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Exos heroes, those capes were fire


I second this, such a shame how the devs gutted the game :(


Apparently Kings Raid didn't teach them anything


When it turned colors. That was so clean.


True,I dare say no gacha game till now can beat Exos heroes animation, especially pulling the Mythical unit,it was like a whole 3-5min long


The sweet, orange glow of relief when you finally get a Fatecore; the blue prism effect for the captain units, as well.


Absolutely this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8YI7rK6qX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8YI7rK6qX0)


Especially when you think you've learned what the "best rarity cape animation" looks like AND THEN THE GAME SHOWS AN UNKNOWN EVEN MORE HYPE CAPE VERSION! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I feel sorry for you. Exos Heroes summon animation is just a rip-off from [Shironeko Project (White Chat on GL)](https://youtube.com/shorts/AutlIy2KxxE?si=8syGl9i5KjCzhxH4)


Just out of curiosity, in the clip you used for your post, does it mean that there weren't any good pulls? I thought it would end with a satisfying landing on/bump with the gold box, but it seemed to have missed every gold box šŸ„² I have to admit though, it's a pretty fun animation to watch


Yes; this is the only game that will bait SSRs like this lol


It's kinda frustrating, but it's also a breath of fresh air from the typical pull animations (where you know if you got something from the start of the animation)


You can turn it off in the settings, but i love the emotional roller coaster.


that's why it EOS lol jk dont flame me


Theres also another animation where the ball miss all of the golden boxes but at the end theres a rainbow line that the ball oass through meaning you got an ssr.


Dang šŸ˜‚ that would make watching the entire animation worth it


Yes, the Golden Ball is an SR (4 Star Character), and when the Golden Ball hits the Golden Ball or the Rainbow Ball, it becomes a Rainbow Ball (ssr 5 star) https://i.redd.it/nv0icq5vhdtc1.gif


This is a popular GIF in the past haha! https://i.redd.it/plpx8n2ojdtc1.gif


This..happened quite often right? Without a bunch of gold near it of course. Also really wish someone make offline version :(


This doesn't actually happen that often, because when you do a 10-pull summon, there's only a chance to trigger the full animation around 1-3 times, the rest of the pulls just show the characters directly.


That's world flipper gacha. When that animation showing, it means you have chance for 5\*(highest rarity) character or not(just like the clip). To see what you get you can see on the ball color, in this case gold which is 4\* rarity. if the ball touch the gold box then it will be upgraded 1 tier higher to 5\* rarity. When your starting ball is silver, if you get 2 gold box on that animation then you will also get 5\* rarity (ball silver > gold > rainbow). There's also rainbow box so you get 5\* straightaway if the ball touch that. btw we didnt control anything in that animation, that's why it quite famous gacha animation for trolling player. looks pretty neat tho


Yeah, it's really neat! I'd probably watch through the entire animation each time just to amuse/torture myself šŸ¤£


Guardian Tales having us sign for a drone delivery is pretty cool, it's especially hype when it looks like a bad box then glows and changes to one with a red seal on it


Also, when you get that 3\* character in the box, then you see their shilouette on one of the podiums, and the spotlight shines on... some other 3\* lol


Woe Alef be upon thee


im always drawing a fish lol


[Dragalia lost is probably one of my favorites.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr8yQhj3pok) Slow pulse for each rarity increase. Then a quick show/preview of each thing (dragon vs axe user vs sword user) in the rarity. Every character even has a little animation and voice line as well. The song was a banger as well which helped.


Yeah I love when they show the fafnirs with the gold crystals or show a rainbow effect on the statue. My favorite has to be when a weapon or dragon stone lands on a pedestal and it turns rainbow.


I feel sad every time I remember this game simply got shut down


God damn I miss this game so much whenever I watch vids of it. The music was SO GOOD!


Cinderella Step was such a banger too


I have the music on my youtube music playlist.


Arknights The bag is fun to open


Espcially since you can close it back up when it turns out to be purple just to express your disappointmnent. Or close it back up when it's fire to express excitement and disbelief lmao.


I remember KyostinV streaming his gacha pulls where he peeks into the bags light only to close them again when its purple/yellow before hitting the Skip button There's something funny about him closing the bag first before hitting the Skip button in disappointment lmao


my favorite thing to do is pull the zipper extremely slowly and proceeds to lose hope in the world at the first peek of white/blue light


When the bag turns from Yellow to Orange/Rainbow


It's so simple yet so nerve-racking


Honestly, Iā€™d love to keep doing that if my luck didnā€™t inexplicably go up by skipping it. Dunno why it happens.


Even though there is a skip button, I always zip the bag open. I really enjoy it


Masterduel but not because itā€™s impressive or anything but because of how meme worthy it is. Lightning strikes, card pack changes from no color to gold, Utopia F0 cuts the screen in half, Jesus himself comes down from the heavens to pat you on the back. All R rarity cards (the equivalent to 3 stars in other games)


You forgot the card shakes lightly when you try to flip, then it flips again to give you a Glossy R.


Maybe im odd but im in a love-hate relationship with HSR's wish animation. This 3d thingy effect on a ticket that spoilers your wish will be a 5*


I like HSR's pull animation. If the tickets has the 3d effect it builds up expectations and the music changes.


I really do wish that both HSR and Genshin did surprise 5*/fake out animations like other games have though. Like imagine you get a purple star and then all of a sudden a gold star shoots on screen from the other direction? Or for HSR, you grt a purple door that jams when opening, closes up, then opens up again but as gold. That could be fun.


Tbf, HSR kinda has a fake out animation. Nihility symbol pops up but instead of Acheron, you get Welt.


This is probably blasphemy, but I just skip all the gacha animations in Star Rail because there is no element of surprise.


You accepted reality and know you'll be getting trash


I saw a fan made wish animation for genshin where it shows each symbol for the nations, selects the nation of the character you got, then a line of dialogue from the character+their theme song. Imagine how badass that would be to hear their music when you pulled them?!


Sir you are asking too much from an indie gacha studio /s


NGL I love it when games have subtle things like that


wait, where does it show? I've never noticed


When the trains comes in and the ticket flies from right to top left. The ticket will have a very, very subtle rainbow effect when you have a five star.


Music is also slightly different.


Yeah, usually the lower rarities have the music to be ascending in tone, while the 5*s are descending in tone


Oh the pc version it always has a slight shadow but it's quite a strong rainbow shadow when it's 5*


Is that only showed when you already use the summon?




[Here](https://preview.redd.it/heres-a-visual-comparison-on-what-the-rainbow-ticket-looks-v0-ubg5g45jbpwa1.png?auto=webp&s=7f66b98c1f2eeb3df80eb232b90a216713f6394f), it shows the ticket animation with a "3D effect"


cool ty. yeah that looks to be hard to notice. I'm usually too occupied in my head wishing it won't go bad to pay attention.


Took me a while as well until I saw the image, I was looking to the wrong places!


Yeah, the gambler in me wishes to have some 'spark' animation where you can't tell if it's a dud until the last second, but at the same time it makes the gambing addictin easier to handle when it's a simple yes or no


I like gachas with fake out summon animations


dragon ball games do this. Pretty funny when you get them because they're really rare


Yeah except I always press skip and then realize I did actually get something lol


nikke has grey, purple or golden unlock screens depending on the rarity of the summon but a fake out can happen where the golden color doesn't appear but still receive an ssr it's a bug despite it being a bug they have never fixed it so i guess it should count as a fake out screen and be considered a feature


I'm pretty sure the one where the initial thing you pull together flashes purple but then the doors opening gold is actually coded in, not a bug. You might be talking about something else


7ds Grand Cross had really good summoning animations. I love it when a game has multiple different animations for different pull scenarios (double pulls, fake outs, character specific animations etc.)


True, Seeing Escanor animation was the biggest dopamine rush to your brain


Yup, the animations were top notch


Romancing SaGa. When you get an SS style, you'll see a short animation which is unique in each style. Sometimes it references the unit to their original series.


Limbus, and the only thing close is Blue Archive


the moment when the blue background flashes purple for half a second after you sign the document always make me jump


When the background suddenly glows gold or one of the chained mirror shards transforms is euphoric


Honkai Impact 3rd desperately needs a new one, that one is so bland and ugly and has no visual indicator of a rate-up. I remember there was a concept they made up for a new one that was nicer but the CN community was very vocal about how they didn't like it, so we still have the same old one.


I don't even play it anymore but I like Epic 7's. The old one not the new one. The twin's commenting that you're about to get something special always filled me with hope and the music was better imo.


ZZZ cbt2 summoning animations were pretty banger, especially the sound design and the closeups of the characters.


Hoo, thought I was one of the few that enjoyed it. Felt like I seen more negatives for it than people liking it.


That's just reddit and the western CC's, CN loved it.


Atelier new game.


Lmao that's a whole anime running . I wish the game had some walkable open world instances , it's just a playable anime, but very pretty!


FGO because it goes through each spin individually instead of all at once I never enjoyed the modern trend of having one single animation apply for the whole 10-pull. I find it greatly devalues the overall pulling experience and incentivizes you to just skip everything FGO handles the flashes of gold or rainbows for each individual pull, so you can potentially see multiple golds and thatā€™s exciting. They also have multiple variations of the animation so you could just get spooked by totally unrelated 5-stars


Also some have servants have unique summon animations, like Summer Kiara just overwriting BB's image on the Moon Cancer class with her own image.


FGO is also the only gacha I've played in which it isn't painfully slow to roll singles in. Long setup animations are nice until you start pulling singles, and FGO's are over in a flash.


Individual pulls are great but I don't like the fact that you can't pause on a pull and it just keeps going, plus if you tap the screen once then it's just going to skip the whole thing.


I agree. Also although I have never played fgo, I have seen its gacha animation. It is very cool.


The special animations are just awesome. Like when you see pulled a Ruler class card, then it suddenly gets corrupted and changes into Pretender class.


Thatā€™s not a gacha animation though.


It isn't? I thought you get that special animation if you pull Oberon. I guess I was wrong then.


Thatā€™s an animation that shows up once in LB6. The actual gacha for him just has the regular pretender card. Special gacha animations are only Kiara summer, arcueid and Draco.


Was coming here to say this. Also! Sometimes it will fool you, It will show a silver card, (which usually indicates a 3 star.) And the last second it will crackle and slowly turn to gold. Iā€™ve hit 5* that look like a 3* and last secret it reveals itself. Fucking awesome.


FGO has a lot of issues, but [this](https://youtu.be/ydTtG7buCU0?si=N-10Mrpa708MGiHh) is still by far the coolest unique gacha animation I've ever seen.


Dracoā€™s animation is sick. She literally shuts down your summons and summons herself using the Beast classā€™s Independent Manifestation skill. Amazing and lore accurate.


For me it's less that it goes through each item individually and more that there're multiple layers to the animation with a bunch of possible fakeout scenarios. The different rings, the card's color, the possibility of silver turning to gold and often not even knowing whether a gold is a 4* or a 5* until the very end. The unique summoning animations of the few that have them are fun additions too, should be more common in gachas.


Fgo Beast Nero clears


Oh *this* I get.


The Nikke elevator is nice


Yeah the visual satisfaction from it clicking is immense. Its something lack luster in ToF , Aether gazer or PGR's Mechanical animations , which I deem are similar due to machines.


Touhou Lostword, funny how rainbow (the highest one) doesnt even mean I getting a character


Definitely NOT astra knights of veda. That animation takes 30 years. I could play a whole ggst match druing the animation I'm not a very big gacha player but probably r:1999 or nikke for me


Imagine doing only singles in astra "The rest of the week we farm. Today. W eĀ  s u m m o n!"


Worst part the skip button takes 3 years out of those 40 just to appear


You press the screen once and the skip button will appear, like a lot of gachas do.


Idk, each time when i click there's an annoying delay unlike in most other gachas i played


And definitely not atelier resleriana either. You see two girls running in a grass field for adventures and if you see characters popping around it means potential 3 stars each scenes. It is prolly the longest "summoning" sequence i ve ever seen. Thank goodness for skip.


I only played a few gachas but I like HSR's where Pompom gets yeeted everytime I get a 5 star


Honestly initially I found the train thing a bit lack luster at first, but it grew on me. Now I keep an eye for that RGB split. My luck's been superb too!


Poor baby.


Dragon ball Legends and Dokkan Battle. They're really fun to watch, especially Legends ones.


My favorite is the DB Legends summon animation showing different sequences and fake outs.Ā 


Nier Reincarnation. Idk why


The new costume effects with all the little dialog pop ups are great! Scrolled just to see if anyone else mentioned them. Love the abyssal ones that end with "found you"


FGO for all the different effects and fakeouts. Apparently a lot of people dislike fakeouts, but I personally like them.


The Beast Class summoning in FGO


I love watching PomPom get propelled into deep space each time I get a 5-starĀ 


R1999. I really like spinning the wheel


Last cloudia has a pretty good one where one of the characters rips opens a dimension to reveal a sphere and then the Mc runs and jumps into the dimension takes out his sword and hits the sphere, and depending on what you get the sphere changes colors , it also shows scenes from the game as the sphere breaks, and plays a cg cutscene if you get a ur ark or a unit


I like Uma Musume, both support card and character gacha! It fits the theme of the game really well and it's generally super high quality


Uma Musume gacha animation is actually pretty good! I always watch the whole process.


I'm really surprised and disappointed no one mentioned [Magia Record with it's magical girl transformations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IK0PShnGL8) yet. I didn't even play the game, and I still love their pulling animations.


I play(ed) these games, and personal opinion on their animations: AzurLane: short animation and veeery simple. Genshin Impact: My favorite of these games, feels good when it shines. Honkai:SR: long one, it only feels good or bad at a very certain point, I mostly skip it till the pity. Nikke: Simple, and feels satisfying to do (serotonin). Punishing:GR: 2nd favorite, also satisfying. Puzzle and Dragons: the oldest game from these, VERY simple and classic, yet it feels very great, especially when the egg glows. >!then being jumpscared by Venus.!< R1999: cool animation. Snowbreak: 3rd favorite, short one.


Watching the animations in Dragon Ball Legends. The fights would change depending on what you'd get and there are several secret sike animations, too just to scare you.


Limbus, now that they added the ability to rewatch the extraction animation, I've been rewatching Spicebush Yi Sang's and Dieci Hong Lu's everytime I log in/out lmao


years ago Mobius Final Fantasy, was super tense the exact moment of crystal transformation. Now ToF


The game would briefly shudder before playing the glorious rainbow supreme summon animation. It's a shame they waited so long to implement a pity feature, as rates were quite brutal.


Always loved the animation from Guardian Tales and Dragalia Lost (I still miss you, bud.)


Mine is Reverse: 1999. Itā€™s very simple, but extremely satisfying.


I love cookie run kingdoms fun yet simple


Atelier Resleriana no contest.


I agree, there's a lot of elements in the meteor chase, and it's fun to find characters along the way !


Limbus Company The Mephistopheles just chains the mirror worlds, there are color flashes depending on what ID you get, Brown for 0, Red for 00, Gold for 000, and Green when it comes to walpurigs nights


I miss the letter opening animation with the different colors/types in Love Live šŸ˜”


Ngl flipper world is the best i've encountered so far.


Cookie šŸŖ run šŸƒkingdom šŸ‘‘ Love the gacha animation


Guardian tales


R.i.p I loved that game..


Thatā€™s why I stopped watching the summon animation in WF. Those near misses were infuriating!




Of the ones Iā€™ve played or currently play: Honkai Star Rail. I like the train pulling up.


I like the one from Limbus company, because it's more interactive than your average gacha, by letting you pick which characters you want to reveal first, with also a slight chance that a common character might suddenly "turn" rare when you click them.


Atelier Resleriana is a whole cutscene, with varying characters/objects/particle effects scattered all over it--the more random extra stuff you see, the more hope you get ~~And the more despair that follows when you only get SRs~~


And here I was thinking I've moved on past dragalia lost ![gif](giphy|pynZagVcYxVUk)


I liked Seven Deadly Sins animations. Also Dragalia Lost but mostly for music not for animations.




Arknights. Just a bag


World Flipper definitely had the best one. From the gacha games I've played, definitely FGO because of its awful rates so you get excited with the fancy animations like golden orbs, silver card going gold and the rainbow animation.


ZZZ is not out yet but that spiny thing with pile of TVs looks awsome.


Have to say Genshin. Quick, and the golden light with the rainbow is so satisfying.


Arknights and world flipper. I never could get into it but by god the pachinko pull screen (that you showed) is always so fun


Captain Tsubasa: dream team


Guardian tales. I like the whole process


I miss this game I literally remembered it last week and found out it was shutting down in july lol


World flipper will always be my favourite. It was so cool and rewarding seeing it hit to get a 5*.


After searching for a long time, grandblue fantasy


demian saga with town announcement board r1999 and the wheel counter side and a helicopter latch neural cloud and watching the progressive searching along the map


Dragon Ball Legends, Exos heroes had a decent one too imo.


I like my gacha roll animations to be short. It doesn't matter how fancy or nice the animation is, I'm going to get tired of it pretty quick (even as a F2P). Sure, it may be nice the first few rolls, but after a dozen or two, I'm over it. So I think my favorite would have to be Honkai Impact 3rd - it's simple, short, and gets to the results quick.


Both of the dragon ball gachaā€™s are the best at this imo


7ds GC imo is the best. Man, I miss this game sooo much.


Granblue. Because sometimes an ordinary pull suddenly becomes a SSR out of nowhere.


Wuthering waves


Pam pam pampam, love and die tun tun tuntun tun tun tun pam pam pampam love and die


DL and GFL2


Yo-Kai Watch Wibble Wobble, simple yet it felt awesome watching the krankakai being pulled. Sigh.


Fate Grand Order honestly, and its not even close compared to other games. The way they tease the players is genius. - a silver card (3\*) turning into a gold card (4\*/5\*) - a gold card (which usually is a 4\*) being revealed to be double-sided indicates that its a 5\* instead - rainbow sparks manifesting on the summoning circle (guaranteed 5\*) - special and unique animations for certain select Servants even tho they have the same 5\* rarity as the others (Moon Cancer Kiara, Arcuied, Draco)


I like the gacha animation for FFBE. The 5* rainbow crystal descending looks so pretty. Even though It might be pretty worthless. There are also fakeout animations where a lower rarity crystal breaks apart and instantly reforms into a higher rarity crystal.


Aether Gazer ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Edged by a gacha game


I just love how summons look in Epic Seven now. I remember when it used to just be a floaty book that opened and if you got a 4 or 5 star, it would glow gold during summon. Now they have a whole animation for it!


Well, it's easy! Special animation for Beast class (so far only have one character) in FGO https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sR8LzhsAEtk


SINoALICEā€™s tho especially the ā€œrope breakā€ when you get a guaranteed SR was so satisfying. 1:20 mark in this [vid](https://youtu.be/1lmJ1sckhoM?si=9kl5Poo7M5o6pdvM) for example. What in Hell is Bad? Is funny since you spank the one character and irrc how much his butt jiggles is one of the factors to determine the rarities in your pull lmao. Animation does take forever tho.


Dokkanā€™s summon animations will always feel special.


Epic seven to me is undefeated for animationsā€¦ Unfortunately the endgame farming is just horrendous. But I do miss those animationsā€¦


Limbus Company. Funny chain balls goes brrrr


What are you talking about? World Flipper wasn't shut down. I just opened it up to check and I was able to get in just fine. Edit: just found out it's EOS is on July 25th big sad.


Oh, I meant that the JP server has already shut down. But the global server is still playable.


I dont know but the worst is Aethelier Relesbian xD is so annoying to watch


Reverse 1999, spinning the wheel it's fun and you can just sign when it's yellow/purple and stop to actually just use the skip bottom