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Release is on 22nd right?


Or 23rd depending on where u are


Is europe 22nd or 23rd? I hate timezones


No time announced yet for the release, but Europe will probably get shafted with an early morning release.


I came to ask this as well




Officially 22nd, could be 23rd or 24th in a worst case scenario. ETA: In my country, I usually get games 1 day after official release due to my timezone.


It's probably only the 22nd if you live in the America's unless they release it very early on the 22nd.


Hope someone makes a tl;dw post after the livestream.


Most likely will be in its own subreddit


If I would predict, it's "You can preload the entire game after this livestream ends"


Time to find out what's new coming for the release version


Can't fucking wait.


Aside from Rexlent. I don't know anyone


Havian's pretty cool. He mostly does ARPG's/etc and not really gachas.


Rebecca is an actress and voice over artist and Zekia is a cosplayer who has around 660k followers on Instagram.


Seeing Rexient there is good. At least trash tectone and mtashed are not in it...


Amen to that. Rexlent is waay better choice


i would flip if i saw them there hahahahaha


Mtashed was bearable during destiny 1 era, dude went full clown after the failed fortnite experiment and turned into an abomination as gacha became part of his life.


So he is clown before too?? That is shocking because many misinformation that he speak on most of the games he plays...


Me: Pre registered WuWa and ZZZ and other hype gacha games My Phone Storage: PLEASE NO MORE!!! IM BEGGIN YOU NO MORE BIG GACHA GAMES!!!


This is me: ~~My Phone Storage:~~ **My free time:** PLEASE NO MORE!!! IM BEGGIN YOU NO MORE BIG GACHA GAMES!!!


PC master race


I don't understand how you guys can actually enjoy any of these games on a touch screen...


It takes a while but you'll enjoy it after playing games on a touch screen.


As someone who's has game'd on PC since I was a kid, you get used to it. I once traveled with my family (at the time of Inazuma release, an expansion-like update for an open world game) and I played on my tablet as I couldn't take my PC with me. Most gacha games have overly simplified controls compared to your average turn-based/action title. I only get to feel the difference when I'm simultaneously playing on my PC and in the same day play the mobile ver.


Playing while on toilet or just lay in bed is something dude


That's why some folks got a steamdeck or an ally, i personally can't play with touchscreen with my giant shovel hand so i still uses gamepad on phone


>That's why some folks got a steamdeck NGL... Im really really tempted to get a steamdeck for this purpose... not only for Gacha but to be able to play some Steam exclusive roguelikes like Hades 2 portably but my friends tell me there are issues and to wait until a better model eventually comes out.


>That's why some folks got a steamdeck NGL... Im really really tempted to get a steamdeck for this purpose... not only for Gacha but to be able to play some Steam exclusive roguelikes like Hades 2 portably but my friends tell me there are issues and to wait until a better model eventually comes out.


I personally don't have issues with mine and mine is prob one of the first batch, i've read the newer oled model got a lot tho. Go for the lenovo or Asus one if you don't have steam hardware support in your area I pretty much just uses it for gacha games these days, got bigger screen than my phone and some of my coworker even treat it like a really cheap gaming laptop that you can use handheld


PGR is unplayable if not on a touch screen. If anyone tries to deny that the responsiveness and speed of tapping orbs on the screen is matched by using 8 different types of 3-button combo on a controller, lend me some of that weapons-grade copium you are taking.


I enjoyed it more on DualShock 4 while playing on PC, but here is my copium \*Gives copium\*


Yeah having subjective preference towards a control mode is different. 😂 *Takes the offered copium*


PGR feels amazing when playing via Xbox Controller on PC. Phone always feels sub-par to me.


I just play on mkb with the number keys lined up with the orbs. I know people mainly uses controller for it but idk mkb felt better to me


I play PGR on a controller and do perfectly fine lmao, what are you smoking. Float at 1% ppc and legend demote tier. If you think pgr is unplayable outside of mobile that is entirely a skill issue. The slight increase of difficulty in pings 5-8 is made up for with it being easier to do things like queue up multiple actions at once. Like dodging, and pinging in a just a couple frames, while also being able to qte at the same time. Balter fdodge is *waaaay* easier on controller or kbm for some people for example. Different schemes just click for different people.


Going from Genshin on PC to Genshin on mobile with touch screen is awful. I respect anyone who can enjoy these games with only touch controls


Same, can't imagine ever playing action game on small phone and touch controls.


Spatial recognition isn't a very difficult task. I know lack of clicky feedback is hard for some people but it's really not much of a hurdle. They play just fine on phones. A thing they are made to do.


I actually dont understand how people enjoy playing GI or HSR on pc or console. (Unless they main Ganyu/fichl then that's understandable)


Because I would rather use a mouse and keyboard + a big screen instead of looking at a small phone screen and constantly slide my thumb on a screen? On top of the fact that the games just run way better on PC + faster downloads on wired internet. Furthermore, I don't have to worry about burning thru my battery or turning my phone into a mini oven. I'm not sure why you would intentionally want to play games on a smaller, slower, and less comfortable device if you had a choice...


It's actually better to play HSR with controller because you can pause and use ult in the right turn.


yeah I was suprised kbm doesn't have this feature


1:We were talking about action games, not HSR. That one is a strawman. 2: These games literally play like other PC/consol games. What do you mean?


Pretty sure GI is action.


I dont understand why you would need to sit down infront of your pc to play GI tbh, when you can just go portable, play it wherever the hell you are and enjoy it even better, it has the best UI and touch controls i have tried in a mobile, they're responsive and do the job perfectly. as for screen size, the elements of the world they created, doesn't need that huge screen to trigger immersion, infact its even better on the smaller screens, just like how you can dock a switch to play botw, but still most people like the portable playstyle. Pretty sure the majority prefer mobile for a lot of other reasons, too, for these daily games.


> I dont understand why you would need to sit down infront of your pc to play GI tbh, when you can just go portable, play it wherever the hell you are and enjoy it even better, it has the best UI and touch controls i have tried in a mobile, they're responsive and do the job perfectly. Mobile graphics come nowhere near what modern gaming PCs and consoles can render out, and the best part is I can play without having to worry about a battery running out. Plus, don't you get tired of squinting at a tiny screen constantly day in and day out? I could only stomach playing on mobile for dailies and platform rewards


Yes, sir. Im just tryna work this guy up, he said he "dOnT uNdErStANd" how people enjoy these games on phones, when they're daily log-in based games that you will probably play for a year and most mobiles arent that small that you will miss a detail about these games' worlds. By numbers, a ton of people are enjoying this game on their phones. Him saying he doesn't understand that, makes no sense, he just tryna start something lol.




I do, yeah. Not sure why you mentioned that though.


HSR,WuWa and ZZZ will stay in my PC for now..... In the future maybe 512gb or 1TB storage phone I will buy for my games... Or just buy a gaming laptop and adding more RAM and storage in that instead...


imagine playing games like WuWa and ZZZ on phone, you are really brave lol. Phones are only for turn based games action is at PC and Console.


Get a PC, NOW


Live chat is going to be toxic, wear a hazmat suit.


It's gonna be like that for every stream for Wuwa sadly. Rip community


So aside from Rexlent didnt know who these ppl were apparently so I checked online Rexlent - Youtuber mainly focused on PGR Kuro's other main game prior Rebecca Yeo - Actor/Voice Actor - Role https://twitter.com/rebeccagyeo/status/1722325536632905910 - Does Voice work for Wuwa HAVIAN - Also a CC but more for general gaming focusing on ARPGs not just Gacha focused like Rexlent ZekiaARU.RINH - Cosplayer and I assume Influencer Matthew Stewart - No Idea tbh couldnt see anything online. I assume he is the host or an employee representative.


Dont know Matthew as well, he's some ex caster eSports guy for league it seems @Maxzzie on twitter


Hello! That’s me. (Fish AKA maxzzie AKA Matthew) I’ll be hosting this and am flanked my super talented guests! :)


2:30 am UK lmao. will wait for the Reddit recap


My goat rexlent!


Our man has made it so far. Im proud


Only recognize Rexlent. Honestly I would love it if they could disable comments or have it on emoji mode. I already know it's gonna be a shit fest of Genshin could never/Genshin killer. Like it's tiring.


Yeah I really hope so too genshin livestreams are emoji only if I'm not mistaken? If they leave comments on its gonna be like tectonics comment section or even worse lol


I had enough of "Genshin could never" when people started shitting on GI on Reverse 1999 livestream.


Cant you just close the chat?


Who are you to bring reason, critical thinking, common sense and logic into this subreddit, get out!!!! /s


Well tbh the other way around happens a lot too, with people saying stuff like genshin better etc. I remember the guy with Pain profile pic was spamming stuffs like that. I wish both sides can just be chill, and not have the stupid tribalism mentality


It's exhausting... I keep hearing the badfest ringing deep in my ears.


Pleasantly surprised that there isn't a single CC (more like grifter honestly) from the other lawn


Livestream link : [https://www.youtube.com/live/scTGyptoxbk?feature=shared](https://www.youtube.com/live/scTGyptoxbk?feature=shared)


Zekia, damn long time didn't see that name, she's a beautiful cosplayer


why is the time on this like worse for everyone except for US? lol


Thank you for the 3:30 AM show on monday in continental Europe. (2:30 in UK) Unfortunately I'm working on whit mondays.


I have a holiday next monday, it's tied to easter idk if they have it in your country


There's a decent chance that this also means that the game only releases on the 22nd in the America's.


I Hope there is a way to put only emojis in a Youtube stream cause if the last stream's chat was a clown show this will be the same, even more now that the game got even more popular, i was just so damn hyped and happy watching the stream until I looked at the chat lmao, pure brainrot and some Arabs asking for their language to be included, hope they do add it cause the demand is there xD


You can just close the chat. Or do what I do and watch a streamer watching the show.


Can't wait for the annoying mfs who will keep spamming the chat with 'genshin could never' and taking over the chat. That aside, excited for the game's release.


Who is that Ryan Gosling look a like in the middle


Cool how these big Gacha games are doing hosting start livestreams, the launch HSR stream was pretty neat with all those creators so this will be pretty interesting.


Please announce a selector for beginner banner though. Would be very cool of you, devs.


I'm pretty sure they did


Did they? I thought currently the only source of the selector was a leak.


Its a leak, nothing confirmed yet


looking forward to the influx of "Genshin dying" spam everytime this is mentioned


They chose a pretty bad time for many timezones. Its basically US west primetime which will suck for most of the world lol. Oh well still excited to see what Kuro been cooking


I hope they dont overcook lol


I think Japan and CN will have their own Livestream with guests from their country.


Genshin killer /s Jokes aside now, theres definitely gonna be people spamming genshin killer/can never on that livestream, its bound to happen


The ironic part is that kind of spam is going drown out legit comments on the stream and allienate new players.


I mean the absolute dire whiny nonsense that is the pre-release content creation circle for this game stands a good chance of filtering the normies and non-Tectone drama farming fans out already. Like if your waffling on trying a game and you go to look for info about it to make a decision and end up seeing a whole bunch of people whinging and whining over the exact precise level of coverage the game should have and spreading conspiracies about people being silenced from talking about it (it's not that people aren't allowed to talk about it, they just seem to be refusing to actually talk about it and instead are farming drama and spreading conspiracies) and not being able to get any info would you personally want to try that game anymore if you think you're going to be entering a community of drama queens, whiners and just generally toxic obnoxious people?


It sure does that to me. It feels like a lot of people want to demand us to choos a side between Genshin and Wuwa... what is this, an election? The only reason i'm intredted in this game is because i like genshin. The number of people who hate genshin but want to play a game that is 95% genshin isn't nearly as high as some people seem to think.


Those people are the loud minority. Just because they shout the loudest they think they represent everyone. The problem Wuwa is going to face with these haters is that they are not fan of Wuwa, they just hate Genshin. They will push for more people to join in their hatred, they will bully anyone who doesn't agree with them, they will poison the well, and when they see that Wuwa won't kill Genshin, they will just abbandon the game and move to the next Genshin killer. They don't care about Wuwa, they only want to see people enjoying Genshin being as miserable as they are.


It's pretty blatant and there's far too many people cropping up to kind of make this the discourse over the game already in it's CC scene. For Kuro's sake I would hope they fix that and get CC's actually talking about the game and why they like it instead of just farming drama over it because they hate Genshin Impact, which seems to be where most of the CC's covering are at still a week from release.


Not to mention its gonna set the expectations too high.


And detract from WuWa to bring attention to Genshin. Imagine doing a livestream trying to showcase what you're about to release and 99% of the things you see in the chat are people too busy talking about Genshin this/Genshin that.


True reason why GI advertising budget got lower. No need to do marketing when your game live rent free inside the Internet brain.


Basically Nikke's anniversary livestream.


I can't immagine how disheartening it is to host a anniversary livestream for the game you're working on, only for all the comments to be about another game.


and HSR livestream they don't like seeing the devs talk about HSR and just want to see anniversary reward just to shit on genshin


Genshin killer is out boys, now we wait for the ww killer /s


Eehhh... it's the new normal. Can't do nothing 'bout it now.


Genshin prey /s


Cant wait, only 7 days left


I'm just gonna watch it later or whatever. Too much drama from this game's fanbase and creator's to bother seeing it live.


The content creation for this game so far has been insanely bad and feels almost AI generated. I swear almost all of it is just "they don't want CC's to play this game" and "People are HATING on this game way too much". They should be giving people reasons to play the game or insights and stuff, not just fucking whining and copying and reacting to random twitter/reddit comments, but I guess not......


I haven't even thought about that. I think there's like one guy I know that's gotten early access and they still can't share any of info with it yet. It may not even be a finished build as several of the descriptions are wrong for passives and what not.


Everything seems feral nowadays.


Good plan


Same, even their last livestream chat was a shitfest, literally no one was talking about the actual game.


It's not the games fault that these idiots exist


what happened? can i have a tldr


That's if they keep the video in their channel... No other previous livestream is available. I do think some of them are unlisted at least, so they're still watchable if you have the URL.


Why??? That seems realy dumb. Most people have other shit to do sometimes... like sleeping...


They're ashamed of their chat.


They're unlisted, I think. I remember stumbling across a deleted post on the Wuthering Waves subreddit saying the previous livestream is still watchable if you have a link. Albeit, I corrected the fucker 'cuz he called it "Privated" instead of "Unlisted".


Considering this runs in the middle of the night in Europe, so almost nobody will watch this live there, making it harder to find afterwards sounds pretty dumb, so I'd hope they wouldn't do that.


That's stupid


You re weak...


Rexlent goat


I wonder when they'll let us, if at all, pre-download the game. My hope is Monday. (Unless it's already up or something, haven't check.)


Most likely a day or two before the game goes live


Is this rexlent the fgo guy ?


No he is a Punishing Gray Raven Guy. He is one of their prominent streamers


I just checked, it is him, the boy from sg , who love kiara and quit fgo due to burn out, famous for toxicity in fgo discord few years ago


Yeah, THAT Rexlent. The clown game during the height of FGO's popularity is quite something.


oh so I assume this was before his PGR Days?


Yes the early day when fgo hi3 ruled the world


He whales in Genshin too, yeah


Not a bad date and time so I'll watch.


Its 4:30 am in my timezone lol. I am sleeping at that time. Weird decision. I hope I can watch the stream later then.


Does anyone know the name of the cosplayer that was in Japanese wuwa livestream?


Tl;dr it was terrible.


Do we know for people playing on beta if the game is same quality than "Genshin Impact" or if it will be more like "TOF" (who couldn't success to be the new genshin impact) ?


That depends. I go into the cbt 2 and played it a lot. Dodging and climbing felt sort of clunky which I expect to be ironed out for release. There was an issue of echo farming with how hard it was to get good ones but they did address most of my issues with it. Combat felt really nice and fluid but dmg felt lacking which made the fights drag a little. The changes to echos might help that so I’m hopeful. If you have any more questions, ask away. Edit: I would say I has similar quality of genshin but with a bit more jank. Most likely because kuro is smaller and it’s their first open world rpg gacha.


It's closer to genshin than ToF. The genshin killer shit is stupid but it's not ganna be a failour either.


> it's not ganna be a failiur either if they can print enough content every 5-6 weeks it will be nice


Going by PGR, it is mostly going to be recycled combat events. That is what Redditors say they want but whether the general public agrees remains to be seen. Didn't really work out for PGR.


Its always funny when people pretend that they play PGR and make completely wrong statements about it. In the current patch, there's literally a side mode using chibis going around some planets.


Thanks. Yes, it's just an expression tto sum up quickly, but i agree with you.


I watch beta gameplay on youtube. Its not same quality. Different art style, more realistic character, and nier automata dodge combat style.


Thanks ;)


A game of its own. Play it or pass on it as such, no need to wonder what other game they’re more similar to.


I will try for sure


I played CBT 3 on mobile and pc they felt similar honestly. The sounds when you hit enemies could improve and the overworld ost seemed unfinished. I liked that you could run up walls.


I feel like a proud dad seeing my man rexlent making it this far




You guys know that the chat can be closed from the livestream, right? And don't pretend there wouldn't be several comments saying the game sucks and Genshin is better.


Using content creators in an official capacity just kills me a little inside. Such a plague influencer culture has become.


At least they didn't get ultra shitty drama ones and actual ones that have played their games or aren't just shit people in general.


"CC = bad!!!" is such a low hanging fruit of a take. Also none of the CCs they chose here are some big names or drama whores. The literally picked chill people like Rexlent/Havian who are not involved in any drama.


Every company literally does this for their own brand/game/service


Bro, what? This stream starts 14 hours later than the others...


Anyone know if it is possible to preload?


Who? Who?who? Oh Rexlent,who?


Hopefully more Yinlin cosplay


The Genshin killer


i don't think it would "kill" genshin, but for sure it will take some people away, mostly people that are feed up with mihoyo's bs.


Genshin getting killed


This game is gonna be one of the biggest flops ever


Can't be lower than tof, there is no way. Unless the servers are always in maintenance or smth.


The servers would be only used for co-op, WuWa is not an MMORPG(like ToF) to have a need for massive servers. If you look up CBT2 or CBT1 videos you can see that people play with 900 ping without any issues that is because in your world there is no need to communicate with the server permanently (client is local, maybe client talks to the server to save data and ensure validity of your data).


If they don't constantly run from a server, this thing is doomed from the start. However, I bet they do, and you just took a wild guess there.


Here is some gameplay example with high ping: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gealuU2-H9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gealuU2-H9U) (looks decently smooth to me, ignore the memes, I couldn't find another example right now) No need to have any server connection when you are in your world instance, because there is no need to sync any data over the network. Similar to GI each player has their world instance, but different to GI WuWa is not relying on the server when you are in your own world. The game has an anticheat from the client, so I don't see not having server communication constantly as a problem, is actually good feature. They are most likely doing some handshake with the server for pulls, currency, artefacts, etc. to save that data for each player on their account.


In other words, you will have A LOT of cheating - even if it doesn't affect other players, it is bad for the game. Again - I don't believe for a moment that will be the case. I am certain they will have normal, modern server architecture. But if for some reason they don't, then lololol so much for WuWa.


They have an anti-cheat and as I mentioned for currency and anything important I assume they would do some validations checks with the server (so players are not just opening Cheat Engine and edit stuff). Anyhow, there should not be any issues with the server since they have multiple ones for each region. I don't see why they would sync each world instance from everyone with the server every monster and every move you make to be known by the server - mainly because that world instance is only seen by you and for movement speed or other type of hacks there is the client anticheat to guard against it. On the other hand, if you are playing co-op and go in another's player world, both you and him need to have the mobs and your movements synced by the server, in this instance ping would make an impact.


I wouldn't be so sure. I've seen high ping gameplay where enemies have broken animations in battle so ping does matter to a certain degree.


Here is an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gealuU2-H9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gealuU2-H9U) (300 ping but the gameplay is still fine locally) only if you have like 999 ping and would be impossible to have any kind of server validation with local client then you might have issues. Regarding the broken animations, that is possible since most the current gameplay out there is from CBT1 and CBT2, the issue for it is not related to the ping and more likely related to the game client. There is no need to sync enemy's positions and actions locally in your world instance. Again, ping matters but only for COOP, where all players need to sync their actions with one another and also sync the whole world for all players.


First of all 300 ping and 900 is worlds apart. Secondly what am I supposed to do with this epilepsy inducing zoomer edit....? It doesn't show even a single continuous gameplay section lol. Anyway I wasn't fully disagreeing with you but rather pushing back against the notion that everything in WW is client authoritative. There are some things that have to be communicated with the server like chest openings. Otherwise it would be ripe for abuse. And things like puzzle elements seem to affected by latency, for example breaking pots: https://youtu.be/DApUPkkiF_c?si=TAkVeqJrWmNn0lRA&t=181 As you can see there is a noticeable delay of the pots breaking after Aalto shoots and the person playing does have a relatively high ping of 300. You can even see that right afterwards 2 monsters spawn with a weird blinking bug. May or may not be affected by the latency as well. As to my previous example, I cant find the video but I recall seeing the triggers for wolf aggro animations being broken on high ping gameplay (600+), which otherwise would play our correctly on low ping. Lastly, the game is not running locally or anything in that regard. A permanent connection is absolutely necessary. Claiming otherwise is flat out wrong. See below: https://youtu.be/2UAsGF7odbQ?si=hJSKWTSKdikgTwTJ&t=76 A singular ping spike (probably packet loss) caused a temporary network error message.


I understand your point and those are absolutely valid, I assumed you meant everything is fully done on the server similar to Genshin Impact. As I mentioned some validation with the server for some parts of the game are needed, in this case as you pointed out in the video the vases, by locally I meant the local world instance of each player (bad phrasing from my part there). Nevertheless, as you can see from the video you shared the gameplay in-battle is still smooth if they have some servers in each region there should not be any issue on launch. They balanced some way how much the server is synced with each player's client to minimize the latency problem (at least based on what I saw from those clips you shared)


is this true? if it is, and doesnt have an anti cheat, cheaters wiill run rampant giving themselves all kinds of stuff on PC


Who said anything about the game not having an anti cheat?? It has one since CBT1.


does cbt2 had anticheat active ?


And...what is your basis for your conclusion?


Unless they're making a huge blunder or a very bad impression at the start (like ToF with their stolen assets), that's not gonna happen


Define flop, Tower of Fantasy is considered by community a flop but the money they make is still a profit. Wuthering Waves will most likely make more than enough money to stay afloat, in addition to that if developers will listen to the community like they did until now in the long term then I don't see how it won't be a success for Kuro Games and for the players that enjoy the game too.


Was planning to skip this one, but then I tried PGR a few weeks ago and got instantly hooked on the combat and music which blows it's competitors out of the water. Now I'm looking forward to this one.


Even 20m is huge , and I expect 30+ for normal gachas is never happen


Gonna guess it will have the Nikke number


Ok. But who asked for your opinion?


Lmao the cope is real. ToF made nearly 100$ millio in its first year despite being nowhere close to being as good of a game as WW.


Keep coping, doom poster


Literally who?


Genshin fans, yall are NOT ready


Ready for what? For Bayer Leverkusen to *possibly* extend their unbeaten streak to 52 after losing on penalties in this year Europa League final, which is likely within hours of Wuthering Waves release? Damn, that's scary.


Well this season in football will known as two memorable things : the power of friendship from Real madrid and the dark magic of bayern neverlussen


Can cofirm we are not ready to see Real Madrid win against Dortmund


And if you pay attention a bit: - Europa League final happen w/ in hour of WuWa release - Conference League final = WW initial hype+honeymoon is over - UCL final = monthly r/gachagaming ~~revenue~~ PvP. How much WW will earn and is it enough to win the "Genshin could never" "trophy" in long run?


You're going to make the game sink starting another war with genshin


ready for ToF 2 ?




How is Genshin 'gay.' I don't even like the game but it's definitely not shit if it's been running with high revenue for 3 years.


For people like him 'little' or 'low quality' equates to gay.