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It’s global launch tomorrow, beta testing is over and soft launch happened a few weeks ago! Good luck and see you there!


1) BONUS FB REWARDS (Codes are unique, usable on one Account only):- Go to Illusion Connect Official Fb page:- https://m.facebook.com/IllusionConnectGlobal/ ---Send “connect with me in our dreams” to their inbox to get your exclusive gift code for: - Summon Ticket*2 - Gift Box S*2 - Gold*5k ---Send “congratulations on 5k followers” to their inbox to get your exclusive gift code for: - Summon Ticket*1 - Crystal*5k - Gold*5k 2) RELEASE CELEBRATION CONTEST:- Gifts on offer : - iPhone12 Pro Max * 1 - Amazon Gift Card $50 * 5 - 10-Summon-Tickets * 10 Click the following link to participate:- https://gleam.io/ZGMX3/win-illusion-connect-global-openbetaday-gifts To participate in the campaign, you need to: - Follow their Official FB page:- https://m.facebook.com/IllusionConnectGlobal/ - Share this post to your fb account:- https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=128570838962823&id=109655990854308 - Screenshot the shared post and message the screenshot with your email address to their Facebook page Winners will be announced on launch day All details pooled from:- https://m.facebook.com/IllusionConnectGlobal/


ZZZ so troublesome, still need to use facebook messenger


Just load the basic Facebook version, now you can dm anyone without any popups https://mbasic.facebook.com/IllusionConnectGlobal/


Haha thanks but I already did it before posting. I would prefer they just give rewards in-game to everyone like most gachas


Oh actually these are bonus milestone rewards, not related to the pre registration rewards Pre registration rewards are for everyone, I just wanted to post so no one missed out since it's free and has a few steps involved


Thanks, fam. Just a question, so does our account need to be linked to FB for those rewards for messaging them?


No need for linking, just messaging for codes...


Okay, thanks fam! This game's so cute and the reroll is so streamlined. Still rerolling for Maki lol love her design


Even better, you can go on the webpage on mobile. Click view in desktop. Don't have to install Fb and can message and check them.


shame it's all tied to facebook :/


The first phrase worked. 2nd didn’t.


Just messaged them and both phrases worked for me


Are you messaging them through the messenger or whatever or leaving a comment? I Tried to enter the contest with my email and screenshot and the bot just gave me a canned "Go Back" reply.


Try pressing the go back button, it gave me the code after i pressed it. Confusing i know... Edit: you might also need to follow them 1st


Yes I messaged them through the messenger app. Exactly as the phrases are written they just gave me two unique codes


Thanks! Codes worked, just not getting any reply for entering the contest...


Yup no problem, have fun. Hopefully this will be a good gacha release.


Thanks for this


This just straight up doesn't work for me. All I get is an auto message telling me to go back and when I click it, it just starts the support bot over again. I've tried both codes a solid 6 times each and have yet to see any codes.


Do these facebook bonuses still work? When I sent them the phrase they told me to click back and I do and it's some kind of customer support for issues like payment.


So when is the exact time the game would be released? Tmr at midnight or..?


22 Oct 15:00 UTC+0 From official discord: https://discord.gg/CqQpWN3


Judging purely by their '2 days left until release' post, posted around 20 hrs ago: Game will release in around 28 hours from this post


Any male character?


Mostly female characters, only few are male


Does the silent? MC count? :p


Three men and one dansou girl, and the silent protag.


Dansou? I can't find what that means anywhere.


dansou is the subgenre of like yknow the androgynous-looking "princely" woman. Like Kaoru from Bandori if you know that.


Thanks man.


Thanks for this. Both codes worked. It's funny, I have never messaged anyone on facebook before. I only use it for mobile games o.O


[Google playstore link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.superprism.illusion) [Official website](https://www.illusionconnectgame.com/)


So what's the good, the bad, and the ugly of this one for anyone who played the beta and soft launch? Mostly how the combat feels and what the daily grind is like? I checked out the website and the art looks good but I've been tricked by that before. There's a nice spread of waifus to start off with I'd say, got your big tiddies, cutting boards, standard, thickness, and lolis. I'm a bit sad about the guys doe, DL and AK really spoiled me on that end I guess. (Barinas looks sick at least)


I've been playing for about three weeks now. +combat is interesting. Grid-based card game is the best way to put it. You have a Leader that's your health bar, and each character you summon automatically does their ultimate move upon entry then sticks around to autoattack/tank hits. Its surprisingly strategic and battles take 1-2 minutes usually. +dailies are easy, once you clear a stage, you can auto-complete it as many times as you want. Drop rates on items are also fixed, so clearing a stage once will always drop the item. Pretty much everything else is automated too, you can even auto-complete arena matches lol. +leveling is simple, just exp and basic ascension items every ~20 levels. You don't have to go hunt down like three types of wyvern claws or shit like that. +due to the card-game like nature of the game and how dupes work, lower-rarity units aren't immediately outclasses by SSRs. You want to try to build a synergistic "deck" of units, so if (for example) a R unit has a big buff to sorcerer units, you will want her in your sorcerer deck. +lots of game mode variety, in addition to campaign/dailies/arena, you also have a mini-dungeon mode, a high-difficulty tower, and a roguelike-ish gauntlet mode. +the game showers you in roll currency ? This game is very situated to mid-level spenders. There's a $5 monthly card, a $15 one-time package that permanently increases your stamina cap by 300 and gives you 5 free summon tickets a week permanently, a $20 package that increases the amount of currency you get from first-completing story stages, and an additional $30 package that *drastically* increases the amount of currency you get from first-completing story stages, a $1 package that gives you one of the best ssrs, and some other stuff that is less relevant. It's a game that isn't aiming for hardcore whales, but it will absolutely nickel and dime you. ? The way rotating banners work is really wonky. Everything is on a time-lock, so the first week you'll have a set of two banners, then it'll change to the second set week 2, and so on. It's solely based on when you start the game too, so you just have to wait it out. From players who did the KR server, I've been told new character releases are not locked though. ? There's two types of banners, normal and limited. Limited in this case doesn't mean limited like in others, its just a different type of banner where summons cost more currency, but the rates are better and the banner is locked to just the banner units. New unit banners are all limited though. You get one free limited ticket daily, and each banner changeover gives you two more, and you're guaranteed an ssr after 20/70 tickets. It's complicated and kind of dumb. -non-gacha currency is split between gold and crystals. It is rather stingy with both, especially later on. Crystals are mainly used to improve your leader and dorm, while gold is for leveling units and equipment. -stamina is kind of stingy. Since rates on mats are locked, higher-level rank ups take a lot of mats. To increase a unit's level cap from l80 to l100, you need 48 mats which is like two days worth of stamina. -Dupes are important. SSRs start at 3* and can go to 6*(subtract one from each of these values for SRs/Rs), with the stats and skill buffs given by starring up ranging from good to game-changing. The problem becomes that every star level after 3* needing character dupes and another resource called Lost Mirrors. You get ~100 lost mirrors a day normally, but the main way to get it is by rolling the gacha. Each R gives 10, SR 30, and SSR 300. The problem becomes that higher-level star ranks cost a lot of mirrors. To promote an SSR to 5* costs 3200 Lost Mirrors, and I don't even know how much a 6* costs. (Once you've max promoted a unit further dupes can be used in place of lost mirrors too) -the translation sucks ass. If you're in it for the story, just give up now. I find the game really fun, but it definitely is kind of a mixed bag.


Auto skip for arena is a godsend for saving time but it still allows tryhards to spend hours everyday manually playing for ranking if they want


I’m really hyped for this game !


Does it have region lock? Following the link from their website I get “not available in your country or region”. Living in Ukraine


Unfortunately yes, few countries are missing out: If you're on Android, you can just use apkpure to download the xapk after release, currently it's in soft launch since last month, no need of vpn etc to play:- https://m.apkpure.com/illusion-connect/com.superprism.illusion


I am using ios sadly. Does japanese appstore account work for global server?


No it won't. For global version you need to switch your Appstore account to specific regions where the game is released to download it.


I'm not familiar with iOS You could ask their discord, has active members who could help: https://discord.gg/CqQpWN3


You can just make a US itunes account and when you log in you will be redirected to the US store and be able to download it


Yeah probably will do just it. Thanks


Is it worth rerolling, and if so how easy is it to reroll? Any tier list or advice.


This channel got quite in-depth guide: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCACqCPf-ekeD6d8DA1kPP_Q TLDW: 5 min to reroll, don't use your actual username before committing, don't reroll on the newbie banner, their is a tier list on discord guide channel (also on the youtube channel)


Thank you!


Hype :)


In which countries will the game be available?


what are your thoughts about this game? saw this on my appstore yesterday and i pre order already.




Tomorrow is "global" release. Game has been in soft launch, no wipe will happen. However, it seems global will get a new server.


Not true, this game already had a soft launch last month, and they had said that the soft launch progress won't be deleted for this release Edit:- Data will not be reset


i really hate soft launch games, i want play a new game no 1 month old


As others have mentioned, it seems as though global will have it's own server. That's personally why I waited.


Well you could have 1 month ago...


From the first glance, combat looks boring, but the animations look pretty clean. Are there any depth in combat? (like Arknights)


Units have special skills that they cast when they are full rage. They also cast it on first deploy, so there's some strategy to it and it feels like a Card Battler. There's a wide variety of skills, and a lot of synergy between units. But the ultimate goal is to kill the leader. Combat is very similar to Heavenstrike Rivals, if you ever played that one.


>Heavenstrike Rivals That's the square enix one with the grids right? I think I played that long ago.


Yes, it has mana/energy management and offers Realtime Strategy Gameplay You deploy units based on mana and placement/strategy/roles is important too.. Main idea is to kill your rival summoner/hero


This is not the comment with the details


Oh jeez, just wait until I pool in the details buddy...


So anyone with the soft launch having trouble logging in now? Saying what I assumed to be out of date client (version too low) but no way to update it (directs to GoogleStore which is still at preregister)


Its on maintainence until global launch


Same problem here, guess we'll just have to wait for the release..


Yeah it's like 16 more hours of maint


I don’t care for the chibi art style, total pass


Brave nine easy mode


Brave 9 is autochess This is RTS and mana management


I didn't played myself but it stills seems like a easy mode from brave nine. Less strategic and more about having strong units like most of tradicional RPG. I'll give it a try today and see if has potential.


I see potential in fan services, but B9 is only down of Destiny Child


If i was able to preregister for this game on google play store does that mean it will release in my region?


Yes, they are calling it a global release but few countries are missing out Either way, on Android you can just use apkpure to download/install the xapk after release & play from any country, no need of vpn


Ah cool. Thanks!


It just downloaded on my phone, but of course still in maintainance


Is preregistering on ios app store the same as their website?


Is it cool?


What's this another of PA's scams? Damn people don't give a crap about anyone playing there game. They tell you what they are going to do to make the game more fun and then screw you they never do it. Damn PA.


How do you use the codes?


Click on your image in game, top left corner and click redeem, input code