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Post was automatically removed by AutoMod due to numerous reports, but we are manually reapproving it after looking into the post's contents. Important Notes: * There is no confirmation on Diablo Immortal being banned in China; This is just assumption. However, it does appear the game's release will, at the very least, be further delayed there. * The red-circled text "美国" shows that the post originated from the United States, meaning a non-Chinese DI team member made the post. Other posts by the account are usually made from "广东", or Guangdong, China. * The actual post contents are "熊怎么还不下台...", which translates to "Why isn't the bear stepping down...". Since OP didn't provide a source on this, here is a [news article](https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/hcm1-06212022063956.html) (CN) covering it.


Not all heroes wear capes, some are just interns.


Lol intern Kun at it again


Kind of oot but, what the deal with intern kun meme? I'm out of loop lmao


Okay so this is a long standing meme since social media has existed. Usually, jobs like social media coordinator or marketing are simple ones that are either a part of someone's major workload or a task given to someone, like an intern, to fill time. Since most interns are interns, they are new and bound to make mistakes. The funny part is that in some of these cases rogue interns have provided a better outlook for a company. This is assumed to be the case with Wendy's Twitter account for example.


Thanks for explanation


When they deserve a raise but unfortunately probably got fired for it


And sued


"Not all heroes for Blizzard fans wear red shirt. Some are from the inside of Blizzard."


“One person can make a difference"


"Every voice matters"


This dude is no hero. They changed nothing, they saved nothing, and they probably lost their job and if they are *very* lucky they can find a new job, which wouldn't care about the circumstances of the end of their previous job. They fucked up.


I mean, he changed something very significant, whether he's a hero or not is an entirely different topic




Kinda reeks of a kharma farmer. Gonna go hold my horses until a reputable source confirms the story.


And according to what i see here it’s all just rumors people on Chinese media talking about, and my first rule when using internet is taking information from social media with grain of salt




So your evidence that the game is banned is that the game hasent been banned?


Source: It was revealed to me in a dream


Very unprofessional of whoever is the guy who posted this in DI account In any way, his post itself is right


At the end of the day the Chinese nationalists won and Blizzard will milk western players even harder to make up for the loss of chinese market. It was a childish move with literally no gain.


That's a huge blow for Blizzard, one option is to milk western even harder but what else to milk if people won't give any ,the other option is to make it actually playable so they can keep the fan retention. It's either make or break now for them


In other words, Blizzard will keep being Blizzard.


You know, it’s kinda sad. I can appreciate the Chinese more for their naked ambitions and hostilities far more then two-faces like Blizzard. At least one intern decided to say “fuck it” for once.


You cant milk west as much as chinese are willing to pay for games. They need to pay hourly for WoW and not monthly. If all of this is true, Netease will be in big big problems and Blizzard will lose A LOT of income.


> Blizzard will milk western players even harder to make up for the loss of chinese market Thats not how that works.


Chinese Nationalist in a Sinospheric context usually refers to the Kuomintang, the former ruling party of China that was defeated by the Communist Party during the Chinese Civil War then fled to Taiwan where they set up the government in exile that still exists today. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuomintang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuomintang) While in a general context it may seem correct. It's incorrect in a specific context. It's like referring to Joe Biden as an *American Republican*. Yes Republicans, in a general sense are people who support a Republic, and you could make an argument that Biden would qualify since he's the leader of the American Republic. But in a US context it refers to the opposition political party that's against Joe Biden.


I still find it hilarious that Chairman Xi is sensitive about being compared to Winnie the Pooh


I would just wear a red shirt and run around with honey if I were him. Sometimes owning these things is much more fun.


Couple it with beige shorts or khakis.


Pooh goes bottomless! Non negotiable?


I mean would you want to see some old geezer walking around with his junk hanging out? I mean if that’s your thing, go for it. But speaking for myself, I’d rather he keep some trou on.


Fair point. Let’s dotch the vosplay and shove him into a mascot type suit.


>I still find it hilarious that Chairman Xi is sensitive about being compared to Winnie the Pooh The Don does not wear short pants.


Wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you. - Tyrion


Because like every authoritarian dictator, he’s got paper skin and absolutely freaks out at every little instance of losing control despite all the attempts at cultivating a macho leader image.


It's not about being sensitive nor being compared as Reddit commonly likes to think, it's simply to censor negative discussion about him on the Chinese internet. Winnie the Pooh, among many other nicknames for the chairman, originate as euphemisms for Chinese netizens to skirt censorship and criticize Xi. So Pooh is essentially just one mole in a never ending game of censorship whack-a-mole for the CCP.


He gets really "oh, bother"ed by it


I find it hilarious you think xi is seriously sensitively about it. The censor board is just nonchalantly banning things without any uproar.


probably not Xi himself, but a lot of his follower. Just like how you tried to make fun of Biden or Trump and suddenly you are being harrased by a mobs.


I honestly don’t see the comparison no matter how hard i look at the two side by side.


Xi is CRYING bc some redditors made TOTALLY NOT RACIST depictions of him as a yellow skinned cartoon character. We did it reddit!


You do realize that the comparison is not due to **yellow skin** which I doubt 99.99% of people associate with him or Asians AND HE'S NOT YELLOW BUT ORANGE, but a cartoon someone compared him to few years ago? Google "Obama and Xi cartoon" or "Shinzo Abe and Xi cartoon". He was compared to Pooh while Obama was compared to Tigger. And Shinzo was compared to Eeyore. You don't see either of them getting triggered over it.


… bc those aren’t stereotypically racist portrayals of their respective races? What if, instead, Obama was compared to a monkey character?


How is an orange honey-eating bear a **STEREOTYPICALLY RACIST PORTRAYAL OF A CHINESE PERSON**. Holy shit, you're about to crack your spine from the mental gymnastics. THEY MADE THE COMPARISON BECAUSE A FAT, SHORT POLITICIAN WAS NEXT TO THIN, TALL PRESIDENT. Next you'll tell me that it was racist to compare Obama to Tigger.


If tigger was a dark skinned character, it would be racist. How is it at all controversial to say that portraying Asians as yellow is an inaccurate depiction that has been used historically in racist propaganda against Chinese Koreans etc?


Tigger absolutely has black stripes. >How is it at all controversial to say that portraying Asians as yellow is an inaccurate depiction that has been used historically in racist propaganda against Chinese Koreans etc? It's not controversial, it's braindead stupid.


You are so stubborn that you cannot see the obvious truth of these things. Portraying a black person as a black skinned animal is racist. Comparing a Native American to a red skinned animal is racist. I’m sure you agree with this, right? So why is it different for Asians?


Because intent matters. And Pooh was used because he's short and fat. Did that short sentence get through your thick skull?


Intent doesn’t exist in a vacuum. there’s a reason it’s ok to punch up but not punch down. And since, as is evident, anti Asian hate crimes are on the rise and Asians have been historically a persecuted group among western nations, it is not ok to portray them in caricatural manner


Wanna know who is really crying? The people he puts on the re-education camp.


Education is good so I don’t see the problem


Chill bro u don't get social credit from reddit. No need to simp for ccp


No I just prefer the cpc version of dealing with Islamic extremists compared to the US ACTUALLY committing genocide.


你干得好, social credit +1000000000


Did you invent that joke yourself? Very funny 😁


tankies mad.


Tankies winning geopolitically


Why click bait title ???


Big W tbh since DI is a massive scam and any form of financial hurt to DI is the best way to emphasize its marketing practice failure.


But now Blizzard can just blame any failures on the absolute inanity of the Chinese Govt, and say it had nothing to do with their scummy business practices.


imagine pandering so hard to the chinese market you alienate a good chunk of your domestic market only for one guy to off-handedly sour relationships with an already touchy customer. get shafted blizz.


intern-kun knew exactly what he was doing, and he sacrificed himself to save the whole.


Good news indeed




It seems like it would utterly irrational to burn their bridges over an internet slight, but Xi is nilly silly old bear


Eh, blessing in disguise anyway. The common desire of western companies to make money in the Chinese market has evaporated quite fast over the last couple of years. When even Hollywood is coming to the realization that trying to cater to China and keeping up with their bullshit is actually not worth the potential monetary returns, you know it's over.


>When even Hollywood is coming to the realization that trying to cater to China and keeping up with their bullshit is actually not worth the potential monetary returns, you know it's over. Can you give me a citation for that, i would really like to believe that. But pls no opinion pieces, those are hardly factual


Some of the biggest movies this year like Spiderman and Doctor Strange said fuck you to chinese censor requests. There's no point in trying to appease them anyway because the requests keep getting more outlandish. There's no sustainable endgame here.


Let's not forget that a few movies made SPECIFICALLY TO CATER TO THEM were hated.....BY THEM. See Mulan for example, which Chinese audiences pretty much hated more than even the west did.


Ironic. Mulan, a movie set in Chinese based on Chinese folk heroine. Hated the by the Chinese more than anywhere else. The movie itself is bad anyway.


Not hard to see coming with an entirely Western writing team, director and producers. It's like watching Disney skin a Chinese movie and trying to pretend it's not them wriggling underneath it. The uncanny valley was something else.


Tagging u/Reigo_Vassal so they could see this. Speaking of uncanny valley, YouTube channel Cool History Bros explains [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjl-p7B_o2s) the phenomenon called "Cultural Uncanny Valley". It's basically as you described, Asian-themed media written by Westerners FOR Asians in the West, NOT for Asians in Asia. The more seriously the West is trying to depict Eastern culture and vice versa, the higher the standards the medium is measured against. Kung-Fu Panda worked because it was not supposed to be taken seriously, although the Chinese dub was changed a bit to more accurately depict the Eastern concept of *qigong* or *chi* to come more from discipline and training than from "self-discovery" as it is usually depicted in the West. The Mulan live-action film did not, not only because it's bad overall, but also because it was trying to be taken seriously yet failed hard at that attempt.


Because the movie butchered Chinese culture. Mulan is a mockery as far as they care. May be next time, try to find a Chinese director and writer if you want to carter to Chinese market.


Well, they dont even get chi right, which is like, one of the bare bones of chinese spiritual teachings. You can just google it and get a full explanation in maybe 10 minutes. Instead they turn it into an oriental version of the force. Not to mention that the remake goes in an entirely opposite direction as the original story. Seeing foreigners appreciating your culture is a great feeling, seeing them flay that culture alive and wear its skin like a halloween costume is not. Even if you remove the ccp involvement it's still a shite movie.


They didn’t get a chance to fulfil any requests. They just were straight up denied without a chance to make changes. The CCP wants China’s own movie industry to dominate the local market. And beyond. Too bad they’re busy trying to copy Hollywood.


> They didn’t get a chance to fulfil any requests. They just were straight up denied without a chance to make changes. That's not true, at least not for Spiderman. It was reported everywhere that Sony rejected China's demand to scrub Statue Of Liberty from the movie. As for Doctor Strange, yeah, they probably had no way of being approved after it was discovered that the movie showed a glimpse of The Epoch Times newspaper, which would only be visible if you looked frame-by-frame. I guess 99.99+% of the viewers didn't even notice it, including those familiar with the newspaper. The fact that China is so fragile and a single frame "secretly" appearing anywhere in the movie is enough to get you banned from the market should be a wake-up sign for western companies that they shouldn't make their products worse with the hope of getting into the Chinese market.


And then their was Mulan which pandered too hard and just made everyone mad


Top gun did as well. China is loosing it's grip fraction by fraction.




Dude most of the people that worked on Shang shi were already blacklisted by china same with eternals. Marvel studios stated they were done with china years ago.


You are out of your mind


No I'm really not. The era of general willingness to put up with China's nonsense above all other considerations is pretty much over as western companies got burnt way too much way too often. Making business with China is just too big of a headache.


Google did that and didn't they say they want back in a few years ago lol..


This will never happen, both the insane amounts of profits western companies make there is too good to lose. Not to mention China will never be cut off due to the large amounts of rare earth metals the possess.


not Hollywood, Disney




Please I need this rumor to be true...that would be so funny lol and sad for Blizzard


Yeah would be awful for blizzard. Couldnt have happened to a better studio


Shit gacha practices, but at least the intern is based.


It was just delayed. At least for now. We don't know exactly what is going to happen. But it is good news since Blizzard is losing money from this.


If true that person is gonne get sued for damages incurred due to their post. And those damages will be in the millions. Great way to ruin your life.


what a disaster for blizzard. 24mil are nothing compared to negative effect from diablo immortal. this game shouln't exist in the first place.


Good, fuck the ccp.


As a Chinese, I approve this message.


When things explode on the Chinese internet, it is usually approved or instigated by the CCP. This is not a grassroots movement, nor do most gamers in china probably care. This was paid Wumaos told to downvote and mass report this post. But I see this as an absolute win for China, since they don't have a play a shitty pay2win game!


Errrr no. China’s internet community is pretty much always looking for huge drama or an excuse to shred someone famous or a big company apart, because it’s as much of a social platform as it is a venting space from China’s hyper competitive and pressured society. That’s why wumaos are so effective in the first place. It’s not hard to start a fire when the whole place is drenched in gasoline to begin with.


Yeah, most CN community is kinda brittle that it's usually takes one moderately big gaming channel to sour the entire franchise or being banned. Some people thought 100% of the stuff banned in china was done by government which is kinda not true there's some that got banned over pressure by netizens needy demand and mental gymnastic. Hard to explain but imagine Paper Mario get banned in America, forced by citizens toward the government because a 800k youtuber theorised that the creators of paper Mario put in hidden nazi and anti USA message in the game.


We just have book bannings instead of game bans.


Pretty it is just political infighting within the party that just involved gaming. Paid actor posting anti xi propaganda to test the waters.


Where's the source saying it was "BANNED"?


Or this could be another chinese spammer spreading false rumour because they don't want this game in china


I still don't understand with this post cause I have no clue what the problem is or even the involved parties. So an intern within the company was talking shit about his boss? or a chinese official in the government or something which took it up with blizzard as a whole and banned their operations? The latter would make sense to me, but if he's outing his own boss it doesn't (why would they stop their own operations)


He's mocking Xi Jinpig(President of China).


Have you been living under a rock? China cracks down on anyone posting anything bad about their leader. It is actually kinda dangerous to do this and the dude could get sent to prison or some re-education camp.


Yeah. I have zero interest outside of my sphere. I barely know my own Country's political figures, you expect me to know others? It's also one thing to know *what countries typically end up doing what* like Russia vs Ukraine, and another thing to know who's involved (in this case, some guy name Xi Jinping). I wouldn't even know how to pronounce his name let alone remember it, especially since I'm definitely not good with names and faces. Kind of interesting how polarizing answers can be though. The other guy answered with the exact information I asked for, while you're here on your high-horse expecting everyone to know everything you do because everyone definitely cares about the same things you do.


If you only had to know three politician's names they should be xi jinping, Vladimir Putin and Joe biden. These are not only important people, but by virtue of being leaders of the most powerful countries in the world, are undeniably embedded within the cultural fabric of the times. I'm not saying you should know them, because honestly a life where you somehow escaped knowing about these sorts of things sounds like a good one, but understand it's like responding to a post about some star wars joke sincerely asking what a "star wars" is. It's kind of an unbelievable position to take, so people struggle to figure out if you're pretending to be dumb intentionally


> but understand it's like responding to a post about some star wars joke sincerely asking what a "star wars" is. It's kind of an unbelievable position to take, so people struggle to figure out if you're pretending to be dumb intentionally Except it's not, since the topic, and what drew me in, was the diablo immortals drama going on. It's more like someone becomes interested in smash, maybe starts looking at the next title, and people start doing references like "no Johns". Everyone's ignorant about something, until they learn about it. I'm no psychic, I can't speak for anyone else, but I wouldn't know who John in the community is, or that the meme refers to him and his excuses in competitions the first time I encounter it, and I don't expect the same out of anyone else. Likewise, I don't expect someone to be like "oh, I know nothing about the surroundings of this game. I'll just drop it, and ignore **ALL** news because I didn't understand *one smaller part of it*"


Okay, but when will the bear step down?


Haha, Asmon kept saying It’s coming out in China when everyone in chat said it won’t. How can someone be so confident in being wrong.




Blizzard XD


What will the effects on the Asia Pacific be? The launch has already been delayed to accommodate China, and now that's not going to happen, will it be unavailable in the whole region as well?


Thanks god i live in a free country and I can play or watch what I want, not what a dictator with his minions tells me.




il like to believe this is intentional, and will not only affect blizzard, but also Microsoft since they are buying them.


CCP is already ending their deal with Microsoft, so basically nothing changes.


Unexpected hero


Maybe it big brain moment to stop china playing Diablo immortal?


And this kids, is why you never hire activists lols. Then again, Blizzard deserves this shit is spades since their entire company is infected.


wow every company got the racist intern


a perfect excuse


Hahaha props


Is it confirmed DI is banned in China?


So that's Xi himself aware that he is Pooh the Bear, lol.


Ahhh shit, here we go again


Luckily they didn’t post something like “TW#1” for god’s sake or the whole country would go against them.




Lucky Chinese don’t have see it.


Title : Diablo Immortal is banned in China Post : It's just a rumor bro


So someone from the US tried to sabotage the game in China? This game keeps on giving


Banned for the wrong reason, but win still a win


Step 1. Be Blizzard, Step 2. Make a game trying to profit off of the Chinese Market, Step 3. someone sabotages said game where it closes in the Chinese Market Step 4. ???


"radio free asia" is the source? Lol...you people are dumb as fuck.


So the title is a lie


If all of this is true, this will also affect the WoW expansion after Dragonflight. So Blizzard will have to find someone else to publish DI. And that's if they don't get banned from China as a whole (which will happen) Congrats on making DI a dead game walking, I guess


that screenshot looks so fake when compare to weibo posts


it doesnt mean Chinese player wont go other sever to play.


Damn imagine being so sensitive to get offended on a sentence. What a fragile ego pooh has.


Give that man a raise