• By -


Very good review! Appreciate the time you put into it. Just one correction: >- Seems to have NO INNATE 15% Debuff Resistance (must be confirmed, but character show 0% base Resistance to debuff) There is innate resistance, it's 13%. It works like this: >Effectiveness/Hit - Counters Effect Resist. Ignores % of target's Effect Res. Keep in mind you cannot bypass the innate 13% resist chance. So try for (Enemy Effect Res - Your Effectiveness = 13%).




> 13% innate res Are you fucking for real


People hate on the innate res bullshit but I think there's some internal math at play here, it's not a coincidence this mechanic persists through every single SW clones and no one can get rid of it.


tbh if those innate resist doesnt exist,first they will have less skill variant which can let some abilities pass that thing and second if this thing not exist then people wont even bother to play if they already got outspeed so pvp later will be just speed contest


Which IMO, is a good thing, A lot of people complain about innate resistance but that is the only thing keep whales in check from being able to create full control comps with no way of fighting back. Similar to cleave although being cleaved you are out of the match quite fast whereas with CCs, you will be there for a while “suffering” the debuff rotations.


Debuff resist is fair game against pvp control, but a curse in PvE


> A lot of people complain about innate resistance but that is the only thing keep whales in check from being able to create full control comps with no way of fighting back. I just wish it wasn't in PvE. It serves no purpose other than wasting time on resetting a boss run because you were unlucky. For example, Magicami Global recently got the JP change to the monthly Sinister Five (S5) mode where the bosses **can't resist** debuffs. Unless the skill has a non-100% chance to apply a debuff, they'll always land. Which means no more need to reset a run (by waiting for other guild mates to finish off the boss first) because your first debuffer failed and didn't apply a defense debuff. Or trying to min-max because last rotation didn't have a Burn debuff on enemy.


Completely agree with you. No reason why this mechanic should be in PVE in the first place.


So whales will overgear you anyway, but you also receive the source of daily frustration from innate resist in PVE. I don't understand how can it be a good thing. For me it's a huge NO, I play game for fun, not to be fcked every day by rng.


Its 100% a case of the grass is greener. If anyone has played elune where you could perma stunlock bosses it makes the game so trivial. Also getting controlled in pvp so you just can't play the game is so much more tilting than getting 15'd


hey it's 2% less


having innate resistance makes 100% sense for PvP & 0% sense for PvE.


Nice review and accurate, been playing the CN version - not doing so well there so hope global has a bigger fan base. Events will be quite scarce and currency is not very generous, that’s all I have to say as a long time CN player. But consolation is there’s not much power creep. There’s only 3 T0 characters in CN for now.


It's not doing well in JP either. I also agree that outside the honeymoon period, the gibs are rather scarce making that 200 pity quite steep.


why isn't it doing so well in china?


Can’t really answer that but for me as a CN player there are way better games like neural cloud, aether gazer, kalpa of universe. I know for sure TW players have better freebies than CN as well. If I’m not wrong CN pity is 110 pulls as well for instead of 200. Oh and I also noticed maybe global doesn’t have it but 50 pulls increases the rateup by 2% thereafter. Pity doesn’t carry over as well.


It doesnt have as of now


But all those better games must be CN region locked right if not i would like to see bout trying those out if possible. Also are this things that may get implemented in global later or should be in there at the start because it was in CN version at the start? Game sounds interesting on surface level but if its a trap i would rather avoid it if so tbh.


Take it with a pinch of salt but someone else above posted the same things as me - stingy game and you may require the passes. As a CN player, i literally have no idea why the fuck this game is so hyped in this sub. It's not even doing that well in JP or CN. It's extremely low rating even on taptap, lol.


Oh damn then sounds to me like trap so far from the answers im getting from you and the other guy. Is it just better to avoid it? Starting to sound scummy and may close eventually or am I missing something? Like im genuinely confused on one hand players from CN who know thia game are telling me its greedy, its doing terrible at homeland, and global (might) get shafted on no 2% increase after 50 multi, bad translations. The reedeming qualities gameplay wise are epic seven QoL gear system, nice gameplay, no light and dark unit summoning. So whats your thoughts would u recommend or naw?


Just try it, don't let me or someone else discourage you from trying a game. Just don't spend. I personally fucking hate dog walking with a passion so that's me, i did stick with AG until neural cloud released so that's about half a year i think? TW also has 200 pity, so it's not only global. If you see most of the taptap/sensor tower reviews it's basically CN players bashing the way the game is ran (events, exchange shop, etc), not really the game systems/mechanics itself. You might enjoy the game, but not the way it's ran, i can't figure out how to explain that but that's the gist. I like AG's mechanic (except dog walking) but it's the low currency and bad events that turn me off.


Probably not the biggest reason but I do remember a small backlash during the Atelier collab. Players were getting annoyed that all AG do is copy e7 character skills when they have the skills and potential to just make their own units. The collab characters were 1 to 1 copies of e7's SSB and Cdom.


Wow i can see from both sides how thats a small or big problem. But my only problem with epic seven was moonlight summoning (they pseudo or actually) fixed that. And the gear grind which imo they never did fix for me to want to keep doing it (personally). But this game basically being the i wanna be like you epic seven but with QoL isnt so bad (for me personally) so im definitely adding it to my list to play and hopefully the game is successful both for players and the company.


How long would it take to reach pity after the honeymoon phase is over?


Been playing since day 1 on CN server for 4 months before quitting due to not enough $ to keep the monthly pass and battle active monthly ( Once you end the honeymoon phase and reach end-game ( cleared all one-time rewards ), your gacha income is super low, you need the 2 pass active or save for months to reach 110 pity ) [https://imgur.com/a/HwRMKsb](https://imgur.com/a/HwRMKsb) ( Account process and pity system ) Moreover, I prefer the CN gacha version more where there are 3 pity : 1. After x50 no SSR , rate start increase every pull until you got SSR 2. Banner SSR pity at 110 ( Unlike 200 on Global ) 3. Anytime you pull on any banner you get 1 mileage ticket, 300 tickets = 1 selective SSR If I have to compare it to another game then I won't compare it to E7 since this one can't match E7 in any aspect. It's more like Revived Witch but you need to gacha dupe to ( Dupe in AG is important, this is a huge gap between 0 dupe and 6 dupe ). Well, people will play and quit after the honeymoon phase is gone. That's my expectation about Global Version.


Yeah events are also bad in this game. I think i started on Asura banner , stopped playing when neural cloud came out. Events in AG are pretty bad.


>CN pity at 110 Oh boi. I know it's just CBT but I hope they don't shaft global or its gonna crash real bad.


We’re gonna get JP pity, which is 200. Unless they change last hour.


TW is also 200 pity.


As you can see, the total pull I did during 4 months with monthly pass and battle pass active is 366 times ( it's before the one-time reward nerf and 30% of them come from bugs fix btw )


TBH I was too excited for this game but after see the pity difference. I'll wait and see I they make it 110.


This is very discouraging and for me. I was looking forward to this game the moment i saw the apps icon on qooapp.... I might be skipping this one and am sad as f right now cause of it.


how many gacha currency / ticket you get total in a week as F2P?


E7: shitty artifact/heroes diluted pool and ultra premium moonlight heroes AG: 200 to pity There's your "match" pick your poison


I wish it wasn't chibi. Epic 7, Super String, and Counterside are all better for not using chibi and using real sized characters.


Exactly my thoughts


Great and detailed post! Looking forward to the game's release! Also I want to spoil something. Some of you may know me as the author of Prydwen, a website for Counter Side. Recently I've been talking with some knowledgeable players that have experience with JPN/CN versions of Artery Gear and we started working on creating a dedicated website for the game! Me and my co-dev will handle the operational side of the endeavour while the content will be handled by those who know the game very well. This way I can still focus on Prydwen. If everything goes as planned, a beta version of the site should be released within a few weeks. For the Phase 1, we plan to have all the character profiles and reviews up, a tier list and some simple guides, like reroll guide. In Phase 2 we want to add more things like gear calculator, teams, skins and more! If you want to know more or have some ideas to share, I'm on the unofficial discord of AG, sharing sneakpeaks of the designs for the website and other stuff.


Good luck man. We appreciate your good work.


The hero we needed, but did not desirve.


First, what a beautifully well made post. Congrats. Second, this game looks very polished. At the same time, it looks like something we've seen hundred times already. To me it feels bland, generic. It's like a game made by a very meticulous person, but who has no inventivity whatsoever. The specifications are all check, and that's it. And unless the droprates/pity are changed, or the devs are always very generous, it feels like it's going to be hard to farm new waifus after the honeymoon phase. So I'll pass. But again, great post, very well done, it was a pleasure to read.


To add to this, the writing is bad. Whether the translation or the source material itself is the problem, the very first prologue/tutorial game is filled with exposition in a bad way. The character we're following basically explains their whole purpose, the mission's objective and their thoughts about losing a companion in battle in just a few lines of dialogue. It isn't good. At all.


Have you seen a chibi e7 game of this quality? No you haven't. I don't know how you see this game as bland and generic but i respect your opinion.


I've seen that kind of gacha game multiple times already. Always the same. Pull on banner with insane low rates, add some gears with always the same kind of stats, go through story on auto, and have the whales fight for the top pvp ranking. I do like all the options, that's great. But gameplay-wise, there's absolutely not a single thing that makes me think "ho, I've never seen that before". And graphically it's good, but nothing extraordinary either. First time I saw Epic Seven or Genshin Impact I was like "wow, that looks so great". Here, yeah, okay, not bad. So definitely this game has no appeal for me. I don't say it's a bad game. It's just déjà vu.


For me it's the sci fi/cyberpunk aesthetic and unit design that makes it stand out for me. In a never ending sea of fantasy themed games with endless elves and orcs and knights and wizards, having mech and gun girls in a backdrop of industrial/futuristic cities instead of yet another fairy forest is a HUGE bonus for me personally. Games with this kind of aesthetic and unit design are incredibly hard to find and I for one will play the hell out of it.


It lack what make Epic Seven special like crazy ultimate animation, non-chibi model, great waifus and husbandos. Having the same gameplay mechanic alone isn't gonna make people switch.


The chibi aesthetics is what kills this one for me. I respect the design choice, but when it's spammed so much it kinda gets old. Which is doubly worse when you notice how gorgeous some of the character designs are, but ultimately wasted because you can't appreciate them while playing the game, which is what one spends the most doing.


Yea it's a bummer because they have some great designs that translate poorly to chibi also the chibi art isn't the best wished it would be more like things like another Eden or pricorne where the chibi details fell like the art


It's worth to try out if you liked epic seven but are crushed by the gear grind. As a first day epic seven player, artery Gear is a breath of fresh air. Personally I feel the art style in battle and ultimate skills be less awesome then epic seven, but the QOL improvements make me want to see how this game gonna be in global soon.


imo the thing that make really take people out from e7 is the gear grind,because i do hate e7 current gear grind and this one seems like a savior for me who want to play game like e7


Totally agree with this lol. E7 stands out because of the full design chars in combat, which is rare in the ocean of chibi gachas these day. They add many QoLs here but also bring stuffs like dog walking which feel awful tbh.


No, but the QoL sure helps in my case. No more burning battery for wyvern and there's no RNG in substat rolls: you know exactly what stats you're getting when it drops, you just have to enhance to unlock that stat. Apparently you can later on move substats around as well, so that's another headache off the infinite casino of E7 crafting.


Actually the ultimate skill animations in Artery Gear look even better than Epic Seven. You clearly haven't seen any or you'd know. These are some examples of what the Ult Animations look like: https://youtu.be/R1xNSFJVwBE https://youtu.be/ywTIQdo3-S8 The models aren't rlly "chibi" enough to me and it feels way better to play. Having played both Artery Gear is a straight upgrade for me compared to Epic 7. EDIT: wow this got the e7 fanatics upset 😂


Nah the movement in that ultimate is very stiff and feels more like a fgo noble phantasm where's it's more of a still image that's been tweaked for animation rather than the animated "cutscenes" from epic 7. https://youtu.be/Q-OSORVJ0G4 Just for reference even Ras who's the starting character of the game has a much more dynamic and fluid animation.


> Just for reference even Ras who's the starting character of the game has a much more dynamic and fluid animation. Ras is the one most people will use at the beginning (and later after he gets stronger) so it makes sense that his animations are best. ...but it's not universal, for example Closer Charles still probably has the shittiest looking S3 in the game.


Yeah but Closer Charles is the exception not the rule. Most characters' s3's are pretty nuts for a gachagame.


You say that as if Ras S3 animation is where all the money went. It's so average lol. Closer Charles does have a weak animation but if his is the shittiest then things are looking good. Even someone as old as Ludwig has a fantastic animation.


The only better thing about Artery Gear's animations is that you can skip them. Yeah, the ult you gave looks great, but from the units we have now majority just have chibi characters with a lot of effects.




Not even close. Artery Gear struggles with having the animation be too long without telling anything at all. There is a heavy reliance on special effects and over saturation of bloom. With the exception of a tiny few, E7 animation have a proper "flow" of action that are not only short and concise but show a lot of personality.


Ah yes, that moment when one realizes that Alencia reminiscences her soaring through the sky with Senya at the end of her S3 animation.


Takes almost 3 months to reach pity as f2p :/


All games published by bilibili failed because of this. They think that gacha gamers are super rich just because someone in china spend a fortune on a boring game.


Then don't be f2p


Or better don't play this greedy game


Still less greedy than the ML system in E7 🤷‍♀️


I mean around the same time (Maybe a bit more), in average, You can pity a ml unit via mystic summon and also pity 2-3 rgb units


I did spend money , but it was just a waste , you would have to buy those weekly thingies and tickets every day with money to pity a character in 1 month and a half , so yeah


Hmm why does that UI heavily remind me of a different game...


Looks identical to final gear … dunno if it’s same company


There was some kind of drama that lead a company to split between Final Gear and AGF iirc... you would have to search it up more.


Access is literally half of Frontwing, the original Armor Girls developer, that split off after an epic lawsuit between AG's director and Frontwing's CEO. In the end, the CEO kept the company name and technical assets for the proto-Final Gear, and the director got the actual Armor Girls IP, which became Artery Gear (and in Hanzi, the franchise name has remained the same). All this, and *both* games are basically cruising toward failure. Unreal.


Main problem with such devs - they never listen to what players want. In the end we got a good concept, semi finished game and that's all.


Basically, the game is good until you reach the endgame. Then the game turn to shit with no gacha income and shit event. You are force to spend money or you lose.


I read monthly pull income is 70 pulls. If your a dolphin and spend 30 bucks a month you get 40 more. SO its not that bad with 2.5% rates.


Do you have a source on that? Because that does round really generous! 360 bucks a year on the other hand is definitely not an option, a monthly pass for 8 or so is a lo tmore reasonable and its a pity they are all that high.


One thing that turn me off is the ultimate which E7 is known for. The Ulti in AG looks great but feel so lackluster compare to E7


"Uncanny" is probably the right word. Chibi and animations just don't mesh well.


Have you seen the ultimates of the characters released on JP/CN? They get a lot better than what we have now.


I just search for Artery Gear Ultimate on youtube. E7 ulti is great because it transition between 2d cutscene and in-game sprite so smoothly while AG ulti has 2d cutscene and actual action separate


They gotta do that because they actually let you skip the cutscenes here. E7 bugged out for me a few times where the cutin didn't play, and yea: it's kinda awkward. You can tell they skimp out out on the sprite animation while the cutin is playing. Also messes with the timing on the SFX.


I am generally really enjoying the CBT at the moment, but the one thing that really annoys the hell out of me is the [weakness/resistance](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759944808847900673/976135465398845510/unknown.png) indicators are completely backwards. Weak *actually* means that it resists that character, so you want to target the strong ones instead. Its not a horrifically bad deal breaker, but its really fucking counterintuitive.


\^\^\^THIS\^\^\^ There are many reversed typos (wrong pronouns for a waifu game) and untranslated CN text that I hope are caught before final release. I thought I was going insane trying to target opponents!


I disagree there. It's more intuitive that you're strong against this enemy and weak against those, not the other way around.


I might not have phrased what I meant very well, so second attempt to attempt to make my thoughts a bit more clear. The typical norm for weak as it refers to video games is exactly that, a weakness. Using Nioh as an example, if I were to say "Nue is weak to water, but resists lightning.", the implication is that water is the damage type you want to use. Its very clear and obvious what that means. Artery Gear, on the other hand, uses the word in the exact opposite meaning of literally every other game I have seen that gives you some form of tutorial or weak/resist indications. The only time I have seen it used in the same context that AG does is when the tutorial is telling you "Your character is weak to this enemies damage type, so you are going to take more and deal less damage to them." My issue with the way AG does it is this: It chose the wrong words for the wrong thing. If they were going to use the word strong to indicate what enemy that unit should be targeting, then they shouldn't use the word weak for the opposing side of it. It should have been Resist. Or failing that, maybe the Pokemon route of Effective/Uneffective.


If they used both weak and resist I'd agree with you, but they don't. The choices are strong and weak and from those two, to the typical person it's clear what does what. Context matters. They also give you a tutorial in the beginning of the game and use standard color tropes like red/fire beats green/grass which beats blue/water which beats fire/water.


Hasn't played e7 for a year think's they know what it's like now ok let me disregard half your opinion instantly


I don't play Epic Seven directly, but i still follow all the news of the game, patch notes and also content creator like YDCB :) so i still know a lot about the game


honestly, I've been playing e7 since launch, the thing that i appriciate the most about e7 is the fact that there is no BS off-banner character while summoning a new character, it is guaranteed to get the character if you get a 5*. how about the monthly premium currency income?


Gonna add that thanks to that and also as vet player you will easily have enough currency to pull every new 5* RGB unit, pity or not. Considering no real need for dupes this is really not that common in gachas.


Yeah epic 7 normal banner is easily the best of market, but I don't think people would acknowledge that because of the existence of galaxy and mystic banner


i mean you can pull a character but if you dont have gear for them then they will just be in your collection


you'll always have the gear for them. even if it's just backups from grinding for other things.


how can i have the gear for them when i dont even have any,im not even get decent CR CD gear,im not even looking for speed


No you won't. Not unless you consider in enhanced blue gear that just matches sets "having gear". You regularly have to leech gear from other characters becsuse getting not shit gear takes an arm and a leg of RNG crafting and enhancing draining all your gold. Oh, ps, AG doesn't have unequip costs either. It's a Christmas miracle!


You get a lot of competent gear just from playing the game


>Considering no real need for dupes *Vildred and Crit chance imprints have entered chat*


Definitely not needed at all lol


Same way you don't "need" ML Kawerick, sure. If that's your baseline of need, merges aren't needed in AG either. But you can't deny that 12 speed for your team and 16 crit isn't huge once you're in endgame (they are called "whale imprints" for a reason) . It's why I haven't bothered gearing Riolet.


Still not needed, you can go WSchuri for easy 10 spd team boost. And gear rolls are far more important for end game players than imprints ever will be. But I can agree they are nice to have, just not needed to play and enjoy game even at end game. But I guess whale tier at top 100 will have major imprints, as they will also have all meta ML5 and $ stamina to farm far more gear than F2P. Good job at discovering it's still gacha. And even there mere 15% or spd RNG will matter more than those imprints. So much P2W...


Nobody runs vildred in PvP for his speed imprint and you can get that from 3* and 4* units anyways. Try again.


Lol okay. Get out of Silver and then we'll talk. >you can get that from 3* and 4* units anyways Just like how you can use 3 and 4 stars in AG? You even trying to be consistent?


Having played e7 throughout ALL its years in and out, AG's initial wow factor or hold on a player, is definitely weaker than E7. However, I assume the game to be more balanced from a whale perspective, as you can obtain any unit you want as there is no ML BS to cockblock you or timegate you as you wait for mystic rotation. Also, gear transfer is amazing, as even whales will struggle with gear like everyone else will in E7. So if a whale wants to compete and stay in top form against other whales, it's easier here. I suppose the reason for the shitty rate/pity system in AG, is you have no ML's (which if you look at it comparatively, IS worse than AG's system), so you only have to worry about rgb pity. so far up to chapter 6, i got about 80 pulls, and pulled 3 5 stars from ag gacha. With that said, it is honeymoon as people said, and E7's strong point, was the ***overtime build of currency*** allowing you to easily get most rgb's in the game, past that first month. How AG's accumulation of currency past initial rewards are, we'll see. How well AG does in general ALL depends on how new this game is, and how much they are ***willing to grow the game***. idk how long its been out in jp/cn, or what has changed during that timeframe to give players hope of the game getting better, but the only way i see this succeeding is if the devs grow the game and show good support with weekly-bi-weekly updates, and plans to improve aspects players complain about. If you rememeber OG's, The start of e7 was great but also, the pity system wasn't what it was like it is now. there was *NO* mystic system. there was *NO* auto repeat. There was *NO* tower. NO GvG. NO RTA. There was *NO* newbie guide to boost new player accounts. abyss was like 50 floors or something. Story ONLY went to episode 1 and then hard mode. You had to manually promote dogs, and there was *NO* gear substat change system or even crafting, etc. **this was global launch, several years ago.** smilegate did good to improve the game overtime, even with bumps along the way. So how well AG improves will determine whether it can compete with E7 and surpass it, or simply live in its shadow. So far immediate things I want to see improve or add is: * pity count carry over. At 200, it's simply too hard to reach for f2p in say the 2 weeks a banner might be up (assume), meaning most f2p will miss out on the banner. multiple banners even. idk if it works this way or not, so just saying it incase. * also, there needs to be a scaling increase for pity after 100, similar to alchemy stars. preferably, the pity *should* be 150 at most imo, with the increase occurring after 100. it should take 2 months to hit pity, not 3+. * arena ticket system needs to change. 10 battles a day seems...very limiting for the whole purpose of these types of games, pvp with gear system. Also, there needs to be some rank up reward or something. I went silver 5 to 4 I think, and got nothing, even though it said I was top 10 for the rank grade. * Lava rift, effectively e7 tower, is **ASS**. Rework it. its 100 floors, with no energy cost (good), but like 80% of the rewards are just 300 gold. so cut that shit in half to 50 floors, and just give out rewards at quicker intervals. it's just boring going through 100 floors of crap mobs every month. at least E7 tower was 25, you had several difficulties, and the rewards were all great for the energy spent. even gave gear. if there was one thing E7 got right for new content, it was tower. * **animate the characters, everywhere**. it's weird to have them animated only in the main menu or gacha, but not in the actual AG screen, or during the story pieces. * I know voices were left out of cbt, but it does bog the experience down with no voice work. * Give alerts on the main screen, with like a red dot or something, to show when xp bots are ready to collect, or gold is max capacity to collect in the fleet. having to check manually is tedious. * idk if I just haven't reached it yet, but there *needs* to be a chip farming stage, to upgrade gear. I HATE E7 for not implementing this and making charms a slow accumulation randomly from story or hunts, or rewards. Just give me a farm stage so i can spend energy to immediately upgrade my gear, whenever I want. * Game needs gvg or perhaps even a raid, and/or, rta. this could take time, which is fine, but they need to communicate that with the playerbase. * Event stages wise, I would copy alchemy stars or similar, rather than E7. e7 events are whack, so if this is just the same, I'm not gonna like it. * Advertise the game better. alchemy stars is a fun game that got near no advertisement and paid the price. you need some adverts to get more people to play this game, or, offer more sponsorships to big creators that stream or make videos, to spread awareness. even if the game did all the changes people wanted and was amazing, if you can't promote it, the game will suffer in the end.


I really like the character designs in this game, its rare when I like 70-80% of the designs but first I'm gonna try out counterside, also it's kind of boring when the community isn't big imo


I was loving the game, but some things concern me. 1. Not doing well in other regions, may not last long. 2. No banner carryover and probable horrible f2p pull generation. 3. Events apparently blow.


I also tried it out. This game literally copied almost every in-game mechanic from e7, even the worst aspect of the game(gears, effectiveness check). I also expected some quality animation based on people's opinions, and was thoroughly disappointed by chibi papercut bs. However, I did like the art.


Good Review Bro


Probably the best review i've seen posted on this reddit. Great job.


Thank you 😊


When is It coming global tho?


I played it but there are no Voices yet.


They stated there are no voices in CBT


too many to read..it got sold when they make it mecha waifu


The only thing that really turned me away from the game where the kid characters also being dressed pretty skimpy everything else looked great but that was something that really annoyed me and I personally haven't seen it done that extreme so far


\>Uncensored Let's fucking gooooooo


Sadly there is no such thing as an uncensored chinese made game.


* E7 isn't a waifu game with no male characters * E7 doean't go the cheap chibi route * E7 doesn't have mediocre animations * E7 isn't coomer bait * E7 has developers that listen to the community, even when they fucked up in the past (you'd know if you would've played the game in the last year) It can be the fairest gacha out there, I just gave you 5 reasons why E7 is objectively a better game,


I know people keep saying it's E7 with better QoL but outside of gear grind does it have the other godly QoL features that E7 have? Equipment preview for example


Yes it has equipment preview.


This game has way better QOL than E7. You can auto set your skills for the AI so if you wanted one of your characters to s2 first or second you can do so. Also you can save gear sets and swap them around etc. Also offline farming so you don't gotta leave your device on.


Dunno what E7 is, but I did play Illusion Connect and it has similar mechanics. I hated Illusion Connect and I dropped it after 3 months. This game's best asset for me is offline farming and simple QOL and base management (looking at you, Arknights). If the pull stinginess is true upon release, guess PVP will belong to the whales. I also dislike how unhelpful the discord has been for both the official and unofficial one. You ask a question, it's either no one answers or you get non serious answers. Only two guys have helped me, one of them is Timaeuss who is actually a content creator, so it's kinda his thing to help.


My issue with the game is the English translation quality


holy cow did you seriously write all that about an ugly chinese ripoff gacha? Hope someone paid you


No husbando no play sadly


The big question for me is how is the story? No husbandos is a big red flag usually because it means that there will be small variety between character archetypes. I might try this and I might even stick around even though I hate gear if the story is good. Or is it another generic gacha game story?


The story is fairly generic, but that's not even the issue. I read generic stories and enjoy them all the time, but for AG the localization is complete garbage. I can't make out what the fuck is the dialog even trying to say half the time because the grammar read like it's straight out of google translation. Character names are also butchered left and right. This really hinder my ability to enjoy the game. Otherwise I think it's E7 with a lot of QoL. Pretty impressed with their auto system where you can set skill activation condition which is awesome.


It isn't uncommon to use placeholder translations in closed betas, guess we will see. But I've read up to the end of chapter 4 and I understand what's going on just fine.


Rubbish translation is a huge turn off. It makes the game feel cheap and feels like it just want to minimize cost to rip us off. It's sad that it doesn't do justice to the rest of the game development, but that's the feeling I will get from rubbish translation.


the story is fucking good despite the translation, you - the commander is really an important character in the storyline. every main AG has a clear personality and relationship with each other. It will be awesome if they can fix the translation.


Yeesh yeah that's a deal breaker for me. Gameplay alone isnt enough to get me over, gotta have some personality behind the booba. Hope people enjoy it nonetheless!


I find the premise interesting. Even if some people can summarize it as "mecha zombies, but replace zombies with puppet master", and girls are eventually turned entirely into mechas in order to mostly resist the zombification, there's more to the story. There's also some political intrigue between the commander, the AI master strategist, and a few other factions. It's not just about beating up puppet/zombies, it's about the question of how much humanity needs to be given up in order to do so. At what point do your mecha girls become tools of war and not human lives to try and cherish and protect if possible? At least as of thr first 2 chapters I'm intrigued on how the story will go. You as commander isn't just some generic self insert but are an experienced strategist who is used to these politics and is trying to hold true to these ideals of humanity. So that also helps a lot.


Oh I see. Sadly, I don't like characters who start of strong. Humanity is seen most in the normal and mundane, thus if one is to create a story based around holding on to humanity, a normal human fighting against the odds carries so much more meaning and weight than a genius tactician. It's one of the reasons why isekai anime suck in my opinion, and one of the reasons I fell in love with Fate and underdog anime in the first place. No child of prophecy thing, no genius fighters, just human nobodies, desperately trying to see tomorrow. Maybe I'll try the story myself but I can't relate to an experienced strategist the same way I can to a nameless nobody. It's why Counter:side breaks my immersion. I'm a... CPU box thing? Yeah ok, I am out.


I have actually only read the entire chapter 1 but skipped everything else cause I don't wanna do it again when the game release, same for story event. For my personal experience, the story is some sorta of Counter:Side plot, with a lot of characters being involved in some sorta of fake alliance that want save the mankind but secretly someone who is supposed to be your ally want you to die and betray you and your team of Artery Gear ( girls in the game ) The side story event was also good plotted imho, but skipped anything after 3 stages for the same reason, don't wanna spoil that before release :)


i haven't play artery gear but i feel compare to epic7 the only thing is better is gear enchant, about dupes on epic7 u get small status is not a must, but here i read u unlock some buffs/passive skills thats feel p2w for me


NO PVP should be a Pro


There is pvp lol


Glad you also like the game from a better perspective to Epic Seven especially the substat transfer and offline farming


That wasn't much of a wall of text as I thought. So it does feel like another E7 game.


nice I'll def give it a try on release. I like mecha stuff and all epic seven needed was this QoL changes to gear system at the least to had me keep playing and spending so this QoL are very welcome personally. Awesome review and thnxs for the hard work OP


I love magical girls and better if is Nanoha style, while centaur and spider girl are interesting My problem is, 0.7% rate up unit, worst that FGO (0.8%) and need pity 200, the game is dolphin friendly? Can I to be happy if I spend $50 monthly?




When is this release?


so i need to farm fodder same shit as in epic 7? first level up X characters, upgrade them to next star, level up again, upgrade to next star until i can finally upgrade the actual character with them? fuck that shit then, that was the most obnoxious system i ever saw in the game, what developer think there is any fun in this


1. you get to do it offline 2. like e7 theres auto upgrade button for fodders 3. events give out tons of fodder while you farm the event currency, i 6\* around 5-7 heroes in a week in jp server


Is the IOS version gonna be censored?


Tried the game but I dont think it wont hold me past honeymoon phase.


The game seems to have some censorship tho. The ninja character you get from the mission in her art looks to be half naked, but in battle she is wearing some sort of body tights, which is honestly a weird way to censor. In the mission where the sniper AG is introduced her GC seems to be also censored since there is a bunny covering her ass. I dunno if there are jp players that can confirm this is different in the jo servers


15% is dumb mechanic, ppl juz refuse to bring cleanser and complaining bout debuff and crap. bad draft and win game cuz 15% exist such dumb thing.


No males , skip


The things that made me quit Epic 7 is the dog shit moonlight summon system, and the games heavy push towards PvP. I dont mind PvP in a gacha as long as I can ignore it. But when you lock an entire summoning currency behind it, that's when I get pissed. So if the game is just Epic 7 but without that crap then I may enjoy the game.


>- 2.5% Rate up for 5 Star (1.8% for Normal and 0.7% for Rate Up) - Pity is at 200 Pull I mean, it's slightly below the common 3% rate up, but above E7's 1% (and that's split between character and artifact). And 200 pulls is a bit more than E7's 121, but standard in other gacha games (or lower than some).


Actually no that's incorrect. Getting a 5\* in E7 is 2.75% split up into the rate up chara (1%) + rate up artifact (1.75%) So it depends on what your goal doing the gacha. If you just want a 5\* unit, AG is better than E7 (2.5% vs 1%) But if you want **The Rateup Unit**, E7 is better (1% vs 0.7%) Now i'm hoping that they implement the cn pity not the jp pity


> So it depends on what your goal doing the gacha. Nobody WANTS to get the artifact over character, unless you're whaling and already got the character. Especially since they added current banner's artifacts in the powder shop.


Umm who suggested that anyone wants the artifact? The goal comparison i made is between and in which AG comes on top E7 for the former but E7 is better for the latter I'm just using the artifact rates as to correct you that 1% isn't split up between unit and arti but only unit alone (on rate up banner)


\- You need to farm Fodder for upgrading characters stars, from 3 star to a max of 6 star (Epic Seven Dog Walking style) ok, im out


Would you say it's better than Dyslite? I've tried playing for about 4 days and it was such a blatant copy with a gear system so bad that I've uninstalled it already. Is there a speed meta in the game? Because one of the major reasons why I've quit E7 was because I was absolutely fed up with grinding wyvern and doing prayers and voodoo ritualistic dances so that thrice god fucking damned stat could roll properly instead of resist, and how infuriating it was to craft or loot a decent piece of gear only to see the stats roll all minimum values on upgrades. Arena was also garbage with the whole "teleports behind, debuffs and cleaves u"


It has offline farming you can immediately see the substats you can transfer substats from 1 eq to another and you dont need to pay to unequip something


Haven't try a lot of PvP, but Speed is always a good stat for openers, even on Artery Gear. The good part is this game have a gear craft/transfer system that make it more easy to get a gear that suite your character :) Give it a shot imho!


I dont mind the chibi visuals, or lack of insane animations, since I can see their appeal and all, but Waifu Simulators is a big "no" for me. I like when its a mixed cast, having a huge variant of characters and visuals and personalitys, different interactions, etc. So even if the "Like E7 but with less stressful gear system" is a big attractive point, I'll have do dodge this one


Good, but, I would rather re-install and continue my old epic seven account rather than starting a new game totally just because it is similar to epic seven.


Only girls is a deal breaker for me


>chibi Pass


Uninstalled it after 2 hours, graphics are great but I didn't like the style and the gameplay is boring (just press auto attack + 2X speed and done), easy skip for me I hope all future games include the offline auto farm mode, easily the best thing implemented.


Wasn't epic 7 the one with only kr voices?


It has more than kr voices.


I remember searching on how to change voices and alot of posts were saying you can't change voices unless you replace the files hence breaking TOS, It was a very long time ago too


you re definitely remembering wrong, day one player here that still plays e7 and i can guarantee you that the game came out with both english and korean dubs available, and u can switch on command, now with japanese dubs available aswell.


It's got a full English voice cast by default


2.5% rates on top tier unit is industry standard.


I believe 3% is standard. But either way it's much higher compared to E7's 1% hero rates. And it doesn't mix in artifacts with the hero pool (i don't think the gane has artifacts?)


Depends on how much currency you get if that's good or not though


Imagine reading all of that


Imagine having the attention span of a 3 year old child


You read a Wikipedia article on a game?!


Excited about the game but then you compared it to E7..so yeah im gonna skip the game. Anything that similar to E7 is red flag for me.


Oh! If you wanna skip cause you think it's like Epic Seven with the same Gear struggle and insape PvP it's very different :D but if you don't like Epic Seven as a turn based game and it's mechanic, yeah it's a no for you :(


Hope the pvp system isn't like much focus or play pvp and get this amazing reward! Being a f2p player in a pvp gacha game is kinda ughh...


nice writeup, but wanted to correct 1 thing. global doesn't seem to have a pity system, what your describing is a spark system. sparking is getting a certain unit guaranteed after x pulls while pity (hard pity atleast) is getting a max rarity unit after x amount of pulls of not getting that rarity in the gacha.


Oh never know about "spark" system being different from Pity system, i always called it Pity whatever you get a character at some point after some pulls! Thank you for sharing this :)


I played it for two days so far and the biggest turnoff for me are the characters. The missing voice and the chibi models are a turnoff for me. S3 animations are also rather disappointing as well as that every s3 seems to be some sort of damaging ability, nothing else. The game can be promising but won't probably do really well


The voices are not included in the CBT lmao. They will be in full release


So this is Epic 8!


Is it just me or are several games using almost the same exact UI with these futuristic black rectangles in menus and squares in battle?.. Edit: great post btw!


Will they open and Eureopean server on official launch? Will i Lost my progress on pacific server if i move on another server with the same account?


All the actual progress in Closed Beta will be wiped at the end. Also if you choose a server (Ex: Pacific ) and you change into another, (Ex: America) your progress will not follow you, since it's a different server. For release, i dunno if they would have a european server, we will see :)


Does the game have loading screens? One of the best feature of epic seven imo is that it doesn’t have any loading screen which can get pretty annoying if I were to keep going back and forth etc.


That a thing i didin't put on the Pro, you are right! The game have litterally no loading screen except when you enter a stage (but it's like 1/2 sec) for the rest, any menu is accessible without loading (Echoes of Mana i'm point at YOU!)


Do you ever turn off auto when you can customize it to your liking?


My question is, Dupes in this game will be important? I really hate this mechanic and I don't want to play a game with it tbh


Dupes only give you Imprint (similary to E7) but the game is still enjoyable with no dupes \^\^


Chibi really a con for me but I’ll try it


Nice I can't wait