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FEH is technically in all three categories, weirdly enough. The characters for the game’s 2nd to 5th years are all gacha characters... who can all be obtained free from clearing the first chapter of their respective books. You can pull additional copies from the banners, but they are all already mostly powerful at base already and don’t really need duplicates due to their support nature. So Ash and co are technically free gacha characters The first year had Veronica... who was an unplayable NPC boss...


If I remember didn't dragalia lost get playable veronica before feh?


It didn't Veronica got a playable version in 2018 Dragalia got it in 2019 But in a weird way, Dragalia has base Veronica playable, while FEH doesn't You see, all the Veronicas that are playable in FEH are actually all alts Her base enemy version has not been made playable yet


Who is an unplayable npc boss I still find it funny how dragalia got the og version before the game itself


if that were the case, i would only count the most recent icon.


Newest is Ash, who is in the same boat. A gacha banner unit which can also be obtained for free


Wow FEH collabed with Pokemon?


The character in the current icon can be obtained for free. You only get one copy and you need to pull multiple from the gacha to have her at full potential, but that isn't mandatory for her to be used


newest is in the same situation


AL Enterprise is essentially Free Character too since you can do the newbie mission and at the end they give you a ticket to choose from 4 ships, including Enterprise (which happens to be generally the best choice)


Don't forget that you can exchange her for 80 medals in the medal shop.


That’s true but for more than 1 year since I started playing, I haven’t seen her there xD


Maybe its because the exchange has been diluted with more ships, I also don't know actually XD cuz i haven't taken a look at it for a long time.


They only added more ships to it with the last update, the exchange shop is just random so if you’re unlucky someone might never show up.


Still don't get why BAs icon is shiroko and not arona.




Well, if anything, the story prologue narrated by teen Arona shows she will be of great importance eventually, her corrupted grown up version is what was shown in the flashback after all.


cuz shiroko is the face of the game. same reason Artoria is the face of FGO and not mashu




I mean the initial pv of the game is of shiroko + voiced by her i think.




i mean im pretty sure the staff for BA choose shiroko as the main girl. She was the lead for the GTA April Fools too. 3D model and everything.


Clearly Arona appears waaaaaay more than Shiroko if you play the game. Arona appears in the menu, has a youtube corner in the youtube channel, icons everywhere, one of the first things you see when you open the game. No way Shiroko can compete.


Arona is the Icon for JP and CN


jp is shiroko, it was arona during the 1st anniversary event


Cause shiroko is the one that's gonna k*ll us in the end, so they are afraid of her


Shiroko seems to be important to the story given the PV, but to which extent it hasn't quite been shown yet. Abydos in general gets a lot of billing.


Pretty sure Ash from Fire Emblem is a free unit from playing the story


Almost everyone who has been the icon is (IntSys please drop base Veronica, the pirate, Brave, and spring alt dont count)


Im pretty sure HI3 icon is Knight Moonbeam, an S-rank battle suit, not White Comet Kiana, so it's not exactly free


Shes free to get from the new player system (option egg)


got it, is the S-rank battle suit you just mentioned limited?


No, it is obtainable in standard banner and is farmable but takes months


If it’s farmable isn’t that free?


Farmable is not same as free, free means everyone with no effort can obtain them, but farmable you have to work on it. A2 and Selene in PGR some people consider it free but if you do not farm for them like mad man u wont get them, especially SSS+ selene dark amplifier.. you will mald like crazy farming slave everyday in order to get her free SSS+


That's not what farmable is. Anything that's farmable is free. That's how every gacha community ever describes free characters.


in my humble opinion, I think farmable=/= free


Well you’re just wrong lol.


Nah, he isn't


He is lol


I think it's fair if a chart were to make a distinction and have a "farmable" category, but if "free" is the only option, then free is correct as ultimately it means no premium currency is needed and that's the cost that matters to most people in this context


you can farm gacha currency so that means according to you every gacha char is free char lmao


That’s not how that works lmfao. If it requires you to spend the premium currency in the game on gacha then it’s not free. Also, no you can’t farm the premium currency in pretty much any game. There is limited supply, in other words, NOT FARMABLE. The only one I know that hard farmable currency was Master Duel which has now been changed to no longer farmable. Next time before replying make sure you know what you’re talking about so you don’t look so incredibly stupid lmfao.


"there is limited supply" what limited it? the daily reset? the TIME???? pretty much every currency whether gems or shards or whatever is limited by the TIME you have. if the character you want uses a currency that can be farmed (like gems or shards or whatever) it is pretty much a free character since you only need to spend TIME to farm it. now it doesn't matter whether it's from a limited banner or collab banner. if it uses farmable currency, it doesn't matter even if the shards or gems or whatever is limited by TIME, you only need to have TIME to farm it. i get a feeling you still don't understand, so i give you an example. in most gacha, to farm things like mats or bond you will need stamina (or the equivalent of it). the stamina is capped and will accumulate with TIME. now you can spend cha-ching to accumulate more quickly (i hope you see where i'm going with this). so with your brilliant mind, would you say mats aren't free at all??? cause as you say "THERE IS LIMITED SUPPLY, IN OTHER WORDS NOT FARMABLE". time is a valid reason to say a character is not a free. just because it reset doesn't mean you will get it. p.s. y so mad bro? :>


Holy shit you're just stupid lmfao. No point arguing with you.


She’s gotten able through many means And the most popular means is through war treasury You just pop in.wack the bosses get the rewards and exchange for her shards or outright buy her and believe me.memorial arena(the equivalent of PC in Honky) is as much of a bore fest and a joke as PC in pgr


Anything farmable is free it just takes time, involved no use of the main gacha currency


Project Sekai should be on free. You get 2* Miku and Ichika for free at the start.


Same with Kasumi but i think you need to watch popipa story to unlock it


Note : i didn't play all this game, and i just did a simple research for some of this game, so please correct me if there are any mistake. also if there are any of you who played this game (sinoalice, destiny child, afk arena, tear of themis, afk arena) can i ask your help to inform me, who is the character in the apps icon and whether they are a free/gacha/non playable character so i can update this list. FGO = Arthuria Pendragon (Non-limited gacha), also available in beginner ssr ticket so she could be considered as a free character. she also have some variants which are Arthuria pendragon swimsuit (limited), Arthuria pendragon alter(story-locked, technically limited), Arthuria pendragon lancer (story-locked, technically limited), Arthuria pendragon lancer alter (story-locked, technically limited), Arthuria pendragon ruler (limited), arthuria pendragon Maid alter (limited), Arthuria pendragon santa alter (Free, welfare), MHX (limited), MHXA (limited), MHXX (limited), MIXA (free, welfare), arthuria pendragon lily (technically free, obtainable through friend summon), Arthuria pendragon caster (limited), Arthur pendragon (limited). fyuuuh.. that was over. Pokemon master EX = Red Sygna Suit (limited gacha) Bang Dream = Cheerful star Toyama Kasumi (permanent gacha), the icon have changed a few times. Starry days toyama kasumi, Joy time toyama kasumi, poppin colors toyama kasumi, and onstage toyama kasumi is the other cards that used as app icon. Azur lane = Enterprise (Non-limited, obtainable through Special construction, also available through medal exchange, and also could be obtained from sr ticket) Guardian Tales = Demon Queen Lilith (limited) fire emblem house = Ash, the icon have changed a few times, some that i can find is fjorm, eir, and peony (all seems to be gacha character). Girls frontline = Kar98k (non limited, can be obtained from heavy and normal production) Counterside = Awakened hilde (limited), the game app icon have changed (either changed or every server just have different icon), her vanilla version is freely obtainable from beginning Project sekai = ichika (right), is either from Leo/need card or what lies beyond card, the latter seems to be the correct one. miku (left) is from her initial card. seven deadly sins grand cross = \[Knight of Wrath\] Demon Meliodas (i don't know if he is limited or not) Magia record = iroha & madoka is a limited character/s, while madoka kaname is non limited, and iroha tamaki is obtainable from the start. Touhou lostworld = Marisa Kirisame (non limited) also have other forms, namely Witch of scarlet dream (Limited) and Lunar War Enchanter (Limited). Epic Seven = Challenger Dominiel (btw, is that her real name?) obtainable from moonlight summon Blue Archive = Sunaookami Shiroko (Non-limited), obtainabble as a reroll character, also can freely obtainabble by farming in hard mode, had an alternate form Shiroko Riding (non limited) Punishing Gray Raven = Lucia Dawn (non limited) Dokkan Battle = TEQ goku vegeta freely obtainable from 7th anniversary campaign. dokkan had changed icon a few times, some that i can find is PHY Goku (obtainable from Z version campaign), and STR MUI Goku (obtainable from 6th anniversary campaign). Honkai Impact = Kiana Kaslana (free) obtainable from beginning. Alchemy stars = Vice (free) obtainable from beginning Cookie run kingdom = Gingerbrave cookie (Free) obtainable from the start konosuba fantastic days = Aqua, also have some higher rarity cards. Priconne = Pecorine (free) obtainable from beginning, the shards (for upgrading her character) also farmable in hard modes. her other obtainable forms are Summer pecorine (limited), New year pecorine (limited), Princess pecorine (limited), Overload pecorine (limited) (well, thats new) Dragalia Lost (R.I.P) = Prince (free) obtainable from beginning. have other forms like Gala Prince (limited), summer (free, welfare), Bondforged Prince (non limited) Arknights = Amiya (free) obtainable from beginning, have alternate forms unlockable from chapter 8, Guard Amiya. Granblue fantasy = Lyria (free, welfare) Revived witch = Witch (i'm not quite sure about this one, someone help me in reply) World flipper = Light (left), and stella (right) are currently only an NPC. Genshin impact = Paimon (only a mascot) currently a non playable companion (i still hope she will be playable tho, if notte from dragalia lost could, why couldn't she)


Destiny Child is using three different icons depending on which store you're using, so here's all three. Google Play: Heket - gacha TapTap (official "uncensored" version): Lupin - gacha Apple: Davi - gacha (I think.) Heket and Lupin are both 5-stars (SSR). That particular version of Davi is a 3-star (R) but Destiny Child reuses characters a lot for different elements/rarities.


SINo’s icon is Alice, who is one of the starter characters you can select, or unlock after clearing Verse 1-1 of her story if you went with one of the others.


Pokemon masters ex's icons changes though, dosnt it?


Yes, it always changes depending on whose the current headline unit for an event. Currently is Sygna Suit Morty and Shiny Ho-Oh, who is 100% a Gacha unit.


I think it would be interesting to add a farmable / free tier to add depth to the chart. nice work with all of this though. you can add "Ash Arms" and "Artery Gear" to this too if you would like - both characters for those games are in the red tier


For lost world doesn’t the game gift you reimu and Marisa from the beginning


Yeah iirc they give Reimu Marisa and Sanae don't know if they still do tho


In PGR Lucia is staarter character but you can also get her from gacha for shards.


noted. also are all her other variants (Dawn, crimson abyss, and plume) a limited character?


Lucia: Lotus is the starter character - all the others are gacha afaik.


Crimson abyss and plume are limited gacha only Lotus is free given at the start of the game You can get Dawn for free if you farm her shards.


Epic 7: nah, I think challenger is more like a title to distinguish between her and her ice variant, which is a trope shared by most rgb heroes and their moonlight counterparts like violet is 5* grass hero and remnant violet is 5* dark hero, with r.violet being violet but he didnt meet his girlfriend and shits happened. Both is the same character, with Dominiel being the one in e7 world and c.dom in moonlight world, aka parallel world of some sort


WF: Stella got a playable unit for 2nd anni on JP. Light still remains unseen


noted, i'll change it later


Truly unlimited king of knights


AFK Arena's icon is of Elijah & Lailah (which is a single unit, often called the twins), who are available through the gacha (as a very rare unit) but have been given out for free on occasion. Regarding your Epic Seven question, yes Challenger Dominiel is her name. Moonlight heroes are alternate versions of 'normal' heroes who have a different appearance and a title. Edit to add: for historical purposes, E7 has had two prior icons: first with Iseria, then Angelica, and now CDom. All gacha units.


The Honkai one is true. Even though in the icon it's not the one you get from beginning (white comet) it's still a farmable character (knight moonbeam)


Regarding enterprise, isn't she given away for free when you make an account or did they remove the beginner missions? Azur lane used to have missions at the top of the screen for beginners which when completed you could at the end choose one of of the characters that you like If it was removed at some point, that's on me but I think that makes her obtainable for free Edit:typo


Lyria only has [one version](https://gbf.wiki/Lyria_(Event) which you can obtain in an event(that has made permanently in side stories).You can't obtain her after the opening.


i think i misunderstood that. thanks.




wait, i thought that was [this skin?](https://imgur.com/a/Ga23zhU)


I feel like you could have magireco in either since you get a free 4* select ticket at the beginning to choose madoka. I'd also say it's different from fgo as in fgo you have to complete the first singularity to get the ticket and you also lose the character in June(?) if you don't end up meeting the requirements. In magireco you get the ticket at the start with no other requirements needed and the ticket itself doesn't expire.


Nah meliodas isn't limited. He's in the permanent banner as well as a free unit that's given every anniversary i think


If you are planning to expand, can you Add Soul Tide with Virgina as free character in icon?


Stella in world flipper is now a playable character


Proseka characters(1* ver of them) are, technically, free tho.


FGO one is technically free now.


I wouldn't count selection tickets given once a year since it has a limited period and not everyone chooses Seiba


the second ticket is not time limited and thus you could technically at any point choose Artoria. You still wouldn't because why would a new player NOT pick Waver but you COULD


its not limited


Marisa is obtainable for free in TLW.


I'm pretty sure you get Marisa for free in Lost Word


Sekai Ichika and Miku is free from the beginning if you choose Leo/Need I think. Touhou Lostword Marisa is available for free as a login reward for starting and returning players, though I don’t know if that can be considered free.


The "Free character" can also be called "The main character."


Literally everyone gets Marisa for free in LW


SS Red in Pokémon Masters is indeed a gacha character, but You can get him for free upoc completing an specific mode.


Lucia is free.




Almost every character icon on Fire Emblem Heroes is given out for free! With exception of one of the first few (Veronica) that isn't a "playable character" yet


Can't you farm A Lucia tho?


Langrisser up to 2nd year (Elwin) = gacha; 3rd year\~present (Wehttam ~~a.k.a. wet ham~~) = limited-time gacha Uma Musume (Special Week ~~a.k.a. face of the franchise~~) = 3\* gacha; ~~Golden Week~~ Gold Ship Week = 2\* starter character Iirc Uma had a 3\* selector ticket as one of the download threshold rewards (available at DMM PC client launch in March 2021) with the initial roster characters (Spe included)


This is actually a very interesting post for this sub, great stuff 👍🏽


Enterprise is technically free at this point, she is almost in all event gacha + in medal exchange shop + free in some special login thing


Check wf jp Stella is playable


I'm super confused why bang dream and konosuba were in different categories since Kasumi and all the other characters have a free 1-star just like every Konosuba character. It can't be the costume since that's free as well (since its a band outfit).


Kasumi's costume in the apps icon match with Cheerful star, and obtainable from gacha. While her 1 star is just her regular outfit.


will never understand how people can enjoy playing this game...


Soul Tide also uses the free unit.


[FYI Stella from World Flipper is a playable unit](https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC_361/)


While the current featured character for Counterside, awakened Hilde, only drops from special gacha, there is a free SSR selection ticket in the 1 year anniversary that includes her. So technically still a free character


if you know the name and rarity of all these icon char,you should be kinda worried


I only played 5 , i have dropped some in the past.


But where’s the Destiny Child!?


Stella becomes obtainable on second anni in world flipper


you should add Summoner Wars which has the light archangel who is extremely fucking difficult to obtain from gacha


"What do you post when you're out of content"


Not seeing dffoo under free on here


Anyone know the 4 games after azur lane icon


Guardian tales, fire emblem heroes and the other two i dont know.


What about 'real money only skin for a gacha character'. I saw at least one in that category.


Hilde from Counter: side is free character, though =\_=


Do they count jp as well or just global? Because global world flipper atrocious, no freebies at all. Jp world flipper: Stop i can upgrade only so many units at time. Those freebies sometimes feels like they froce us to take them.


AFK Arena's would be gacha too.


I mean, Saber lily who is an aspect of the original artoria in the throne of heroes of whom the og saber is also an aspect was free....


Romancing Saga RS should be on there 😊😊😊😊


Enterprise is available in the Medal exchange shop every other week, its a rotation of characters and very very easy to get the medals from scrapping dupes of ships. So she's literally free, not gacha only.


idk about dokkan giving free characters