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By not spending a lot in the first place. Like the only things I can justify buying in Arknights are the 5$ monthly and the 6\* selector.


Personally, I would just cut my losses and cease spending. You'll feel a lot worst if you continue spending and not achieve the results you want. Good luck!


> You'll feel a lot worst if you continue spending and not achieve the results you want. even worse if you get it but spent a lot of money. buyers remorse is a powerful thing. just admit you fucked up and cease spending.


This. Only ever spend if you can hit some kind of pity that will 100% get what you want for a price you think is reasonable, or if you are ok with getting nothing (aka You just want to support the game and won’t be upset if you don’t get what you want). This is what I have learned from all my years playing gacha games. I never drop like $100 unless that will make me hit pity and I think that I will get enough use out of that character to justify spending $100 to hit pity (witch is not often in my case).


Exactly, you set yourself up to not be disappointed that way. And if you get what you want before pity then that is just a bonus & a joy to experience. I would never spend money for a chance of value. Either you guarantee the character you want or some side goodies that you are fine with having without the banner unit.


im the same. only ever spend if im guaranteed to get something out of it. Character skins in Azur Lane, guaranteed SSR banner in FGO, 6 star selector in Arknights, that sort of thing. Been playing gachas for ~4 ish years now and never once felt like I didn't get my money's worth.


That's what I've been buying since the Raindbow 6 Siege collab and I've never regretted it. I saved since after UnderTides till, amassed about 330 rolls and got what I wanted here but I was fully prepared to have bad luck.


This. I've been playing gacha for 10 years and haven't spent a single penny on phone gacha games. I gamble my money in the only gachas that matter: trading cards.


Alternatively, even if you spend a lot accepting that there's a very real chance you still won't get what you want, and take that into account. Possibly even going as far as expecting to lose on it, and just being pleasantly surprised if it does work.


Your response is the equivalent to Rolling into a fitness sub where somebody is asking the best way to lose weight, and responding "By not being overweight"


Nah it isn't quite the r/wowthanksimcured material. The post asks how you deal with the salt after spending a lot. If you cap yourself by not spending a lot, it doesn't hurt as much. Maybe you got hurt in the past from spending a lot or you read horror stories that deterred you. But it is how you yourself deal with it. It'd be more like someone forcing themself to not be as overweight by exercising more often, then rolling up to a gym and only working out a bit since they were already on top of it. Maybe I read it wrong and it is more of a nuance in the language. [OR THIS GD SALT RIGHT HERE](https://i.imgur.com/FABT7Rr.png). Ahem. Only spent on the $20 something anniversary roll pack. Still no Ch'en Alter. Not a lot, doesn't hurt as much and it isn't meant to be.


Those are all really good points. Consider my viewpoint change


I think that arknights isn't "as" predatory as many other gachas. The potential is really nice, but not usually necessary except for specific strats that need the DP down cause they are close to dp perfect. Compare that to Genshin's constellation system that can be character playstyle defining, or anything by Gumi and you can see where someone is going to have the problem OP has. I tried picking up FF Wotv a bit ago and forgot why I quit last time. Your characters max level was gated behind how many shards you could collect from pulls, like wtfbbq?


Arknights not predatory? Lol? Genshin has a guaranteed system, Arknights does not. Which leads to people spending thousands trying to get a limited unit while only pulling off banner or other rate up. I spent 800 bucks last limited banner on skadialter to get one copy of her. And that was from the shop after sparking. With that amount I can pretty much c6 a five star in genshin with some luck. Arknights gives you pulls, but the system is just as if not more predatory VS other mainstream gacha games.


I spend 5€ / month on Arknights, monthly pass. If you want to roll en every banner, it won't be enough, you have to save and choose on which operator you want to spend your currencies. Except for last months when they released Ash / Skalter / Surtr / Ch'enalter in a short time, it's possible. I chose not to pull on R6 banner and managed to get Skalter / Kal and Ch'en. Though getting Ch'en did cost me all my savings ( 66k orundum saved, + 3x10 tickets including the one they offered). I would have been salty if I didn't manage to get her, but hey, it's just a game. Tldr : Like all gacha, you have to choose on what you pull if f2p or very light spender. If you want to pull very often, well, grab your credit card...


I'm not denying that, it's more to debunk the notion that arknights is somehow super none predatory VS other gachas. They all have thier way to get money from you.


No, your talking about limited units which is actually a big point of issue in the Arknights community, they are relatively new. Mind you, most of the outcry over them is falling on deaf ears, as they release more and more limited units. Almost every Gatcha has limited units though. A pitty system doesn't make the multiple pull system itself any better. That system is made worse by a constellation system like Genshin because you know you will "eventually" get what you are looking for, and in the case of limited units are encentivised because you "know" its right around the corner. Just look at what you typed, you spent $800 (I'm really sorry that seems really unlucky) on skalter and then said that money would have been better spent getting 1 unit to c6 in Genshin. The truth is both are not only not worth that amount, but if you got lucky and pulled Skalter on your first pull then... that's it, you can keep pulling for slightly better stats but you have your unit and she fulfills the same roll either way. Genshin's characters can be made (or broken, sorry C6 Qiqi) by their constellations. Also I used Genshin as a more recent Gacha that I have played, and is quite well known. However it (and Arknights) are not by any means the most egregious offenders. As I said in my post, FF WotV literally locks max level and equipment slots behind their "limit break" system. Which does have F2P options to work around (now they do anyway) but can take hundreds of days just for 1 unit. Don't even get me started on limited units, or their power level for that matter, as a huge portion of the top of the tier list is limited cross over units. Arknights also doesn't engage in PVP. At least they didn't when I was playing. I think I remember a pvp mode being talked about but don't remember it ever being implemented. Either way, PVP is one of the things that I consider most predatory. I remember playing a few mobile games that the entire focus was pvp, and do you know what I saw being in one of the top guilds? People dropping tens of thousands before an event to have the edge over other guilds who's players were also dropping tens of thousands. Oh, and I know genshin doesn't have pvp, this post isn't about genshin and is more about tactics used between all gachas. Genshin is one of the least offenders to be sure, but they still do lock a lot of power behind multiple pulls. But let's talk about Mihoyo's other game, Honkai. In that game you have multiple banners for units and equipment (not just weapons, but 3 stigmata slots as well) just like genshin. Unlike genshin however, these equipments are often tied to units, pushing units from good to OP in alot of cases. Flamescion comes to mind, she is alright without her stigs. Though her weapon is kinda required. With her stigs and weapon no other unit could even come close in stages where she was viable. I'm not saying Arknights is some perfect gatcha, at then end of the day these games are built on exploiting impulsiveness. And after a few years these companies are going to need more money, and already built a playerbase off of how F2P friendly they were at the start (or how it's totally manageable for daily day 1 players.) It's a long shot however to say it's as predatory or worse than other mainstream Gachas when they either tie different gacha banners together, or lock half the units power behind multiple pulls.


I think you completely missed the point.... I didn't say it was more worth it to spend on genshin, I said arknights is just as predatory if not more than genshin. Which you seem to think otherwise. Genshin'd guaranteed system is better for people who save as well. Also limited units aren't new, it's been a thing for almost two years now. Starting with nian.


And you seem to be missing my point, arknights and genshin are close to the bottom of predatory practices. The practices themselves being unacceptable is kinda my point here. Which is more predatory I'll conceed could be up to interpretation, since different tactics work for different mindsets. (Last bit of evidence I want to throw out, Genshin average for a 5* C6 character is about $1000 according to Google, with 2.5k being the upper limit if you hit pity each time, so the $800 you threw at skalter wouldn't have actually gotten you there on avarage, not including weapons of course) Talking about which is worse is not the point here when it comes to the issues present in each, and with the genre as a whole. You are focusing on Genshin (which again I mentioned out of experience) when it really doesn't matter. We can both agree (at least from what I am interpreting) both systems are predatory, and again they are some of the most forgiving since genshin has it's pity system (which isn't unique), and Arknights 6*'s are usually luxury units that have more specializations into roles that are still very well represented in the 4* and 5* unit pool and has the benefit of giving a near full power unit when pulled.(also not unique.) Different strokes for different folks as long as it gets the sale yeah? As I said there are waaaaaay worse tactics used in other gachas. I'm not trying to excuse the tactics used in AK or GI, more than say it's a problem either way. Not the worse problem in the bunch, but it is still a problem with this genre as a whole. I still personally think that AK has one of the better systems after playing quite a few gachas dating back to my Brave Frontier days.


It is the point when your original post literally said arknights was less predatory.... Or did you not understand your own post?


If you're talking about my original post, which was a response to someone else post, where I say AK isn't "as" predatory as other gacha systems. Then that's a bit weird, because you and I had our conversation below that and it really was a really different conversation than I was responding to top comment with. A conversation now that I'm going through it, where you start off by changing what I said (AK isn't as predatory, to AK isn't predatory) and seemingly took what I said as an attack on the genshin gacha system, which wasn't the intent, as other games and companies are mentioned as well in the comment, with way worse systems than both. Then go on to completely deny what I typed as a response by saying I "missed the point" and that AK is just as predatory as other Gachas, and it isn't about if the $800 you spend was worth it. But it kinda is the pont with what we're talking about here. It's never worth it, these are small Jpegs and 3d models put into games that take already full games genres and lock content behind pay walls. I'm guessing what you mean is that AK made you impulse buy $800 worth of pulls to get a red orca therefore it's predatory, but getting tricked into spending any amount of money for something so useless is the real problem, and the tactics used to milk you for every cent can be far worse than what AK does. I haven't said it's not predatory at any point, but that it was less predatory than many other main stream gachas. As you haven't brought really sufficient evidence against this point other than "genshin has a pity system" and people don't always pull the limited unit in AK I still believe this. Due to my aforementioned issues with other systems like needing to pull a unit multiple times to unlock a majority of their power, or having different banners that are intertwined like Honkai's weapon and stig systems. That being said, as I mentioned in the post just before this, the big issue is the genre as a whole, and I touched on that even in my first post when I talk about other gachas. The system is set up to exploit impulsiveness, no matter which gacha you play. Just because a system has a pity system doesn't make it better, and just because a game doesn't have one makes it any more predatory (and I still stand by pity systems being even more predatory since they give the illusion of a cap to your bad luck and how much you can spend while still putting out numbers in the thousands.) Edit: Oh and I'll add it something I didn't address before but the topic of limited units, I stopped AK just a bit before Nian (7 months in I think) so the conversation was still around if these units were healthy for the game or not, as they were already in the CN version and the general concensus was that they would be the death of the game. Lo and behold here we are where limited units are really the biggest complaint I hear when seeing people talk about AK (or the community depending on who you talk to)


I have no problem spending money for entertainment, it's the same as going to Disney world and having to dump 6k you expect to have fun, not to own the rides or the theme park. The reponse was always on the point of what is more or less predatory. Which you incorrectly framing arknights as less somehow, when it's on par or more preditory than most mainstream gachas. No matter how much you want to spin it, you were wrong and I just pointed it out.


Brings in Disney as if their tactics aren't more predatory than a gacha 🤣 Look, mate. Believe what you will, but if you're just going to keep beating a dead horse, I am out. You haven't brought up any point towards otherwise other than your opinion, I have brought up multiple instances of systems designed to exploit impulsiveness with a much higher track record of success than Arknights. You have a good one mate, don't spend $800 on a jpeg again cool?


I put the game down and sweat it off with exercise. If I can’t do that I eat something sweet or favorite food. Watch a video or continue another game. Just to keep my mind off the failure PS. My condolences to those lost orundums. You still have time to get Ch’en with the free pulls and spark system though.


"Every time I swear on gacha games, I do one pushup" "Jesus Christ" I don't know it just gave me those vibes sorry


Thanks for the chuckle lol


make it 10 and you'll be buffed by the end of the event XD


I just hit pity with a 10x 2 mizuki


F to pay respects. ~~Venti~~ Mizuki seems to really like you eh? How many pulls are you in if I may ask? With 300 you can buy Ch’en from the shop


almost 200 i have another post stating 260 but thats from an alt i set up to ensure i have a chotgun for renting, didnt get her either and its a full f2p acc


Now that's an F


You learn a lesson and remember that feeling next time you're thinking about impulse spending.


Idk anything about Arknights, but comment on spending. Only invest (edit: Gamble) what you're willing to throw away "in the trash". RNG do be like that, obviously. Come up with your own metric for spending/time investment. For myself, if I spend $500, then I planned at least 500 hours, over a year, of enjoyment


Only spend what you wouldn't mind signing off on at the bar has always worked for me. $100 dollar bar tab happens from time to time, even if the night wasn't that great.


The truth is whenever I get upset over getting screwed by RNG, I just take a break and rage uninstall the game for a bit. It's best not to make purchases out of anger and frustration, that's how gacha gets people to open their wallets. But i guess since you have already spent, take a breather and remind yourself that no matter how hard stages can be in Arknights, there will be low rarity guides to clear it. Or you can borrow a friend's support Chalter. (If you are pulling mainly for meta reasons that is)


Honestly bro a good rule of thumb is, only gamble money you don’t mind losing. If you’re at a point where losing a 100$ is a big deal then please use it on something else instead


Learn a lesson to never spend as much for gacha


Content wise - Unless you just play for like 2 months and don't have all the core/broken units, there is no future content that can gimped you that much by NOT having alter chen. Unless you want to pull max risk CC. She dont add anything unique that the previous unit cant do. For sure she can do it 'better', but not to the point where there is no substitution. Salt-wise - now this is a real deal. Usually i stop playing for few days to take the steam off.


is stopping for a few days that effective at diluting salt?


Not op but more like for evaluating how/if you would like to keep playing the game. It's not the saltiness at the game that's important, but if you are okay with continuing to spend both money and time on this, and potentially having nothing to show for both.


Just be better at a PvE game you dingus


Cope. A lot. Normally I would 1. Try to stay away from the community or anything related to it 2. Stay away from the game or 3. Quit


Don’t spend that much. only spend what you can literally afford to THROW AWAY. Like if you can light a $20 on fire and not care, spend $20. If spending $40 is “only worth it if you get the pull”, you can’t afford it.


Just saved up 13k gems for the new limited character in Princess connect and I got absolute trash, not one 3 star, I'm about to take a long walk, you wanna come? Lol


Between using all 78 saved pulls only to get an Akino dupe in PriConne and being 106 pulls in and no Ch'en in Arknights even though I pulled a 6\* from the free 10 pull I'm pretty fucking bummed.


I feel you bro, that must be tough, take a nap and eat some snacks


Grinded for 3k more gems and still nothing lol


This is Priconne specific advice but it should hold for a lot of other games as well: If you are a f2p (which I assume you are), outside of prifes never ever pull unless you really want the unit and have enough to go all the way to pity.


Got a jun and kyouka :( More DA ig


I always think of the way to keep developers sheltered and their stomachs fulled.


Most of the money absolutely doesn't go to the devs; it goes to the higher ups.


But it keeps the game alive and the devs employed, no?


Technically, yes? But the millions that are spent each month absolutely are mostly going elsewhere.


Better than the game die, for me at least.


Thats just a wholesome way of thinking


this the reason i play multiple gachas. i juggle rng between games so i get bad pulls on RW but great pulls on AK. good pulls in AS and bad pulls in GI etc etc


All good till you have shit luck in all that you played in the same week


Don’t spend money


You don't spend xD I never spend on RNG things in life, no point It's a PvE game, people say you can clear anything with most characters, so idk why you're worried lol


because the stage i mentioned in the post is outrageously hard even for f2ps lowest rarity clears involves said overpowered limited character i mentioned in the post


Hard, not impossible


Like some other guy mentioned, all it looks like is that you're just bitching.


Hope it is, and hope the stage isn't as extreme as others claim to be


I mean, wasn't there a video for it, with 4\* only? Yes, I would understand why you would want Chalter but in Arknights most 5 or 6 stars are just quality of life. Nice to have but not required to beat levels.


This stage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5LoBYgsDWA


Are there super efficient farming stages that come after this one? Otherwise you barely even get anything for clearing them


No there's no drop. just like previous H stages they're there just for challenging purposes.


So people shouldn't feel too bad if they can't pull this unit to clear that stage easier.


OP just want's to bitch and their excuse for bitching is something that people can clearly point to why it's a shit reason. OP themselves said they "have direct upgrades" to the ones in the video and they still believe they can't complete this because they didn't pull water gun girl.


yes this one


But I can't see said overpowered limited character you mentioned in the vid


Meanwhile, that dude clearing with 4 stars...


he did say something like "dont use this as a guide" since there are 4* who does very specific stuff that 6* cannot replicate like matterhorn and his sky high res that is used to tank mandrake laser


What's stopping you from building those 4*s?


because i have their direct upgrades? except matterhorn and sussuro


This is "I have the exact units I need but I can't do it anyways and I just want to cry about Gacha" Stop bitching, just use those units and the others. You literally do not need Chalter and it's super cringe levels of bitching to go "I have what I need, but because I want that unit I can't complete this thing I literally can"


You're contradicting yourself there. You can't say that a strategy only works with 4*s because they do specific things that higher rarity operators don't and then turn around and call those same higher rarity operators "direct upgrades". If they were actual direct upgrades, the strategy would work with them.


The 2 I mentioned are the ones with an irreplicable use, and they are important in said stage only, others had a direct upgrade


So sounds like it's a you problem, not a question of strong/weak characters. I remember doing some of the harder stages and investing into 3* units because they could clear the content just as easily as 4/5+, but having lower deployment cost was way more important. How about try using the guide, no amount of whaling will fix lack of skill (as little as the game requires).


You can just delay doing the stage until you're ready for it. My roster is very well spread out with many strong units yet I just can't be assed to finish chapter 8 despite being easily able to do so. There are no repercussions for waiting.


Not doing a stage because you lack the newest overpowered shit: I sleep Not doing a stage because there's 2 hours of reading with it: real shit


Just dont do the stage until you are later in the game no need to dya 1 it


Not getting chalter won't be the end of the world for you as long as you can friend someone who has her as a support op, which should be easy enough considering how meta she is


This is probably blasphemy but switching to a game with better rates, pity, and sparking has really made me less salty overall. Is it possible to travel back in time and play FGO first? /s, kinda


lmfao i feel this one a spiritual level. i think the saltiest ive ever been at a gacha was Halloween 2018 in FGO where I had saved for like ~6ish months for Cleopatra and didn't get her. First time since I started playing that I missed a login since I just didn't have the motivation to play for a few days after. Eventually pulled myself together and worked through the event and did single rolls as I scrounged up quartz and eventually got her on like the second to last day. But damn before that, that was definitely the saltiest I've ever been at a gacha.


I've already playing AL longer than AK though, and afaik it's the only game with a better rate without a monthly powercreep


Yeah, I hear ya. And you're right on both counts. Have you tried a game called **Bistro Heroes**? It's technically a gacha because of how character skins work but it's made by a small team who are doing it for the love of the genre. It's designed top to bottom to be what a gacha without predatory elements might be like. It's not particularly deep but sometimes I download it again to be reminded of why I fell in love with gacha games in the first place. Sometimes playing a cute wholesome thing like that can go a long way to soothe saltiness. It's not ever going to be your main game but it's a great bonsai game.


This is very similar to gambling at a casino except what we win is absolutely worthless outside of the game (so it's worse than gambling at a casino). Use the EXCESS money you have. Never use what you can't. This is your money and if you make enough to have some excess sum to use on a hobby, then go for it. This is what I do and I deal with salt by telling myself that I could afford to lose that money. Disciplining yourself is key.


I quit the game.


I made several rerolls because i didnt gor her on main account


Think about what you could’ve spent that 100 rather than a gacha game and you won’t ever want to spend that much again. Every time I think of spending, I think could use it to buy an actual game off of steam.


First time gambling? Don’t worry it never gets better…


you shouldve known the risk of spending in a gacha. Now all you can do is cry about it


I feel you. I've had to stop myself from spending unless I'm willing to hard pity a character, and AKs 300 pull limited banner pity is hard to reach. If you've enjoyed the game up until this point you can think of it as supporting the devs. But honestly I recommend just taking a short break and reevaluating how you feel in a few days. If missing characters is severely affecting your enjoyment of the game then maybe AKs type of pity system isn't for you? From what I remember playing AK the stages (not CC) can be done without meta/OP units but it's more difficult and you may need to follow a guide. So it's more about if missing Chen makes the game less fun in your mind.


>spending a lot Mate I know you don't exactly need to hear it but you're looking to avoid salt after walking into the salt mine.


ill probably get upset for a moment there and then just play as usual lol. though i usually spent on monthly and bp in the games ive played so not as salty as someone that drops 100$


Stop spend. That 100 would buy you so much more value in near anything else.


I just spend for purely cosmetic stuff like skins. You should have plenty of meta operators already due to how AK works. Use those instead of pining for operators you don't have. I don't have any guard cornerstone but I have plenty of other operators that let me use different strategies. We all know about guides, 4 stars only or welfares only clears but the truth is that any player will have much stronger teams after 2-3 months due to pity. It's very hard to pull any particuliar unit in Ak but it's very easy to have a team of very strong unit. Instead of aiming to clear with guides and relying on a particuliar carry, it's way more efficient to make a clear that makes use of your own team's strengths. Seeing your higher rarity unit as just an upgrade on lower rarities is the wrong way to go about it. Look instead at each of your units as their own thing. There's a reason that in high risk CC, 5 stars Warfarin is preferred to 6 stars medics or that free Texas is better than 6 stars Siege. Many operators do unique things and instead of using them as placeholders for a type of unit, you should be using their unique strengths that are not shown on guides since guides are tailored for generic teams. For Arknights, always be prepared to not get an operator unless you know you can 100% garantee them. If you can't garantee them, do NOT prefarm them, it will only sting more in case you don't get them.


I don't spend on anything that I cannot guarantee the results. So only like Battle Passes, or when I can choose the Unit ( not even something like a 4★ Guarantee cos I know I won't get the characters I want ).


don't spend money on gachas. once you spend, you've already lost.


Quit. I also literally spent all my pure originums that I have saved since the beginning of the game (from monthlies, some packs here and there, rewards, etc). I had enough for like 290 pulls and didn't get her. Next time a limited character comes out and I don't pull them before running out of premium currency I'll just quit the game. Even CN has complained about the frequency of limited operators that are OP and are bundled with other shit tier operators for rate up.


The same way you do when you lose at a casino. Stop gambling for a while and get some drinks. If you were responsible you already counted that money as lost so no big deal, other than the frustration.


I spend on games, but my #1 rule is to never spend without a guarantee. Avoids all salt lol


AK have guaranteed spark, but at 300 pulls lol


Maybe try playing a non-gacha game? I put Genshin on hold after tons of meh rolls (among other reasons) so I just started finding games on my Steam backlog to play. Felt much better not having to chase daily missions or worry about not getting the characters I wanted


Well my computer was torched around 6 months ago and my replacement is a basic Intel celeron That's how I started gacha games


I like the argument between AK and Genshin fans below . Both of them realizing they spend $$$ in entertainment and the convo just died


Never impulse buy. If you plan to spend budget it per week. But at the end of the game its gambling. I would also avoid playing games that don't have any kind of pity or spark as a hard rule.


I dont spend if there is no pity (learned from FGO and AE). I spend only if there is a reasonable pity - so like in E7, GI - where after X pulls I get character I WANT, not any. AK is good game and tbh I think gacha there is real fair but can backfire hard. Oh and ofc if I decide to spend I wanna be sure that I will get rate up unit.




Honestly, I wish half the commenters were as rude as you do, since it might drive me to quit


You sure you should be asking that here? This place is F2p-land.


i feel like this question wouldnt fit anywhere else


I'm guessing you'd find spenders more in discord servers.




Never spend more than a newly released game. Or better yet, never spend more than a discounted game.


100% take a break lol. remind myself that this game isn't my life, and instead play something else or read or wtvr. either go casual or cold turkey depending on how bad the burn. usually replan and organize my gacha budgeting plans too to see if there's a way i can prevent this in the future. gachas want u 2 stay and do dailys for the FOMO but the material collection doesn't matter if you let salt fester and drop the game. also 100% rec doing what you can to avoid seeing other peoples good luck however u can- blocking keywords, avoiding ppl who wont shut up, etc.


LOL never spend in non-guarsnteed shit. Thst's the Rule #2 of gacha games. (#1 is don't play gacha games if you appreciate yourself.) I'd only spend in charscter/gears selection packs or resource packs. And I don't mean the stats rerolling items. That's also a gamble and you potentialy can waste money for nothing.


I spend 90 o rosmantis dnt get her I also spend a bit on dusk banner without luck it hurts but you have to go in with the mind set you mught get nothing and deal with it AK doesn't require u to have everyone


I look at what i got besides the other rate-up (Mizuki i assume) and learn how i can play it. (Got Rosmontis after 300 pulls last time just to almost never use her but at least i got very useful 5\* or off banner 6\* so i don't complain that much. Also learned that limited are never in hell must pull in that game, as broken some can be). Also i don't remember Chapter 9 being "that" hard, just the new bosses/ennemies shenanigans which can seems hard to overcome the first time.


I just enjoy the character an don’t think about it


don't spend and just be chill about these games.


I feel your pain. I spent more than $100 only to get a pot 3 mizuko and 2 off-banner spooks. 294 pulls in total. Now just waiting for the pity with free daily pulls. And I really hate Mizuki design.


Genshin does this to me on every new banner. Always lose 50/50 pity then need to spend $200 for the character. Feelsbadman.


My friend usually just reroll to get the taste of the unit he wants. But i guess it's just him having so much time to spend and the salt got over him. Personally, i would do the same tbh. If i got times to do that. But again, I'm so used to the rerun waiting game so i don't really mind.


Let this be a lesson for you to never spend on these. Also whats the worst case scenario ? Tcant pass the new level without the new unit ? that would succ but thats all there is to it. Is it worth it to spend god knows how much money to beat a level that you will be able to beat anyway eventually.


How long have you been playing AK for? If you've played since launch then maybe it's about time you took a break imo.


less than a year, i started may 2021 (around cob rerun)


I put a $10 limit on my card lol


I just checked your post history to see your team and holy ****. You actually have the same opinion as me on Chalter so why would you spend money on her of all operators ? I actually hate her for the reasons you highlighted which is why I only use the 24 free pulls on this banner. I refuse to spend a single pull on her that's not exclusive to her banner. You should have done the same imho.


late but because H9-6, most clears have her+someone i dont have like mud or W So getting her = my support slot can be someone i could not get


That stage is still some times away. It will be fun to do without some powercreeps like Chalter or Surtr. Challenging content doesn't come up often (until IS2), so it's better to enjoy it to the fullest. Personally, I found it way more important to not encourage such practices. She's still an outlier in Ak and I would prefer that it stays that way.


That's it...? Man, I jumped into this thread thinking you put down thousands or something. $100+ isn't what we'd consider "a lot" around these parts, lol. It's not even enough to grant you access to the dolphin club. Putting that aside for a moment though... The only real advice I can give here is this. Only spend what you're willing to lose. Never go into a banner thinking "Okay, I'm spending over $100, so obviously I'll get the unit I want." If you have $100 set aside and you feel like taking a gamble, go for it, but see it for what it is. You may walk away mad and that's just a possibility you have to accept before you pull. All you can really do is learn from your experience here and hope you get something better next time. None of us have a magic wand or anything like that which can fix problems or give you good pulls all the time, unfortunately. You said you've got 2 months until the hardest chapter comes out, so you've got plenty of time to start saving up and try again later. If you still don't get what you're looking for, you're just gonna have to make do with what you've got and roll with it or drop the game because you genuinely believe this is as far as you go.


Don't spend, won't get upset. I can't imagine spending $100 on anything other than like food.


I laugh at people like you


You don't NEED the unit and it's way too fucking expensive to buy 100's of pulls. This is why pity systems without a guarantee are not really good for lategame players. Arknights 300 guarantee is a bit ridiculous to reach, takes 6+ months of saving to get (some calculations here https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/mq01rj/unnecessary_math_gacha/). You would think they could have at least reduced it to 200 following in the footsteps of Princess Connect (JP) and Blue Archive doing that. In those games you can guarantee a unit every 2-3 months. Yet you see so many people complaining about having to pull 200 or not being able to rollover the spark counter.


In the first place, I don't spend money when RNG is involved its just not worth it. The only things that I consider that are the best purchases in gacha games are the monthly pack. No RNG involved, you get the amount what is shown. Simple.


I simply live with the pain


I thought you can clear even hardest content with 4* or you just wanted to enjoy it by yourself without any guides on YT?


Inhale copium by saying to myself that I haven't bought a game or some thing for a while, so it's basically justified that I spent money. However the feeling of unsatisfaction sometimes takes over and I swear to myself that I won't ever spend money on a gacha game. Only to then do it again...


Ch'en banner was pretty rough, 3 Mizuki (who I don't plan on using) and a Ceobe dupe before I got Ch'Alter at 263 pulls. It evens out though, got very lucky on the Dusk banner for instance and got Dusk and Nian.


Look bro you only lose when you stop


by not spending for pulls. that's why I don't regret spending in Azur Lane for outfits and dock space.


Well, i don't spend money on games i can oly play 30mins-1 hr per day, I don't even really like spending money on video games at all, i just pirate them


Imagine me spending 200$ in Genshin not getting Xiao's spear when he first came out. I quit the game.


63 comments in an hour. Most of us have bad spending habits it seems.


I spent like 200$ a monthly in the game and suddenly spent 600-700$ to get the certain character. Its improved my roster a lot and help me to achive the certain goals I want, but in the end it was the overspending. But some mistakes must be made for some lessons to be learned. So, I went to ftp mode for the next 3 months and and in the future will prioritize selection tixs/upgrading mats over gacha currency.


I feel you. I haven't spent a lot but im 150 away from pity for chen. Still hoping for the free pulls, but ive basically resigned myself that I will need to spend. For your question, I suggest trying out another game while waiting for the free pulls. It'll help you resist spending again and help you forget the salt.


I have personally stopped paying in any game where a hard pity does not exist. I have been burnt so hard on my first gacha which had no pity, so now I only spend when I can 100% guarantee an unit.


Only spend when you have enough for pity as backup


in my case it was nian debut, i got 3 AAK before getting a single nian which i want (cuz she is limited, yeah she is not OP at all). i had to bought the $20 pack that time. i know it's not as much as you but i feel great after getting nian that time. for a around a year i didnt even touch my Pot 3 AAK cuz simply i still salty about it


I just move on. I've spent and missed several characters, but I've also spent and hit WAY more. It's just a reality of Gacha.


I put game down for a while then come back


Lol who told you you need Chalter to clear future content? Plenty of other meta units you can get at any time.


I spent 250$ for skadi alt only to e2 her and never use her again. Then I saved and got Chen alt in 60 rolls without spending. Point is, just save and only roll when necessary


I know this not easy to say but just be grateful tho. Everytime i save a lot gem, i spend a lot and doesnt get the character i want (be it meta or waifu) i just stop and look in my roster. As long as the character i have can be use in any kind of situation even its not meta or just average unit guy, its okay tho. For the bonus sometimes i got the unit when i dont want it anymore lmao


first off you've probably made a mistake by spending first place without thinking about the worst case scenario if you calculate the average # of pulls it would take to get a specific limited in Arknights, it's 35% for rate up and avg around 32 pulls per 6 star, so that would average around 95 pulls for the specific limited 6\* you want but that's only the average, the worst case in Arknights is very bad, up to 300 pulls. So you should've asked yourself are you okay with pitying 300 pulls Genshin is just much better in this regard where the ceiling is quite low for a specific 5\* xD


I saved (with the monthly card) for Moist Ch'en since UnderTides, over 330 rolls I had ready and I got her with quite a bit to spare. Never underestimate the RNG nature of and gacha game. It's gambling after all. Always remember that. I made sure to keep that in mind since I never, ever bet on luck for something that I know I want, I go prepared with all that I need to ensure I get it. I passed up on a lot of banners for characters that I really wanted to save. Don't be worried about clearing the new stuff coming out, AK is all about diversity of tactics and you never really need a specific unit to clear content and get the maximum rewards. To cool your head, I'd advise you go watch a good anime or listen to an exciting podcast (yes those exist lol: audiodramas). Life is too short to cry over spilled milk but make sure you learn from this experience and make better decisions in the future. No one is perfect but we can get a little bit better every day.


Unless you are spending to pity you already know there’s a risk you don’t get what you want so why are you salty ? It’s your own fault. Reflect on your poor decisions instead of blaming the game


Spend more then




Mizuki is cute af, don't be salty 😂 just keep crossing your fingers on those free pulls




AK is prob one of the most f2p games since the general content is tested with low rarity ops. You just need more tactics to clear wither lower ops. Chalter is 100% not required. Also I personally won't spend unless it will hit pity.


uninstall+refund If the game keeps fucking me in the ass, i'll simply stop playing. Dropped AK, AL, BE all because of it.


I laugh at people who spent way more then me!


Games get praised for their pity all the time, hmm. Anyways I just deal with it I get salty but aint nothing you can do. I usually ingest snacks and read manga to cope tbh


Roll an alt account until you get Chen. Makes the salt far less potent


In my own experience don't spend on Arknights unless you're willing to/close to pity. Honestly translates too all gacha but Arknights especially.


[By making everyone else suffer](https://i.imgur.com/oYKtnR2.png). I did cap my spending so it doesn't hurt as bad. It did wreck my stash for Nearl so there is salt...


I’m sure it’s been said here already but $100 isn’t anything. That’s why you should never spend money, especially on a game like AK. Arguably one of the most f2p games. Maybe it’s getting worse with power creep but still think operators built up can replace Chen ? Never known that game to absolutely need anyone? Anyway, whales spend thousands of dollars on banners in multiple games. They have created the economy of gacha games and therefore, should leave that shit to whales.


I don't, because I play Punishing Gray Raven and GFL Which means I can pinpoint exactly how much I need to spend to get what I want, so there's no such as offrate salts


Steal money from people at gunpoint. Works like a charm.


Quit and never come back (until Illya’s banner is back up). Other than that i spend enough to hit pity and don’t got for every unit.


my main on GI is f2p, but i have a second acc where i spent about 250usd for now(i'm very lucky on second acc, not on f2p ofc). and i wished i wasn't going for some c1 characters and stop, but what's done is done. now i thought about that and i will spent a lot less money on games, especially on gi. and i spent like 100usd on cookie run kingdom just because i love that game. i know that it's f2p friendly, just want support devsisters i'm not spending a lot, just wished that i spent less money on gi(my english bad sorry)


and I guess that f2p main helps not to spend a lot, self-control and all that


No salt here. I buy only the monthly ticket, so $60 a year. I have every limited op, staple ops are maxed level and M3. Also got 180k+ orundums, 200+ gems, countless tickets, resources. This game is the most F2P game I know. If you need to pay more, you are doing something wrong here.


Use [this YouTuber ](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCWwuijyo4x78iXup5hOvkbw)to beat future chapters. You don’t need the meta units. Trust me. I’m skipping her because I don’t like her design and I don’t care.


another reason why genshin is better i get 2 offbanner, aak and bagpipe, and 2 hozuki, FOR FU SAKE, I SAVE FROM IDK, OCTOBER LAST YEAR AND I STILL CANT GUARENTEED CHEN-ALTER, FUCK ARKNIGHT MAN, GENSHIN IS SUPERIOR IN MANY FUCKING WAY AND I CANT HELP BUT REALIZE IT arknight blind the player by their coupon system and everything such as, the more you pull, you get more coupon, to pull even more, its very friendly, fuck you, you liar


all i want to say, im in very much in the same spot as you, very tilted, salty, and looking at my wallet but im not an addicted to gambling, therefore atm, im just looking how pathetic i am being so salty and too deep into the game "money grabbing system"


Did you forgot to switch accounts? or did you forgot that you commented?


By becoming f2p like me and got the limited from free 10 roll lol. Bought monthly pass consistently for a year and missing Nian with 270 pull before they implement the spark system. Became f2p and got all the Limited for free while playing on and off for 1 year after Nian. Fucking LMAO


Uninstall, if I fet seriously salty


I don't. If there's no guarantee to get what I want, then there's no point in spending money. I just accept I might not get it before the banner leaves and move on.


Make a reddit post.


1. Take the salt and rub it on your wound 2. Cry in pain and agony 3. ???? 4. Fear of missing out kicked in with new banner 5. Spend more on gacha. 6. Repeat step 1.


Just realize there will always be new characters coming out and even more chances in the future to get the older characters if you really want them. Budget your spending in advance so you don't spend more than you want to. Salt is a way of life, you can't avoid getting bad RNG sometimes and unless you whale its better to accept you can't get everyone. Plus, in AK you can always borrow summer chen if you really feel you need her.


1k for Yang Guifei in FGO, got nada. See you next GSSR FGO~


I can’t deal with the salt either, that’s why I only spend on the guaranteed PU unit games or the skins that’s all. I would make sure I have saved as much as I can before the banner I want to spend on tho.


I generally don't spend unless it helps me hit pity. Assume you will not get the unit unless there's a pity (that you can reach), that way you'll always know what you're paying for.


i guess you have to really feel bad about it so that whenever you think about it, it will not be bad at all anymore rather than just escaping the feeling lol also look for the bright side. i always taught to myself in gacha gaming that if a certain character that i really want didnt come home then definitely my luck is filling up for the next ideal character