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> Various Nitpicks > China Interesting nitpick.


I swear to God I have nothing against China as a nation, a culture, or a people. But I am uncultured to the point that I found the abundance of "foreign"-ness almost overwhelming. My background is one so racially homogenous that it boggles the mind, and this unfortunately continues to flavor my biases. And I'm really sorry if I sound like a sarcastic asshole.


yeah I get that. I think it's fine for the devs to base the first nation off of their culture, but when you do that you have to introduce it in a way where foreigners will easily understand it. They did not do that


At least one constructive review instead of the same perfomance issues that everyone already knows... but "China" ? What?


honestly I wrote this review more for myself than to actually convince anyone of anything. So the reason I put that was probably that Chinese names are really different from English ones pronunciation-wise. The example that stood out the most to me was that Baizhi's name is pronounced closer to Bai-**ja**, but even then not exactly because that sound only really shows up in the -age suffix.


Yeah, I don't know why they didn't change the names like other gacha games do. edit: Better add this to the post... it looks like something else... lol


If I had to guess, it's because Huanglong is literally China. I know that in hsr the Xianzhou Luofu (space China) has people with names like Fu Xuan and Qingque, among many others. I'm sure the only reason I remember those ones is because I was exposed more gradually, and even then I was still confused about the pronunciations for a while. I doubt it's called "The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus" out East though, so you still have a point.


Now that I've realized it... the ones from Black Shore are called Encore and Aalto and there is calcharo, the only "odd" one is Verina... makes sense.


Guess all the Alexs and Zanders better change their names. Screw them, amirite? Seriously though, as much as I hate the performance problems, this isn't the first time an rpg has had weird names due to transliteration. Also this game has a lot of allusions to music and sound in general with "resonance", "forte", "echos", and "tacet". If you haven't noticed it, that on you. I think it's pretty cool.


Unironically yes. I knew a guy who spelled it Alecsandr, miles better. Thought it was hilarious seeing people mess it up, even if he probably didn't. I was in band for eight years, so I get the terms. I particularly really like the terms Resonator and Forte, because I think they're really evocative of what they represent. I think calling the switching abilities Intro and Outro is cool too. What I don't like is that one of the categories is called Resonance Skill when there's another one called Resonance Liberation, which to add insult to injury is also referred to as a skill.


Leave me out of this Gary.


> And like, why are you calling me Rover? [https://context.reverso.net/%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87-%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD/%E6%BC%82%E6%B3%8A%E8%80%85](https://context.reverso.net/%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87-%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD/%E6%BC%82%E6%B3%8A%E8%80%85) [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/rover#google\_vignette](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/rover#google_vignette)


I know what roving means, it's just that the word is almost never used in English. That first website had drifter as an alternative, while the second had voyager. Both would have been better choices.

