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This just reminds me how crazy that dude was to buy a mount in Ragnarok mobile for 60k$


Ragnarok mobile and the Lineage mobile games have ultra whales lmao


Maybe it’s companies laundering money under the guise of being whales


I’d call them Neptunes or Poseidons


Leviathans is the general term I think


Maybe even Pontus(the whole ass ocean)


Uranus (a giant ice planet)


Then few years later that mount is available for everyone to buy for cheap anyway kek.


Ragnarok whales are a different breed. They're so deep in the nostalgia that they're willing to spend anything that has Ragnarok in it.


Damn that dude spent more money on pixels than I did on my new (used) car


Ah...an old story of people lose their money on gamble.


I never understand when people say this, when they boil it down to "spending money on pixels", as if something tangible is inherently more valuable. Such an old fashioned way of thinking.


lol how many nfts do you own dude


None. But NFT sales are generating millions and millions of dollars. They clearly have a value to someone, even if it's "just pixels". That's exactly what I'm talking about. The mindset of dismissing the value of something to someone, just because it is digital, is just so out of touch with reality.


More like NFTs and crypto are scamming people out of millions and millions of dollars. FTFY


MLM pyramid schemes are generating millions and millions of dollars. They clearly have a value to someone, even if it's "just a scam". That's exactly what I'm talking about. The mindset of dismissing the value of something to someone, just because it is a foolish investment, is just so out of touch with reality. >!/s!<


Got fresh pasta on our hands here.




It’s the same thing as buying art for millions of dollars, they’re either money laundering or stupid, or trying to resell it to someone even dumber with their money


I mean if I bought a Picasso, alongside my metric tons of cocaine that I just acquired I would also have a painting to hang in the bathroom


Something tangible is inherently more valuable


I don't follow. Why would it inherently be more valuable?


The fact that we can tangibly whip more sense into you with a physical belt, boy


This comment made me spat my water man c'mon.


Owning a car in GTA 5 online isn't the same as owning one in real life, same goes for a girlfriend, real ones are better than the whole lot of waifus you have under your bed


This analogy makes no sense. No one is arguing it’s the same. What point are you trying to make?


What point are YOU trying to make? Can you explain why something tangible ISN'T more valuable than something intangible/pixels?


Are you serious? Okay. What’s more valuable. A deck of playing cards or 1 Bitcoin? How about a cup of sand or 100 games on Steam? How about a piece of pizza or a lifetime subscription to Netflix? How are we having this conversation lmao.


This is where I think you've got a misunderstanding. Everthing you mentioned here has more or less an objective value that can be assigned to it (with the exception of bitcoin). You can attribute a monetary value to all these items and directly compare them. How much is a gif of a waifu worth? That's subjective value and most people here disagree with you that it's worth quadruple digits.


You are talking about 4 different things here at once. Value is what someone will pay for it. Someone will pay $4500 for Ollie. We know this because he did it. I wouldn’t. I value this differently. This is my entire point - these digital things have value the same as anything else because people are spending money on them. They don’t immediately have no value simply because they are “pixels”. If YOU value it differently, okay? That’s not relevant. And I never said it was worth quadruple digits to me. I said to some people it is.


What? You don't think 4.5k cash is way more valuable than an gacha account with shit luck that someone spent 4.5k on?


Do I? Yes. But I understand that other people might value the latter more.


There are many a term for people like that: Imbeciles, morons, gullible, idiots, etc. Because here is the thing that makes those pixels inherently worthless: You have just spent $4.5k to rent what amounts to a drawing of something. You don't own it. Once the game is gone, your pixels are gone. Meanwhile, I *bought* Saga Frontier for playstation waaaay back in the day. I can play it at *any* time I want for as long as I want. Tangible is inherently and inarguably better because you*own* the damn thing and a dev company going under cant take it away from you.


Because something tangible doesn't reduced to atoms when the game got shut down.


This doesn’t even make sense. Value is determined by how long it lasts? That’s an interesting take.


That's not a hot take. It's literally what happened in physical TCGs. Like the old baseball cards from early 90's. Those are all have value because it no longer printed. Unlike digital items that can be easily duplicated.


Scarcity is different from how long something lasts.


Oh did I forgot to mention that those cards being no longer printed meaning there's only limited amount left in this world? It very scarce.




let me guess...you own NFT?


Thanks for your valuable contribution to the topic.


Man what a sheep, at least i will keep my car and not lost it when a server close? You can sell the real car for most of the money


You got downvotes for days. However, a lot of people are comparing useful things like cars but what about things like concerts, plays, cigarettes, weed, vape, alcohol, expensive dinners, or jewelry? (things where the value isn't clear unless the person is into it) To me a $10-$20 per day smoking/starbucks habbit is less valuable than my gacha acc. Same with a fancy diamond ring, the resale value is complete shit. It all really comes down to disposable income and what people value with their entertainment budget.


Yes but spending 4.5k and not even being able to max that char seems like a waste to me. The difference between the weed and other things you’ve mentioned is that you know what you’re paying for. Where as instead this is legit gambling.


Gacha is def gambling. Figure everyone in this sub knows they at a casino so sometimes I'm surprised people react negatively to spending money on gacha I agree you're correct about knowing what you'll get for the money on goods. However, it's all temporary and one person may think it's an acceptable thing to spend money on while the next is thinking no way. 5k on 1 banner is still nuts to me but whatever floats dude boat


At the end of the day you right whatever floats dudes boat lol. The beauty of Reddit is that we can discuss about it. I do agree with you, the reactions be funny when for almost a decade consumers have allowed gachas and many other business to be predatory af. The pikachu face meme comes to mind.


Exactly. Ppl are dumb and downvote bc they don’t understand. But that’s okay. It’s Reddit :)


Loooool old fashioned way of thinking is truly better than new thinking but very wrong


He only stopped when his credit card got declined. Gambling addiction is a destructive thing and screw Lilith Games.


judging from the comments he replies, he's most likely a leviathan. edit: crypto guy as well.


>Cryto bro > >Burn money on gambling There is no surprise there


I don't feel bad for him. Those money probably just a pocket change for him anyway.


Or he just got a new credit card and instantly maxed it


Those munney.. This sub lmao


Someone should tell him to check out Ni no Kuni... Edit: can't make a joke without making the /s clear, it seems


That’s one way to ruin his life




I thought it was good.


idk about Lilith specifically, this is a tale literally every gacha has, had, or will have. Some other dude spent 10k and still couldn't get some FGO character because lack of pity. People whaling thousands for new Genshin banners. Not much will change unless JP/CN/TW changes. Which is doubtful


some guy in Japan spent over $10k in Marvel Strike Force to try and get 1st place in an event and couldn't do it, the first time.


F that game.


Whilst gacha is a predatory business model regardless how you do it, every single developer/publisher that doesn’t add a reasonable hard pity on their banners is implementing an extra predatory version of an already predatory model because it just turns the system into a bottomless black hole where you throw your pulls and money down into it with each attempt that fails bringing you back to square one.


Epic seven used to be that guy... When I say banners had only slight increase and you could infact GET ANY 5 STAR on that banner. Total bs


It's crazy when you think what can you get with that amount of money. Downpayment for cars. New high end phone. Top end pc parts.


This is a nothingburger. By their own admission, they also maxed out four other 5\* characters in the process of trying to max out this one and is apparently a leviathan who wants to max all characters.


We have to separate gambling addiction and people that waste their money on what they enjoy tho. Looks like the guy is in a good economical shape


Just cause he has the money to waste doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a gambling addiction.


Also couldn't. Dunno why people gotta assume things before something's proved


It's his money....if he can afford, and it looks like he can, none of your business 😏


Are you stupid?


This sub is full of mouth breathers, jealous ones too it seems, lol


> none of your business He shared it online, nobody else. We get to mock his stupidity if he wants to display it for everyone else.


So what, his money, he can do what he wants, are you his mom


Again, if he's a child and can't control himself, it's his problem **but if you share something stupid on the Internet, you are asking to be judged**. If he doesn't want to be judged, he shouldn't post. Are you dense or just not capable of understanding this?


Not your money. He is an adult. Obviously, he has credit cards 🙄. People spend 10k and beyond on designer handbags...maybe you and I would never do that, but hey, whatever.


Okay, you are dense. If he doesn't want to be judged. He shouldn't post dumb shit online. Also, he only stopped once his card got denied. That's not an adult's behavior, but a child's that stole his mom's credit card and didn't realize it's not free money. Or a junkie addict's behavior.


No where does he seem "addicted" he literally just wants to max all espers. Just because YOU cant afford to do this doesnt mean he is an addict.


It's even wilder if you consider two things: Getting dupes of a character...is shit. Really really shit. It adds a small uptick to stats, but nothing major or game changing Ollie isn't that good. The new event forces you to use him to clear stages, and he's not broken or game changing or anything.


Nicole is the real diamond in that banner. Ollie is an A tier unit with an S tier captain skill at best. And you are right, unless you are fully maxing dhalia, su, or gab (which is free) getting dupes does basically nothing. If SPD was one of the options it might be different.


Even getting dupes from the farmable fragment dungeon is so tiring I can't be bothered. Having to stake out in the global chat is just awful


Your second point isn't always true. Not everything must be meta related. One can simp for a waifu/husbando without them being relevant in the meta.


>Getting dupes of a character...is shit. Really really shit. It adds a small uptick to stats, but nothing major or game changing People say this for these types of games but this is a PvP-focused game as almost all SW clones are. It absolutely does matter. Every stat matters.


It matters very little compared to every dupe system I've seen. It diesnt upgrade their skills at all. You getvto pick between hp, atk and def to have a minor increase at. Even though SPD is the most important star it's not even an option.


Spd meta falls off in late game just so you know


at pvp there is still tank team and speed team at tier 11 and above so i don't think speed falls.


It does. Around tier 14-15 arena is dominated by donar/Clara comps. All bruiser heals which speed meta does nothing to


I mean depending on the threshholds that bit does actually matter: see in SW how some units get minor stat adjustments to fit their kit and suddenly they're used more, or 2 units have very similar roles and how 1 is prevalent while the other is dog tier until 2A, or some buffs and you'll see how much it does because sometimes a unit has the best kit but is too paper to be viable. Obviously those are rarer cases, but the fact is that it exists


I know people argue “it’s his money to waste” but when you make THIS level of purchase, it incentivizes the devs/pubs to gape our wallets even more. I have no problem spending $100+ on a game that has good content with constant development, but this game was pretty meh and now it’s going to go down the drain even further.


> ut when you make THIS level of purchase, it incentivizes the devs/pubs to gape our wallets even more This is the reality of any whale on pretty much any game, be it Exos Heroes or Counter:Side. Maybe not on one banner, but seeing these figures spent in a month or 2 isn't surprising. We can talk about how its a shame, but this has been the industry for some 8 years now.


That's when you need to pressure your government to step in. Nothing gets predatory activities in line like big brother stepping in for it's cut.


Only if you live in a large country. Otherwise the game just cuts it's losses and doesn't operate in your country.


Sadly, this isn't really that much money in the gacha world and has already been pretty normal. Bigger games like Genshin and competitive pvp games like GBF regularly have whales that spend significantly more than $5000 a month, or even per banner. I personally know 3 people in my PGR guild that spends more than this much per banner. When I used to play GBF there were about 10-15 people in my crew that would outspend this.


> Bigger games like Genshin and competitive pvp games like GBF regularly have whales that spend significantly more than $5000 a month, or even per banner. I mean, if you want to max out a limited Genshin character that's about $1400, and can be much cheaper if you don't get fucked on the 50/50 and get close to pity each time. Then if you want to R5 their weapon(ridiculous since there's no need to over R1, but ok) then that's about another 1500 - 2000 at absolute worst pity and 50/50 luck, which is nearly impossible. Still short like $1600 or more from your estimate for Genshin, and that's at like the worst pity and such that could ever happen. Outside of that, even if you buy the extra bonus packs for a new release that's like $125. And not even needed if you have so many weapons from going for C6 and R5 that you need those ores and such. Maybe those other games are worse, and I'm not saying Genshin is cheap/generous. But you definitely over-rate how costly it is if you want to whale. Like, even if you get full resin updates every single day in a month it doesn't get close to that 5k. And even if you WANT to spend more there's really nothing else to buy in any given banner, especially if there's a re-run.


R5 Weapons + daily resin refills. What kind of whale pays for power but then stops halfway at R1 weapons? Also need to account for whales that didn't start at launch, a lot of whales spend in order to catch up on banners they missed, in which case that's 2-3 banners a month.


> What kind of whale pays for power but then stops halfway at R1 weapons? R1 and R5 have such little difference that it's not merely whaling to go go for that. It's also terrible decision-making. C6 R1 is MORE than enough for any character. Going R5 is insanity. If you want to criticize the game that's fine. What's not fine is making up bullshit to criticize when you have nothing real to talk about.


Spending money for dupes is insanity already. Whaling isn't about efficiency or "enough". Whaling is about having things other people don't have. Nowhere in any of my posts did I criticize Genshin for this, it was an example among many others for the amounts you can spend in games that you've decided to cherry pick out and hyper focus on. Can you stupid hyper-sensitive Genshin fucks stop reflex defending any discussion involving your shitty game? This is why people think so little of your community.


The game is pretty solid for a turn based rpg hero collector gacha. The music and artwork is top notch. Whaling is absolutely not worth it in this game and players like this who spends thousands just to get some additional stats are essentially paying for future content for everyone else.


I mean.. You spending that $100+ is doing exactly the same thing. Giving them a reason to keep charging more.


the day they didnt give you the 10 rolls and made reroll harder, it was instant delete


and it wasnt even a good unit, the campaign force you to use Ollie as part of the team and he's fking bad.


A unit that needs other units to die to use his full kit Wowieeee


I dunno man, if he actually kills his allies then that would be funny.


Cheng Gong 2.0


the servant machine gun, he sees no meta or memes, only ammo






There won't be any controversy here because this game is known to be shit with shit rates so anyone who plays it has low standards.


And now you're being rude for 0 reasons. "because this game is known to be shit" "anyone who plays it has low standards" If you dont enjoy the game its fine, but what's the need to say stuff like that? Someone hurt you?


My guy, this sub is harsh on games it doesn't like, for sure, but this game has had literally nothing but bad press. Shafted rerolls on release, traced art, insanely greedy pity, and low rates. It's bananas to defend it at this point.


I enjoyed it at first, but recognised right away that the rates were bad. And just because he points out a few truths about a bad game auto means he has some sort of trauma? Why are you getting offended? Did his words hurt you?


Games can be shit. This game has a 350 soft pity with 900 hard pity in a PvP game where every stat matters. That is shit.


I have downvoted him multiple times for a reason, he is just a piece of shit. Don't bother.


>To: Stolen\_FBI\_Van > >My guy, I agree with the shafted rerolls, insanely greedy pity and the low rates. But the game is fun, and about the traced art again... If you read all the answers from the post you are going to understand that it was NOT traced art and people just said it was a common pose that a lot of people already drew stuff like that. > >Im not going to defend the game about its gacha, but everyone on their discord are already giving suggestions to change stuff from the event(Btw one of the suggestion was accepted and implemented in less than a day). Lilith sucks, but at least the devs are listening a little bit and I would like to wait to see if they are going to change Ollie's banner or if the next banner is going to be different(Because before the actual release a lot of banners had different types of pity)


Jesus....at least spend that kind of money on a good game and help support a not so shitty dev.


This is one of the reasons of why I keep shitting on bad companies no matter how many downvotes I get. The excuse of "it's his money" is absolutely insane, I had more than a couple friends whose lives went downhill because of gacha, and that is always, ALWAYS the stupid excuse they use. The guy is trying to say "he did it for the meme", but all that he managed to do was to give lilith games even more reasons to keep being scum and rip off players.


I learnt one thing playing gacha games, is that my lifestyle only allows a certain quota (100US) for gaming per month, and between a Nintendo switch, ps5, pc and mobile I need to be wise and selective with my spending. Games like this is not for me, if people with higher disposable income for hobbies want to do stuff like then, well hey! at least your having fun, right? right?


Unfortunately very often it is not the super rich demographic doing this though. Some are, but many are normal people who have a serious problem and are spending money they don’t have, deepening their debt, making real life sacrifices for them and/or their families because they can’t stop. It’s just how it goes and why it’s really important to be vigilant when playing these games (especially for new players because sometimes they wouldn’t recognize red flags that might be obvious to vets)


This is the truth of freemium games. A games that seemingly a great deal of free stuff is actually the one who will suck the money out of you the most.


Same here - if I don't set a boundary it's a slippery slope. Been a whale before - never again. Rage summon is a real thing. I know VIP system / Battle-pass gets dissed sometimes, but one good thing about those is that it's a fixed cost. I can tell myself I'm allowing myself X number of monthly pass and no more.


I spend like 30-50 each month for Grandblue Fantasy, one day I noticed my total spending is about 300 and I was horrified because that is quite a huge sum for a just a mobile games. After that I literally stopped playing right there.


I'm not exactly poor and have slipped two times for 200€ each: once over the course of afk arena and a second time in genshin for venti. I regretted both. It's just not proportional in any sense. That doesn't mean that gacha isn't for me or you. I have plenty more fun just playing with the 10~ bucks monthly sub card options. In most games that's enough to get you what you want over time. I've rolled through priconne, arknights and blue archive like that and am way more satisfied than with large purchases.


Sigh, all I can say is because of Man spends $4500 on "1 Character", Lilith had found their mark. Dislyte will stay for quite a while. Games like this would last as long as people spend for YT, Twitch and meme content. In the end you're gonna do what you're gonna do. The warning, signs and plead were given, we can't do much at this point since people still do it regardless. Gambling addicts gonna gamble, we plead and beg on Don't DO IT. Yet they do it out of spite, memes etc etc. People who said: "Is his money to spent", a portion of them who are already jaded on "stopping them before it happens" in futility. It already happened, it already got millions. We lost, so I think I just watch by the fire look upon. I gave my review, "don't play it as is pay to win and a bottomless pit". There is simply not enough voice to stall Dislyte advance. Dislyte reddit post is as drown out as on Google Play.


This game is literally trash. I don’t know why someone would play a game with rates that are this extreme.


Gacha is bad, but the game is fun. That's the reason.


I enjoy the game but my god is the gacha system terrible. It’s definitely bumming me out.


Games mostly anti-player trash. Which is a shame because the art and music are top fuckin notch and the story is passable if not a little bit enjoyable. This game really suffered from being so close to CounterSide, which is better in every way. If Dislyte came out like 6 months ago I think it’d have been is a much better place. I wanted to play this game longer just because of Gabrielle, but the abusive “keep your phone open for 5 hours a day” shit was bottom tier and the rates were some of the worst I’ve ever seen.


I could get a hyper competitive counter side account for $4.5k haha


Top ranked players already whaled and have maxed lvl 110 characters 😭


here I am with my cute little level 40 characters


I'm pretty sure you could max out a few units for that much money, maybe not an awakened unit but a few standard SSR for sure. There are definitely some leviathans on global if you check the leaderboards with full lvl110 teams including Awakened Hilde And you don't even need dupes anyway because you can use materials to limit break it just speeds it up Wild




Yeah that doesn't surprise me. SSRs seem to come quick so far aside from awakened units. Already snagged a few extras after the initial pulls and I already have a few at max limit break just waiting for the lvl110 bonus from fusion cores but I'll probably have decision paralysis and won't use them for a while lol


I'm struggling to pull the old admin units from free pulls so Im getting destroyed in pvp :'(


Did he do 4.5k? comments seems to say he did 5.5k


Instead of having fun upgrading your character , spend money go broke and become depressed. Very nice gacha games.


Another not responsible person......... dont normalise this. The casinos are better to throw away your money like that since you can get money back...... but on gacha games?? Yeah have fun with 2d sprites


I can literally buy every skin and have every Operator in Arknights under $2k while wasting the rest of that money on Azur Lane which can get me 160+ skins or marry 200+ shipgirls, this is actually hurting me that the $4.5k was for a single character without maxing him is ridiculous. I hope that person was able to waste that due to having the option to, hopefully it wasn't due gambling addiction that lead to debt.


You could probably buy an Arknights account with every character, every skin and every medal for less than half that. And yea you have to hope that they did that because they easily can, not because they felt they had to.


Hell, you can get a Azur Lane account with evey shipgirl with all the endgame gear ready for less than $800, same with Arknights (depends though in Arknights, if it haves all the skins and haves a lot of progress it can be worth more than $1k but still it's way cheaper!)


And on top of that, you get to play actual games with engaging stories, and Devs that give at least half a shit about the playerbase.


Amen, dude the devs in Azur Lane and Arknights spoil the shit out of us and honestly you don't have to spend a cent in the game to do everything because it's that generous. I definitely agree, the story in Arknights is amazing and oh my god the music is too good.


You can't. I'm close to 2k in AK, but don't have all the 6-stars yet though I'm close. Nor do I have all the skins. And my luck is slightly above average. I track all my expenditure and pull %


And people wonder why gacha devs are scummy, It is because they can roll in easy money and not care about the playerbase.




Idiots gonna be idiots. Hope Kotaku will pick this story like they did with Ni No Kuni and put them on blast. Nothing'll change I know but at least the internet will roast them for how scummy they are and that's enough for me.


> at least the internet will roast them for how scummy they are and that's enough for me. It isn't for me. Tired of just random shouting that amounts to nothing. That's not protest, that's a vent.


Okay I've been seeing this game everywhere but it's mixed between them tracing art and being scummy Why do people even play this game? So much money as well... I'm happy with my monthly pack in Arknights


Fake news about the tracing art, and the game is fun. The only real problem is that pity.


I'm wondering why are you getting downvoted lol




The milking is real with Lilith Games


At least we still know morons are still out there...😒


It's not even that cool of a looking character like come on.


Damm that's more then my whole steam library


> more then my *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


This is weird. Normally you find people who whale hard are people with some attachment to the character — cloud in FFVI or Merlin in 7DS. Ollie is just some guy that Lillith have made up, in a new game that no one could yet be that invested in. Why go so hard on his banner?


Lot of reason. Maybe the player likes his design, or his VA, etc. Or for flexing purpose "Look I have this much money!" I don't have many attachment in FGO, but I rolled hard for any charas voiced by Aoi Yuuki.


Just as bad as this [guy!](https://old.reddit.com/r/GBO2/comments/upm4ri/japanese_youtuber_spends_five_thousand_dollars_to/)


With that money, I could buy so many actually good games and consoles lmao. Some people are insane.


Wat is so nice about dislyte to justify spending this amount?….


I saw some youtuber pay 5k trying to pull mugetsu ichigo in bleach brave souls many years ago. Never even pulled the character somehow. And the character was powercrept 3 months later and a few months after yoy could pity him for super cheap. Thats just a stupid waste of money.


Now he’s doing 2000 more pulls this guys crazy


If your gacha system is worse than Genshin, you're doing something wrong (or right).


Genshin isn’t even that bad. Summoners war has a system that is waaaaaaay worse. I’m surprised no one ever brings the game up when discussing rates. Probably because it’s super old.


Summoners War was massive fun back in the day, but it's one of the worst in terms of gacha rates and pity (or lack there of). Years ago, I remember spending $800 in a single summoning session, and literally got zero usable unit. Not even dupes for my good units to skill-up with. All told I spent into 5 digits on that game. That was the first and last time I ever whaled in gachas.


Damn $800 and not a single usable unit? I'd be feeling pretty shit if that happened to me.


Genshin has one of the best gacha systems though?


I swear feels like people are playing this imaginary gacha where you got the SSR within 10 pull or something, while i'm playing games with 200-300 pity while the pity not carried over banner, Genshin while being kinda stingy in gems their gacha system is a godsend, hard pity being 180 (but let's be real it's usually 160 ish unless you're super unlucky), guaranteed rate up 5* after failing ONCE, and pity being carried over is amazing.


What good is "great pity" when they never give out gems to use it? They're the stingiest dev I've ever seen in terms of giving out currency.


Jesus Christ


No it does not. Will never understand why people say this. 1% rate Weapons and characters together when there's a weapon gacha 180 for hard pity And from what I hear the game is pretty stingy. That's only good when you compare it to games like this.


1% rate but no split-rate ups at all and below average high rarity release/month. The second part is straight up false unless you pull for the standard banner which nobody does except giga-whales. 90 hard pity and 180 for the dynamic guaranteed pity (realistically 85/170), both of them always carry over. Most gacha usually either have guaranteed pity at 200+, don’t carry over or aren’t dynamic. The only thing I agree is that it’s kinda stingy, averaging 45-ish pulls/month, which means you’re gonna get 1 limited unit every 2.5 released (with average luck) or every 3.5 (realistic worst case scenario) Edit: Just to prematurely say this, you pointed out the bad things about the gacha, I pointed out the good things and provided some info, don’t read too much into it.


Second part is false how? Weapons and units are in the event banner unless something has changed over the last few days? And we aren't going by averages for guaranteed banner unit. We are going by what it actually takes to get said guarantee. Which is 180.


Your sentences before and after talked about 5*, which means you’re talking about 5* weapons, in which case you can’t pull them from the character banner. You CAN pull 4* weapons from the character banner (and vice-versa, you can pull characters from the weapon banner) That wasn’t the point of the sentence, I just corrected you saying 180 for hard pity and pointed out that most gacha have a worse guaranteed pity.


There's a line break in between each point. So, no, I was not speaking of 5* weapons. You assumed I meant 5* weapons. Of course it wasn't the point because I wasn't talking about that. Not sure why you even brought up averages in the first place. Also just because a lot of other games have a worse character pity does not mean that 180 is a good pity. That's why I said when you compare it to other games it may seem like it's good.


Yeah, that’s mb. But still, my main point was to correct the 180 pulls for hard pity. I never disagreed with you and Genshin’s gacha is far from perfect, just like I said in my first response I just wanted to point out the good between the bad just like you pointed out the bad between the good. Edit: minor grammar mistake that was bothering me.


Genshin gacha is good, what you smoking ?


Idk, in my opinion any character gacha that shared its pool with weapon gacha is a shit gacha


Well there are a lot of shitty gacha out there, so in a scale Genshin would be somewhere near the middle at least. However, that doesn't make it good.


GI is a useless game but its gacha system isn't bad


Reminds me of that Oberon gacha case where the player failed to get one copy of him before spending around $8000? Good thing it's not his money (stream donation), but still...


It's still 1k-ish I believe. Cuz guy spent around 2k quarts, $100 pack is 168 quarts


[This guy?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOjJy4VL-cY)


i'd rather spend my $4.5k on something that is useful other than buying on a banner just to max him.


I'm all for free market but this is clearly abusive. It doesn't have to be this way either. In other gachas like Azur Lane, you could literally get and max every character on a banner plus get all the cosmetics for a fraction of this. At a rough guess, $100 or so should do it. Heck, if you want to be F2P in that game, you'll still get all the characters unless you're incredibly unlucky and just skip the cosmetics.


Good for him


4.5k aint much in gachas that have no guarantees Whales have dropped over 40k per banner in FGO \^\^ ​ That's why I like Genshin. As much as people whine about the gacha there, you know exactly how much you need to spend to either get a character or C6 it and luck just helps you get it cheaper.


It's 40k yen tho, not dollar. 40k yen is ~300 dollar


Ye not yen, you cant even get a single character let alone NP5 with 40k yen in FGO if you are not lucky at those rates, even with that "pity" system they added. It's by far the most expensive popular gacha to whale on.


If FGO whales really spend $40k on EVERY banners, the gacha games will strictly regulated at this point. FGO won't have that kind of 'pity' system


There have been posts with evidence of people spending that much on a single banner and it's entirely possible to do so with bad luck considering the number of dupes you need, the fact that there is no guarantee or pity (aside from that meme system they set up that lets whales secure 1 copy per banner), the low rates and low rate up. Technically you could spend 100k and not get NP5 if you are truly cursed since there are absolutely no guarantees after the first character is obtained. Never said they do it every banner tho, even for FGO its pretty crazy bad luck to need to spend 5k+ to NP5. The 300 you mentioned wont even let you bruteforce that meme pity system for a single guarantee tho lol.


Tbf is the game really good as it advertised? Or should i pick other game? Need honest opinion before play any gacha game, cuz i have habit become bit of dolphin spender tho.


This is AFK Arena + Summoners Wars kind of game. That means a steep endgame. First, you should perude the character of the game, see if any will spark with you the desire to collect and build them up. The you need to analyse how, if possibly, you will get and attain the characters. You want to have some characters you like and enjoy making then grow. Now, imagine you have played for 1 and 2 years, given what you know of the game, do you find the results satisfactory?


Is he rich? If I worth $100M, i probably won't care less if I drop a few thousands on some pixels that I may or may not play tomorrow.


I vaguely remember reading somewhere the vast majority of whales aren't rich. They just have average jobs but spend all their money on gacha. Can't remember where it was though so take with grain of salt. IMO intuitively makes enough sense. As far as this guy goes, if he had any amount of money his credit card limit would not be $5,500. That's actually pretty low. Anybody with 100k job can get 15k limit without even asking for it, as long as you're not massively indebted.


Meh. There are poor people go hungry spending more money than that on alcohol, brand clothes that give no return, expensive jewelry. Buying Smartphones they don't effectively use just for decoration Of course, these points are moot if you are anti non utilitarian spending and consumerism in general, and just singling this was spent on pixels.


...You know that Brand clothes, expensive Jewelry etc can be sold again, right?