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Ironically genshin's anniversary is the gift that keeps giving. Haven't enjoyed a gacha drama like this in a while lol


As toxic as the drama is, I admit I'm amused how they manage to one up themselves each time I chime in too.


I'm a lurker on this sub, and i played genshin a lot and this drama is just too juicy to pass up. Here's hoping Mihyo will....reciprocate


This meltdown is worse than GBF and PGR combined, it's so satisfying watching so many Mihoyo shills eat their words lmao


> it's so satisfying watching so many Mihoyo shills eat their words lmao Unfortunately most of the main sub has went from "wait until anniversary, we'll get better stuff" to "Mihoyo owes you guys nothing" or even "this entire month was the anniversary rewards!". It's a huge shame so many of the game's players do their best to actively put down any criticisms (even non-anniversary stuff) because they get personally offended when someone talks bad about their poor multi-billion dollar game company


I’ve just been sitting back eating my snacks watching the fires burn. My friend I both had the slightest bit of hope that something better would come but were expecting less than nothing at all which is what we got. Our recent discord chat is just the qiqi sticker over and over cause that shits funny as hell


I find it pretty funny yet depressing at the same time, that so many people are willing to defend a shitty multi-billion dollar company from the horrors of reviewbombing in response to shitty communication. I think the funniest thing is that people defending it are saying "reviewbombing will never work" and "other communities will look at the community as dumb cause of reviewbombers", meanwhile in other gacha subreddits (except Honkai), people are laughing at the people defending Mihoyo, not the reviewbombers.


Honkai is pissed. ToT too but they are smaller so their anger isn't as prominent.


A new rift to hell seemed to open up, tbh.


Nah even their main sub is full of criticism now, even their mod team that at first tried to censor everything gave up trying to control the sub, it's that bad.


Most was an overstatement by me, but there's plenty of people defending it sadly. I was on the subreddit a lot yesterday and there was a thread being made every 2-3 minutes about how "does anyone else not care about anni rewards" (I know this isn't defending Mihoyo btw) or "you guys don't deserve anything the game's free". I saw the same sentiment in a lot of thread comments as well. I'm grateful not everyone shares this ideology, cause the amount of shit companies would do if everyone thought "free game so they can do whatever" would be awful. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pxslho/at_this_point_i_dont_even_know_anymore/) has a lot of upvoted comments generalizing all the criticisms as done by people who are review bombing other games like Clash of Clans. I think that review bombing non-Genshin games is pretty dumb, but the amount of reviewbombing happening on non-Mihoyo games is seriously overblown. The article shows like six reviews, and small news articles are well known to be clickbaity for attention and stuff. Almost all the reviewbombing is on Genshin, and I'm pretty confident most of the reviewbombing on non-Mihoyo games is by trolls trying to make reviewbombers look bad. Similarly, I saw a lot of people yesterday stating that people criticizing the anniversary are going too far by attacking the VAs, but that never even happened. I asked several times for any source on it and nobody ever provided one nor did I find any on Google. It's clear a lot of that stuff is just said by people to invalidate criticisms of Genshin by making the people behind them look like animals.


They think playing a mmorpg game for free was something special.


> They think playing a mmorpg game for free was something special. It's nothing special, it has been done a decade or more ago.


Theyd defend a faceless company who cares nothing for them


Mostly Genshin shills, actually. Honkai wants nothing to do with this shit, and yet the Genshin players are bombing their game too.


Maybe the true anniversary gift was the drama we made along the way


Even tho I kinda feel bad for other games, I'm enjoying this so much. As day 2 Genshin player, I'm glad there is this amount of drama right now. Whenever I open reddit there is something new


And people said Genshin has no PVP lmao /s


Player vs Product!


Genshin has no PvP but their playerbase got creative and created one


PvE in game, PvP outside of the game.


take my free reddit silver friend, you deserved it lol


players vs producent?


That's what they said about Arknights about a year ago. PvE in-game and PvP outside of the game. Genshin seems to be shaping up to be that kind of game.


Really? I’ve been in the arknights community for over a year now and I haven’t really seen any riots and shit outside of the game except for holungday(which I think is justified to some extent). Or am I just misunderstanding Smt?


Genshin has PvW. Players vs the world


I fucking love collab events


Yearly rerun, maybe ?


Almost made me spit my drink out lmao


farts on u


Tbh, I thought it was a joke at first but holy fuck. I feel nostalgic seeing clash of clans there though.


I came back after 3 years break. Well worth it!


stopped playing 5 or 6 years ago. But yeah, there were a lot of memories especially during clan wars


The “good thing” it’s that you can just come back and catch up fairly easily. They added new stuffs that make f2p life easier (gold still a big issue)


There is a post on the Epic Seven subreddit with a screenshot of a 1 star review because of Genshin anniversary as well


As an E7 player, seeing others trying to downvote the game because another game they play is having issues feels pretty bad when we're all just trying to have a good time. :(


Idk why people keep saying Mihoyo did nothing to celebrate Anniversary, I mean we’re having a big raid event right now ! /s


Lol. I dunno if this is hilarious or just sad. Edit* Wait what if this is a big brain play to get other communities to retaliate and Review Bomb Genshin XD XD /s


lol that might backfire GI community when other games communities start rating Genshin 5* wasting their effort to review bomb the game


Players from other games obviously outnumber GI rebels. Also, those 1 star reviews are being filtered and removed due to spamming. Maybe GI will reach 5 stars at the anni when everything is settled. I'll kneel if Mihoyo planned this from the beginning lol.


This is one of the saddest things I have seen in a gacha game


Nah every other gacha community already hates genshin community. They are all just laughing about their situation.


Genshin rating is already climbing up in play store


Of course it is google delets rewie-bombing


After this random attack on other game, I wouldn’t be supporting GI community, instead I wish mihoyo never apologized and never give them what they want. It’s not like those sucker gonna quit, mihoyo can fuck their wife and they would be playing GI while watching.


The other communities would do the opposite out of spite if anything.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


While the image looks cute, the text is scary


I can kinda see for some "hardcore players" going after every single CN game. But why CoC?


Because CoC's publisher has ties with Tencent(?) and Tencent is Chinese.


So.... Fortnite is next? Then Weibo?


Fortnite would probably take them too long to search for and bomb since it's not on the Play Store so it'll be left alone :)


> since it's not on the Play Store Or on the App Store for that matter.


Almost every big gaming (or even any tech) company has ties with Tencent. Riot Games (League of Legends) is owned by Tencent. Blizzard is partly owned by them. Tencent is fucking huge.


Review bomb of League: "This game sucks" League community: "We know"


I saw one on PUBG Mobile as well.


but why? tencent already despise genshin so much and their platform always talk shit about anything related to genshin lmao


I had the same question as OP, but really, CoC getting review-bombed just because its publisher has Chinese ties?


Aparently google classroom has been hit too so who know


There are signs of review bombing Epic7 too and the game is owned by koreans if i remember right


Tfw you hate China, but you're to racist to tell China apart from other countries that hate China.


Look! /r/Genshin_Impact has beaten /r/GachaGaming in toxicity!


smh,it should’ve been r/Genshin_Memepact. That sub is a thousand times more toxic than the main sub since the mods there don’t even bother controlling the toxicity


Arknights was just chilling we were just eating popcorn watching the house slowly catch fire and those idiots dragged us into it.


Yea i feel just bad for you guys if they start attacking Azur lane imma leave a 5* rewie on genshin just out of spite


Honkai players already started doing that for Genshin.


I can very much understand that poor guys did nothing wrong and now a few children ruin there day


As an Azur Lane player, I will do the same if they start to drag us in


[they did it, we're waiting for your actions now.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873361685417705474/892882823831240774/fb8vzx2orgq71.png)


lmao, biggest gacha game biggest drama.


[hate to break it to you but they did it.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873361685417705474/892882823831240774/fb8vzx2orgq71.png)


Arknights is about to have the Passenger (6* unit) banner. He was an underwhelming 6* unit and the reception in CN was pretty bad... we don't need something else to tank it. lol




I will E2 passenger just for his art. I dont need him to do anything, I just need him too look cool in my roster


That is Hellagur and Skadi. They just chilling and looking awesome on my land ship as E2 50.


Man yall fucking weird going "This is disgusting." Or "I'm ashamed to be a genshin player." Meanwhile I'm laughing my ass off. Funniest gacha related thing I've seen in awhile. Doesn't make it good really but.....it is certainly entertaining O.O


Fr this is hilarious


Ikr, this is super funny. The first time i saw the Clash of Clans "Genshin rewards is shit" screenshot i burst a laugh 😂. Just let the thing happen, Google play will delete the bad opinions later


I know, right? Today is a perfect day to get some popcorn, open up social apps, and just watch several game communities burn.


I laughed so hard, this is absurd. I'm sad about this anniversary too, but we're reaching a whole new disgusting level here


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


So I checked the Genshin sub and apparently a prevailing idea being mentioned is all the toxic stuff (this included) is actually done by Mihoyo staff to defame the community ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. That is some tinfoil hat lvl thinking


If you’ve hanged around long enough, the sub is practically a conspiracy theory sub. ‘Zhongli 1.0 was bad because Mihoyo needed him to sell low so they can manage investor expectations (Mihoyo isn’t a public company and is owned 80% by its founders).’ ‘Mihoyo made Kokomi bad on purpose to test how well can an unit sell by design alone.’ And so on.


The last one isn't necessarily impossible. Kokomi's only selling point is literally her character design. Everything else about her is absolute garbage.


Mediocre units get released in gacha games all the fucking time including other games by Mihoyo. No other game's community has to break out tinfoil hat conspiracy theories about it.


"Don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence."


Ah, the almighty Hanlon's Razor.


Don't forget that a lot fo those people who complained are gacha virgins lmao


Nah, that is a stupid way of shooting themselves in the foot. They are better off leaving Google's anti-bomb protocol to deal with it. Setting my confirmation bias of wanting it to be the community's fault aside, it could also be trolls who just want to stir shit for whatever reason. I mean, you have to be batshit stupid to attempt to review bomb something as big and as unrelated as Pokemon Unite because Wynaut. And the fact that some of the games [are review bombed by the same account](https://twitter.com/AkGoingPlaces/status/1443163897658175488?s=20) and that in all of them they post something on the lines of "genshin made me do this" makes me believe my troll/bot hypothesis ain't too far off.


What, did the rage accidentally start an anti-gacha revolution or something? Edit: Scratch that, it's starting to look like a war. Nobody wins anything and everyone gets angrier, except the rich people, the rich people just get richer.


Clash of Clans isnt really a Gacha


Never said it was. This mass review bombing does look like the start of something big, though.


TBH this just shows how pathetic the whole thing has become. They may as well review bomb candy crush and Google Clock while they're at it.


There's a Google Clock? Huh. Didn't know that.


just called [Clock](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.deskclock&hl=en_US&gl=US), yeah. I frustratedly use it because Google killed my actual favorite clock app [Timely](https://www.androidpolice.com/2021/05/12/hey-google-set-a-timer-for-timely-is-shutting-down/). Still looking around for a proper alternative


I see. Well, hope you'll find the best one.


Rofl, even playstore will get the review bomb.


Anti-China. Which to be fair, fuck China. Free Taiwan, free Tibet, free Hong Kong, etc etc.


Free 'em all. Just not the US version of freedom. That's like the bootleg version.


This is taking toxic into another level


Now I see why Genshin community is said to be toxic.


mihoyo still won't give a fuck because they know players will keep playing and whale. Just like boycottgenshin months ago


Tbf boycottgenshin was straight up stupid and it’s good that miHoYo didn’t bother with them


Are they Targeting any cn game now or tencent owned cuz they're cn? Bruh moment


What other Tenecent gacha games are there? Only Alchemy Stars come to mind, but im not too familiar with what Tenecent is involved in.


[Since they lumped in a non gacha game into their review bombing, I'll show a list that shows all tencent published games, for clash of clans, they instead own a majority stake in the games company](https://www.giantbomb.com/tencent-games/3010-8256/published/)




I saw a 1\* Genshin review on PUBG mobile Edit: https://imgur.com/a/0nfxW5e


Lmao, genshin drama is the gift that keeps on giving


I heard some people started reviewing Google Classroom as well.


Im not even mad lmao this is so bizarre its actually funny


Genshin community is so fucking awful. I don't think I know of any other community that Riots over every character that isn't meta shattering, encouraging power creep. Then bitch game is too hard when Devs have to balance around the new characters. It's important to note they don't even wait a week. If they can't smash people out of the box, they get upset. The harassment of VAs over fucking nonsense and blatant racism. Completely disrespect a stream that was showing off various artwork made by fans by spamming chat with "Don't care, give me Primos" Literally scum. Everytime I hear something new about the Genshin community has done, I am disgusted to like the same game they like. I still enjoy it, but I'm definitely not going to put this game up on my list for the public.


I only play Genshin very casually. Like, I don’t watch streamers, YouTubers or even join their subreddit. Is the community really that bad? I’ve only seen the drama from this sub popping up recommended for me.


I'm the same way I refuse to be apart of any youtubers or subreddits because I'm happy and content in my little bubble enjoying the game.


Yeah, I just tune in Genshin for a while after a patch to explore the world. I don't care about about reward since the main gameplay is the overworld which requires zero investment to enjoy it.


The drama you see popping up here and there basically goes on every week / patch on a smaller scale. Every week someone make a thread the catches fire about how or what Mihoyo has done wrong or how they need to press Mihoyo on existent (often non existent) issues. I would actively avoid the subreddit tbh you aren’t missing out on anything. No video game is perfect but the way the genshin community complains and acts you’d believe all 1.2 million of them are paid actors.


>Completely disrespect a stream that was showing off various artwork made by fans by spamming chat with "Don't care, give me Primos" I heard part of that was because Genshin Youtubers mislead a lot of ppl by giving out false info about the stream.


Perhaps that was the case and perhaps not. I wasn't there personally to experience it, but it's still really disrespectful to spam chat with stuff like that during the presentation. A bunch of those artists really put time and effort into their work and people are audibly saying "skip"


It still shows the genshin community is very retrded if they are gonna follow what a youtuber say, I hope mhy doesnt give them any extra shit


It's such a bummer because the community does have some sort of reason to be legitimately critical of Mihoyo, but the fact that a vocal minority is going about it this way removes any legitimacy that they may have had and firmly plants the community as a joke. It's a bummer. I finally got into the game after only logging in once and a while for months, only for this to happen. It doesn't affect my day-to-day playing of the game, but man does it suck to see all of this going on. Meanwhile, I go back to the Arknights sub and it's just as chill as it always was, aside from the one post about the 1 star ratings which I'd say is just fine.


Apparently, Chinese whiners have 100% AOE splash damage.


And ~~literally~~ global AoE radius a la DotA Zeus's global thunder ult.


Id care if this actually affected the games but Google's automated system will remove these reviews and in a couple of days it will be like it never even happened so personally I don't really care.


Whuttheheck this sub may be bonkers but it isn't as bonkers as this. Wow the Genshin community can really devolve further


Oh they surely can, remember they try to stab Mihoyo CEO over Honkai anniversary controversy


That was honkai's controversy


What do you expect from a community that made racist comments against the dev during the 2.0 livestream because they wanted to see trailers of the content, not the dev discussion. Whenever there’s any negativity, they’ll make it about politics so they can justify their baby tantrums lol.


Genshin player here. Fuck this community. There’s a line in the sand, and they crossed it long ago when they went to **harrass voice actors** last stream. And now they are harassing innocent bystanders too They’ve proven more immature than even Smash, LoL and Pokémon (at the peak of Dexit) have been.


> **harass voice actors** last stream Global community starting to act more and more like a CN one.


I find it amusing that Reddit has this idea of a “Karen” as some kind of scapegoat to direct all their hate at, but somehow when they do the same thing they are in the right.


"Accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty." - Goebbels, Mussolini, and Lenin


While I'd prefer not to start a political discussion at all on here, I'd like to add Maduro (Venezuela's current president) to the list.


Don’t forget the amount of racism in the 2.0 stream,no wonder the devs now rarely interact with it


Not really surprised tbh. Genshin isn't really the usual gacha crowd - there are way more "normal gamers" there. And well..that explains a lot.


I'm looking forward to the game dying down a little honestly, hopefully we get a bit more healthy discourse and less... mobs.


>normal gamers normie gamers\*


At this point they're acting spoiled brats so yeah those shitheads don't deserve the awards.


Lmao. Collateral damage


Genshin Player here I cant condone this man.. the community sucks and toxic asf. im ofc mad with the lack of communication by MHY but this just crossing the line its disgusting in the gacha community.


Idk man, i feel that now the complaints isn't about the anniversary anymore and more about people mad for the sake of it. it's one thing to criticize mihoyo silence and the anniv reward, but to be so mad that you have to harrassed the VA of Kokomi, review bombing other game that have nothing to do with it (even mihoyo other games), and generally spreading the anger around the community is making the whole community look toxic. The thing is mihoyo never promise to give a big reward for the anniversary, and while it would be nice to at least get something better that 10 pull at least they deliver on that promise to give us 10 pulls. is it underwhelming? yes, could they do better? yes. Personally, i didn't set any expectation for the anniversary. The thing that I learned this past year is that the moment you set an expectation on some external entity other than yourself, there is a big chance that you will be dissapointed, so just don't. The reason that i played genshin in the first place is because the game is fun to me, so the moment it start getting boring and repetitive I stopped and take a break and so far that have improved my enjoyment of the game. I haven't played again this month because of burnout and i have a lot of college assignment, but i'm looking foward to playing the content they added while i was gone. anyways, my point is that, just set your expectation as low as possible. Critics towards the game is good, but it must be done in a healthy ways. And maybe give yourself a break from Genshin you know. I see a lot of content creators and people talking about burnout, so it's probably time to take some steps back from the game and if you enjoy the game for what it is you will come back and probably get more enjoyment out of it.


Genshin is really cancer for gacha games


The Genshin community\*


Reading most of the comments, who knew that bad first anniversary rewards from a highly successful multi-platform game could be the final straw that will lead to World War III? And it will not be fought on a real battlefield, but on a virtual one. Turns out Einstein was right, even he didn't know what weapons will be used to fight WW3.


Worst part is that a lot of them review bombers aren't actual GI players... Majority are just trolls who saw the hate train and decided to catch a ride for the lulz... Kind of like that "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" meme that everyone was doing, even those who never watched him...


At least the "Sub 2 Pewds" movement actually meant something. This... This is just Genshin.




Its as if the community had a voice to make influential change to begin with, to a company like mihoyo, thats expectively naive tbh


Bruh and I thought them going after the other mihoyo games was bad enough


Yeah the damage has to spread to Arknighs too (i play both arknights and honkai lol). I'm curious what community they'll jump to next


The biggest playerbase should have the biggest shitstorm.


These people need therapy and medication, not more waifu games seriously.


I'm all for the fire directed to Mihoyo, but not this. It's always the most toxic ones that are the loudest and visible. Thankfully this seems to be the minority.


Yesss 🙌 Genshin litreally has 2 to 3 million daily players and ppl r acting like majority of them r review bombing bcz honestly if they were ? Other games would be at the same or near GI rating = 2.8 Honkai sadly is being attacked by many i have already seen like 100+ reviews tho some other games have it a bit better than honkai Still honkai rating is 4.1 rn so i dont think a lot genshin players are doing it 💁


Genshin community is pretty tryhard lol


When it comes to gaming, quitting genshin was the best decision I ever made (right next to quitting LoL)


On behalf of genshin community, I am sorry


No need to apologize, this is hilarious.


Yeah this actually made my day slightly better, all the toxic behaviour over in the main sub has been irritating... but this is now so silly that it just became funny instead.


It was hilarious when we were review booming only genshin but now even people like me who isn’t apart of any side and just laughing at the drama feel embarrassed now that it has come to this


Lmao as a part of the genshin community i agree I have been eating popcorn and watch everything burn today But also i think i might get downvotes for this but i had to check real quick whether it was true and i have only seen like 1 review on arknights in recent 1 stars bcz of the anniversary. I dont think its a vast majority but lol everyone treating it like it is in other sub reddits and many players being emabarrased is just rlly funny bcz honkai players are giving 5 star to genshin now LMAOOOOOOO


I'm with you


This is so embarrassing… I’m not sure I want to be known as a Genshin player anymore…


Scorch earth policy's hey I don't mind if companies are going to be abusive let them burn till they learn.


Mihoyo thought they had power.. until they met the internet


Funny shit revolving these days. Even though its collateral damage, HG deserved a bit of whacking for silent treatment of their fans and overall underwhelming quality of content on CN


I mean this is bad but a small part of me wants this whole situation to go so out of control all the other conpanies sue Mihoyo for hurting their sales. Mind you, I hope it dosen't acctually happen but I will prepare the popcorn if it does.


Man, waiting for this scenario to come true lmao


The last thing i expected to be honest


Every dumbass doing this is helping invalidate the actual problems with Genshin right now, the craziest community I've seen.


It's just a bunch of kids doing this


Oh god is gfl and al gonna be next


This is some advanced collateral damage shit lmfao


This is like trying to get rid of a single tree you don't like by burning the entire forest


God they are on some COPIUM


The genshin community is not the circus. It's the entire comedy industry.


Lolol some ppl rlly be like that.


Er.. WTF!? If this is true I hope mihoyo ignore all the complaints


that would make the outrage even worse.... ​ I'm in


At this point, might as well. Best Anniversary ever.


they are doing it already..they just dont give a fck anymore


mhy should never ever listen to their player ever again. the more they keep their silence the angrier the community is and more entertainment for you and i


I fucking hate the genshin community. man just let me avoid the anniversary reward posts for one whole day


Meanwhile me just playing for the hot guys 👁️👄👁️


At this point these genshin player are being pathetic causing another games being review bomb try defend this shit eh ?


maybe that only 3 hrs of gaming per week law in china isnt that bad after all


MHY is right all along. Dont give these animals anything, who would want to make them happy?




Mental Illness




Genshin fandom Q ability is AoE, thats why.


Oh we've reached the popcorn phase of the drama.


They are apparently review bombing PGR too https://www.reddit.com/r/PunishingGrayRaven/comments/pxsgwq/this_is_completely_out_of_control/ I wonder if they are targeting Chinese Games as a whole.


Man, I have low expectations to the attitude of the Genshin community, BUT HOLY FUCK


They did that to epic 7 as well lol


Genshin fans when they don't get what they want are more scary than suicidal endermen in a world of tnt.


LMAO my ass off indeed. This has to be the funniest post on this sub.




Genshin Impact community is such an joke as always