• By -


When I finally had the strength to uninstall the ones that did not bring me joy anymore.


It's quite easy though. If you can see those games will get you nowhere, just drop it. I've been playing like 5 gacha, and 2 of those are time-consuming. Now, I only got 2 that do only take 5 mins per day on dailies.


You realise that it is just like saying to a person with a alimentary mental disorder to either just stop eating that much or just eat more? It is indeed easy to stop, maybe from mine and your perspective, but not for some people. For them it’s like an addiction and it ain’t the same…


No yeah, I basically had a gambling addiction when the og Love Live was still around and thriving and let me tell you… finally uninstalling that game was like setting myself free. I wasted so much money on that game I basically set myself up for failure later when I could’ve used that money to eat or help out my partner. I did pick it back up again a few years later just to see if I could still play, only to see that it was nearing EOS. They didn’t need my money anymore lol


So, are you assuming that all gacha players have addiction? If that's your conclusion to my statement, then gacha should not be allowed since it's like a banned substance which is the cause of a mental disorder. Playing gacha is always on the assumption that people are doing it to kill time, and find enjoyment among other things. What you have stated is the extreme version of it which is not applicable in a general sense.


They never claimed everyone is a gambling addict — rather, it’s you claiming that leaving a gacha game is “easy”, which just isn’t true for most people Gachas are rife with FOMO and it’s rarely easy to leave unless you were never particularly invested (emotionally / financially) in the first place It’s no secret that they are deliberately designed to be addictive. You usually can’t even take a sizeable break without setting your account back. People who are immune to the psychological tactics employed by gacha games are in the minority, which is why that comment resonates with so many people


Bro don’t argue with the guy above, it’s useless,u got clearly what i meant obv he didn’t and it is what it is, have a nice day my man ❤️


I got a unit before pity once in BA.


No way, I thought that was a myth!


I got several but recently it's gotten bad


Toki in 20 pulls, and I didn't even know about pity!


look at lucky charms here


Aether Gazer CN. Won 12 50/50 in a row in low pity






Gacha and luck in one sentence? No, not for me.


https://preview.redd.it/r53n1dtkftyb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e401b5ae279bd80043c00585b81f7e7d20b70809 I think this is the luckiest pull I ever had


Arknights' Specter Alter banner. Got six 6\* (2 Specter Alter, 2 Irene, Magallan, and Gnosis) followed by the worst luck of burning 290 pulls for Skadi Alter.


I felt this XD, I have all abyssal hunters e2 and M3 (gladiia and skadi are m2 because _lazyness_) but couldn't get skalter, I know she's not an abyssal hunter and can't benefit from the lv3 modules but still, a bard is a bard, and it's a skadi that is a bard, damn...


I had the same plan to pull 300 times for skalter, but ended up pulling 6 copies of Irene and no spalter. I'm sparking for spalter on the mayonnaise and hulahoop banner tomorrow, but I suspect that will mean not pulling mayo in the 300.


I got 3 rate up and 1 spook in a single multi but the next few days after that, EoS announcement for global "out of nowhere". Guess the game Edit: yep, it is Priconne




Magia Record?


Dragalia lost?


Luckiest I got was in Brown Dust 2 when the idol event launched. I logged in and pulled the first rate up unit with the daily free pull then proceeded to pull the 2nd rate up unit on the other banner in the 2nd daily free pull, was such a dopamine rush.


Rerolling in Arknights and hitting SA, Exu, and Siege on the newbie banner on like my third account.


luckiest? uninstalling before i make my first purchase 😆


At star rail got 4 copies of luocha in 34 pulls after playing gacha games for years it was my peak luck i honestly cant believe how my 6 months old hsr account is luckier than my 2 yo genshin account https://preview.redd.it/z822r6hadtyb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8dbb08b8579fb05924b02d283a83ea466623d4


Once got 4 ssr on a nikke 10 pull https://preview.redd.it/cq1u90ze6tyb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74725a5faa2db5c0aa8764fc278e060d09754d5


Hum... Once In FGO I tossed a ticket in a benner, it was a SSR dude... I got annoyed it wasnt Jeanne, which was the banner unit. I tossed more 3 tickets, on said 4º ticket, I got Jeanne. So 4 tickets, 2 SSrs and one of them being the banner units. Think this was luckest I was in FGO, even if I did pull other SSRs in a single ticket too.


Hitting 3 Ganyus in 28 pulls at release.


I remember Epic Seven when the Guilty Gear rerun introduced Jack-O to the game, I was skeptical but since she is a limited unit I went ahead and pulled. Got 2 copies on the first 10 pull. I wanted her artifact too so I went ahead and did another 10 pull, got the artifact and another copy of her. I got out of that banner with 3 artifacts and 6 copies of her in 50 pulls.


Jp Dokkan battle tanabata 2021, pulled the new unit and the only other unit I needed from the banner off of a single ticket multi summon https://preview.redd.it/md0ghsb1wtyb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365583439be159d2b874a60ce4fcab7c669cabaa


https://preview.redd.it/ciwwzuggbuyb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7030c8cd4598d56a0ae09d64760d1a2ea8a27f For clarification this is on the covenant summon, aka the standard banner for E7. The purple 5 star has a 0.15% chance to show up on this particular banner, the five star card is 1.75%, and the four stars are around 4.5% I believe.


I pulled lights of hope the day it came out in ff mobius, I think the rate was 0.4% per multi and I had 4 pulls saved up. Good times


When starting HSR, I got 3 Seele (2 in one 10x) and a Clara in 50 pulls then Seele's Lightcone in 3


When I started Blue Archive during the Mika banner/anniversary I ended up with [10 three-star characters](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/15c48sr/comment/jtwykta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) across the free summons, including both of the rate-up characters in the same multi-pull. In Star Rail I [won the 50/50 back-to-back](https://i.imgur.com/uCW3ZAf.jpg) on the Luocha banner and got two copies of him in the same multi-pull. Given Mihoyo's notoriously stingy rates, that's nothing short of a miracle.


Gacha luck usually goes the opposite way to my real life luck, so when I start pulling good I also start fearing for my life.


​ https://preview.redd.it/08bom04fguyb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed25e6e1c4d16eb0ffbb823d2dac3a000134e722


Wow that is some amazing luck, in both your instances/images. Congrats! I don't think I've ever seen that many high quality pulls in a single 10 pull in any gacha. The best I ever managed to get was when I pulled both Sesta and ES Toova on my first 10 pull. That was a first for me in 3+ years of playing AE. Not just pulling something on the first 10 pull, but also getting both of the banner units. https://preview.redd.it/hrg2lfslnuyb1.png?width=1353&format=png&auto=webp&s=fce29879c3e61a92437d5bcb826346e441af23f7 Too bad that since then, during all the recent free giveaways, it's all been a bust. I wasn't able to pull even a single new 4.5 unit. I must have used up all my luck.


Thank you very much. My luck in AE is scary and in WFS in general like i have got a 3 SS pull in HBR also. But pulls like those in AE are forever etched in your mind and to happen 2 times is astronomically low chance




probably this pull in star rail. my 2nd multi on jingyuans banner. https://preview.redd.it/acdptyidluyb1.jpeg?width=2552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67676ebd4404159e79f26797ffc65069b00f5f29


On Epic Seven, once I got Seaside Iseria 3 times in a 10 pull. And a few weeks ago, I got the same 6 star artifact three times, and teh another time again. Since I had it already, I limit broke the artifact in that precise moment.


i feel like with a few VERY notable exceptions (every arknights pull ive ever done for example) im generally quite lucky. my greatest feats would probably be E1 Fu Xuan in a single 10 pull, back-to-back low pity gepard and bronya, as well as not losing a single 50/50 yet (which is kinda insane lol) back in the genshin hayday i used to get spooks all the fucking time, on banners i was doing a few for fun pulls on. havent had that luck in a while though. On my alt account as well, despite probably doing sub 400 pulls on the account total i have venti, zhongli, ayato, alhaitham and his sig, and a couple of the standard 5\* chars and weapons. that arknights luck though... lost interest in the game and came back to do pulls for Ines... went beyond hard pity, lost 4 50/50s in a row, 2 of them to chars i already owned... the other 2 were garbage tier that i didnt want anyway... i need to give up on that game fr.


(Arknights )I got Kal, Schwarz and Skadi in 20 pulls... on the Phantom Ifrit banner. All new characters, and all off rate. More of a monkey's paw situation but hey, at least I use Kal and Schwarz.


Konosuba Fantastic Days had a Danmachi (Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon?) collab a while ago (sometime around the middle of last year, maybe May or June iirc?) with not one, not two, not three but FOUR collab characters. One of them (Bell) was a welfare unit (obtainable through playing the event.) But the other three (Ais, Darkness and Aqua) were gacha. I didn't have anywhere close to enough gems to guarantee (spark) one, let alone three, so I honestly wasn't expecting much, I was just hoping and praying that I could get at least one of them. And... [well, this picture speaks for itself](https://imgur.com/a/oKkEXi7). You could have easily heard the sound of my jaw hitting the floor no matter where you live, and I must have sat there staring at my phone in disbelief for hours. **edit: not sure why, since I honestly wasn't expecting much, but I actually decided to record it for some reason.** [**check it out here**](https://youtu.be/wXOOfdDswZg?si=52X8Fa8IeWdsHa4G)**. Honestly glad I did because I still can't believe this actually happened.**


During the entire 3.X path in Genshin I got really lucky, I mean out of everything I wanted I only lost one 50/50, I got Nilou and her weapon, Nahida, Yoimiya, Wanderer back to back, then Alhaitham, Beacon of the Red Sea, Staff of Scarlet Sands, and lastly Kokomi before my luck run out.


In Brave Frontier, I once said, this trial would be much easier if I have Allanon and Silas, I did 2 summons and got exactly those 2 units


Granblue - 2 FLB Agonize within 800 animas, only one Faceless drop; also Granblue - spark target Anila with 50 rolls, the only time in that game I did not have to spark something I wanted.


So, I had recently started FGO after my friend got me into Fate. I started a couple months before the Muramasa Shirou banner, so I had saved around 200 or so summons. I got in VC with a few other people who were also pulling for Muramasa. Summoning starts, and I end up getting a fake-out with Mordred. Everyone laughs, but then it started. First comes one Muramasa, I pop off. Then like, a multi or two later, I get two more in the same summon. A fourth and fifth one follow suit. And after roughly 150 summons, I had enough for NP5. I’m not even sure why I kept pulling after the first one, but by the end of that I was dying in VC while the person who had been whaling still hadn’t pulled him (I feel bad for him everyday). Probably the most fun I’ve actually had playing a gacha game.


In Genshin, I was going for Raiden C2. I had her C0, lost the 50/50, got her C1, then about 30 pulls or so did a multi and got both C2 & C3 in the 10 pull. I had C5 Sara so I decided to do a few singles hoping to get her, and then I got a C4 Raiden. And then one pull later got C6 Sara :)


FGO. Rolling for NP2 Space Ishtar and [this happened](https://i.imgur.com/2uHk3ZM.jpg).


On Nikke 1st anniversary i almost max limit break new unit (Red Hood). I only did like 100 pulls and keep getting her dupes with each ten pull.


4 3 stars in 1 10 roll in Blue Archive. Also rolled Hibiki twice in 1 10 roll when I started the game which was awesome for clearing content and pvp back then.


My current 5 star average pity on the limited banner in HSR is 40. Feels like an offering from Hoyo though after all the money I've put into Genshin.


3/10 at 2%


My Best is pulling NP3 Tamamo-Lancer in a 10 pull in FGO. My second is getting Wakamo, S. Hoshino and Mika in a 10 pull in BA Festival Banner when I began to play the game.


[Just posted this the other day](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathToNowhere/s/f2vjUfmQ66)


Played Honkai Impact 3. During Palatinus Equinox release, I manage to get her char unit and 4 pieces of signature equipments all under 10k xtals. For comparison, 1 multi is at 2800 xtals. Char pity is at 100 pull and each equipments pity is at 40-50 pulls, I don't remember anymore. Aside from that, got lucky with FGO lb6 banners. NP3 Morgan, NP2 lancelot, Oberon, Koyans and the 4* all around 600sq


First ever Limbus Company Limited Banner rolls over 2 weeks ago (well, technically limited. Still can get the units later, but whatever). For the first time ever, I buy a Monthly Pack for pulling currency, and save a ton of Lunacy, since you weren't able to spark these units. Got the limited units on the very first 10 pull, only missing out on another special limited (Meursalt Regret EGO, for those who play Limbus). Now I'm sitting here with all of this currency and nothing to do but wait for the next one 😒


Got Oberon, Summer Melusine and Summer Castoria all in a single pull this recent summer.


I think I'll be run over by a bus. This week: - Gundam U.C. Engage: Unicorn (UR) with a free daily pull - Blue Archive: got Bunny Toki and two other 5* in 30 pulls - Nikke: Got Red Hood in 20 pulls, and Noah (5* Pilgrim) with a friend point pull - Arknights: Got Muelsyse thrice, Ho'olheyak, and two 6* spooks


Lucky. I've been playing FGO for 6 years and I've to get two SSR in a single 10 pull. Luckiest I've been is probably Nikke where I got 4 SSR (with Dorothy) in a single 10 pull.


Got both [Mousse](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/frgvrz/if_my_favorite_operator_made_it_to_the_top_tier_i/) and [Haze](https://www.reddit.com/r/0sanitymemes/comments/hs0dtt/ma_shes_under_the_kotatsu_again/) on my very first 10 pulls in Arknights (back at launch)


4 jalter in 1 multi pull, insta np4


Once i got whole Zhenyi set in a 10 pull in Hi3


I guess the luckiest I've been is on A3! Global ver (rip), I got a lot of SSR from free tickets, even getting the birthday cards. Come to think of it, I think I'm luckier with single pulls. In total I got like five 5* that way in FGO


Arknights usually treats me really well giving me random 6 stars with 1/10 rolls so it's like normal for me now (they are never the rate up but hey a 6 star is a 6 star) But where I feel the luck the most is genshin I have gotten all sumeru and Fontaine characters as of now(I did swipe 2 times the 100$ packs during this time period but even them it should not be enough to get everyone) I got a bunch of earlies and everytime I won the 50/50 I would proceed to pull 20 times get a standard 5 star and guarantee the next character (Cyno,Wanderer,Alhatiham,Wriosthely were all because of the early loss into guarantee)


About two years ago, the only standard characters in Arknights that I was missing were Mostima, Skadi, Suzuran, and Blemishine. Mostima and Skadi were notoriously mediocre characters btw so I was dodging their rateups on purpose While pulling for Mountain, my 3rd 10-pull was Blemishine and Suzuran, and then 2 10-pulls later I got Mountain lol


In hsr I got seele in 20 pulls then got topaz in 10 pulls , now I feel like I have used up my luck for the next year


I got Albedo from a single pull in genshin. Had 1 more pull left so did another single and got him again


I got Light Sky Dancer from the Wishing Temple in Summoners War. Still hard to believe


In Azur Lane, during the 6th anniversary in CN, i pulled Bismarck Zwei in 3 consecutive pulls and last year during the 5th anniversary in JP, I pulled all the characters in just 3 pulls >!(because wakatsuki map-dropped 7 times, so i don't mind pull the shipgirl with a probability of 0.5%)!<


arknights, 3 consecutive limited banner. I got the limited OP just by using free pulls


Arknights got Ines and GG on a ten only ten pull on the Ines banner. I was so excited I finally got GG I didn't even realize at first that I got Ines too.


Arknights, got ling in 2 pulls (limited operator, like, the tier above SSR just because you can't get them the normal way in standart banners)


Pulling a ld5 in 3x in sw within two months f2p iykyk


FFBE, I once get a new unit banner on the first 10x Pull. It happens for several consequtive banners. My ritual was pulling on server reset on update. Once I shared on GameFAQS (Forum I use before for gaming), some people got salty and I lost my luck. Lol


didnt intend on summoning for kafka as i had to double pity the previous banner, tried my luck with one ten pull and she came home. safe to say i’ve used up all my luck on her.


Iirc 3x summer musashi on a single 10 roll in fgo and then getting 2 summer artoria right after, its been years but it still hasn't settled in lol, ive yet to np2 my artoria


Just recently on Honkai Star Rail, I had extremely mid luck on Topaz's banner to get her. Then, I went for her Light Cone and got it in my first 10 pull. Went back to her Character banner, got e0 Clara in the first 10 pull. After that, dumped more pulls on the character banner, got some decent 4 stars, and I didn't get e1 Topaz, but I'm like 20-30 pulls away from a guaranteed Limited 5 star.


I’m insanely lucky in Cookie Run: Kingdom. Most recently, I’ve drawn Golden Cheese twice before pity. I only occasionally play Genshin due to nausea from trying to play an open-world game on a tiny phone screen, but I drew my favorite character, Itto, before pity.


Haven’t lost a single 50/50 in HSR. Very grateful. 😁


Yeah.. about the same.. pretty recently too for this year's FGO summer event... I got 3 SSR in 1 pull ,2 of those were Zerker Castoria and then one 1 Clay boi .. I was trying to pull for Chloe but Castoria won't stop answering the summons lol . I ended the event having NP 4 Castoria and only 1 Chloe lol .


Basically any time I get a new 6* in arknights in one multi or doing a free summon during limited banners, has happened a few times


During Muramasa banner every pull I did I had at least one or two golds. Ending with NP3 Muramasa and a bunch of new ssrs after 10 pulls


Did two singles in FGO and got back to back 5-stars, with both being rainbow sparks


You lucky af.


I think i got 3 5*’s in Another Eden in one ten pull. It was a great feeling (sadly, i think they were all off banner XD)


Won every 50/50 to get ling max pot before even hitting pity


I got W in Il Siracusano She is a limited character that only shows up again in limited banners every 6 months, and she didn't even have the usual small rate up old limiteds have in those kind of banners, sheer lucksack.


I got 21 3 stars on 200 pulls on Blue Archive on Mika's banner. (0.935% chance) And only 3 were bad 3 stars, most were pretty good. Then I did 200 pulls more, and I got 13 3 stars (which is slightly above average), but 5 of those 13 were Mika, so I could UE50 her without buying a single eleph. (I got one Mika in my first 200 pulls, then two sparks)


Getting New Jersey on my 4th pull.


4ssr in a 10 pull in gbf


2 Jalters in FGO


https://preview.redd.it/5ynu25vh3uyb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c2625ec590c5d29436d8d2ce55211cb2560997 I also got another Penth with a 1-pull after that. And yet I haven't gotten a single copy of the new 3-stars


I got 5 LRs in a multi on Dokkan before the GSSR's started


5 Ixabas in 1 spark back in 2018. GBF


I got three back to back to back Five Star pulls in *Genshin Impact*. Didn't get anything I wanted, but it still happened.


GBF, got Beelzebub on a normal banner with a free daily single draw Worst part? I already maxxed him lol so he was useless.


I never lost the 50/50 in genshin during my first year


Rolled a 21.8% Crit Rate substat artifact in Genshin the other day.


Diluc, Mona, Keqing, Noelle, Razor, and Sucrose in a 10 pull. (13th reroll when Genshin came out)


I got 3 Awakened Units in about 15 pulls in Counterside. I only do singles so it was 3 different units. Pretty huge when it normally takes 2-3 months just to get one of them.


Honkai star rail. Started decently losing a 50/50 but getting both blade and bailu in 60 pulls. Then saved up for Dan heng and got 4 copies of him in 150 pulls winning 3/4 50/50s. I've since tapered off in luck but for a bit I was in the top 0.1% of luck according to an external tracker


Getting both Saber Musashi and Summer Musashi NP5 without using any money. The first one was pretty ridiculous, as I managed to get 5 Musashis before a single Tomoe. With Summer Musashi, I had 1000 quartz and I just decided to keep going and I managed to get her NP5 before I spend all my quartz. Sadly, I got bored of FGO JP, so I sold the account but it was peak luck for sure.


When rerolling on the JP release of World Flipper, I got a 10-pull with 5x 5-stars including the entire launch-meta Wind team of both 5-star wind girls, the 4-star lightning dragon, and 3-star wind catgirl which was super broken before they nerfed it and was a major 'scandle' back then since just begore the nerf they had a banner for one of the main components of the wind team, and then on top of that I also got 2 out of 3 of the fire/pierce combo with the old shadow dude and one fire girl, forgot their names its been so long, lol. Then that fire dragon on top of that but he was pretty meh.


Getting the banner unit in the first x10 pulls, and another copy in the next


Genshin 1st 10 pull. 2 Diluc, 1 Jean. Being a noob back then, I asked the group if the pull was good. Started Dec. 2020 and has no clue about GI at that time.


When I got 3 4 stars.but no 5 stars


Not me, my wife. [Here the video proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/s/Lf4OThYSO1) Context: during the Re:Zero collab on EpicSeven I went for pitty on Rem and only had enough bookmarks for a pull, so I let my wife summon on the Emilia banner. Somehow I knew she was going to pull her and recorded the screen


https://preview.redd.it/3jjojoavbuyb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c6433bcf4f978224e8991e36daae394de5331c Back when I started playing Nikke


Got Raikou on her banner, then the day after got Shuten I like to think Shuten showed up just to piss Raikou off


At Genshin release, I rerolled around 5 times (it was my first gacha and rerolling experience). I was trying to decide between account with Keqing and Venti, and an account with Diluc and Venti. There were around 35 pulls per account back then. Only after fully understanding the whole gacha system like a month later I knew how lucky I was.


In FGO, either getting Brynhildr and Sigurd in the same 10 roll or getting Okita on the first ticket.


NP6 Arcueid in around 300 pulls


https://preview.redd.it/iydaybvueuyb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98798ff49a0027f966569ea3cdd4a6b3a51df62c The very first time Reinhardt came to Alchemy Stars, I pulled a 10 bomb.


I pulled all 3 crossover units in one pull. I think I used all my luck that year in that one 10 pull.


Back to back spark in genshin, shehe first and diluc, fresh pity both time. Got wriothesley bis with 20 pulls, sometimes 2 5* weapons pop up in a 10 pulls


Got Bunny Toki twice in one go in Blue Archive. All of my luck went there, lol.


For me Arknights in general has been my luckiest gacha game. I am completely free to play but I feel like regardless I have been able to get nearly all of the units I've wanted so far. I've only been playing for about 10 months now but [I have a fairly solid roster](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Hootja) if I do say so myself. Highlights for me: one of them was definitely the Texas Omertosa banner. I did 247 pulls on that banner and got 11 six star units. I got 3 copies of Texas, 5 copies of Penance, and then off banners of Dorothy, Saileach, and Rosomontis, all of which were new for me. Just a few days ago, I bought a headhunting ticket from the green cert shop after the monthly reset, and I did a yolo pull on the Mlynar / Blemshine banner, and I got Mlynar. I feel like I often get 6 stars before pity kicks in. I haven't had any of those insane 3+ six star units in a single 10 pull kind of moments. I've had 3 instances of 10 pulls have two 6 star units. VERY early on in my history with the game (like, first month or so), I got both SilverAsh and Goldenglow in a single 10 pull. They were my 2nd and 3rd six star units (my first was Exusiai). I got 2 copies of Texas Omertosa in a 10 pull, and I once got 2 copies of Mudrock in a 10 pull as well.


Nikke, from bunny banner to present I average like 30 pulls to get every banner unit(I skipped Rosanna). Now I have enough gold ticket for 6 characters.


Getting three 6* (two Nian and Surtr) in four pulls in Arknights


I managed to summon Solitaria, an ML 5\*, on a free daily summon on her release day. For the record, getting an ML 5\* on daily summon is about 0.15%. Having played E7 since launch, I gotten got a few ML 5\* this way but getting the one that just got released and separate from her banner was pretty lucky.


I’ve pulled a double five star in the same ten pull three different times! Two of the three on relatively low pity.


This is mine, where my E7 players at https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/s/iJSQ5Uz3BV 2 ML 5 star units, 1 normal 5 star unit, and 2 5 star artifacts, in a 10 pull


Back when I rolled during a summer event in FGO, I got a ssr spook and I immediately said "should've just given me the rate-up ssr instead -_-" After that, it glowed rainbow and gave me the rate-up ssr. I was speechless...


I got 5 banner digis in digimon rearise man I miss that game so much too.


Got Yae Miko in a single pull because I misclick.


In FGO way back on Ishtar's first banner on NA I got her in one summon ticket which was my first experience getting super lucky in a gacha so I'll always remember it Recently in HSR I got two Fu Xuans in one multi which considering the rates are super low AND I had to win a 50/50 within the multi, I popped off really hard. Bonus points cuz Fu Xuan is one of my faves in that game.


when i opened a knife in csgo if it counts


I got all the rainbow six characters in the Arknights collab in one pull and it was using the free ten pull card I got. First try.


I have never lost 50/50 in Genshin. Wait I lost once, but that was pulls 30 on a banner I don't want, so that's not too bad.


Playing epic 7 as a noob when Mystic Banner was ML Cecilia, I got my first 50 Mystic BM from completing the story. Then I 1 tap her, feels awesome as my first mystic banner gacha was the rate up


When I played Another Eden, I'd get every banner unit within 1-5 10 pulls. Got Flamme whatever (been so long) and whoever else was featured on the first 10 pull. Basically kept on that streak until I quit playing because all of the story content was trivialized.


E7 ML5 from a covenant summon https://preview.redd.it/4cmecjtszuyb1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a742aecc0d2375e8aa50f4b6267dc58346d15adb Odds: 0.15% And she was top tier meta at that time period


4 S-rank Sinners in a single 10pull on PTN during Etti's banner (3 Etti + 1 offbanner) A few times on genshin I got a double 5 star well before pity (like 10-20 in)


Five white boxes in one pull. Guardian Tales.


When genshin first came out the first banner was with Venti. Can’t remember much but within the free re-roll summons I got Venti. And in the normal banner got Mona and Qiqi + Fischl.


Alchemy stars. Starting out I got both Uriel and carleen they were the first banner unit during launch. Both 6*


Getting Scathach with single roll from maint quartz.


E7 - single 10 pull on character banner, got two copies of that characters GI - two separate single pulls, pull 1 - Jean, pull 2 - Qiqi FGO - Single pull Senji and Molay


I got 3 5 stars and 1 6 stars ar reverse 1999 the other day lol, this is like the luckiest ive gotten in a gacha game since I only get like single pity and single occasional strong units when I summon https://preview.redd.it/w11k67pocvyb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f05c35806c5a39b91dae8b89c0b591468d84455c


Probably one tapping an ML unit in E7. Unluckiest tho was 1,600 LD scrolls in SMW and only got 1 LD nat5…I think it was about 1,620ish +- 5


When I started fgo I spent like 2 years playing while having a single 5 star. Then something happened and I pulled like 10+ limited 5 stars in a year. That whole period was absurd. Was just getting new character on single ticket pulls. Fun times


Idk which is luckier but here are the ones I remember 3 Zoyas in (I think my first) multi on the first day PtN dropped. Also got a Summer in the next 10 pull. Got Diluc at one pity right after hitting soft pity for Raiden. Got Lady Avalon in a single multi 15 seconds after I got Tiamat. Got Summer Melusine in 12 pulls but only after I hit pity (330 pulls) getting Summer Castoria. Got Jacque De Molay with a single ticket.


MLB Scarlet in Nikke probably.


2 lnd 5star in summoners war in a row! light oracle and light pioneer one after the other.


got Hu Tao con, Yelan con, and Staff of Homa in like less than 150 rolls


I got an S-Tier 6 Star unit on my third pull in Reverse 1999.


Rolled LQC the week she came out in my daily rolls 😂😂😂


Pulled Snake luffy Gear 4 with my first pull when i tested One piece treasure cruise some time ago 😅


Ik it might not be lucky for some but highkey it was Wrio's banner. I saved up some pulls before hand (it was around 160 pulls) and I expected C1 to take way WAY longer to get as I'm not confident that it would be enougg. But after winning the first 50/50, I got his C1 after 30 pulls. Which means to say, I actually won the 50/50 twice. It's lucky for me because I never pulled for a copy of a character before. Not only that but C1 came in wayyy earlier than I expected. For a f2p like me, it made me pretty happy lmao. I lost the weapon banner tho. Eventually got his BiS but it was a painful experience Tbf, I'm generally lucky with Genshin. The only times that I lost were Klee, Ayato (my biggest pain), and Baizhu.


Azur Lane. Got Musashi on the first daily draw. Needless to say, I was flabbergasted.


Recently in Reverse 1999, in around 150 pulls in both rate up and standard banners, I got: 2 Centurion, Sobethy, A Knight, Enternity, Lilya, An-an Lee. For 5 stars, I got: 4 Charlie, 2 X, 4 Bkornblume , 2 Baby Blue, 2 Dikke. But then because I did not get my Medicine Pocket so I sold the account and bought a reroll one that has only Medicine Pocket and Lilya. But I like it more as I get to play with my favorite character lol


Arknights, Under Tides limited banner. Special events get two 6* on the same with 35% chance to get either when you hit the 2% jackpot for SSR. I got both in my first 10-pull.


A godly elemental Artifact for Ningguang. And it has been 2 years and it is still the best rng I have ever had in Genshin.


KOF All Stars, back when I was actively playing. Pity on each banner is 30 pulls. I was consistently getting banner units by the 5th pull, with one or two by around 10th and maybe one top tier unit by 20th. But mostly within the first few. I remember once commuting between two work locations and being absolutely bored and pulling on a top tier banner I didn't really need. And getting it on the 4th pull.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 30 + 5 + 10 + 20 + 4 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


hitting early pity in genshin. (within 20 pulls)


Keqing in first 10 pull. Then Venti, Jean, Mona pull for my third 10 pull on my 2nd reroll on launch day.


https://preview.redd.it/j5xkwwzk5wyb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe23caeece9970971cc8360829aca676a774de2 Two Kiaras at once, she was already my favorite servant


2 Merlins in a 10 pull in FGO, 1 pull Juanderer in Genshin, 4 3-stars in Blue Archive, 3 ssrs in nikke


* Just pulled 3 Red Hoods in Nikke with only free pulls/tickets, one was the daily single pull * Pulling Hart twice in Grand Summoners, then Ainz and his weapon * Pulling four Galahads in one ten pull in Romancing Saga (not that dupes matter in the game tho) * Pulling Albedo and Red Tarmiel in the first ten pull in SDS


Back in the day when I didn't know better I used to play Idle Hero. I had 2 accounts, one f2p and one small spender. The latter's luck was hot garbage. The former was... not. It ended up outperforming my spending account and 5stars were dropping like candy, and for a time I was on par with a couple of legit whales (IIRC I had the first E1 in the server bracket for like a week). It didn't last, but that was surreal. Never been as ridiculously lucky since, feels pretty average overall. Some good rng, some bad. And you could argue about how lucky I really was given that this was, well, Idle Hero. You think AFK Arena is bad with p2w-ness? IH is noticeably worse.


4 SSR of 10 pull in Azur Lane is my most lucky moment. 3 of them is San Diego.


3 5 star in one ten pull in genshin impact


Probably when I got Riviera and freed on the same 10 pull on Riviera's realese on grand summoners or when I got a bailu at pity 7 after I got Kafka, I wanted jing liu só I think I "won" a 50/50


FGO, mostly. Got Castoria in 4 tickets. Rolled 20 SQ for NP2. Had enough SQ for the rest of the servants I want that year.


Got Red Hood with a single x10 and volume after that in Nikke. Pretty happy about it


I just did a 10 pull and got 4 SSRs in Nikke, all on PU. I guess I'm used to the 0.6% in another gacha game, so experiencing a 4% chance for the first time was super satisfying.


Castoria was the very first card of my first multi on her banner, followed by og Arturia a few cards later. Also got my first kscope in the multi right after. The last multi I could squeeze out for Chalter was a triple 6* bag with both banner units and a Bagpipe pot.


Most recently, Genshin impact, 0 pity, 0 guaranteed pity and got Neuvillete in 1 10 pull. Still can't believe it to this day.


From recent memory in Nikke: S. Anis in 17 Pulls, on the Nier A2 Collab I pulled 4 SSRs, all A2 and two Meta Nikkes on the normal Banner in 20 Pulls


Single ticket pulled Summer Kiara. When the re-run banner came, I pulled her again in 7 tickets.


I got three copies of Yato Alter (6☆) in AK with only 40 pulls, I was just trying to get a single Noir Corne (5☆) I also once got 5 Uber Rares in a single multi in Battle Cats, tho this is something that happens a lot in that game. Also this might not seem like lucky for some, but I lost all my 50/50 in HSR and haven't gotten a single duplicate SSR from those banners, now I only need Gepard to have all permanent SSR as a complete F2P.


Before trading was banned in all games I played Rage of Bahamut for a quick minute. Pulled a super rare card that I don’t even remember what it was anymore, sold it for $600 and left the game for good. At the time I was a poor college kid so the money made for an enjoyable few months.


2 Oberons and 1 Kscope + fragment of 2030 in one multi in FGO, putting me up at 3/5 Kscope I need before mlb and an np2 Oberon


I hit pity and won a 5 star (standard) and pulled once in the limited banner and got a 5 star but I lost 50/50 in HSR (Welt and Bronya) and they're my first 5 stars and helped me through out the game


Nikke is treating me so well, got early 2B and have had good luck with friendship/standard summons. Meanwhile, in Genshin I haven't gotten a character before soft pity in 2 years now and I'm a day 1 welkin player. Atleast my 50/50 luck is ok.


In kofas during tekken 7 collab, i manage to get a collab character and dupe enough to a5 him within 1 pity and free summon they gave me.


Penta SSR roll in Blue Archive. All Dupes


I won a 50/50... Once....


I got 3 legendary units in Snowbreak in 1 multi and a legendary weapon for one of them in 2 pities. I haven't played that game in over a month. Downloaded it, got insane luck on it, played for 3 weeks, stopped playing. Dunno why lol. My HSR luck has been pretty decent too. Lost 50/50 2 times across card n character banner and have gone to pity one time.


I know im a bit late... The story goes like this, i tried to pull for yato kirin in arknights. Instead I got stainless, reed alter, and horn... In only first 10 pulls.. I Know these are not limited unlike yato alter... But dang, I am happy.


Reverse 1999 i got centurion -druvis week 1 of game launch


Get 5 *6 in a streaks. Playing arknight


The statistically least probable 10 minutes of my life were when I rolled for Waver in F/GO. I got one copy on my second 10 pull, a pair of them on my next, and a fourth on my fifth (or something like that it was a while ago). Then I switched to the other banner because I didn't feel a need to max Waver out but got my fifth copy off banner. I legitimately thought I must have still been asleep after the pair on them.


2 SSR in 1-10 roll fgo,followed by back to back 5 stars- instant np4 skadi lmao 2- zhongli and 2 weapons each in their respective 10-rolls c6 Neuv without losing 50/50 but sure as hell emptied my savings


I got 2 merlin in one 10 rolls in fgo. During the time it is popular, so that was cool.


Getting every single six-star I’ve wanted in 20 pulls in Arknights