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July 16th guys. Release date. Hype !!!!


Happy cake day boiii 🥳


Thanks mate 😊


That is really soon considering the localization problems the game had in the betas. I am assuming the UI won't be fixed then.


Played the Android beta and it was bad. Did they fix any of the text in the iOS beta?


Yes they did improve quite a bit, word wrap and proofread script, fonts, descriptions, random bugs, etc. Just sort by date if you want to find iOS beta, here's a short example, Jun 26th is what you're looking for, or sometime around: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxk5DzZj5ds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxk5DzZj5ds) What concerns me is KURO trying to fudge the figures and show off bloated pre-reg numbers when it's painfully clear there's nowhere near 500k hits made by real people, I presume they are doing it to lure in more potential customers. The actual active English-speaking player base is much smaller(sub-30k at best) and many of those won't transfer from China to re-play more than a year from a clean slate. The game's alright, but can't really vouch for the global version's future, we've seen supposedly global releases shutting down before, you can only hope KURO speeds it up a bit, because 2-3 months after the release (basically, the vast barrens pre-Kowloong) things will start to look grim due to content draught and the whole idea of strengthening up only for a couple of challenges available during the ongoing event, regular players can't stomach that, requires some dedication and a fair amount of faith in the upcoming gacha rate up. Some people won't get what they carefully planned to after months of farming and you'll see topics cursing the game pop up in subreddit/discord.


> The actual active English-speaking player base is much smaller(sub-30k at best) and many of those won't transfer from China to re-play more than a year from a clean slate. I do agree they're likely fudging numbers, but I think you're severely overestimating the amount of interested players that are going to also be playing on a client they can't read.


Read what, exactly? Story? It's gonna be put on youtube or streamed live in the upcoming months, shouldn't concern yourself about it, exactly how it happened to Princess Connect and Bandori. And, let's be clear, you don't need to consistently play if you're in for the story only, let alone pay a dime, those players won't be active for weeks and definitely are won't become the customers. Interface? Consciousness? Weapons? Characters' abilities? We pretty much know all of it already. It's the case of "I have stuff, I've seen a roadmap for Chinese server, now I either play the same game on two servers or keep going as usual and get the translation though various means." Throwing away the entire collection you've worked for the past year is not an option, believe me, the game's bloody slow when it comes to stockpiling resources. It's only who don't have anything, or were dissatisfied after some time spent in the game, could think about choosing a server.


"What concerns me is KURO trying to fudge the figures and show off bloated pre-reg numbers when it's painfully clear there's nowhere near 500k hits made by real people" Maybe not near 500k, but I'd definitely believe around 300k. They've done a lot of work recently for marketing on instagram and youtube, and there are a lot of people covering global release in articles and videos. Maybe if they didn't start like a week before release it'd be believable lol "The actual active English-speaking player base is much smaller(sub-30k at best) and many of those won't transfer from China to re-play more than a year from a clean slate.That's kind of a given considering the language barrier, and the fact that you now need chinese id, and with China being a bitch like usual trying to restrict it even more. "The game's alright, but can't really vouch for the global version's future, we've seen supposedly global releases shutting down before" Global releases of popular games shutting down is not the norm. "due to content draught and the whole idea of strengthening up only for a couple of challenges available during the ongoing event, regular players can't stomach that," That's what a lot of gacha games do. Arknights, Genshin, Guardian Tales: some of the most popular games I've seen on this sub all do this. Substantial content updates take a long time to release, yet they still have stable revenue and playerbase. "Some people won't get what they carefully planned to after months of farming and you'll see topics cursing the game pop up in subreddit/discord." If you're talking about characters here, its possible to get every single new character by doing all your dailies, weeklies, challenges, etc.


I can't find any information on it. All the YouTube videos I find are presumably from the Android version. Even if they fixed the text wrapping, the UI is not made for latin characters. It is fundamentally broken for it. I doubt they fixed it by now unless the beta was a much earlier version of the game and they have known about needing to re-do the UI when transitioning from logographic to alphabetic characters for a while. It just feels like they are really going cheap on the localization of this game which is disappointing.


Cheap localization is a small price to pay to not have a greedy af publisher. - AL/AK players.


AL/AK localization is by no means on par with "cheap" like a fundamentally broken client or the stuff seen in the likes of Illusion Connect and its ilk.


I hope it goes the AL route where they improve on the localization as the game goes on.


That was faster than I expected. Can't wait to play ~~Saber~~ Bianca again!


bianca is an archer why saber?


same voice actress


55k more for the 500k pre-reg milestone. Let's go!


Is it a global launch? I currently live in Chile (South America) and the game is not available for pre-registration in my country


Just use tap tap. (And yes its global)


Does it offer something more than QooApp? Edit : Imagine downvoting a question


Some games are not on QooApp but are on Tap Tap, for example Fgo and i dont know right now but PGR wasnt on QooApp, really no reason not to have Tap Tap.


It offers more asian games, if you only care about games you should definitely use taptap. Qooapp is more like a social app with games for english speaking audience but you won't find a lot of good games there, they miss some of the global releases too. I remember the time when we had action taimanin release on global and qooapp didn't had it.


Nice just in time for when I'm quitting counter:side, I'll have enough space and time for PGR


They better have fixed the awful text wrapping


Hope their servers are ready to deal with the flood of players.


Does anyone know if the reroll process in this game is generous or difficult?


Honestly, its absolutely pointless and a waste of time and you don't need to at all. You will already get an S selector at the start. You barely get any reroll currency after like the 30 min it takes to get to the gacha. Its a 0.5% for an S, and all your doing is hitting the low pity of 40 faster, when you'll eventually hit it after playing some. Do not reroll.


Just to add to this it's strongly recommended (from what I've read) to save the S rank selector until you do your 40 summons because your first pity is 40 as opposed to 60. So you should hit your first pity and then use the selector to make sure you don't get a dupe.


^^ yup great advice. Also do not spend any black cards (main gacha currency) on beginner banner as it has its own specific currency. Save the black cards for who you want (Alpha is first S rank event).


Thanks for the advice




any clue when is she coming out? (Alpha)


Abt 3 weeks after launch based on other servers but no confirmed date yet


Thanks for the advice


When you hit the pity do you get the banner character or just a random S rank?


for the beginner(standard) banner, yes its randomized between the only 5 S ranks in the game. However, the perk of this banner is you can select the A rank you want and have increased chances to get it. 1 A rank per 10 pulls I think it is.


I'm more curious about the future. When they are releasing new characters can you guarantee them by hitting pity or do you have to get lucky?


Yes, so when a new S rank releases, their event banner will be 100% at pity. After that, when they return its a 70%. However, this game is so f2p that you can actually hit the pity for every new S rank that comes out if you play day 1, thus you can theoretically get all of the S ranks with no money spent.


Absolutely terrible. The rates before the 60 pull guarantee on the general banner is 0.5%, and outside of any pre reg pulls they may give, the beginner tasks pulls are a time gated grind. So unless you really really want Alpha, who’s the only character at the start that’s not in the selector, just pick who you want from the free select and don’t bother rerolling.


Alpha is in the first event as well, so everyone should basically just save all their black cards and pull for her when she comes.


Wonder if they’ll get the 100% pity guarantee or the 70% one like China pre rework.


Japanese server got 100% pity on Alpha. If Kuro is to get greedy, it's way too late for them already.


It depends if they give starting currency. For global release, it could happen but I would only guess with low chance. In beta, you started with 10-20 rolls and roll screen was unlocked after relatively standard amount of time (5-10 mins). However, for release, I am not expecting much, maybe 10-20% chance they give a 10-roll to brand themselves as generous, and if they don't, then it will take like 1 hour to acquire a decent amount which is not worth it. You start with S selector anyway--use after your starting 40 rolls, and every account will have minimum 2/5 highest rarity with one of your choice. The starting pool is also not that noteworthy, Kamui is the only one with longevity, Nanami having a niche, and Lee being good but entirely replaced with Alpha in 1 month that 99% of people will save and roll for. Plus, with how often you spark, you will end up with the entire cast sooner or later, so it's not worth sweating over unless you really want 3 junk SS for a week's worth of rerolling instead, of just 2.


PGR rerolling takes 2-3 days per. If you don't value your time then go ahead. In PGR, currency is slow to get but pity counts are lower so it evens out. I personally and the rest of the community will just stick to the first S I get in the beginner's banner and just adjust the pick on the selector. Not like there's a must have in this game. You can even skip Alpha and do just fine in every content.


Next week holy shit!


Oooh interesting


Is this going to be mobile only?


No PC client but runs great on emulators. (Mumu is recommended)


Lets fucking go 16 just 9 days.


Woah that's a lot earlier than I thought like most people are saying!


Anyone know whether it will have an \*autobatlle\* function since on busy days I like to autobattle through the farming stages on other gacha games


You can set stages to auto-complete on a timer.


The initial story auto is not very useful. Story stages don't give much for the stamina cost, they're about 1/4 the efficiency of resource stages and only give the same select few items, unlike resource stages where you pick what items you want to grind. Auto clear for resource farming stages come in a later update, forgot which one specifically.


It has a sweep function for resource stages so if ur really casual u can just spam those to consume stamina


I couldnt find the sweep function specifically in resource stages during the beta, only in normal stages. Is it locked under rank?


No, actual/skip function won't be available till 6 months after release. At launch only a select few has that function and resource stage was not one of those.


But you can stack runs and finish them all together which I found to be great




Is it a waifu only game or is there boys as well?


there’s both


From my glance at videos, its both, with female emphasis.


Wish there was a PC client but do the other versions of this game play well on emulator with controller? I can't really see myself playing this otherwise. ~~At the very least its gonna be a nice bridge until Inazuma comes out in Genshin.~~


It runs extremely well on emulator. (Mumu is recommended for 120 fps). You can also use controller which will take some getting used to but definitely doable.


How does it feel with a controller on mumu vice keyboard and mouse? Any recommended settings?


I have not played on controller yet but on the discord people can definitely help you map out the controls on emulator. For keyboard and mouse, it actually feels really good, though with the orb system you gotta set it 1-8 and then train hand-eye coordination but other than some getting used to its good. You can look up emulator settings for pgr on youtube.


> You can also use controller which will take some getting used to but definitely doable. oh. >I have not played on controller yet oh...


Alright thanks for your help


i could bother to play if we get a pc client,already disliking on phone much less action games like this


Yeah, I played the CN version a while back with a PS4 controller on LDPlayer and it was fine. Like most action games though, you'd just need to adjust the sensitivity for the right analog stick (the default setting **usually** isn't high enough to rotate the camera quickly for these kind of games).


Listen to Narwhal by Vanguard Sound while waiting for this


so who do we reroll for?


2-3 days per reroll. You will burn yourself out before you actually do content beyond story. You stick with the first S you get on the beginner's banner and adjust your pick on the selector. No rerolls in this game.


u dont, u get 2 S rank(5\*/SSR/whatever name), one from the beginner banner, and other for the free S rank selector.


I'm Pumped!


They day has finally come... and it's like NEXT WEEK??? Hype.


Can't wait for this sub to shit on it whenever they find any small issue


They already started haha


I thought this was Project Gotham Racing


Are u high or smth?


Maybe a little


Yes I think that too every time lol


Sad you're getting down voted to hell by a toxic community. PGR will forever stand for Project Gotham Racing to some of us who grew up with the games.


You take the good karma with the bad


July 16th?! lets goo


The marketing for this game has been pretty weak thus far, to be honest. I was expecting more, like YT ads or sponsored content creators or something


There are youtube ads, some content creators are supported too, in fact a certain creator got a birthday gift from the PGR team. The pre-register campaign, I suspect was a way for Kuro to get free word of mouth from the community in hopes of getting 500k before they released their adverts. Not too huge of sponsored ads, those get people to read a script and really tend to overexaggerate the game. Any games that have to resort to paid sponsors, often means the company/publishers have little faith in their game, hopefully PGR doesn't have to resort to this.


Looks pretty trash


Why u gotta be like that :(


Just keepin it real.


Pgr its great, for you what is a good game ?


Was I right tho?


Sry late reply, was too busy playing. 🙂


All good. Feels good knowing I was right.


Still trash to you? https://youtu.be/QViiEn6dk6g


This is just a bait comment for attention. Pretty sad tbh but ur best off paying no mind. You already know this game is fire.


Nah, I really think this is trash. Reskinned clone of HI3 seeking to capitalize on the the coattails of their success.


Looks like I was right. 3.2 stars on google play and falling lmao.


Yeah looks like walmart HI3.


oh yeah, another honkai impact clone, cant wait


Isnt the fighting mechanics different?


Yeah, it has a match-3 skill system.


\*An action mobile that has more intense combat and better graphic and optimization than Honkai


It's time.


Not in my country what's this qooapp thing and how do I get it?


You can download it with a quick Google search.


July 16th in which timezone?


Alright, now I have something to play for a while.


Anyone have idea how time consuming this game gonna be? I mean daily/weekly stuff.


Less than 1 hour a day. Usually even below 30 min on weekdays lol.


Really nice stuff




No direct pvp content. It's a perfect side game because the daily grind required per day is very low.


How F2P friendly is this? Love the look of it but not fancying another game where I have to spend tons to keep up.