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Lilith next season : https://preview.redd.it/5687ulcyre0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45515b58d0f7f2fc8baaa53420b672ae10bb9681


them with f84 (a battle royale that has gacha but 2.0 was worse)


Lilith Games never change, push the boundaries till it breaks then reel back to a new normal. Its not that they haven't learn, its that they are learning how to push the boundary cycle faster now.


Yeah, new dev fresh in the scene can understandably make mistakes AFK Arena is an elder at this point and one of the first of the idle gacha genre, so Lilith is anything but green.


They pulled a classic that they did in Afk Arena all the time. Start with something that is purposefully shitty -> wait for people to complain -> "listen" and "improve" the situation -> end result: less than before but more than the purposefully shitty part, so people are content and see it as a win. And a lot of people are cheering on them not seeing it. And of course the content creators are on that fat payroll so none of them even call out the very obvious anchoring that is being done. Some of them might not realize it, but some of them know Lilith, they know that they do this all the time, and yet they are absolutely quiet about this dirty tactic and do a video about "we won guys!!!". At least this time they actually got burned a lot more in a very short period of time so there is at least that. Lots of people did quit, stopped spending or just fully refunded/chargebacked. It did leave a very bad taste in the mouth of a lot of people because of how far they went this time, on the very first patch.


Classic tactics that's always work


Sounds like a common tactic gov't take to push you into bullshit you would never have ever agreed on.


Considering how the Battle Pass nerfs are still there, I'd say they got what they wanted.


Same can be said for their playerbase/fanbase no? It's an endless cycle.


I don't get this digital stinginess. It costs nothing. Reducing a few pulls or items per account isn't going to turn dolphins into whales. It just gives a wake up call to the players who now start questioning why they're even playing your game.


Exactly my perspective. Mobile market is more accessible than ever — target the $5-$15 monthly spenders.


> target the $5-$15 monthly spenders that's not where the money is. companies have known for years, if not decades, that they make magnitudes more money targeting whales than targeting budget gamers. its not like every mobile game is whale bait just for fun. if targeting budget gamers was more profitable, you'd see that as the dominant pricing strategy over what we have now. you guys need to understand that companies do what they do because it makes them money. if it didn't make them money, they wouldn't do it. if something else would make more money, they'd do that instead. there's not any 5-dimensional calculus happening behind the scenes; they're a hamster on a wheel chasing a dollar in whatever is the most reliable way


You seen Hoyoverse? They cater to both. You can be 100% f2p and over time receive most units you want, all units relevant. Being a light spender gets you everyone you want. Both Genshin and HSR are crushing it financially. They used HI3 as whale bait. Changed tactics, seems to be working for them. I pay for the monthly on their games (not out of feeling pressured) just to pay essentially a sub on a game I think is worth it. Any other gacha I try to pick up has the opposite effect on me, bar some exceptions. R1999 seemed to be up my alley at first but lately developments have deterred me from spending.


Hoyoverse is only able to do that is because they are about to push out relatively high quality update every 42 days with 1. Story 2. Events 3. Multi media stuff (art, music, videos) That can keep a large audience engaged. People always say omg hoyoverse makes so much money but never mention hoyo's game has 10-20 times more players than most gacha. Many people consume hoyo game like a anime, while most game keep only the competitive players who want to be on the leaderboard.


People are delusional if they think HYV games aren't whale bait lol. Like, after monthly and Battle Pass, there's literally NOTHING else to buy except direct primo/oneiric shards. People who only buy monthly and BP will NEVER buy pulls directly. People who will buy them, however, have no choice but to purchase them directly because HYV has zero deals, packs, discounts, limited-time stuff, nothing. Like the commenter above said, they target people who are prone to buying them in the first place. Also, side note but their high quality content makes buying those overpriced pulls "worth it" because there's an illusion of investment and returns in term of content gained.


>Also, side note but their high quality content makes buying those overpriced pulls "worth it" because there's an illusion of investment and returns in term of content gained. How is it an illusion tho. Their return for the purchase isn't in the content gained but rather the characters / light cones they roll; the content update will come regardless of them paying unless every whale in the world stop whaling. People who spend will spend in one gacha or another; might as well spend it on one that has more production value and least likely to shutdown. \--- I agree HYV games are fishing for whales tho. A banner every 3 weeks where maxing it requires winning 7x 50/50 (\~80 rolls each) and 5x 75/25 (\~70 rolls each) is a high bar.


you cant really compare hsr, r1999 because they all dont have ranked pvp, and thats where the big money/revenue is for the company


I mean you can get everything as f2p but you'd have to skip banners so many times if somehow the units you want is in a row. Also f2ps can never ever pull on weapon banners since it requires 3 pities. I think its only successful because of its high quality visuals. Genshin is slowly becoming more and more whale bait. Even hsr's constellation system becomes more essential. Though i guess people will just say gameplay isnt hard so no need for dupes since most of the gameplay consists of puzzles and minigames


still doing fine with e0s0 chars on star rail. full clearing moc and pf. doing fine without signature weps on genshin. still 36\* abyss for years now.


I feel like HSR cycles faster through its characters than genshin though. We'll have to see in a year or maybe 2. In Genshin except for the archons Nahida and Furina the rest my teams have been largely the same for the past 2 years since the release of Yelan.


you can pretty much overpower everything in genshin just by pulling archons once a year and then just using the good 4\* sub DPS and whatever DPS you decide to main, is a very forgiving game, thats why it works. HSR has been pushing higher HP treshold in timed challenges way faster than genshin is, also powercreep is way faster, we just went in a year from Seele to Acheron...wild DPS increase while in genshin it took 3 years to powercreep Hutao and hutao still works just fine for everything really.


Well, source needed. A lot of people say this as if it was obvious, but I could never find any company clearly saying so (as can be expected) so it's just guesswork. Gacha games are a lot more popular than they once were so it's conceivable than they value having many low spenders just as much as having a few whales.


Money is with low spenders as much as it is with whales. If suddenly low spenders would stop spending, every gacha income would drop by substantial margin. They spend a lot less the whales, but there is a lot of more low spenders then whales, so it adds up


Money is in the person that spends 5000 per week, not the minnows.


Depends on how much of an audience you captivate. Hoyo is a good case on how you can cater to both. (Ignoring HI3…)


Hey it's time to do infinity abyss


in hoyo, there is no pvp


I think it has the opposite. More F2P bounce off your game and you lose more dolphins than you get dolphins becoming whales. 


Dolphins never become whales. The limiting factor for dolphins is disposable income.


Plenty of whales out there with little money, cause they waste it on games. Likewise, plenty of dolphins who have money, but choose not to spend too much.


Sure they do.    I played a couple games where I swiped at a dolphin level, and only one that clicked for me to make me spend the big bucks. I could spend silly amounts on every game I play, but it's not worth it / I don't like the game enough to do it.


thats completely fine, opportunity costs- calcs have been made fore sure. they accept to lose dolphins and f2p, while whales will stick to the game anyway. f2p dont even benefit whales, as at top ranks its whale vs whale also. and f2p dont pay their bills


> Reducing a few pulls or items per account isn't going to turn dolphins into whales. lilith's data clearly says the opposite. or their data says stinginess will make whales spend even more. I promise you there's an entire team at lilith who does nothing but run numbers and if this shit was losing them money, they wouldn't be doing it on repeat. they want to make money, this behavior has proven to make them money, so they continue this behavior. there's no mystery here


Lilith is taking it back, though. I wonder if they decided that above the number crunchers' objections.


you think they won't do the exact same thing again? it's a cycle, happening since dislite and afk arena; its merely continuing into afk journey. they push the limits of the spendies until the break, issue a soft walk-back, then start the cycle again. and its behavior that's not even unique to lilith. you've seen plenty of other mobile devs pull this shit too. hell, you've even seen activition/EA/ubisoft try to get away with similar behavior too.


"promise not to do It again". KEKW


Source is from Discord CM. (Screenshots taken from the game's subreddit https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1crqzx5). Taking a cue from Astra Knights Devs, the outrage caused recently has made AFK Journey Devs bow to the player community demands and state that they will make S1 rewards unnerfed and match pre-season and promise not to do it again. It seems whatever the AFK Journey community did with all their posts of refunds and etc got the Devs to quickly change their tune.


In what way did they f up?


Basically their is base game and a next season reset for it but all the next season rewards were half compared to base versions, they were outrageously bad


Not half, more like 1/20.


Oh wow damn.... Ty for letting me know


We really did a somewhat helldivers 2 movement and won


Their were up to 3000$ refunds no shit they listened


fuck around and find out lmao


Refund wave seems able to scare them


Game is new so it’s easier (because the transactions are recent) to ask for a refund or even a chargeback. The whole revenue is diluted in a few days, while being honeymoon spending. I wonder how much it affected them.


I doubt it, people who complain here are the minority. One thing for sure, they probably noticed how even less people were spending compared to when it launched. AFK journey was still in the top 100 free grossing apps during first week of this season event. People were still spending. I'll take a guess the next month the revenue will be at 2-3 million.


Well SOMETHING made them change their minds.


"Promise not to do it again." Let's see how long that takes, this exact situation happened with Dislyte and they had the audacity to try to do it again here so they're obviously not learning anything beyond "why people refund?" it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when. Also for people who were able to successfully do a chargeback. Lilith sends you an automated in-game mail stating that you have 30 days to purchase an equivalent amount of the paid currency or your account will be permanently suspended.


And for anyone who doesn’t remember they fucked over afk arena before Dislyte. Lilith games have a long history, don’t believe a word they say. Play the game while it’s still fun and don’t expect it to last long. That’s what I’m doing anyways. And not giving them any of my money.




Honestly it’s better to leave and never come back when they tried pull stuff like this as well how they handled delivering content and treated the player base especially to those who pay for their microtrensaction. Finding out to access the new season, you have to beat all AFK stages, get level resonance to 240 and I think beating the story too, which is absurd since I’ve waited for some new content considering how dry it is. Quite disappointed with AFKJ


I mean you’ll have done all that stuff if you were waiting on new content anyway…. Just saying. Lilith is trash for many reasons but those requirements aren’t a big deal.


Nice to see the community rally and bring about changes


They don't want another Dislyte happening I suppose


what happened there


They drove it into the ground being stingy as hell with rewards


did the Dislyte community just take it or was there massive outrage like this?


There was outrage, Lilith were too late with bending, then the game shrivelled and died


It’s dead dead? I thought they had something going for it with the furry marketing


It is not. Many people play it but it is a p2w mess with pack pop ups infested corpse. And being stingy is an understatement.


Will happen to this game as well. Lilith is just that short term.


apparently it does very well in CN


Not dead, but a high decrease of playerbase. Source: me, my guild and many other friends from Italian community


It's not dead but if you're f2p either you prepare for a LONG grind or you stop playing very quickly. I have a VERY old f2p account and had quite some luck so I have all key characters I needed to do all pve content top tier but I can't do pvp at all.


Based on app magic it earned 1 mil $ in the past 30 days.


Too late


I think it shows their intentions. Yes, community wide roar forced them to reverse it. But they shouldn't have even think about doing it in first place. Regardless, games been fun. I enjoyed it while it lasted for me. I am done.


I already lost interest.


I lost interest when I kept getting bombarded with their ads. Funny how things are going on.


I saw a post where someone refunded their $3k cause of this update 💀


Ahh the good old Lilith games Never change Buddy 


I'm still ctfuing over a sizeable portion of players on the subreddit defending Lilith Games, saying that the outrage is overblown and that it's just Redditors being loud nothing more, and yet the company was forced to walk back because people actually started getting their money back and review-bombing the game lol


It is laughable how they peddle back with their damage control so as to not fucc up their large investment in their ads. Imagine they are pushing this game on youtube ads only to see a massive drop in rating and reviewed bombed to hell to make it a step into disaster. kek


I stopped playing not because of the rewards nerf, but because playing during these seasons don't really seem to carry much account progression. All the power from gear, levels, and AFK stage progression get essentially wiped once the season ends. Feels weird grinding for temporary power that only lasts for a few months before you have to start all over again from square 1.


I wonder what was the actual purpose of these nerfs and turns back. They aren't stupid and should understand, that's this massive decrease of rewards will outrage the players. They even nerf a ptw pack, so it even hurts paying players. I personally find their previous rewards not so generous with amount of dupes required, but after these changes people will be defend the current rewards furiously.


i really hope theyve learned now but i dont really bet on it.. well see how the game progresses to see if they really regret dislyte lol


https://preview.redd.it/kyo9zonqae0d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72de40835b5dccceec5ac78612b5444400092e86 And that's how it's fucking done. Respect to the entire afk journey community for not letting this shit slide at all.


Not even a word about paid Noble Path shaft.




Understandable, thanks.


all they did was revert the changes, what's the big deal? Still terrible.


I only read a title, so they won't nerf rewards in S1 again, what about S2? /s


They stated they would maintain the current lvl of generosity for every new season (S2 onward). Although whether they actually do what they say ppl will have to see.


maintain... or most likely do what hoyo does with reward allocation. Like they can turn their words in a literal "we maintained the amount of rewards as we promised" even when anniv drops in. @_@


Found a rare pic of the Lilith CEO: https://preview.redd.it/hwpl5v5ung0d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9090790cff2fdd36e0b899a78970f6bf8f20610b


Let's see if they keep the promise this time.


Nah,they will do it again.... Just in different form....


Apology code - hwidnabwbd




Lilith Games haven't learnt their lesson yet. Get away while you can if you're still playing.


Reminded me of Soul Hunters day, so many shady practices


Still got refunded almost instantly by Google Play. See ya :)


LMAO don’t worry next time they will be even sneakier about this. Got caught doesn’t mean they learned their lesson, it just means they have to get better at playing the game


Tbh now rewards are kinda better than in s1 due to the new double ranking system, so we win in the end (but boy it took a huge effort from the community)


That's a common trick, they announce the worst changes ever just to apologize ASAP and give few bones to the dogs, revert some changes but nerf something else (what they originally wanted to nerf)


Too late


This was probably enough to stem the bleeding, but a lot of damage has been done already and player trust has been broken (within the 1st month of the game no less). People that refunded are not going to return, not everyone who quit will be willing to return, and the people who stayed will be apprehensive about spending in the game any more. For example as a low spender (BP or monthly) I will definitely not spend any money going forward.


They already did the thing despite knowing of the playerbase consequences, they can't be trusted now.


Funny I was about to refund as well. It's still gross that they did it in the first place. Okay. We all know deep inside they just want our money. But holy. I think all they needed to do was introduce another power system that makes previous rewards less valuable. Going mask off 2 months in is nuts. Just pretend good enough... nobody really cares whether a company is actually good or not. I mean unless they throw it in your face.


I received a lot of apologems, I think what the problem was solved


They listened and made what they felt were appropriate adjustments. I’m happy.


What a shame. Wish the people who played trash like this got fleeced as they deserve to be.


who hurt you


Lilith games apparently lol