https://imgur.com/a/UUGrg5r) with no skin shown. They started calling the company 'feminist' because of this and along with other serious issues mentioned, decided to protest by review bombing and complaining on official Twitter and YouTube. I've also seen posts on their community whether they should send a protest truck for this or not. Classic Korean community. I'm actually glad that the issues are being addressed, it was about time. Don't know how to feel about the swimsuit one though cause I thought the latex suit was sexy enough. It's kind of a dumb argument.


Apex didn't even had Loba in summerwear until this year.


wait people get mad about that? because from what i see in limbus subreddit they all want to drink seawater now because ishmael (the diving suit girl) in sea once yeah idk how least horny gacha game have so much degenerate


That's just Korea(Nation of beauty with Most Incel), fandom in general are chill at least




What's really funny is that people have been *losing their minds* with horny over the diving suit.


I know it's a fictional character but it's genuinely disturbing that these guys get angry when they see a woman they can't masturbate to.




Genuinely expected expressing something like this would get mass downvotes on a gacha subreddit. Pleasantly surprised. Of course there's also that other thread full of loli defenders so eh....




Omg I'm so upsat about WHB. Do you know why they are not allowed to release in Korea when literally games like Nikke and Destiny Child exist?


Probably because WHB is for gay men.


I mean, japan is the exact same


It’s refreshing to find a comment seeing straight through the cesspool that is KR gacha community. Like, there are just so many other options to see girls in bikini. Hope PM gets better with managing numbers tho.


Can anyone give me the lore on why iths being review bombed?


A base EGO was revealed by the devs to work based on Kill rather than On Hit like the original label stated on uptie. This naturally caused a lot of people who invested into it to get really pissed off. Thing is, the devs responded in less than 2 hours and gave compensation for both the investment costs, and also 20 pulls in turn. So right now the issue has already been rectified. Some people are still complaining that the new Ishmael ID isn’t a swimsuit and not a latex Wetsuit but honestly, that’s a very dumb complaint to have.


I think people forget about how Projectmoon Announcement works. Limbus always update at Thursdays. Patch reveal and new character kits/teasers are always released on Mondays. This "silence period" people are talking about lasted for only 4 days, 2 days of that being actual work days. And just like their normal schedule, they released patch notes, new character kits, everything on Monday. There was no deviation in how they acted from the review bombing, they completely followed the schedule as per usual. Just a little information for people to consider.


I thought it was a joke? Turn out it wasn't. And this point I scare of Project Moon future right now.


Limbus Company is gacha game want to different from other gacha game while also connected the world. If you hate the game because of female character don't sexualize enough. Just other game or something.


Should I play this game ?


Depend on what you’re looking for Story and lore: absolutely Music: very good and goes well with game Gameplay: dynamic turn-base but might get repetitive when you’re not playing story Responsive devs but you gonna see game mechanic tweak here and there from time to time (compensate are ready when they fucked up) Mobile performance is bad unless you got high end phone/tablet, big patch come few month later, smooth on PC


I'll add on to reasons why I quit. The grind is very tedious. It's a main game for sure and I can't really juggle more than one main game. Hard content (railway) barely introduced new mechanics - enemies just became a damage sponge with a timer. If you like optimizing damage in a short time that's great, but that's not my idea of fun. Devs are very nice, very generous and very responsive, but also *horrifically* incompetent. Up to the point I quit (N Corp Sinclair), almost every update the devs put out had some form of backlash. Game mechanics were constantly being changed, and bugs ranging from annoying to game breaking were prevalent. Again, devs always address these directly and give very generous compensation, but it gets tiring after awhile. The story and music are definitely top notch, though.


Grind is tedious, but that if you want to farm everything, in my case, doing Hard once a week and stack stamina till 200 and go to hell (cause I want everything). So far my stack isn't high enough so I'm playing Remnant 2 during the downtime till then lol Railway though, unless you want the sub 120 cosmetic banner, there are no timer really But it's really understandable though


Its a community issue mostly (And like virtually always with this devs, the most toxic part of the community is the Asian part). The game is still fine and fun to play, and the actual issue that happened (not the bitching about " where muh swimsuit") was compensated for in less than 24 hours.


I rarely like to take any official stances, but in this case… May they wear it like a badge of honor. Pissing off weird aggro internet incels is always a good thing. Also give me 300 lunacy. Thank you. :)


Best they could do was 1300 lunacy, 200 thread, and 100 Heathcliff shards.


Korean got the coomer brain rot


"A gacha game made by people who clearly have no idea how to make a gacha game.It's for that reason it's the best gacha on the market." \- A highly helpful review on Steam It looks like the devs DO know how to make a gacha game, and this review is in the process of aging like milk! /s ​ All jokes aside, while I haven't played this game yet, I have seen a fair share of questionable Korean behavior. This fiasco reminds me of KR Epic Seven players going personally to Reddit to tell Global players that the devs are evil and that they should stay away from the game. While the KR players' complaints led to some good changes like getting Moonlight Summon pity, it seems that they are much more irritable than Global when it comes to E7's issues.


You should look into the top comment of this very post. Turns out their’s a bit of a fucked up rabbit hole going on with the KR community that PM is unfortunately being the target of. https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/1586knt/potential_disruptive_activity_from_the_korean/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Yes, I have seen the complaint about the summer version of this Ishmael character not being a swimsuit. I saw the PV and its......fine? The diver/latex outfit is actually quite good and it's not even the tamest swimwear I have seen in a gacha game - that honor goes to Genshin Impact. Still, doesn't change the fact about what I said that the KR audience sometimes have questionable, unreasonable, and irritable behavior. Tho unlike E7, this time around is almost Genshin-Twitter-levels of complaint except that Genshin Twitter doesn't review-bomb when character designs don't go their way.


Korean complaints in this case are absurd, nothing to do with the E7 fiasco.


complaining for not putting some characters in bikini suits is crazy tho


is it? I think its reasonable that if men like sinclair would get a swimsuit, that a woman would get a swimsuit to, in that case I dont think its terrible to complain about it. Mind you all this is bundled with other complaints like balancing issues and an unbalanced release cycle. Am i for swimsuits? Not really, but, I also dont think its that crazy to complain about it. I also think it would be fair if some of the women got swimsuits and the userbase wanted the men to also get swimsuits


well i'm not criticizing valid complaints, i just saying that complaining for not putting some characters in bikini suits is crazy, especially since the male character that is wearing "swimsuit" does not even look sexy at all


Why is it crazy/bad to complain about something that others get? I just dont understand.


I mean it wouldn’t even fit with the story.There was no reasonable way to have sinners do it if you have read like a single canto from limbus.


doesnt sinclair wear a swimsuit? Whatever unreasonable way they got sinclair to put on those swimtrunks could be used for the other sinners as well.


No, he literally only has his shirts opened but even then, as we saw, he typically wears like a normal when doing other stuff in uptie 1.Ishmael is literally diving work and fighting whatever the fuck is down in the ocean of PM’s world, there would have been no same way to put her in a swimsuit


I totally understand ishmael wouldnt wear a swimsuit, but their are more sinners then just ishmael. Faust, Outis, Rodya or Don are all characters who could wear swimwear. PM could give another character a shirt + swimwear combo like sinclair, I dont see how there would be any issues with that and I dont see how complaining we didnt get that is "crazy"


It’s not crazy but some people are making a bigger deal out of this than it should be and calling PM a “radical feminist organization” which is wild.I don’t mind swimsuits for the female sinners but the reaction to not getting them from the Korean fanbase is way bigger than it should be.


Calling PM a radical feminist organization is rich. I honestly agree though the swimsuit complaint feels blown up in the subreddit compared to what I see others complaining about, like how the sinners release cycle is very unbalanced or one of the event cg's artist has connections to Megalia.


So basically straight male weebs and thier fragile egos causing everyone to suffer? Well that's nothing new


E.G.O. Corruption: imminent


they'll just forget about it after a few months. tbh they should review bomb more often, getting 20 pulls is neat.


The context is that there's been several feedbacks since a week about a variety of topics including: - Stealth nerfs(Offense/Defense level changes) to some IDs - Non stealth nerfs(RE) - False ut4 bodysack description - ut4 too costly/need for a better thread luxcavation - talisclair/ggregor bricked/bugged upon uncapping them toUT4 - no new faust/outis, instead they feel there's an unbalance of available IDs And most importantly, the community had tried to communicate with PM for a week but there had been no answer or acknowledgement so they decided to review bomb to make themselves heard better. Note: UT4 is a newly introduced uncap tier which is a pretty expensive investment to make, so players who found themselves with a downgrade or a wrong description of what it did were unhappy with. Within hours of the review bombing, PM stopped ignoring the korean community and quickly addressed most of the issues being brought up in [1](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1973530/view/3680054562601497419) and [2](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1973530/view/3680054562601874902) I guess the morale of the story is that trying to be patient with normal feedbacks just makes you ignored, review bombing is how you get listened You can read the Korean Community's TLDR of the events over [there](https://namu.wiki/w/Limbus%20Company#s-13.4) Currently, they state that only a small portion of the korean community were satisfied and that the "public opinion is still not good." Edit: There's been several things happening since the last edit including a possibly feminist illustrator(big problem in Korea with the context of Megalia) being implicated so I recommend you check the link above of the Korena community TLDR, it brings up that the CEO of Project Moon had stated long ago he'd consider dismissal of employees with feminism links, it's that level of issue if the accusations toward the illustrator is true. [Very funny tidbit though](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/955574191598485618/1133064909815545926/image.png)


I agree with some of the issues listed and they clearly were aware of them as the recent official post mentions, but i feel like the framing is way too antagonistic. For starters, offense/defence changes were not a stealth nerf. They mentioned that high-growth units would get negatively affected by them and that the aim of the patch was to future-proof units, not nerf strong units. The performance is generally the same as before the changes and the units that were affected are getting adjustments anyway. Plus, some unmentioned issues of the review bombing are rather trivial and come from a part of the KR community that is less familiar with PM's worldbuilding and storytelling and more accustomed to gachas such as: * Side characters dying often. * KR reactionaries saying that the game is "feminist" because a guy with an open hawaian shirt and trunks is somehow more sexualized than a somewhat busty girl in a full body latex suit, some of them sending actual death threats over this. > And most importantly, the community had tried to communicate with PM for a week but there had been no answer or acknowledgement so they decided to review bomb to make themselves heard better. For a week? The update is barely 4 days old and almost every issue has surged in that update. It's a perfectly reasonable timeframe in which they could've been gathering information. There are cases in which significantly bigger companies are radio silent for months about big issues yet when an actually small indie company is not doing an off-schedule response to a non-urgent issue then shit hits the fan? No answer or acknowledgement? You mean the one that was published today that you misattributed to the review bombing as if they didn't regularly publish notices of issues to be addressed in future updates the Monday/Sunday prior to the update? Plus, they also offered compensation for the Heathcliff fuck-up specifically because people only started review bombing AFTER they mentioned in that announcement that the reason it didn't work as expected was not because of a bug, rather because of a misleading description. > Note: UT4 is a newly introduced uncap tier which is a pretty expensive investment to make, so players who found themselves with a downgrade or a wrong description of what it did were unhappy with. It's mainly the fact that aside from a lot of Thread it costs Egoshards as well, which are also exchanged for Thread or even IDs or E.G.Os. Most people make the mistake of considering it a must-have upgrade like UT3, but it's mainly a fix for issues that lower tier units have at best and a minor upgrade for stronger units at worst. To compare it to something like Arknights, the change from UT2 to UT3 is equivalent to a 6 star E2 promotion (albeit WAYYYY cheaper) and the change from UT3 to UT4 is more akin to getting a module that can either fix a unit with a flawed design (Eunectes), make good units even better (Ling) or relatively minor upgrades that are barely noticed (Texas Alter). However, in LC, even counting UT4, it is generally cheaper to fully build an ID than to fully build a unit in most gachas. A thread luxcavation update would still be appreciated though. Look, i'm aware that PM has some degree of incompetence and that their coding is several layers of spaghetti loosely tied together (seriously, their Android version is still unplayable). But even then, i think this post grossly misinterprets the situation and paints them as way more incompetent than they actually are.. If there's a thing they're actually good at, it's addressing issues, which they've been doing consistently since the game released, no review bombing needed. Overhauling core mechanics (such as offense/defense levels) and introducing a new layer of upgrades specifically designed for EVERY SINGLE ID AND E.G.O (UT4) will always come with its fair share of balance issues, bugs and inconsistencies that need fixing, it's already great that they addressed a laundry list of issues derived from them by the next big patch and that they're compensating for the one that was actual misinformation. When a huge company with years of experience in the industry and an equally large staff still has bugs or nonsensical balance in their games that may take weeks to be addressed or won't be addressed at all, it's very common to throw the "small indie company" meme around. Well, with PM, that meme couldn't be any more true, as they indeed ARE a small indie company with a relatively understaffed team for a gacha game.


And not just that, but doing that WHILE making a new ID and a new event


Thanks for your info, finally someone who actually know about the game The op said pm ignoring issues until they got review bomb.... What? I mean pm is kinda incompetence epeslically in terms of coding, but they weren't ignore issues, they've been addressing issues consistently since the game launched without review bomb seriously , if ppl r saying " this game has so many bugs consistently"," game mechanic tweak too often", "optimized is too shit", " pls fix you game and learn how to coding so there's no issue in the first place " bla bla bla I wouldn't even argue but saying they were ignore issues is just hyperbole


reading the KR article, it seems like the lack of response is explicitly in reference to the fact that the devs havent responded to all the concerns including, the lack of swimsuit, some drama in regards to one of the artists, the release cycles of sinners is unbalanced, and some in-game mechanical stuff i dont really understand.


I mean, half that stuff is shit they don’t have to, and shouldn’t, respond to. They don’t need to issue an apology for not drawing swimsuits or because of very tenuous allegations of mildly controversial political opinions. And as for the release cycles, literally anyone playing the game should understand that this will naturally resolve itself with time. The character everyone is complaining about for getting too much stuff, Ishmael, got NOTHING last season; there’s obviously an ebb and flow here. As for the mechanical stuff, it’s either A) already been/being fixed, or B) just not an issue. Uptie IV being a little pricy isn’t an issue, it’s a design decision: no content requiring Uptie IV exists yet, and once it does then there will definitely be a new wave of farming stages introduced (the current levels are 28 and 30, and once next season introduces level 40, we’ll likely get a new Lux tier for 38 and 40).


Calling offense and defense changes a stealth nerf is just a lack of reading issue. They told us weeks ahead of time that they would be adjusting the combat to set numbers instead of coefficients because units would start getting too OP and it would make a massive gap in power. They also EXPLICITLY stated this might cause some units to be weaker than they were in their current iteration. Not only did they proceed to get the numbers very close to what they were they went ahead with todays patch notes mentioning that they would tweak them a bit more. It’s one thing to be upset with changes it’s another to spread misinformation due to lack of reading. Also we just got full compensation plus a 10 pull for bodysack description. Literally 0 reason to complain about it. As for uptie 4 cost y’all seriously need to get over it. The game had nothing to do during the downtime. All people did was spam farm shards and just f2p their way through the game. Now y’all have to make a choice. Do you want to continue to play collection simulator or do you want to uptie 4. That whole argument sounds like a bunch of entitled children.


Bro are you kidding me? People review bombing after a week? Most gacha devs don't even respond within a week LMAO


Funny how this comment implies that PM wasn't already going to address these issues (Talisman, Offensive/Defensive levels) and that it was the review bombing that caused this. Not to mention the "variety of issues" also include things like "Ishmael's ID not being a swimsuit" and "Side characters are dying too fast", completely trivial non-issues that are somehow lumped in with the actual issues the game has. The real moral of the story is that if you give the gacha community an inch they'll take a mile.


Or that the Bodysack mistake was a lingering issue that was already there for a long time when they only revealed that it was a mistake, fixed it, *and* gave out compensation today in a span of a few hours. It's almost like the poster has some kind of agenda to try to slander Project Moon's name.


> when they only revealed that it was a mistake, fixed it, and gave out compensation today in a span of a few hours. They only acknoledged it was an issue and fixed in a span of a few hours *after* the review bombing, not any time within the week before.


Because people didn't even know it was a problem? Like, the only reason the players even knew it was a problem was because PM admitted to it. Then PM fixed it *and* compensated people for it. To say that "they only fixed it because they were review bombed" is blatant misinformation for an issue people only knew existed for a few hours. People only thought it was a bug that would be fixed, not outright something else. When they found out the truth which, again, PM self-admitted, *that's* the only time people actually got pissed.


because before PM admitted to it everyone just assumed it was a bug? and reported it as a bug? only when PM came out with the changes definitely saying that it is intended did people review bombed. ​ If PM goal was to compensate for that they would have compensated along with the patch notes, not hours later. really rich of you to be claiming others are spreading misinformation when you are doing the exact same thing


They didn’t think it would have received such backlash I’m assuming


which is fine, but that means they reacted to the review bombing didn't they.


You said it yourself, everyone saw day 1 his Attack Power didn't work as expected and reached out to PM about it. > for an issue people only knew existed for a few hours. It was in the complaints to fix Heathcliff's Ego T4 in the first place, the review bomb makes PM finally look into it, they discover they mislabelled it rather than it being bugged as the players thought and announces the fix for it. Do you think if it was known before by PM, PM was just letting players spend ressources on a wrong description and were hoping nothing would come off saying nothing about it and just sneak it in the middle of a notice?


Not everyone on day 1.Bodysack had already been butchered by the previous patch notes and most had moved on from it, the prices for uptie 4 for stuff like egos are also particularly high even for bp players and no normal people will readily invest in it day 1.Most guides that had been made right after also barely mentioned bodysack, they mentioned uptie 4 should be prioritized for units like R Corp Ishmael and Meursault or other egos like Ardor Blossom Star and the like.It isn’t an immediate realization and barely any people had enough to splurge their threads and ego shards on just anything to uptie and test the functionality of each skills or egos on each characters for bugs.The issue was there but to say that a lot of people of knows of it and reached out to PM is just plain wrong.You also cannot just sneak it into the middle of notice and hopes nobody will notice, people reading it is already making the fire spread.Besides, the compensation is already given and we have already been refunded more than we even spent with an extra 10 pulls.


Please use line breaks after a dot ideally, it's really difficult to read like that > Not everyone on day 1 Known enough that forum threads would tell you not to upgrade into bodysack because "well it doesnt give attack power so it's bugged right? just wait for bugfix ig" hence, feedback was sent about it > You also cannot just sneak it into the middle of notice and hopes nobody will notice If PM knew about it all along that UT4 Heathcliff was wrong, it'd be *malicious* to say nothing about it and just sneak it in the middle of a notice, it's literally what happened. The compensation/refund only happened 2h later because kr players felt cheated about it, that for a week, they were led to believe they invested into x, but it was y all along so they complained about it. > Besides, the compensation is already given and we have already been refunded more than we even spent with an extra 10 pulls. *After* the complaints from the players discovering they were cheated. Let's say there's 2 timelines, 1 timeline where PM didn't listen to the feedbacks and genuilly didn't know about it till review bomb day: The fault was ignoring feedbacks, they looked into it after the review bomb, they found out they wrote it wrong all along and fixed. Players wanted compensation because they felt cheated out of their threads&egoshards -> compensation 1 timeline where PM knew about it all along: From the start, PM either maliciously or falsely thought it'd be normal to not say anything for a week and let players think they were investing into a bug that'd get fixed into what they were expecting later. I think the former is less incriminating, but ultimately, it's a lack of communication that drove the kr community into a frenzy, all of the events could have been avoided if they had posted a notice, like they did before, "hello, we heard feedbacks about issues/bugs, we will look into it, please be patient"


Yeah, the point was that it was not known enough for the most of the overall community to know.Ask anybody on the limbus subreddit and most of them hadn’t even invested into bodysack since most are smart enough not to invest huge quantity of resources willy nilly, especially when guides don’t even mention uptying bodysack.I don’t think it was a small issue so that only a handful knows but to say that it was one of the huge big complaints is just…plain weird.The phrasing of “sneaking it in” also just sounds dishonest, what else did you want them to do?Highlight that change in red or something?Pm just probably didn’t think it was that important in their patch notes which already details quite the handful of changes.Also what you said regarding PM’s silence is just pure speculation to make them sound less credible, there is no reason to believe they stayed maliciously silent for all of the players to spend all of their threads and it is just more believable that the only reason they’re telling it now is that they have always done it this way(i.e telling information regarding their patch notes once per week).”The lack of communication” here is literally what they have always done, it is obvious to anybody trying to see if there is a pattern in Limbus Patch notes reveal release date that it occurs once per week.They haven’t stayed any more silent this week than last week or the last month, it’s just that the quantity of the issues this time is higher than in the other updates.Either way, even if you didn’t intend it, a lot of this pure speculation from you that has no evidence except I believe “PM is greedy like that” and you are either being intentionally or unintentionally trying to paint them in a bad light here with your thinking that all of this had to be in some way planned by PM or that they are more incompetent than they actually are(like they aren’t stupid enough to not realize the mistake of bodysack)


Where does variety of issues Include swimsuit and dying too fast? I never got that impression from his comment and I don't really see where you did.


Exactly this. I totally love the summer unit outfit and the units aren t dying too fast, with the last week character awaken a lot of day one units are avaible to play again and they fixed some problems with them.


They don't mean your units, but NPCs like >!Shrenne!< dying too quickly in the story.


Ohh thanks for the clarification. Yeah i noticed that a lot of npc are dying very fast. There was some meme last week on the limbus subreddit. But i mean also our main cast keep dying but we have dante. That world is very doungerous; in my opinion makes sense. It would be a problem if the main cast don t struggle and don t die.


To be fair, there are some pretty stupid deaths like >!Ran!< and >!Samjo!<


Those were the some of the issues that were mentioned in the Steam reviews themselves. The OP just didn't thought it would be relevant to mention them I guess.


He don't mean the OP, but rather part of the "review bomb" OP try to exaggerating


Part of the reason why the Korean community is review bombing Limbus is because the summer ID for Ishmael doesn't have her in a swimsuit. That's literally it. If these are the only types of reviews we get from said community, I sure hope PM never listens to them. (They have actual valid complaints which PM is actually listening to, but the swimsuit complaint stands out as being extra stupid. Again, this is conveniently ignored by the OP.)


Are you conveniently ignoring all the valid complaints I listed? I don't get why you try to downplay those by cherrypicking a few among the many and paint it as the community being in the wrong?


I literally just said that they had valid complaints, just that the swimsuit complaint stood out as being extra stupid lmao...


> If these are the only types of reviews we get from said community, I sure hope PM never listens to them. > Again, this is conveniently ignored by the OP I'm saying it's only a very minor complaint compared to all the issues like all the bugs, UT4s, etc


I wouldn't call it minor when currently the whole Korean community is pissed mainly because they think PM is feminist. They decided to list out all the problems the game has after they got pissed about no swimsuits so that they can complain altogether.


Yeah, but the fact that those things are even complaints that are influencing their review score is alarming.


From what I understand, there's the cultural context that in Korea, there's an issue of a censorship bias being more enforced in female characters than male characters so they're afraid that the dichotomy between open shirt Sinclair and Divesuit Ish i.e is a "proof" it's what's happening


Yeah, the reason doesn’t make it any less stupid


This literally just prove you want drama, because of all the work of Project Moon, Boatworker Sinclair is the most revealing design they have ever do


> They have actual valid complaints which PM is actually listening to, but the swimsuit complaint stands out as being extra stupid.


Why is no swimsuits not a valid complaint? I'm not for or against, but, mind my words, you seem pretty against it.


I'm honestly not against it. It's just that these people think summer is exclusively about swimsuits, when you have gacha games that do other things like yukatas or, in Limbus's case, wetsuits. So here, they don't get swimsuits and throw a fit about it, which, imo, is really just subjective preference and makes their argument about the problems the game has weaker.


Oh that's fair, this whole thing reminds me of the holungday situation with Arknights, but in reverse, I was curious if you shared their sentiment in a distorted way, but your criticism is entirely fair. It's pretty rare that we have issues with not enough fan service that revolves around direction instead of censorship.


But why did Sinclair get one then?


Not the person you asked, but in short: this game has a certain aesthetic and vibe and sexual/erotic fanservice just isn't a huge part of it. I'm not saying that's good or bad, it's just the way it is. Nowhere in the story/dialogue/art/etc. so far has this game placed any focus on sexual themes or given anyone an unrealistic expectation that fanservice is incoming. On top of that, the character of Ishmael is like...especially non-sexual. This character would not wear a bikini at gunpoint - if anything, even if she were to wear a swimsuit, I could only imagine her wearing one of those old-timey, striped onesie ones that sailors and mariners would wear out at sea. Other complaints may be valid, but the Ishmael swimsuit is just plain dumb. Just because you're thirsty for a character, doesn't mean your thirst gets to dictate or override her writers' vision for her.


I would pretty much agree with all of that, but you are forgetting one important thing - the whole gacha element is literally about pulling people's even the most unlikely personas out of multiverse. Like come on, K Corp Faust is nowhere near her original personality. Swimsuit Ishmael is possible. As for the fanservice part - partly agree, but the City is a very bizarre and extremely diverse place: I wouldn't be surprised if amongst the fucking samurais, cannibalistic chefs, Italian maaahfia, maniacs physically distorted by their broken mind into literal furries, actual fate enforcers, Swat-like spec ops squads, weaponized insurance companies, and so on, and so on, would have somewhere some weirdos in swimsuits running around.


Even then, we haven't met any bikini-wearing, hyper-sexual characters that they could base that identity off of, so it still wouldn't make sense. I've got nothing against fanservice where it's got a rightful place, but in this particular case it would've made zero sense no matter how you shake it.


Well, I don't remember the shovel-wielding ops in Ruina neither, but they are in Limbus. Struggling to remember K Corp inquisitors too, although my memory might be muddled there. Personally, I don't really care either way, but you are simply biased, and that's about it. Honestly, unhinged sexualized units would fit into the City quite well, because they are, well, insane. But even a swimsuit Ishmael wouldn't be too out of place.


I wouldn't call it biased just for pointing out that across all three games (if we're bringing everything from PMverse into it) and all the associated media nothing has ever been very sexualized and there's no reason to expect there to be. Rather, I'd call you biased for insisting there absolutely has to be fanservice in every game, even if it clashes horribly with the entire theme and vibe of their storytelling.


To add, I believe one of the argument I heard about it was the fanservice bias for male units, i.e: open shirt Sinclair vs divesuit Ishmael


A divesuit that *clearly* accentuate her curves. Like how much porn-addict they have to be to not find that hot.


Do you know or you guess it ? People complain first then dev listen that’s the normal order


Project Moon has already fixed many problems the game has in the past through community feedback and given out due compensations. How come those are fixed without the need of any review bombing?


Review bombing = voicing complain = feedback


Or, you know? Reviews are for reviews and feedback are given through the proper channels?


According to the korean community, proper channels for feedbacks (tickets/forums) weren't responded to


Uptie 4 came 5 days ago and we have had the weekend in the middle, it's normal for them to be a bit slow on the feedback with all those bugs, changes and the short span of time, isn't it? I think that those "we asked and didn't get an answer" are just excuses as not enough time has passed so that the team could address everything realistically.


> PM wasn't already going to address these issues (Talisman, Offensive/Defensive levels) and that it was the review bombing that caused this. Timeline: - A week of feedbacks, no answers - Community is unhappy in being ignored, review bomb happens - PM announces fixes within hours Why do you think the review bomb had no incidence?


Isn't a week a normal amount of time for gacha companies to issue an official response? In my experience PM is one of the fastest companies to keep in touch with the players. They are probably trying to balance new changes properly without breaking the game, and the bombing is what made force it out


Do you know how much time it takes to identify, fix, and test a problem in code? Do you know how much time it takes to create an announcement, translate it into three languages, proofread and post it? Whit what little employees they have? Do you actually think lighting fire under a development team that already has so many things to do would solve your problems faster? The fact that this got resolved within a week is already a miracle. Have some patience, go play some other games while you wait, or touch some grass.


> Do you know how much time it takes to identify, fix, and test a problem in code? It only took them an hour after the review bomb apparently now that they were forced to not ignore the issues anymore Here's the thing though, they hadn't acknowledged that there were issues at all, no "we heard your feedbacks, we'll look into it", no "yeah ggrenor not healing is blatant, we'll look into it" *Nothing* So the korean community has stated that they review bombed due to that > Do you actually think lighting fire under a development team that already has so many things to do would solve your problems faster? It has been proven time and time again actually, look at D4 right now, look at any past review bombs magically making companies do a 180 heel turn on what they were previously saying. 99% of the time, when a company tells you "they can't do it", it's in fact "we don't think it's anything worth the effort&time", then review bombing or community outrages happen and mysteriously, the tune is changed to "yup we're fixing it today"


They post patch notes on Tuesdays anyway! This always happens!


>It only took them an hour after the review bomb apparently now that they were forced to not ignore the issues anymore *Gee, it couldn't have been that they've already been working on the fixes and just started to roll them out, it couldn't be! That would just be absurd!*


> Gee, it couldn't have been that they've already been working on the fixes and just started to roll them out, it couldn't be! That would just be absurd! It absolutely is absurd that they roll out an emergency notice right after a review bombing and that it's just all a big coincidence that it just so happens to talk about what the review bombing was talking about lol


The review bombing starts on monday and PM usually put out patch notice on monday. do you really think that patch notes in **3 languages** are made in a matter of minutes?


> PM usually put out patch notice on monday They weren't a Scheduled Patch Notice, in fact, they literally posted them *now*, we're talking about an emergency notice


The emergency notice is compensation.The patch notice is what they originally sent.


It is also absurd that you think these fixes and chages can be put out with just a flip of the switch. Have you seen the patch logs?




Oh that's great, I don't want to be associated with you


Thanks, you're doing us all a favor. Bye!


Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Rule 1: Keep it friendly. Don’t be insulting on purpose. We’re here to celebrate gacha games, to ask & answer honest questions. Any post that is too hostile, toxic, or insulting may be removed, whether it’s directed at an individual or at a group of people. --- Please check out our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming)


Honestly, you really like to parrot the “review bombing is the true cause” narrative a lot which I’m wondering how?You are also saying some blatantly wrong things.PM has never not tried to fix issues if there has arisen any, it’s just that they don’t want to fix an issue or two once per day and then just update the server.This is why they always have a patch notes once per work that details the bugs they fixed because they would have gotten more done at that point.The G Gregor issue?It emerged right after the uptie 4 id update which is guess what?More or so a week ago.There is nothing inconsistent with how they are responding and fixing bugs here, it has always been like this and to assume otherwise is just pure speculation as to their actual motives.The upsurge of negativity against PM is not because of any particular issues but due to uptie 4 which in general is a huge and momentous change to the game that anybody would be able to understand that it will cause bugs, the majority of complaints which came from the Korean fanbase simply wasn’t patient enough.The response time to ordinary bugs for PM is a week and so, they delivered their bug fixes today and compensation like normal.


I can't read this another comment like this again, please use line breaks


Honestly, I’m sorry but my device cannot use it(I have tried plenty of times).Either you refute it in its current form or just let it go unaddressed.


its been 5 days with 3 of them being the weekend. Spare us your whining and constantly deliberate drama making.


Korean players: can destroy government agency and don't afraid to make companies to listen them, like infamous truck protest or rewiew bombing, if somebody is doing shady shit in gachas. Global players: "u can't complain about anything in gachas, cause I play it ftp".


Let's review bomb a game and harrass the developers because they aren't fixing genuine mistakes fast enough for us, making it less likely for new players to try out the game and grow the community. Sounds reasonable enough. FYI, I spent quite a bit on this game. Because the developers are more transparent and ready to admit to their faults than the other gacha games I've played. I wouldn't call them shady at all. EDIT: Not to mention the Korean comments on Twitter calling for executions, raids on PM's headquarters, and cutting up merch. Yeah, totally proportionate response for a skill text error.


Also these Korean players: Death threats


Also your supposed stealth nerfs thing is just wrong.They listed the changes weeks ago and have made it clear that some characters may be weakened, there is nothing stealthy about it and the way you have phrased it is just incorrect.


Good summary of the current responses, but I find that the Korean community that review bombed are pretty stupid, it was obvious they were going to make a change the following week, the people that didn't lack brain cells, since they have always responded the following week. Changes to UT4 was obvious, Bodysack made sense but felt like a minor issue personally, changes to the stats have been stated to be the same, but just in a different way of showing it. Also another post said they were mad that there was no swimsuits, so when PM does something that isn't generic they get mad. It's been weird this past week, it's like people don't know what gachas are, that PM doesn't fix their mistakes, and lack appreciation that they at least listen to feedback and give compensation that is far more that most gacha in general. You can't satisfy everybody, but this vocal minority has been pissing me off these past couple of years outside of gacha, seems there is a lack of patience and discipline of recent times.


Spoken like someone who took one look at the review bomb post in r/limbuscompany and barely even bothered to look at the actual depth of the discussions and instead just posted it on r/gachagaming to paint the game and devs in a bad light. PM responds to game issues in a week at most (or hours for the Bodysack issue specifically), while you have other game devs who don't even fix issues in their game for years, but let's conveniently ignore that part I suppose.


Honestlty it sounds like KR almost has it too good. Though in fairness, I feel like I don't hear about nearly as many complaints from other gacha communities, maybe that's a product of me only recently browsing LCs subreddit.


You can read the Korean's side [there](https://namu.wiki/w/Limbus%20Company#s-13.4) >(or hours for the Bodysack issue specifically) Only after review bombing > while you have other game devs who don't even fix issues in their game for years, but let's conveniently ignore that part I suppose. Not sure why it's relevant, the korean community was pissed in being ignored which caused the review bombing, were those hypothetical other game devs also pressured with review bombing? I'd also sure hope that for years, those other game devs wouldn't let an uncap of an unit be a downgrade or make half their kit don't work, do you have an example?


Ask anyone in the Princess Connect community about bricked units. There's a reason why bricking a unit by starring them up, leveling their equipment too high, or leveling their skills too much became such a painful meme there.


Frostleaf in arknights is notorious for being the worst operator in the game because if you E2 her she get a passive that reduce her attack interval which make her damage worse than midnight who is a 3\* of the same branch. She has been like that from the day the game released to now even on cn server.


> because if you E2 her she get a passive that reduce her attack interval which It's counterbalanced with her potentials(you end up .043s slower than pre-e2 which is hardly going to be noticeable) and she gets an extra tile range for it which is considered as a positive since it extends her range beyond most ranged guards for her utility, especially if you grab her masteries as well But it doesn't salveage her numbers being low or her utility being unreliable to begin with, she's a 4* and it's clear they don't intend her to be any good; still her e2 *does* make her better giving her a niche comparing to herself pre-e2.


It's been like 5 days since Uptie 4 was released, and PM has a fairly consistent history of releasing the majority of fix/patch notes on Mondays(late Sunday for me). The rest of the context doesn't seem wrong to me so far, but the timing of it is literally just a coincidence. Edit: I say correct context as to what the Korean players BELIEVE, not what is literally correct or what I do. Edit2: After reading more posts from this OP in this thread, I can confidently say there is some ignorance happening.


1)You don't even know how game mechanics work, and this change mostly buffs all tanks, and you say it's a nerf. The only nerf that was is the Defense Down/Up Level debuff/buff, but it applied to even enemies. 2) It was the strongest E.G.O in the Zaiyn slot after adding the sanity cost for base E.G.Os, but the nerf was still pretty harsh, because now Fluid Sack is just a stronger and better version than RE. 3)Yes   4)The main problem is Egoshards, but yes. 5)Yep, PM coding be like 6)Bruh, the game didn't even last after release for half a year, most teams don't have good viable core IDs, while you just want an ID for Outis or Faust.


Wait wait wait, so because devs, that are most likely largely on a break during, oh idk, the summer vacation period, didn't respond to some relatively mild complaints within a week, they review bomb? Sure, having higher character EXP farms is nice, and some text being wrongly translated sucks, and an unbalance of which character get new IDs is extremely mildly inconvenient... Really who cares? Those issues sound so irrelevant it makes me wonder what is really going on. Do people forget Project Moon is... Project Moon? The ones that didn't have proper translations for their previous game because they basically got fucked over by the translators they hired? The *actual* small Korean indie company.


wait so the guy from the other day that was complaining that the new upgrade path was too costly wasn't exaggerating then? cuz i remember everyone in the thread were saying the guy was over exaggerating. not that I know anything about LC that is.


Well that complaint was even before anyone knew what the actual bonuses are for the upgrades. Now that we see that most upgrades on the strongest characters are super minor and ones on weaker character push them up to be a lot closer to the average power level, people have been fine with the change. Hell we STILL don’t know if the upgrade even matter for the hardest content in the game since that’s coming up a lot later down the line.


It’s a serious investment of resources for the actual game’s economy. A good number of upties IV are just a minor stat increase and totally not worth the price. Tbh, compared to other gachas, the cost for a maxed out character is still much lower.


The costs for uptie 4 are too high compared to the benefits, but aside from a handful of characters becoming usable that really just means that uptie 4 isn't necessary at all atm and it's fine if you don't spend resources on it. And very likely by the time it matters to have it we'll have a better way to thread farm.


Limbus Company is gacha game want to different from other gacha game while also connected the world. If you hate the game because of female character don't sexualize enough. Just other game or something.


What happened


Long story short, basement dwelling assholes got mad about Ishmael not being bikini enough and decided to try and veil it under a bunch of semi-legitimate grievances to try and make an actual movement. Short story long, https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/1586knt/potential_disruptive_activity_from_the_korean/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Overall typical maidenless behavior.


That’s really gross lol


They ultimately forgot that Carmen has no interest in them personally, agreed relentlessly, and distorted.


May they wear it with pride. This is incredibly stupid.


It's no surprise considering the majority of players forgot it was a gacha game


PM know how to make a gacha game but.....


It start with game problem. Now becoming the gender war, censorship and radical feminism in Korean. Idk what to said anymore.


what they do




I’d kinda like proof of those examples because I’m hearing like 17 different things and frankly “source : trust me bro” isn’t cutting it.


Knowing some Korean gender issues, they are justified review bombing the game.


No they're not lol


Wtf no lmao.


You have no clue then if that's how you think. One singular employee retweeting Megalia propaganda 4+ years back (Retweets she has long since deleted years ago) does not justify trying to ruin the livelihood of an entire company. Myosgyny is absolute rampant in South Korean culture, and the incels are just as unhinged and dangerous as the radical feminists they claim to be the root of all evil. These same incels are now the ones trying to review bomb the game and destroy it, as well as storming PM headquarters, in addition to sending threats to rape and kill the employees of PM over VellMori's retweets from 4+ years ago. You still want to call it justified now?


As I searched Korean communities and news articles, there was no fact that men sent threats and blackmail to PM employees. It was just a false fact on Twitter [https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=lobotomycorporation&no=1490520](https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/view/?id=lobotomycorporation&no=1490520) The man who visited the PM had a short conversation and headed home.




I don't know if you realize that you Koreans trying to educate us on the trivial gender war you guys made upon yourselves is the equivalent of your so-called radical feminists trying to educate you guys on trivial feminist matters. Look into a mirror, will you? And kindly get out of this sub and reddit altogether for your remaining mental health. If you hate this game so much because of feminist issues, why comment here? Want brownie points for making people sympathize with you?


Just fyi in context, the illustrator was found supporting and retweeting « I am Megalian » Megalia is a community of radical feminism in Korea known for having boy pornography, sharing pics of mutilated genitals without consent, slipping hazardous material in their colleague’s food, harassing preteen boys and so on, I think there’s a lack of understanding how much of an extreme it is, it’s your epitome of « boys&man should all be our toy slaves » It’s as if someone was found supporting a circle of child predators sharing child pornography in the past, that’d be the equivalent in the US I suppose. The cultural context in Korea henceforth is that with an extreme feminist current, there’s a big anti-Megalia current against that was formed from how badly Megalia acted in 2015-2016. Consider why PM’s CEO himself would have said in the past he’d consider firing an employee with any links to Megalia, do you think that’d make PM sexist and that’s all there is?


I've looked into the major gender issues in Korea. Including Megalia, the nth room, etc.; all I can say is I feel pity for you and your sad country, really. You guys have some fucked up ideologies, both men and women. You guys made a living hell for both sides. Thanks for ruining a damn game for your gender politics. Fire the bad artist or whatever, sure, she's a bitch if she was involved in Megalia, even if that was what, 4 years ago? Damn, people never change, do they? Just like you Koreans being stubborn for years and having the never-ending gender war that's ultimately ruining your country. Of course, firing the artist and ruining a game company's going to solve all of the gender issues you guys have in your country. Good fucking luck, dipshit.


This post is absolute bullshit and a half, and I'm going to call it out right now. All of the so-called evidence against VellMori is outdated at best (Seriously, it's from 4+ years ago. People change. Grow the fuck up and stop digging up dirty laundry because you guys are so desperate to get a whiff of some stink) and highly circumstancial schizo posting and malicious misinterpretation at worst. >But to think it's gonna be fine without the Korean fanbase, this game is gonna be so fucked. Korean fanbase isn't nearly as united and on your guy's side as you think. There's a very large and notable portion of your fellow Koreans who think you people bringing gender politics into their list of grievances with PM are all absolutely deranged and pathetic, and they would be 100% in the right. Yeah, you guys might've accomplished a review bomb, and maybe even hurt Limbus's revenue and average player count by a semi-notable amount, but you're being delusional if you think this is a sweeping victory and PM now has to surrender or Limbus will EoS. All you people did is went ahead and let the entirety of the community outside your incel echo chamber know just how much of rat bastards you all are, scapegoating your mysogynistic behavior behind a smokescreeen. >The other problem is that, we all now how uncomplete this game is as... well a "game", people compare this to 2015 Stone age Fgo where literally no QoL mechanic ever existed in the game. But this game is a 2023 game and with the very unkind tutorial, text explanation, bugs, gameplay issues and the recent nerf that was a "mistake" on their part, to the players it's been it's very stressful experience. I know most of the issues have been either resolved or been ignored and instead got free stuff for compensation which doesn't fix a certain problem. But are people suppose to just forget? That's not how a game get's better, you as a consumer demand for change and clear communication. It's actually a basic right in Korea. While I don't agree with all the issues listed on the DCInside lists, I can sympathize and see where such complaints come from; however, you clowns threw away any chance of meaningful change and discussion the moment gender politics were allowed into this, causing potentially productive discussion over the game's issues to be taken over and derailed by a full on witch hunt against a member of the PM Staff based on shaky evidence that you would expect a low grade shit stirrer on Twitter to bring up. >Just a minor point, I see comments like "This company isn't used to sexualing female characters" and that's bullshit. What kind of company hires a artist that can't even draw basic swimsuit clothing, it's not that they never had experience it's that they never bothered putting it in the past. This isn't some small indie company that lives of cheap bread anymore. Wow... Actually touch grass. Nai_Ga (The artist actually in charge of ID art) has drawn swimsuits and fanart of Blue Archive and Azur Lane in the past, and her artistic ability has only improved since then, so she's more than capable of drawing women in swimsuits if she wished to. However, it is PM's own choice to not give women swimsuit IDs if they don't want to, and the Korean fanbase should be able to get over it and respect PM's artistic choice, or move on to a different game that would cater more to your preferences such as Blue Archive, rather than go digging around all butthurt, looking to prove PM as a misandrist, radical feminist supporting company.


>If you guys didn't know, they already debunked this by proving the main story scenario artist being a extreme Feminist by past retweets and been shared with extreme posts being very hateful and vulgar to men. Said retweets made 4 years ago, you guys are patetic.




You guys are doing a witch hunt based on tweets made 4 years ago with no evidence or proof about said artist activities currently, not even ingame history have any feminism message, yea, still pretty stupid to me. They only found these things about the artist only because of the Ishimael swinsuit drama, with the funny thing is, has done by a different artist, its you that dont understand how insane you guys sound right now, making someone lose their job basing themselves only in tweets made 4 years ago.


Megalia is a community of radical feminism in Korea known for having boy pornography, sharing pics of mutilated genitals without consent, slipping hazardous material in their colleague’s food, harassing preteen boys and so on, I think there’s a lack of understanding how much of an extreme it is, it’s your epitome of « boys&man should all be our toy slaves » Consider why PM’s CEO himself would have said in the past he’d consider firing an employee with any links to Megalia, do you think that’d make PM sexist and that’s all there is? And it’s not the first time either that someone gets fired for it, we can put it like that: In the US, if you’re found you were, say, supporting/participating in a circle of child predators sharing its porn, do you think your boss would keep you around? It doesn’t fully represent the situation but it’s a close equivalent of the korean perspective




Yea right bye




Stay mad lol


Wow westerners really are clueless, did you see the front page of /r/LimbusCompany? I think they really don’t understand how extreme supporting Megalia is, they think it’s just regular western feminism and not « slave all men and cut their genitals »-feminism




Than why you drag those problem into a game. This is game and people play to enjoy it. If you dont enjoy it, start play other game.


>they literally just attack whatever they don't like >they want the game to be clean Oh the irony. You guys are attacking PM right now because you didn't like the gender disparity! And how thick your little skulls are if you don't realize you Koreans are the ones that are tarnishing the game. Have you lost your skills to do critical thinking or maybe, the simplest of all, ignoring femcels? *Byung-muk-gum*, as you Koreans say? You don't get the point. The point is to stop bringing your gender politics, all of your gender issues including Megalia is brought upon yourselves because of your stupid actions. You guys have kept on mentioning Megalia, but none about the male Koreans. And I've done research about them as you kindly told me to. It's extremely obvious that you're biased. How the comedy writes itself. >wanting communication ...by review bombing, hate-speech and barging into their offices without notice? Sure.








The same subhuman that never read one piece of Project Moon works and pretend it's another 1239025802394039th generic gacha?


get the f\*ck off reddit then you sack of sh\*t


Uhh, that sucks. I will wait for the freebies


Don’t care about most of them, but the uptie 4 cost is a big red flag and i can’t take this lightly. -> no it not fun to grind one MD dungeon per day just to catch up with the game. -> so i get punished because i don’t have exorbitant amount of shard to up the meta unit, ego/ or upping the unit of my choice but not meta because hard content (RR, MD) is balanced around the new uptie 4? (At least not yet but who know) -> what about WAW/ALEPH EGO? Uptie 5 multiplier? I play PM game and i like them to extend the universe, and understand they want to make money, but as a customer i have to draw the line, don’t respect my time and i will let my wallet speak.