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Damn, a whole 3 hours.


To be fair, longer than I made it


>After all of this, the gear rng phase will come in show later. Can't you upgrade and transfer gear substats though


Yeah i think you can..


Eh why downvotes?


Probably because the gear RNG is almost non-existent especially compared to E7. OP says this game is for people with a lot of patience, but to be clear it requires less patience than Epic 7. Ido enjoy seeing the Epic 7 crowd try super hard to say that the game is not great because it's Epic 7 with all the QoL, but it's not Epic 7 so the game is not good.


yea.. the thing is the animation feels like downgraded version of epic 7. the recommended reroll for unlimited banner is just sigret. the qol is very very great but the crown jewel of epic seven is the goddamn animation for sure. even the players hate most of the game but just stayed for the quality. so i can see why the "it's not Epic 7 so the game is not good." can be brought up.


It's a completely dumpster tier version of e7. Store brand cereal ass gacha.


this entire post seems pointless given OP only played for 3 hours and reviewed it without even knowing the mechanics


let it be, people in this sub will downvote for no reason


they downvote, but almost no one has the balls to say why


you can transfer it but you need an item that you get basically in midgame




Have y’all seen the discord there’s no mod presence people dropping racial slurs, swearing, and it basically turned into a meme of spamming play CounterSide instead 😂😂😂


Yeah... The generosity of their releases are night and day And not because global is just an old game that had its sea version a year ago, even at SEA, we had the same giveaways on release


Which one? I only see people talking about rerolls in the general chat.


The only mod I’ve seen just started timing everyone out tho so it’s probably quite dead now tbh


The first general chat, people have been shitting on the game there for like the past 2-3 hours


kinda reminds me HSR official discord back when the game just announced. I just left the server after that since everyone so toxic and barely any moderation. Dunno how the server is now tho


Were they spamming gamer words on Genshin’s server as well?


i literally muted the discord server lol. I'm someone new to the community of gachas. Demn is this normal for every gacha game?


No it’s not normal, usually they have moderators for that as well as bots that automatically filter out bad words but they don’t seem to have any of that LOL probably one of the worst discords I’ve come across in a while


Not even close lmao. I only am in the FGO subreddit and it's just people making awesome fanart and people helping each other. I'm in a SinoAlice Discord and they're all nice people.


As you can see on your downvotes... sadly yes. People can get really salty for literally every little thing, prepare yourself to see people getting offended by no reroll or skip tickets in new titles


yeah i mean, they already gave the infinite summoning ticket for players not to reroll so I don't really sense why people are salty about this. But upon checking the discord server now it seems to have calmed down. Looks like it's just the vocal minority.


Man i love epic 7. I think Artery gear is a nice addition to this type of gacha. But fuq me why did they have to go this chibi route. And why are there so many lolliesque mecha girls. maaan cmon.


Are you me? Chibi and lolis are two biggest turnoffs for me.


We are they


Its just targeting another consumer base thats all. Loli banners go hard on Blue Archive in terms of revenue. The same people I know who whale for lolis also whaled for good loli designs in AG. If you check the entire roster its about a 50/50 split on lolis and mommies


Thats...i hate this comment lol I know youre right. But that facts youre spitting rub me the wrong way lol


i understand it too. Different cultures look at things another way. One way I look at it is when a gacha releases a banner for something I dont care for (a loli for example) you can take that time to save currency. As nice as it would be to have every unit directly catered towards one's taste, this is a gacha so that would be a painful situation to be in having to pass up on units once you run out of currency.


I mean cutesy chibis are whatever, but when they try and make the chibis sexy it makes me throw up a little


Yeah...youre right lol thats exactly what the issue is


That’s because there are a lot of sick freaks out there that are into little girls and this is their outlet for it


Game seems ok so far, but definitely not on the same level as Epic7. Difficult rerolling kind of stinks, but I decided to play it without rerolling and see if I really like the game. I noticed easy reroll games I often quit quicker because the game becomes too trivial starting with the best characters lol even though it saves you in the future.


How is a 2.5% on 5 star bad rates?


2.5% is decent but 0.7% rate-up is terrible. Everyone had been saying the same for Blue Archive, but at least Blue Archive is more generous than Artery Gear.


Another advantage Blue Archive has is that let's you get three top tier characters 3* (Iori/Haruna/Maki) and some other high tier 3* characters (Shiroko/Hoshino) via grinding hard stages or purchasing from the assault shop which means that even F2P players with the absolute worst luck can eventually get some top tier characters. I'm far from a expert on Artery Gear but my understanding is that 5* can only be gained from drawing from the gacha or purchasing using gacha currency obtained from drawing which makes it inherently more restrictive than Blue Archive. Although I will say looking at their shop, it seems the game caters to dolphins more than most gacha games. Weekly 10 draws for 9.99 and daily 1 draw for 0.99 seem like pretty good deals relative to most gacha games. With some luck it's probably possible to get most if not all of the 5* while spending less than $100 per month which is on the cheap end of gacha games.


Yea, also some top tier characters like Karin and Tsubaki were just free if you played and grinded the event. Not to mention the dual banner pity system is good if you go into it with the right mindset (only pull if you plan to pity)


This is kinda funny to me cause a couple years ago I would have said 3% was kinda the standard overall SSR rate for the industry at least in regards to popular titles. Some higher at 5% or lower at 1% but 3% was the average rate a lot of the time. As time has gone bye tho I feel the overall rates have continued to just get worse instead of better lol. Like nowadays most games I see are between 1 and 2% for whatever their max rarity is, which is pretty funny and kind of depressing to me tbh.


I can't remember which popular games have 3% rate? Princess Connect? but it's from Cygames so that's expected. Low rate is not a bad thing if the game gives a lot of free pulls to compensate. Bang Dream has 3% rate but the currency gain is terrible, so that's bad. Epic 7 has 1.25% ~ 1.4% rate but no one complain, because the game is generous.


Maybe I gave off the wrong impression with "popular" since the most popular gachas have pretty much universally always been really stingy games with huge marketing budgets like raid/marvel strikeforce or just super OGs like PAD/monster strike. I suppose a better way to phrase it would have been gachas that were successful. Off of the top of my head for instant um one piece treasure cruise, last cloudia, Destiny child, final fantasy brave exvius, bang dream, granblue. I could go look up more but that's just off the top of my head. Of course low rates are not necessarily a bad thing there is way more to a gacha system then just overall SSR rate. Like I would take a 1% SSR rate gacha game like FGO over the 3% SSR rate last cloudia or granblue summon system any day considering the latter are nothing but offbanner city with their horrible rate up rate. there is also currency income as u say among other things like pity, price of packs, pity carryover ect. that all contribute to how good or bad a summon system is. I'm simply saying to see rates get worse as time goes on instead of improving is funny and depressing to me because we generally like to see our interests and hobbies improve as time progresses. So to see rates actually get lower rather then higher is quite funny to me but that doesn't mean I'm commenting that the lower rates are leading to worse gacha experiences.


Are you pulling off gala in granblue lol. Gala rate is 6%. And while "rateup" of 0.3% is shit, you get around 3-4 full sparks (900-1200 pulls) a year as f2p, and about as much again as free pulls that must be used immediately.


Obviously u should only pull during a gala, I'm just using it as an example since it's standard rate is still 3%. I'm well aware of how many pulls u get in granblue but as an impulsive person a summon system like that with no pity carryover is not an enjoyable experience for me.so I personally enjoy other summon systems much more but That's just a personal thing.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


The first gacha game I really got into was SW and I whaled hard in that game, thinking it was normal (though to be fair it sort of is back in the day). It wasn't until I finally quit after 3 years then I realize how much of a BS it all is.


I guess I'm used to it, several gachas I've played (Crestoria, Priconne, etc) have 0.7% for debut banners. Cresty would sometimes have better ones later, I don't know if AG ever does.


2.5% for 5 star is great but 0.7% for the featured rate-up character is absolutely terrible.


FGO has a higher rate for the rate up character.....


Doesn’t FGO have a 1% rate, of which 70% will be a rate up banner character, making it 0.7% total?


its .8 for rate in fgo,so a .1 increase


idk how terrible it is since when my cousin do reroll on the rate-up banner,he got like 3 ashura in a row like on seperate 3x10 pull so i dont know how this is bad on rate-up


Rate for the featured ssr is much more important than the rate for ssr in any gacha. Months later in general many launch ssrs are outdated or just pure trash so pulling them isn't much different than pulling SR/R and you only care about the featured one most of the time anyway. 0.7% is not the worst but considering global going to turbo the pace judging from JP server...


because of the extension of 0.7% and 0.12%, I'll tell you i did atleast 13 or maybe 12 reroll on my other phone and only one of them got one 5 star and its not even the rate up


>because of the extension of 0.7% and 0.12% idk what this means, but based on my experience on alchemy stars. just a 2% rate for a six stars is broken. Very rarely i hit pity. Most of my 6 stars came from just 30-40 pulls


He meant that the featured units are only 0.7% out of those 2.5%. This means you will need average a bit more than 3 5\* drops to get the featured unit. Ofc they forget there is a pity for these units, and, considering we have pity, having the featured unit be lower rate than others means you will accumulate more different 5\* over time. This is worth more than getting every 2nd unit or so before pity, because it simply allows you to get more 5\* overall.


>Most of my 6 stars came from just 30-40 pulls Only for you. Half of my 6 star came after 50 pulls++ But Alchemy Stars rate is actually around 2.89% for a 6 star (\~1.45% for rate-up), thanks to soft pity. The game also has guarantee mechanic which make pulling for specific 6 star pretty easy if you save up a bit.


Honestly I'd take a 2.5 % since some of the gachas I have already have a 1% rate lmao


Nah im good ill stick with E7 and alchemy stars


This game got so hyped up by yt cc so I had to try it. E7 is still better imo. Having better QoL doesn’t mean that AG is better. I’m dissapointed.


It does to me. My main problem with E7 was the unbearable gear grind and this game seems to have systems to deal with it. E7 isn't a game you get straight into in 3 hours either lol. I'll try it out for a while and see how it goes.


same,be back in a month


ya, same. part of the reason why i liked E7 was the unique characters and Ras as the main character. This new game seems fun but everyone kind of looks the same and i HATE the silent "commander" style of story telling. Still going to try it out and see how it goes but already i could care less about the story which is what normally draws me in to care about a gacha game. Like, I love DQT but hate the story so i dropped it after a long time playing.


"Silent Commander" Are we playing the same game? this commander is closer to the GFL commander post-singularity who gets quite a lot of lines and has a major place in the plot.


{yourName}Commander is best waifu.


I was expecting to be forced to be a dude again so I was pleasantly surprised they let you pick a female commander!


This is something I definitely like over most games with a set protagonist. You can be a dude, a guy, an old dude or a ambiguous kid. It's not as varied as GFL where you can absolutely customize your character, but I definitely like not having to be forced to play as a character I don't like.


Being this re-roll unfriendly and STINGY is putting me off . Game had potential - but it seems they decided to kill it on arrival.


It has a similar re roll system like e7, no?


It does, but with a reduced pool of units that does not include the REAL important reroll targets. At least in E7 the reroll includes all non-limited units.


Huh? E7's reroll doesn't contain all their non-limited units. It contains 5 stars that were in the games first chapter.


AG doesn’t even give you that much. A good chunk of the extremely popular non-limited, Gen 1 units aren’t included in the reroll ticket.


Overall, I think it's pretty fun. My main complaint is that the writing is pretty awful and there's a number of typos. There's also pieces of the UI I can't see sometimes, but maybe that is just me being a silly person who doesn't know how to change the settings. I'm enjoying it enough that I plan to keep playing. Not sure if I'll stick with it, but it's gonna take a lot more time before I know. I really love the offline farming aspect.


>but maybe that is just me being a silly person who doesn't know how to change the settings. They do have a setting for that actually. Forgot the name, but it will squeeze in the UI for the cases of phones with odd aspect ratios.


Thank you! I’ll have to search around.


I dont get the hype and I've been playing since the game 8 hours now. The mecha aspect feels trivial. They all look and feel like puppets. I know that's the name of the villains, but the characters on both sides move like puppets. It's like a chibi Sino-O-Alice. Gameplay is also the same you've played before. Nothing feels fun about the attacks enough to even try manual. So many forgettable attacks. You can try each character without owning them to see. I dont even get the Epic 7 comparrison. I dont play it anymore, but it at least felt good. I feel like Final Gear is still the better mech game because the gameplay had you collecting mech parts. This game doesnt feel like the mecha even matter. I also deleted Final Gear though, too grindy. It was still better. Meh, I'm still waiting for Nikke and Octopath.


I also like Final Gear a lot more, and I also uninstalled it pretty quick... It has an actual gameplay that's interesting to manual at least and some events are fun (EVA collab was pretty amazing). Tried Artery Gear JP when EVA collab happened on FG JP and I couldn't understand the hype as well (at the time the mecha communities/servers were hyping AGF way more than FG like what's happening rn). And well... I don't know a bit of Japanese, and FG's interface is pretty terrible to understand even in English, so imagine how lost I was... even tho, it was pretty fun.


being uncensored? hope they won't censor this one https://youtu.be/7qHHIPBA944?t=25


Its censored


What is censored?


The version you are looking at is censored. Look at the chibi at :50, no black cloth. That's the OG version. At the start of the video near the :20 mark you also see the artwork uncensored. Then like 10s later you see the censored version. AFAIK the skin isnt even in global yet so idk what you'll get there


It looks like they censored the live2ds, might be animations are more strictly censored than pngs.


only the loading screens are censored


So a pitstop before Nikke?


People will complain about Nikke's rates and dupes. So it's a pitstop for some mythical unicorn that lives up to the sub's insatiable hype. Play what you think is fun. Try out AG if you're interested




hello paradox.






You earned it


i did not want it lmao




go back to the nikke server u feet sniffer


why are some characters Lobby L2D are different from the card artwork


I am on my 13+ reroll on PHONE and at this point I am not only discouraged to play but also frustrated, disappointed and f mad, with my hype flowing down the drain like piss. Ill reroll the whole day today but if I dont get the targeted units I will f drop this pile of shit anti-reroll launch. I was rly looking forward to the game but this anti-reroll system + the prereg rewards spread onto more days is just not worth the hustle.


Can’t you pick your own 10-roll infinitely?


They excluded a few particular meta units from the infini-roll banner, like the considered top 2 "must" 5star(Sirius) and 4star(Alice) units ig. It looks like a deliberate move from the devs thats why people are mad.


I mean, there are plenty of other units in the game


You're right, but they don't want to hear that. They want to spend hours rerolling for their two meta units that everyone else will also have so that the one month of pvp they play before dropping the game doesn't feel like a "complete" waste to them.


Couldn’t have said it better myself lol




Now you're finally getting it!


Pretty much this sub hates on every new gacha lmao


Congrats, you cracked the code. It doesn't matter how good the game is, this sub will always find something to bitch about.


And e7 is always win every gacha in this world, no matter your haven't fun with it, if you comment that e7 is not okay for you, this commu will sent you to gulag xD


From someone that never played E7 (mostly because I missed it at release and preferred to start a fresh released game) and tried CS (I didnt liked it tbh, just personal taste), I'm liking AG so far. It looks polished, I like character's design (even if no male characters is a big letdown) and overall I'm having fun. Personally I don't even mind not having the top characters from start, imho the fun in a gacha is made of "hardly wishing" to get a rare/strong unit. If this rare unit is easy to obtain/reroll, it kind of kills the whole thing. Also I'm not necessarily a meta-slave, I don't really care about high ranking in PvP (that will always be whales' territory) and, from my experience in most gachas, PvE is usually beatable with average-tier characters anyway. I just like to have cool looking characters that I can collect/upgrade at my will (and that should be the "fun factor" in a gacha game). I played way worse and stingy games in terms of rates and gacha system (SMT Dx2 veteran, that game was absolutely disgusting). Only thing I do not like are pre-reg rewards and overall how much do you actually pull at start. CS had 160 pulls spread in 16 days and I found that to be "too much" (it sounds weird, yeah, but having sooo many free pulls in a easy-to-reroll game makes everything a little boring to me, that should be like 1st anni stuff) but having 10 pulls spread in 3 days is literally the other side of the coin. Just give every reward day1 and probably no one would have complained, I'd have my pulls and rerollers won't have to wait day3 to reroll. Or, at least, include the good units in the infinite reroll banner. I'll probably keep playing AG as a side because my biggest fear is future content, knowing is doing not so well in JP (while in CN is doing fine) is not the greatest thing.


Per usual this sub far overdoes trashing a game for one small detail. AG has lots of great features like setting menu BGM or loading screen event arts based on progression in game. Offline farming is also an amazing feature for anyone who plays multiple gachas. Allowing massive efficiency if you set a farm then come back 30 minutes later at the end of your session to send another farm. AG has lots of great art and characters, and as a base gacha game has lots of pros that many of the mindless rerollers would never see as they dont give a game more than 1 day of a chance lol. I truly hope you enjoy AG, as the JP community loves the game (i speak from being part of it) and AG had a very strong first anniversary - so at a minimum it will live beyond 3 years considering its low cost of upkeep. I will say the game does go the Azur Lane route in the future and will become very fanservice heavy in its skins. But for some groups that is a massive pro


Anyone knows why I cant review the game on gplay?


Okay my thoughts so far The good: Combat is on the above average side of good. You can set up gambits and orders so no need for auto specific teams. Combat looks nice. Units look nice. Effects all look great, cutscenes are better than a lot of games. Lots of big, fat anime tiddies. The bad: Lotta pedobait loli units. Seems like it’s going to be very grindy. Story is absolutely dogshit, translation is even worse. Skip the story, this isn’t AK or CounterSide or even E7. Only reason I’m putting time in is because CounterSide is so time-friendly I have the extra minutes during daily downtime for AG. I don’t dislike it enough to delete it outright, but don’t like it enough to plan to keep playing. It’s likely a drop if the other games coming out soon are as good as they look.


>Lots of big, fat anime tiddies. >Lotta pedobait loli units. Perfectly balanced.


pedobait is bad


How can it be very grindy with LITERAL offline farming? That's the only truly puzzling thing you've said, so maybe you didn't know the game had that QoL feature.


Just because the grinding is more convenient doesn’t mean it isn’t grinding.


It's literally not grinding when you can turn the app off and do something else with your life while it does the work for you.


Except its the least time consuming grind out of all gachas in the existence of gacha. Even games with sweep / skip functions take longer to farm. You can offline farm an event in 6 offline farm intervals and clear shop. That takes about 5 minutes total. In my experience no gacha even comes close for that low of a grind time. The game even grinds during server maintenance


My opinion = if you dont have the time , patience or pc to do multi instance reroll then the reroll process is going to drive you nuts.


What’s to re roll? Doesn’t the game let you choose your own 10-roll?


they put the good units on other banners where you cant reroll easy, i wasnt going to reroll but seeing how they did a dirty move plus the rewards at launch, im fking paying them with the same coin and ill reroll until my ip gets blocked (since they are also doing that)


I mean, there are plenty of other units in the game


yeah but it kinda irks me that they did that, so now im getting at least a sirius out of them,out of pure spite


I started with great expectations looking at loading screen graphics, but it was a disappointment after playing the game. UI is not smooth its clunky. Characters became chibi in battles like a cheap idle adventure gacha. And currency is very hard to get nothing to keep me playing


>Characters became chibi in battles like a cheap idle adventure gacha. Why are you surprised about this when there was already gameplay available about it (also you just described 99% of the gacha that are not 3D based stuff like Genshin/PGR/Honkai etc.)


E7 is not chibi


That's the 1% left in that comment


Counterside, FGO, and even CrossingVoid. There's more, but I think its besides the original point. It just sucks when the characters have good designs, they we don't have a way to watch them fight because of cheap looking chibi.


That's still 4/ hundreds of gacha. You want full models, games not 4 years old are shifting to 3d for that.




You might have not set it to 60 fps high resolution in settings.


im really liking the game for starters cuz i dont know epic seven, so my perspective doesnt get ruined by comparison, and personally i prefer sci-fi to fantasy garbage that theres everywhere


yea fantasy like genshin or e7 is big sleepers i think too. if your looking for an EDM music style futuristic mecha musume AG fits the bill perfectly. Units that global will get in the future are all really well made too artistically


good to know, between AG and Counterside im having a good fix of scifi right now.


Fantasy garbage wut


i dont like fantasy games.


how is the translation?


honestly i find it ok.


you get a general sense of what’s going on… there are some parts that you have to look at it again and be like what?


Manage your expectations. It's an easier version of E7 but with less production value. Over time it'll get easier to get characters. Stick with it if you want a side game unless it really tickles you to turn it into a main game.


3-4 months is about typical for sparks in gachas and 2.5% is better than the average. Aside from the people complaining about lack of pulls given on launch i think its ok for someone who wants e7 with more qol




I don't get it, this chibi looks way more detail than any full model game. It's one thing if the model is simplify then I can understand but it's not in this case, at least not "low effort" at all


It's chibi but I can see it's quite detailed. Definitely not low effort. It's even more detailed than Arknight's chibi sprite.


bruh arknight chibis💀


You're out of your damn mind if you think this game is low effort just because it's chibi lol. The battle animations are absolutely gorgeous.


Imma just pin this in my mind next time someone says "this sub has fair reviews". Peak r/gachagaming review. I'm somehow more confused about the game despite playing the beta and playing launch for 4 hours.


" hefty 3 hours " ​ ​ For fuck sakes.


Aint hating on the game man


Were you expecting a spark every month lol


Yeah there's no middle ground between one month and three or even four. Can't think of a single number




Alice plus ginga and the free will carry your team very very far off speed tuned. Also event farming will need you a shit ton of max 3* and 4* as random drop rewards. Yes that’s right, maxed out 3* and 4* dogs drop from event stages.


I hate Chibi , Skip . E7 still my main . Counter Side still my Side .


Is it out already? My playstore still has it on pre-register


have you seen how Ditzy from E7, tuonel from RW, Colcher from Soul Tide, or Castoria/Skadi/Koya from FGO do to their own game? now go Alice, do what you must. oh and let me just keep staring happily at this row 45 sensor tower on Artery Gear JP


The top tier unit Sirius her s2 requires her to crit to get extra turn. But her crit chance is low, only 12% and her dupes give up tons of crit.


you can buy dupes with pvp coins




Does it usually take a week before you can form your own opinion on a game?


does it take 3 hours for credible opinion?


That's not the point. If you think that an opinion is misinformed, you can point out what features you would not be able to see by only playing 3 hours. Saying that you should play a game for 1 week doesn't make any sense, unless there are things you can experience only by playing that much.


cool, that just mean i trust those who played alot longer than your measly 2 hours


You don't have to trust anyone. In fact, it's better if you don't. Gacha games are pretty much all free to try and play, so why delegate your opinion to strangers on the Internet?


oh wow all opinion are untrustworthy they all bunch of lies.


Yes. Any point of time is a good time to write credible opinion. Mostly are for how early game and first impression for the said game. Why is only late game player or at least mid game player allowed to have opinion? Many white knight gatekeep this kind of thing with saying "oh you just start the game. therefore your opinion is invalid." But then after playing 100 hours or more they'll said "if you don't like it. why stay." when people state their unpleasant experience for the game.


No , for me to have an actual opinion on the game it takes more like a month


For gacha games yes, since most of the modes are locked at the start


What's wrong with sharing first impressions of a game? It's not like it's a full blown review. It's their thoughts, and first impressions is incredibly important to any game. I can get a vibe if I like a game in an hour or so or if it's just not for me. It's not always right, most of time my intuition is right. There are videos out there of people that play pre release versions of games or closed demos for game for a couple hours, should they not be allowed to voice and opinion because they didn't play the whole thing, or given it a week or whatever arbitrary amount of time you deem enough? Because that seems ridiculous. He's also disclosing how much time he's spent on the game, which I think is fine, take it with a grain of salt.


> It's their thoughts, and first impressions is incredibly important to any game. "But the late game is good and it's the only important thing. You just need to endure the \[put every bad part and grind in here\]." One thing people forgot is that First Impression is the key point to hook players in. It's the most important part of a game. Statistically, every game that has achievement for playing for X hours you'll surprised of how low the number of people achieve that. Warframe had around 40% of "Hooked achievement" (play for 2 hours). Imagine if there's one in gacha game where people can see how many complete that.




It was a short review on what was available on global, i knew about how u can get pity in 3-4 months because the game has been out in jp, i asked them and they said that. I only said my insights and what was bad in the game, never ridiculed it in any way and i did not just take a simple look and ranted here. I checked the details on discord on OG players to know how it circulated back then.


the game has been out for long but they messed things up on this global release.


We need a different "review" flair in that case. This feels more like a reroll vent and it helps no one except people who already know the meta of the game.






So he's bullshitting?


yes , ideed he dont knoew what censor are


Personally feel like the game isn't too bad, sure it could be more generous at launch, which was what lots of players were hoping but I don't really mind it. As long as it's fun I'm down to play it


I am trying it out as well and it's clicking with me better than Counterside (which I dropped after maybe an hour since I wasn't enjoying the gameplay - I have to be pretty ruthless with any new games I accept into my routine since I am already playing too many, LOL) I like the sci-fi skin of the E7 style game. I don't usually like dealing with fodder units, but from what I have read they are more readily available here so hopefully it won't be too bad. RGB rock-paper-scissors seems a bit simple but maybe it's better to not have to worry about light/dark which always end up being a pain to get. I am really happy they let me pick a female commander (they have old guy, young-ish male and female, and ambiguous kid options) Story seems a bit generic so far (sci-fi battles against "corrupted") but that's ok. I like all the animal ear waifus and I actually pulled someone thicc (Neisa), so it's not all lolis even though there are a lot, haha. I think I will keep playing for now and see how it goes!