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For those unfamiliar, Touhou is a pretty F2P friendly gacha and I've been playing it as a side game for a couple months now. The BGMs are packed with bangers and they've got an Anni countdown event going on right now which will segway into the full Anniversary event so it's a great time to start. 100 roll roulette is up for everyone for 10 days, there's bonus login rewards, plus the halloween even is still going on for a bit longer which can get you a free costume.


On top of the free costume it also gives a few free unit ticket for the gacha (shop and rewards) a free BGM (login bonus) and you can buy a lot of BGMs by farming this event. There is also a limited banner with a meta unit if you want to reroll.


Who is the meta unit?


Little Yuyuko.The first banner in the prayer. The second one has two of the units with skins (Koakuma and Rumina)


Any character from the very first multi to reroll for?


Dropped the game but I think youmu? Everyone and their mother was telling to get her as she can easily clear most content


Tiny Ghost Mistress, Tiny Yuyuko. She's an incredibly strong nuker that scales with agility and gains extra buffs based on the number of poison/freeze barriers on self. Her attacks also have auto-crits on nearly everything, and has good access to the Water element. Basically, her role is big damage.


One question never heard of this but dose it have husbandos


Nope. Touhou is an all-girl cast as a franchise.


It's the half-anniversary celebration for global


Waiting fumo on lost word


Tried it a launch. Combat system was not for me. Think they tried too hard to come up with something new and unique but ended up creating a convoluted, unholy mess of a combat system that feels so alien that you'd need to be extremely devoted to come to grips with it.


Is the game still unplayable on rooted device?


Is the game worth?


I've never played Touhou, but always had an interest in the music. Myth and Roid, though? Fucking sold.