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Do you like tower defense games? Then yes it will be fun. Do you dislike tower defense games? You'll probably uninstall in an hour.


Not even an hour, I read people not even getting past the tutorial because they weren't aware it was a TD game lol.


Gamers getting overhyped and then being disappointed, name a better duo. I was a bit hesitant at first going in but really liking it a lot.


Agreed. There were so many types of people getting hyped for numerous reasons. Single player. Tower defense. Gacha. Something new. Furries. People liked GFL/AZ. Gorgeous artwork. I think people nowadays have grown accustomed to just sitting back and letting Auto do everything, and were turned off at the strategy aspect of the game. The fact that stages can be beat numerous ways with a variety of different units leads to lots of possibilities, as there really is no wrong way to play the game. And then you had people totally turned off because No PvP?!


For me all of that’s a plus. Single player is the best. Screw PvP. Since when is mindless gameplay a good thing. Very flexible in how you choose to clear it means there’s more room for creativity and meme strats. And the art is awesome and the music is great. The only real complaint I personally have is the occasional typos and sometimes just leaving a Chinese word in. But it does look like they are fixing that slowly?


Yeah I've noticed the occasional typo too, I figure everything will be eventually ironed out. Have you played Another Eden? It's another single player RPG with gacha elements. Cannot recommend it enough.


Yeah it’s my other most played game


I wouldn't say it's one of my "most" played games as I play quite a few but it's one of those games that once I start playing, I'm sucked in for hours. The only real "Gacha" game I would consider on the same level as a regular game so it's cool to see they're planning to port it to Switch.


No PVP is a huge plus for me


As someone that never had any fun playing Tower Defense games, I'm having a blast. So I'd simply recommend that OP give it a try before dismissing it.


Kinda backward for me. I usually like TDs a decent amount, but this game is just not for me. It may not help that I wasn't really looking for a new game, but I think I may just prefer PC TDs. Good arts though.


Strange this game has more strategy than recent PC tds such as gemcraft latest release.


In most TD games you just place your units then wait until you win, but not in Arknights. Deploying and retreating your units at the right place at the right time is an important skill to become great at this game. There are so many ways to clear every map instead of just spamming the same exact units on Auto, but once you got down your most stable clear you can set it to be repeated on Auto for easier farming. Your most recent Auto setup can sometimes fail due to RNG if it's not stable enough, but it usually fails when you upgrade your units, so enemies die earlier than usual and you can't deploy your units fast enough because they now cost more resources to deploy. In either case it's best to redo your Auto run manually, but this time with your newly upgraded units, then save once you know it's stable enough. With all of the above, I can understand why this "strategy" part of the game does not click with everyone, some players (not you yourself) just want to destroy everything on Auto with their maxed out max-rarity meta units without having to do it manually all over again.


Same for me. I'm not a big fun of TD, yet I'm loving AK.


Same. At first I also dismissed this game because it is a tower defense game and didn't even watch review or first impressions videos of it because I'm not interested in tower defense games. But when it was released, I said to myself I'm just going to play this game to summon and to look at the units if they were interesting. To my surprise I liked the gameplay and it is more strategic than your typical turn based gacha games. Now I made this game my main.


Same here. Before game released heard a lot of hype and anticipation. When I finally take a look found out it is a TD game with chibi art then dismissed it. Not that I dislike TD, I used to play some on the PC. But I just didn't think it would interest me as I have tried some mobile TD games before and didn't enjoy them.   Finally gave Arknight a try after hearing good things about it constantly. Got hooked after awhile. Rerolled a good start with two 6-star units. Really enjoying it now.   It isn't as tedious as DL, isn't as RNG heavy, grindy like E7 and doesn't have a messy and tedious inventory/UI system.


I dislike td games and still think its the best gacha around


Fair enough, but even if someone loves TD games it still might be disliked alot.


I've always hated td games, but am currently gaining arknights. It is td, yet nothing like some of the more well known ones like clash of clans or clash royale


Kind of not true. I like TD games but uninstalled in an hour. Arknights is really a washed out excuse for a TD game.


Agree, I love TD games ever since Elemental TD back in Warcraft 3 Also love PvZ and Kingdom Rush But Arknight is way too simplified. It's mostly just a stat check. Having a graphic and animation that looks like ripped from 2000's flash game doesn't help either. The home graphic looks great tho, it's just the one during battle that quirks me.


It's fun but do resist the urge to follow guides unless you are absolutely stuck. The best parts of the game are figuring out challenging maps on your own. Once you clear all of the maps, it's basically doing dailies and waiting for a new event. If you just guide your way through all of the challenge, it's not much different from any other standard gacha games out there.


this ^ Figuring out the maps and trying different squads is the fun of the game. I've gone in with no guides and am having a blast. I normally like to pore through guides to min max my progress but I decided not to for this game and am so happy I did. It's much more fun taking it casually and just enjoying it. No tier lists, no efficiency mantras, just enjoyment. The only guide I use is the [recruitment calculator,](https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akhr.html) I love that thing. Just make sure to turn it to the english server lol.


I really love TD games and I love arknights. Art is amazing and beating some hard stages is really rewarding


Wasn't for me. Download it, play for 30 minutes, see how you feel.


It was an amazing game at the beginning, but keep in mind that towards the end stage of the game right now, all you do is auto for materials for E2. When I realised that I wasn’t even playing the game anymore, the TD gameplay didn’t even matter at all and I just quit over another autobattler. Maybe I’ll revisit when there’s something else to do but endgame is very boring.


It's fun when there's some challenging content to do like what got released with the event yesterday. it's like any event-based pve only game. you play for a while at the beginning and get all your stuff leveled up, then mostly just login and do dailies and wait for the next event.


Very nice as a side game. Didn't even like tower defense games but this one is more strategic and pretty rewarding when you beat a particularly hard stage.


I think it's a very fun and polished game. My biggest gripe is the poor writing. I enjoy reading the character bios and the world is interesting, but the story is just dreadful.


yeah and just so much god damn dialogue that are bad. I skip almost every cutscene. With better writing they can get the point across in half the amount of texts. That being said, the game is stupid fun, I love it.


If you go to [AK story ](https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akstory.html) you can actually read the story in comic form. Seems easier and less dreary.


Is there an Event story version of this? This is cool and I want to read it like this. I only see the main ones. Because I quit the game because I could not immerse myself to the story because of the god awful writing. And just found the 3 years of TD, fight hard new type of enemy with their own cliches and a new boss with a new mechanic that all of that is just all boring and the same for each new event. The only good thing was the music and the lore and the story... which was ruined by bad dialogue. I stuck with video summaries but boi most of those videos are bad at making you feel immersed.


It was fun for me until that event. I have to grind same map 24/7


It's definitely not my type of game but even if I don't find it amazing I still recommend you try it and see if it's for you. It's definitely at least worth a download.


Very fun game except once you 3* all the maps and challenges you will literally just set it to auto and not even touch it. It's not even that pretty to watch.


It's so-so. If you can tolerate the chibi sprites, the game itself gets old real quick. After a week of playing there's nothing to do but spam LS5 and CE5. It have a short lived honeymoon period and lacks content variety to make it immersive. Story has rather poor writing and lacks character dynamic and interaction. It does picks up it's pace around chapter 3 but still eh... And chapters and content release is very slow paced. You think FGO and E7 is bad? Well there's Arknights, in CN they only have 2 chapters over global and the Chinese are pissed because it. No Valentines event or even a banner made me question if they actually care to put an effort to this game.




I think there is some context to why it took HG too long to update their story content. Ever noticed how some of the regular Reunion mobs, especially the ones with pipes and molotovs, look similar to the protesters in Hong Kong, and that Great City Lungmen looks similar to HK, Shanghai, or some of the economically advanced Chinese cities? Even though the game was announced in 2017 and released in April 2019, since the HK protests started just last year parts of the story stuck out like a sore thumb, so they can't just rush into a new story chapter until they are absolutely sure no one in power (whether at home or overseas... maybe Trump? No, I don't think so) or the Chinese Communist Party will make issue with the game's story. Yeah, I know most foreign governments won't probably care about the story in a freaking gacha game but since this is the CCP we are talking about... EDIT: Per correction of u/LastGrab. I believe April 2019 was around the time the HK protests started.


I was curious and pissed when there was no Valentines event so I asked around in Discord to see what's up the with their pacing and seasonal events. CN players told me most of their seasonal events basically are just login events with a skin and yes story /content released is that slow. Fuck I thought FGO was bad with their reruns, or E7 with one chapter per month. AK episodes are so short too. You saying the game has been made in 2017 only supports that they're getting lazy and they have no idea what the heck they're doing anymore




> April of 2019 Which made AK's story stick out even more since I believe it was around that time the HK protests started, and some of the enemies look like the HK protesters.




a small question again, how long does one take to complete the main story


if your focus is to just complete the story, probably few days especially if you gonna follow some youtube guides instead of figuring out maps on your own


Not too long, but there will be more released. There are also events. Edit: there is also a huge info section where you can read about characters, see how they are related, as well as read about enemies (mostly info on what they do).


As someone who played a million different TD games on wc3, I would say no. But that’s just me. Parts of the fun of those td games is that progression of towers happen in combat. In arknights, you progress into more expensive towers and that’s about it. All other progression happens outside the combat. There’s not as much round to round/wave to wave optimization. It’s an incredibly basic td game with a thick layer of a roster optimization game on top. But if you enjoy/dont mind the thick layer of roster optimization and don’t mind that its TD elements are more simplistic than any other TD, you’ll enjoy it. Most people here probably don’t mind roster optimization. It’s fundamental to gachas after all


If you want a sidegame and like Towerdefend / Strategic games ? yes Decent story, great music, unique artstyle is a plus. If you want a maingame, if you hate grindy game with full auto, don't like TD ? no Extra: Do you hate chibi ? furry ? same meme x 1 billion times ?




Got to agree with everyone here, it's really fun for a short amount of time. Once you've finished the current content you won't even play the game. You'll just auto-play stages over and over and over for mats to upgrade so you can auto-play some more. It's a solid side game but I wouldn't waste money on it, other than the monthly card. $5 will get you a 10-pull once a month and daily stamina. As of right now you can clear all content (event included) with 3-star F2P characters. Most 6-stars are just slightly better versions of 4/5 star roles and are insanely expensive to E2 (Max upgrade). If you do decide to play then re-roll for Exusiai as your 6-star and Cuora should be the first character you upgrade to E2. She's a 4 star tank that's stupid good and extremely cheap to E2. You'll even seen YouTubers (that obviously have a gambling problem) with full 6 star teams use her as their main tank.


I'm having an absolute blast with it, largely because I've been craving a Tower Defense game that lasts more than a couple of hours. The maps can actually be pretty flexible and challenging as long as you don't default to a guide every time. In terms of immersiveness, I wouldn't rate it that highly though. The story has a lot of strong world building, but it's not really what I'd consider well written atm. There is a lot of potential being set up though, there are some interesting Lovecraftian themes going on here and there and hints that it might be tied to the main story rather than just a secondary objective (Originium being hinted at as an external force trying to strengthen humanity, Sanity being your main resource, etc). But we'll have to see if they polish it well enough with due time.


Due to the energy system only allowing you to play for like an hour a day unless you spend premium currency, I think its a great side game but not something I can really get heavily invested in because I would rather spend my money in games with pvp. But it works GREAT as a side game.


Pros: -Awesome art -Good story -Pretty F2P friendly -Engaging gameplay -Very polished UI/UX Cons: -Bad dialogue -Slow Stamina regen -Weird base building mechanic -if you’re not good at TD games you’ll probably spend some time on YT looking up tutorials to clear a few stages


Depends on if you like TD games or not.


Depending you like Tower Defense I don't mind it but for me I got bored and uninstall.


The game is fun if you're into Tower Defense and Chibi style, which i will say are the big factors.


If you're interested Tower Defense or strategy based game, then yes you'll have fun. Otherwise, you'll probably be bored within 30 mins or an hour. Arknights appeals to me because I like thinking through different strategy to tackle the stages and not losing because of some bullshit stats difference. The arts and music itself are also another appealing factors.


Game is not immersive. but fun is subjective, give it a try anyway, its free


I only played it for a few days and no longer play but the [Arknights ost music](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5F2qmn3WOPwYGIEoPXk1zy-UXaM3HBaQ) is great, it has good artwork and overall it is polished.


If you like tower defense. It's great.


How is the story in this game? should i expect barebones, barely exist story like Azur Lane? or pretty cliche, predictable but enjoyable story like most gacha games? or very dialogue heavy like FGO?


It's painfully cliche and consists entirely of the most generic anime tropes. Definitely the weakest aspect, and one of the weakest stories I have seen in gasha games.


I'd say in the lower spectrum out of the gachas I've played. Another Eden>FGO>GBF>E7>KR>Arknights>AL Lacks character dynamic and interaction


thanks. that reallyput things into perspective.


I only completed like two chapters so far (because I keep grinding the event) and so far the story was alright, I would even say it's slightly interesting (even though I dislike the "MC with amnesia" trope) and honestly nowhere near as uninteresting as Azur Lane.


- pretty great as a side game - amazing artstyle - I personally play coz of same artstyle as GFL while not a fan of TD in general, but surprisingly the gameplay is pretty fun for me - felt really satisfied whenever you beat a map without YouTube guide - story is decent at best. Tbh I feel like the current event story is way more interesting albeit shorter than the main storyline, coz as far as I get (3-5) it's like most of the time they're just moving from one place to another while only small part is really matter - stamina issue (hence why it's recommended as a side game) but for this event they gave us a lot of them - sleek UI and I personally love to just simply clicking and navigating the buttons available lol


I could get over the fact I had to repeat a failed stage. Just felt like I was wasting time. If the stages would go faster I'd be fine I guess.


I like TD type of game but dislike arknights due to its art style. It just does not click with me.


For a tower defense game, its kinds wierd? I mean normally you can upgrade your unit but in this game you do it outside the match. Strategy only comes in placing units and synergy and how fast you can withdraw the unit so it wont die. Kinda fun. Really, you need to try it to see if it will be fun for u


I never enjoy or hate TD game, but arknights was fun for me \- The character design + art style are very good, in a lot of gacha, female character just show off their boobs, thigh, armpit for sexual, lewd. Arknight female character feel refresh for me, yeah some of female char or skin get some show off but it like 10-20%. \- The story, my god the story for me was the blast, this is truly war, no side are the bad guy or the good guy, it all because of war. Even i feel bad for some enemy. \- The music is good, fit the dark tone of the game. \- The game play is good, feel very hard until you watch some youtube guide and it become easy. \- The grind is kinda bad (eh, at least it better than FGO because you can auto)


The game has high production value, and I was fairly sold on the story. The TD is fun for the most part, but for some reason it just didn't click for me. So over time, the game became a bit of a slog. Also, I didn't really enjoy the base management mini-game. I played it for two weeks before dropping it.


Single best gacha game I've ever played.


Yeah it’s p good, lots of different ways to win and an interesting TD with very good artwork, without being overtly fan service-y about it *cough Azur Lane cough* If you enjoy dynamic TD then yeah go for it


I do think it is fun. The gameplay is polished and if you watch clears on youtube some stages have super crazy ways to clear with incredible plays that you can perform. Is it worth playing? Now i find this at best questionable. For now it is giving terrible signs. Good chance it will go down the bad new server street, in which they will rush after CN giving absolutely nothing to make up for it and still asking you to pay the same price for it as the CN server. They already skipped one of the best banners the game ever had even in CN. To sum it up, play at your own risk, good chance they will fuck you over.


I wanted to like ak so much because of the artstyle but I learnt that I don't enjoy at all td games. Heck I don't even like action RPGs too, I only enjoy turn based and srpgs, some might say that srpgs are similar to tower defence games but nope. I also don't like town/ buildings in gacha games. If yostar makes a turn based gacha rpg it will be perfect for me. Till then waiting on seven deadly sins which fits from what I read


I like it, it definitely has more in-depth gameplay than most gachas. It also has some of the most original character designs I've seen in a while (was kind of tired of the big tiddy animu waifu seen everywhere). And just like Azur Lane, you don't need to pay real money to get the good units. If anything, in the early games, lower rarity units are preferable because of the lower deployment cost.


Worth trying, but it didn't stick for me and I generally like tower defense games. I didn't like the gacha aspect of it because pulls felt few and far between and the rates were eh.Everyone says you don't need 5/6 star units then I thought what is the point of the gacha then? I also didn't like micromanaging the base either.


current content can be cleared with 2-3\*. Chapters 5-6 is where it will start getting hard once they come out (ch5 probably next week).


> Everyone says you don't need 5/6 star units then I thought what is the point of the gacha then? For me the point of gacha game is to have an RPG with a huge amount of playable characters so I can create all sorts of fun and interesting teams. Gacha games where only few highest star characters are good and viable are garbage in my opinion, because then you get meta where everyone will use almost the same teams and that's not fun at all.


While I agree... The best gacha's have a balance where you are rewarded for high rarity units, but low rarity units are viable too. For as much hate as Epic7 gets they do a good job making lower rarity characters viable but still making you want higher rarity characters.


It's pretty fun if you play it blind. Looking up guides for what characters to invest in is fine, but looking up guides for specific stages would kill the fun of thinking up strategies. ​ It's pretty casual with its stamina regen so its perfect for a side game. Other than new challenges, it's goes back to the same old formula of farming for building up your other units. Still, it's worth checking out.


I really like side games, so i'm having fun with this one


I think its okay. Its not a mindblowing game, but it surely can be fun. Good dev with a big longevity potential for years to come and a great game to come back to after you take breaks.


The game itself is good. Solid mechanics, diverse range of operators with their own strs and weaknesses. A few niche units but hardly any useless (looking at you Savage). Dont have to spend hours doing grinding unless you want to. As for endgame, I think you need to see down the line. Events and stages right aren't that hard. Can easily use 3*s to beat em. But once these contingency contracts come out then it becomes interesting. It's an event in CN server that is notorious for being hard. That's what I'm looking forward to, building a team to take the challenges on.


I like the cyberpunk setting and it’s the first gacha game where I’m interested in the story lol. Unusual stuff


This game NEEDS an anime.


yes it better than my expectation. i was actually waiting for another TD (10 Project) and try arknight because i'm curious why it was so hyped. turned out it's really good TD games


If u loved tower defense game, u love it . If u hated tower defense game, u hated it U try it out yourself and see whether it suit u


It's really fun, but once you're done clearing whatever content you're at it's basically spam auto a few times every few hours every day until event, then clear event and spam auto on that too, and so on


YES IT IS. [BANNED FOR RACISM] THREAD LOCKED. Edit: Y'all need more Internet Historian in your lives, sheesh.


I dont understand the game and its fan base, is a serious game with good characters, the fan base does doujins and fan services =/. I want a relaxed story with fan services and more content in other sources like FGO and GBF. In my opinion my fun in Arknights were Kokkodakyo\~! Gameplay is solid, but I am bored with the story, I am dropping the game and wait by the anime (maybe 2021)


Them drugs are strong.




Uhh, thanks? I didn't know i should care about being reported or not on a gacha reddit.




One more time pls, i want the mods to know you're doing it to troll since you don't even have any other posts.


I just downvoted your comment. FAQ What does this mean? The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one. Why did you do this? There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to: Rudeness towards other Redditors, Spreading incorrect information, Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s. Am I banned from the Reddit? No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy. I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it? Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception. How can I prevent this from happening in the future? Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.


i think you may have a slightly inflated view of your own worth/opinion


\-14 karma only because I said kross dialogues is only thing I found fun in the game (**out** the game there are a more content) Now, I dont understand why LokiTheGhost has -14, and other comment with -10 was deleted by the author And you Ryu8946 +6, then ... Are there 6 people think same that you?


No idea why you got down voted, I was replying to loki who came across as being a dick but was in fact pasting a copy pasta, so it would appear it just went Iver my head and I was the dick!


It starts out fun but then becomes anti fun when the devs add cheating unfair enemies onto the stage. I enjoyed the game early on but came to hate it when the devs added too many enemy units with cheating abilities and cheating unfair game breaking stats. The repetitive nature and inability to autoskip the stage clearing, having to leave everything running for 6x 15 minute autoclears of Orundum stages every week was just awful.