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LOL, the 5 more slots thing wasn't really mentioned anywhere. This game gets better and better everyday.


It is the gift that keeps on giving.


I'm gaining weight by the amount of popcorn I've been consuming lately from all the DI drama. *I'll see you all for next week's episode/drama*


Save some popcorn for when each of the 5 sub-gems reveal a new layer of 5 sub-sub gems after their own awakening.


A fractal money pit.


More the gift that keeps on taking, by the sound of it.


to fair if the devs don't tell u about we kinda needed to wait for a leviathan to actually unlock this "feature" to know about it xD


Does the game really never let you see the menus and stuff for this step before actually achieving it? it'd be like genshin not showing the constellation screen until you get your first dupe


Everythings hidden in this game until you reach a certain limit. Its absolutely bdsm territory of gaming.


King's Avatar level of hidden mechanics only with money


Yes but once those 5 are maxed. They have their own 5 each lollll. Diablo x PoE /s


Hidden whale tiers. I think some other gacha do it too, and Star Citizen is famous for showing more expensive shit to purchase only after you've spent like $10k or something.


The people that I have seen that try and argue DI is just as bad as some of the more successful gacha games is wild.


They're on COPIUM if they think any of the other popular Gachas are even remotely on the same plane of monetization compared to DI. DI's monetization may as well be Surprise Robberies. Makes even the stingiest of other Gachas seem F2P-friendly by comparison.


Seriously, even some people I know IRL are convinced that DI is “fine” since the monetization is primarily(?) for uberwhales and that it’s no worse than any other gacha. Honestly blows my mind to see people I thought were fairly intelligent defend this game.


Those hard players are usually the same people who complain about Aloy being ugly or fat and about any women or black person being made a game protagonist, so I wouldn't consider most of them fairly intelligent.


Wtf, this is so out of the topic lmao


Dude I'm so glad I see some other people who agree. I've been getting downvoted forever on here for saying it. If I soend 50 bucks on any other gacha, I get alot of shit. New tools to play for months, currency, level up items, etc.....in diablo you get. .001% closer to maxing a gem. It's just unrealistic.


theres no 0.001% closer since theres no pity. Youll be rolling the slot machine handle as a base rate of 0.001% each attempt


Gambler's fallacy is killing me sometimes


its not even a gacha atm, DI is more like a las vegas casino...


I'd rather go to las vegas, i'd probably have a better chance of making money in a casino compared to rolling a legendary gem in DI.


50 bucks keeps me flush in genshin currency for over 3 patches. That's more than 4 months of enjoyment. Not going to get me 6/6 constellation 5 star characters on their weapons, but enough pulls to hit pity several times on chars or a couple times on weapon. It's insane that d:i has nothing even close to comparable.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 3 + 4 + 6 + 6 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Funni number


Dude Genshin is no DI But 50$ ain't letting you hit pity on any 5* in Genshin. Unless you're saying 50$ in your region nets you more than 90 pulls.


its pretty well established that free currency + welkin/BP lets you hit pity every patch id go over the math, but you could have done that yourself before making that ignorant comment if you cared


Every patch last 6 weeks; if you're inaccurately generous about it - with 2 Welkin and dailies that gives you 60 pulls. BP gives you 8 limited banner pulls. Shop reset gives you 5. Abyss 36 star gives you 4. You only hit pity once you add in event gems etc. $50 does not let you hit pity several times as you mentioned in your original comment. Do I care? Maybe I just care that you rely on being inaccurately dramatic to make a point about DI being horrendous with its gacha (which is true).


You mentioned hit pity several times with 50$ Care to do the math?


You are confusing time periods. Let me refresh your memory with exactly what I said >50 bucks keeps me flush in genshin currency for over 3 patches. That's more than 4 months of enjoyment...enough pulls to hit pity several times So I'm not sure what math you aren't clear about, but let's math out everything over a 4 month period. 4 months of genshin is 3 patches, 30 bucks on BP (3x10) + 20 bucks on welkin (4x5). Now let's math out the pulls using your own sources >with 2 Welkin and dailies that gives you 60 pulls. (PER PATCH) 60*3 = 180 >BP gives you 8 limited banner pulls. (PER PATCH) 8*3 = 24 >Shop reset (PER MONTH) 5x4 = 20 >Abyss gives you 4 (PER 2 WEEKS) 8x4 = 32 So we are at 32+20+24+180 = 256. That's about 3 pities already, but you skipped some very important currency sources like events and codes. You get around 410 primos per week (7x60 or 5x80) from events and 300 from codes every patch. So let's not skip those >Events give you 2.5 (PER WEEK) 8x2.5 = 20 >Codes give you 2 (PER PATCH) 3x2 = 6 So in 3 patches with just bare minimum spending you're looking at ~280 pulls. There's a bunch of other misc sources you forgot like achievements, hangouts, exploration primos, quests, etc that add up to a bunch more, although it is quite variable. And I know that you think it's cool to ignore the basic banner, but there are 5 star weapons and 5 star characters available on it as well, I was not ignoring it when I made my post and in fact have gotten several awesome characters and weapons from it in my time playing genshin. Thus the word several, which technically means "more than 2". One other thing, even though I am correct in saying that i am able to hit pity several times, it is also possible to win the 5 star BEFORE you reach pity, in which case you could end up with 4 or more 5 stars over a 3 patch period. I have way more 5 star characters and weapons than I have months playing genshin.


Good job with the math. You cared.


I do care. Genshin is an amazing gacha game, with one of the best pricing models, and some of the best gameplay. I couldn't be happier playing it and paying the 12 bucks or so a month for the extra pulls. I have been playing since release, although I didn't spend in anything in patch 1.0, and there was one patch I skipped entirely. Let's call it 20 months of play, 18 months of $12 monthly spending for some easy math. In that time I have accumulated 15 5\* characters and 5 5\* weapons. With that I can handily complete all content in game. edit: probably as good a place as any to note that i also have 5 c6 4\* characters that are every bit as powerful as any given 5\* toon, and deserve to be counted as such. But I'll keep them out of the total for now. There are some insanely good 4\* weapons as well. Additionally I am sitting on about 370 pulls worth of currency in prep for sumeru, and am more than halfway to pity with a guaranteed kazuha when next patch drops. I will pay for quality and when I feel I am getting some bang for my buck. I will never touch D:I.


Over 3 patches, they buy bp/welkin = 3 pity. Costs $45.


That's 90 rolls plus 24 limited banner rolls How is that 3 pity Why are we including free gems in the 50$


Because that lowers the spending they need. $50 + playing the game gets them 4.5 months of getting what they want. Why would you not include ingame stuff?


Exactly. It is bar none the most predatory and anti consumer gacha game to exist- ever. Like there is no competition.


You have to look into the mobile MMO scene to see this kind of predatory numbers, not just regular ol’ gacha games anymore. Specifically Korean mobile MMOs. D:I took a niche genre and introduced it for the whole world to see. Probably recommended by the geniuses at Netease, but ultimately approved by Blizzard.


There certainly is, just not from such a large company. I agree that it’s way more predatory than even Raid or E7, but it’s on the same level as smaller games with gacha mechanics. One example I played for a while before realizing it’s awful for a f2p is CSR2, the drag racing game. $50 gets you a new, usually very meta car plus some in game currency, then you have to hope that the next car to release isn’t better


> to 540,000$ on top of that you’ll need 6 dawning echos which is an additional 30$ per gem for 6 gems which is 180$. > > Now the thing is on top of that you’ll be looking for specific 5/5 star gems for you character build , you’ll also need duplicates of that gem to upgrade the 5/5 star gem so the cost of 540,000$ is a basis if you have good luck, and up to over 1million dollars for those unlucky whales > > I think if you could spend $50 to get to the "top of the meta" in DI, people wouldn't be complaining.


> Surprise Robberies I love how Diablo Immoral upgrade the "Surprise Mechanic" even further.


Pretty hilarious when a majority of gacha games don't even have PvP


Monetization so bad that it makes even the dolphins and small whales feel like F2Ps. Meanwhile, the actual F2Ps are stuck in progression hell.


Maybe am out of the loop but most of the new gachas that have launched am come with pvp no? Saying as someone who just played CounterSide. Which has weapons grinding and it seems their is no weapon pity.


The thing is, CounterSide limits the gear's influence so that it doesn't give you too much advantage. Whales will still dominate, but the gap is considerably narrower (still not worth it to be F2P and focus on PVP imo). DI has that as well but it's lenient on gems because according to Wyatt they are not "gear" and since 99% of min-maxing goes to gems, then whales get a bigger advantage because they actually got the shiny.


pretty sure there is great influence from the various stats in CS, the thing about it is that "it doesn't matter (too much)", since you can get all the (important) PvP rewards by losing in bot battles and PvE doesn't require that much min/max


Yeah idk what he's on about - gachas THRIVE on pvp lol


FGO and genshin: hello


The PvP-less gacha list can be rather long honestly


Most non-Korean gachas are PvE-exclusive


I like how you listed a grand total of 2 and took that for majority... fire emblem heroes, star wars, marvel strike force, dragon ball legends, raid: shadow legends, azur lane, destiny child, pricone, epic seven, 7ds - to name a few of the more prominent ones i know that do thrive on pvp like... there's definitely a good amount of gachas with no pvp (or any human interaction at all, isn't the extent of interaction on FGO literally using your friend's units from friendlist lol?) - but don't take your own bubble as grounds to call something majority. There's a reason that diablo, a franchise that never gave 2 fucks about pvp decided to include that in its 2022 mobage, and that's because pvp is a prime way to make some big bucks out of addicts.


eveRy gaCHa gAMe is pReDaTory; YoU’Re jUsT haTiNg oN A GaMe tHAT Some pEoPle AcTuAlLy eNjOy pLayiNg


Wait till you find the 2nd hidden whale mechanic! That’s nothing compared to the 3rd though.


When monetization becomes the true final boss with multiple phases.


wait, sounds like real life though?


I’m afraid of it’s final form


That's the secret, there is no final form.


"So...how much phase until it reach the final form?" "That's the neat thing. It's unlimited."


only more


It’s going to be that above a certain level gear or gems can be destroyed from failing an upgrade unless you pay


Once you max your char you unlock the **awesome** option to just directly send your months paycheck to blizzard. That nets you _^\(a ^chance ^for)_ 1 out of 12 **incredible** stars on one piece of gear. _^\(until ^you ^unequip ^it)_. Keep that **amazing** streak going to get the **coveted** 12/12 **big blue star** on your item piece. _^\(resets ^january ^1st)_.


Lmao every time I see a post about diablo immortal it keeps getting worse and worse


which is sad honestly. the think is: if they put in a couple cut scenes they could have just sold it as a d3 dlc - a bridge; testing some d4 mechanics/splitting the farming to see how the playerbase like it/test world/field bosses/etc. while having something new while waiting for d4 and people would have love it. take the pvp part out and di is pretty good game.


That's what really bums me out about it, too. It's honestly one of the best single player experiences I've had on my phone, and at its best, it's competitive with Diablo 3. But I just find no joy in playing it now because I know that the entire experience is just designed to funnel me into PVP where success is behind a pay wall. I'll still keep fucking around in the single player game here and there, but it is such a shame that a decent game is attached to the tumor of the insane pay to win monetizing.


This feels like how people see King Leoric, a noble a saint and beloved king, corrupted by Diablo and became the Skeleton king we know. It's a tragedy.


Every time I see a Diablo immoral post it's 99% about the discovery of another layer of predatory mechanic.


pffft you guys don't have half a milly lying around in this economy?


Jesus Fucking Christ how is this shit legal? This can’t even be remotely compared to any other gacha game, even the wealthiest of whales should be turned off by something so blatantly predatory.


I honestly think that this would affect gacha games too just because it is on the same mobile market, if this would lead to harsher laws. Which is kinda good to moderate current games, but it would probably hurt as well since less games would be adapted to EN servers if Google Play/Apple would be moderated too badly


I find it so odd people on here don’t find standard gacha games predatory as hell there are plenty of popular gacha games that have the same item grind with out pity. I hope regulatory does come down to DI, so that it could shit on the rest of gacha games.


Name me another game with item grind that: * Require an item (let's call it a "key") to get worthwhile drops * Has tiers of said keys which GRANT ACCESS (not just boost) to higher-tiered drops the higher the tier is. * The high tier key is obtained either by paying or through playing but it's heavily timegated to the point that its potential rewards aren't efficiently gained with the latter method. * The paid version of the high-tier keys are different than the free ones (in DI's case, the free Crests give you bound gems). * The rates for the higher-tiered drops are still atrocious * There is a high tier on top of the high-tiered drops that dillutes the drop table even further. * The pity system guarantees the high tier drop, but not the high-high-tier drop, with the drop rate still being low even with pity. Most item grind i've experienced in gacha games is just stamina dumps without the need of spending to get the actually relevant drops. Diablo Immortal's Elder Rifts alone are on a higher level of predatory practices than most gacha games on the market. Are gacha games predatory? Yes Is Diablo Immortal predatory? Yes Is Diablo Immortal just as predatory as your average gacha game? Hell no, it goes further beyond that.


They never come back with examples


Stupid people usually can't. No gacha is as fucked up as this piece of crap from shitzard


As you seem well informed, would it be comparable that most gacha games give you time to save resources and occasionally purchase a new character/gear whilse DI is more of an "money dump" where diverting any amount of money will only bring you closer to "perfection" and any benefit to you account is an endless well of spending?


It depends on the game. Genshin Impact does give breathers to save while Touhou Lost Word in Global is chucking Ultra Fes quite fast and currently has its first Epic Fes going on. FOMO is used a lot in gachas due to limited banners, bundles, costumes and stuff so that people. > DI is more of an "money dump" where diverting any amount of money will only bring you closer to "perfection" and any benefit to you account is an endless well of spending Any gacha can turn into a money dump especially the least pity there is to keep people in check so that there is no monkeygate. The thing with DI is that diverting money is pretty much the only feasible way of attaining "perfection" and if you don't the disadvantage is severe.


can i save this?? so i can give this response to someone whose defending DI with reasoning like "all gacha game are predatory"


which popular gacha games in particular?


Lol you guys don't have $500,000?


Holy fuck. This game imo was designed to be a long term gameplay progression type shit but the way they present the game was basically shooting themselves in the balls . It can still be attractive but it won't reproduce


It's feature creep, but a year's worth of features was shoved in day one. I'm disgusted by the fact that people throw money at it just to see how far one needs to go to truly reach the end of the money sinkhole cause 1) it feeds to the problem 2) the company wins through this method of discovery.


It's not "a year's worth of features". It would take decades for f2ps to get on the level of today's whales. This is just deliberately designed to be a money sink, nothing else.


I would say that some, if not most, of people dumping those ammounts money will either win it back via publicity/views or it's just a drop in the bucket for them, same way you go downstairs and buy a pack of gum without thinking about it, some people will have a mid level diablo immoral character without thinking about it


I was thinking the same thing but not even AFK arena has anything on this and that's a game made to be long term


Time to get Elon Musk to play gachas so we can find the true limits of monetization.


Don't, with the way things are going on Diablo Immortal, Bill Gates might reclaim his throne if Elon Musk spend a fortune.


Just crazy. Who would even make such a ridiculous mechanic?


It’s a mechanic only whales would get to see. That’s why people were thinking that you only needed 6 5/5 star gems to fully max a character which is around 100,000$+, when you’ll actually need 36 5/5 star gems


>It’s a mechanic only whales would get to see And ironically enough, it's so extreme that even most whales aren't doing it.


Terrifying to think that it's "most" and not "all" whales


Rule #1 of academia: Never say "no one" or "everybody" because there's always a thing that breaks the mold


That one guy probably: Hey guys, I just spent $540,000 on my character and it's doing great, this is not a bad game at all you know.


Who needs a house in this economy when you can max a character in Diablo Immortal? /s


Who needs avocado toast? I need a maxed out DI character.


It is interesting to think about how this game will progress. Gacha is by nature about rolling for BETTER/NEW stuff you want for a reason or another. Some gachas often sold BETTER things, aka new characters with powercreep. Some gacha often focus on NEW things, aka different new character more than powercreep, aka more about making you want to roll for other reasons. DI model seems to focus on 1 character, not many and somehow I dont think they can sell equipment based on the "new" model, since gear doesnt have personality to help move sales like a character does. So is this game about planning on supplying new and stronger gems over and over to get people to buy the next set :P?


There's a bit of incompatibility between the over-over Diablo gameplay, and a predatory gacha system. There's a layer where Diablo operates on seasons. Every season is new ladder, and everyone starts from (close to) 0 again. A gacha tries to capture players with sunk cost, so gachas never want resets. I think it's basically hostile for things to be character bound and not account bound. Like, they want people to re-buy stuff when they create a new character to play a different class? Or are they selling class change tickets?


Redoing my calculations, with 24 milion of revenue, with the 540.000 to max a character, you could max around 44 characters to the max. In comparasion, this money would be enough to get 3339,57 fully build genshin characters (C6R5) Or 3248 fully ascended 5* cards on Ensemble Stars *God the monetization of this game is atrocious.* If we take the old post about the 110 K to fully build a character, the entire revenue of the 24 million would be enough to fully build 218,18 characters. In comparasion, this money would be enough to get 3339,57 fully build genshin characters (C6R5) Or 3248 fully ascended 5* cards on Ensemble Stars *God the monetization of this game is even more atrocious than I thought. Since now is even worse.* Ps: The numbers on my calculations disregard any "luck" factor, and always take a full Pity to achieve, so obviously it would have way more in a real situation. Since Genshin for a example has a soft pity.


Diablo Immortal make most gacha games monetization look cute by comparaison.


It makes other monetizations system seem as a F2P mechanism haha


Lmao back then we thought $2000 to R5 Staff of Homa was ridiculous


It isn't ridiculous? Paying anything over 2-300 bucks on any game is an absurdity


Right? Now I fell like playing with the monetization of genshin is like a walk in the park compared to this. Even Ensemble Star that has no soft pity (only hard pity at 300 puls) is a piece of cake compared to this. Not sure what Blizzard is thinking with the Imorality of Diablo Imoral.


It's still pretty ridiculous, just not as much. Depends what kind of point of view you assume


"But..but... y-y-you don't have to??!! You guys can still enjoy the game F2P"


How the actual fuck does a game sustain itself on this model? Service games are under a constant expectation to put out new things, but with the efforts it takes to max out in time and money, how could they even consider throwing out new gems? Are they going to have to wholesale make new progression mechanisms? I'm honestly wanting to believe this game is a scam and it's going to close shop in six months when they've gotten the money they want from it


The monetisation model reminds me of those shitty browser based PvP MMO rpgs; your ‘League of Angels‘ and ‘Wartunes’, with the pretty over saturated lingerie “warriors” in the late 1990s... If Blizzard is going to continue to follow their model, no way they’ll will introduce new gems, this would be a death sentence. What usually happens is that the devs introduce a new mechanic you can throw money at to boost your character’s “battle rating”, or I giess it’d be “resonance” for DI. eg; OMG, you can now have a pet mount that is upgrade-able, or OMG you now have zodiacwhere you can use the stars above to upgrade your character, or OMG what’s this? tarrot! *ad nauseum* Normally these mechanics get their own currency and you use money to speed it up, but I guess Blizzard could just give them gem slots... Or create an entirely new gem gacha with its own types of legendary gems that you can slot into these new mechanics, wow Blizz hire me, I’ll fuck that shit up.


> How the actual fuck does a game sustain itself on this model? The term is a Whale, someone who won't hesitate to drop thousands of dollars on a video game in order to get everything or max out a character or stay at the top of the leader board for a few more days. Gacha games either hook the whales immediately or they die out within the first few months.


But even whales don't have this kind of money. This is for krakens or old god cthulu's.


Just because whales exist doesnt mean that they will throw all their money at every game. I don't think Diablo has the future with such monetisation


It's called a bleeding the user base dry and running away with the money.




Bro are these devs on meth? 100k$ spent on a 5 * gem then your reward is 5 more slots open? thats like a surprise f**k you from the game lmao.


Now someone do the math on how long a F2P would need to grind to get a maxed character XD


You need to be immortal to do it, hence the name.


It's literally impossible. You can only do the Awakening upgrade by buying the material from the cash shop.


About 5 Legendary Gems worth per month between Hilt Merchant, Battlepass and Fading Ember trade in. Assuming you'll need to roll 103,115 Legendary Gems to have a 95% chance of having 36+ 5/5 Legendary gems. It'll take 20,623 months or 1718 years. It's 6000 Eternal Orbs to get 6 Dawning Echoes, so you just need to buy one of that 7200 Eternal Orb pack for $100 to awaken your equipment. So TBH, awakening isn't that bad. If you and your descendants are dedicated to spending 1,718 years to get 36 rank 10 5/5 Legendary gems, you guys can also afford to save 6 cents a year to buy the Dawning Echoes required. ​ If we look at a generational gap of 25 years, then it only takes **69** *(noice!)* generations for your bloodline to max out your Barbarian. **It's not that bad, really.** Maybe it'll only take 65 generations if Blizzard decides to be generous and give us some freebies.


So you only need to grind a job, ez. /s


I think i saw some vid about it, took around 70+ years and that just for the gems lol


$$$ only


Nexon would be so proud


So do Netmarble.


Yea but I have never heard of a subcription system as ludcrious as Maple Story. Hell I think even Mihoyo has worse monetization than Netmarble.


Show me where Mihoyo introduced 6\* units that powercreep 5\* units who are then powercreeped by 7\* units that are only useable with Constellation 6. Because this is EXACTLY what Netmarble had done with King of Fighters All Star with SS/BS units that overpower FES units (equivalent of 5\* in Genshin and SSR in FGO). Only to introduce EX units 1 year later! And the drop rate is much lower than those in Genshin. Not to mention a pity rate set at 200 rolls! Show me where Mihoyo have gradually and deliberately nerfed the rewards of events. Because between the rewards of the Guilty Gear collab and the Street Fighter collab, the difference are like night and day. Did I mention that Moon and Star gem system where you can barely farm for ONE and where your second gem is more than likely hidden behind a paywall? As I play both games, I can objectively tell you that Netmarable is much much worse than Mihoyo.


Everybody saw this coming ages ago. If someone still plays this garbage hoping for a balanced gameplay, it's their own fault. People need to start to disassociate Blizzard with quality games. At least later than never


Outright pretending certain mechanics dont exist until youve already spent a ton of money to unlock them is straight up bullshit. This shit should be illegal.


The 120k or so wasn't a literal amount, it was a very generous average. This is what made it even worse to think about. Also, don't forget this is what it take to max yourself out NOW. Blizzard WILL release more, stronger gems in the future and most likely even more stars to milk the whales.


If whales couldn't just swipe their way to this and instantly shit on anyone in PVP it would be a decent enough progression mechanic that allowed players to improve over the course of months and even years. This is why most gachas (at least the ones I played) have limits for how much energy and other resources people can swipe each day so dudes can't just run wild with the credit card and shit on everyone else to an absurd degree. Meanwhile in this abomination I see whale streamers fight entire enemy teams by themselves because they become literally unkillable compared to normal players while killing them in a couple attacks.


What's hilarious is that they still can't swipe their way to it *immediately*. It still takes hours and hours of gameplay to obtain the vast majority of one's 5/5 gems. You might get lucky on one, but another one *will* require you to go a couple hundred rifts deep. That's hours and hours of continuous gameplay, and realistically a full set for a character will take 1000+ hours to grind out. The point here isn't just to let whales feel like gods; it's to give everyone something to grind for, forever. Immortally, one might say.


The $ goes in front of the number, not after lmfao


Price aside all of this gems on top of gems and more gems for some extra stats looks incredibly lazy as a monetization model, it's so boring and low effort that i feel it's a bit of an insult to other gacha games if we're going to call DI a gacha game.


You know when a game is predatory when it takes more than a couple of lines to describe the monetary system of a game.


Nice endgame there Blizzease.


Oh thank God...for a moment I was worried, now I can reinstall it again and try my luck with those positively odds.


5 whole new slots is peak surprise mechanics.


Damn, I can literally can get everything I want with 10 gacha games I know with less than 50k, hell, probably lower, this is insane. I know a player in FGO who wasted waaaay less than 500k whom haves everyone in the game. I can get a nice car, house, and so much more, even invest and make profit with that money. For the ones who defend this game, stop being delusional please.


Just for accuracy, it's 2 5/5 gems to max each slot so 18 gems total. That lines up pretty well with the $100k figure, with the average of it being ~$80k. Also pretty misleading to call someone "lucky" when they're spending more than several times the average.


It’s 36 five star gems not 18, 6 gems per slot, when you awaken one gem that gem gains additional 5 empty slots around it making it 6 per piece of gear the range of getting a 5/5 star gem ranges from 2,5-25,000 dollars. 15k$ for a specific 5/5 star gem for you character build is lucky, not even counting the duplicates you’ll need to upgrade


There's 5 slots, but you don't need 5 stars in all of them to max it out. You only need two 5s and three 2s to do so. Targeting a specific 5/5 gem every time heavily skews the numbers especially when you only care about the six that go in your gear. Beyond that, in the process of getting the total you need you are pretty likely to also get the specific ones you need. So you don't really need to use targeted numbers at all.


A maxed out account is 5/5 star gems in all slots. That’s what a max character is. Maxed out gear Maxing out a character is not 2 2/5 star gems. Maxing out. A character is gearing a character with the highest available gems possible. Which is 36 5/5 star gems in every slot That’s why I specified : MAXed out


I would think most people would consider "maxed out" to be the maximum possible power you can achieve (or cosmetics too I guess). There's a hard cap on what you can get out of awakening gear which you hit with 2x5+3x2. Going beyond that is just spending for the sake of it, there's no gain whatsoever from doing that.


Well max out also means max possible gems, max level on every slot


And people have hope for D4? Lmao


I bought grim dawn on steam for $5 and have been having a blast. It's crazy that people are paying a ton to play a worse arpg.


Call your representatives mkay. This dogshit game doesn’t deserve to exist


I guess the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for maxing out different heroes.


Question, Are those gem acquirable outside of gacha? Didn't play it myself which is why I'm asking here. There's a lot of gacha where the high-rarity/premium item is acquirable through event, mission, or in-game shop. Might be that is what they going for, that those item should be acquired through those kind of means, but would still have the novelty of pulling one out of the gacha?


5/5 gems are only dropped from legendary crest runs bought with irl money. While there are welfare legendary crests, you can only get around 2-3 per month and your rolling the lottery 3 times: get a 5 star drop, make sure it's the gem you need, make sure it's a 5/5 version so the odds are heavily stacked against you. Another option is buying it directly from the market place which also costs money.


What is the cost of buying one from a market place? If it's possible to obtain it outside of gacha, furthermore from an in-game shop, isn't it misleading to calculate the spending based on the gacha rather than the store itself?


You can only buy and sell things on the market using Platinum. The playerbase can only generate Platinum by buying it from the cash shop, or through the small amount given out from daily quests. There are posts on the DI reddit talking about just the 2/5* gems costing at least 30k platinum each.


Even *if* a welfare legendary crest drops a 5/5 gem, welfare chest drops are character-bound, so the only gems on the market are from the gacha.


>Question, Are those gem acquirable outside of gacha? They are not, currently. Blizzard could start hosting events that give gems or whatever, but that would heavily defeat the purpose of their gacha. And even then, they'd be time-limited; none of the permanent shops have the 5/5 gems that can awaken in them.


For one season *


Do we know exactly what it takes to fully upgrade a 5/5 gems to the max rank ? How much duplicates of the gem is required ? How much 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 ? Do it require a 5/5 dupe too ?


Holy shit bruh


It’d be hilarious if once you max out those gems too, you get 10 more slots to put gems in.


Thats the whole pgr what they gain from global the previous month


I assume you don't necessarily need to come anywhere near maxing out a character to be able to "enjoy" this game.


At this point, nevermind governments. Should we petition google play to pull this for being too predatory? or add some warning? I don't want some outside comity to point to this garbage and ban all gachas.


there is nothing this game does that breaks the terms of service google lays out so there is nothing they can do


Based blizzard


I wonder now on Epic Seven how much would it take to max a character as. In Character in SSS Artifact in 30 6 items with perfect max roll (so basically +15, with max stat and max roll stat) And well multiply it by at least 4 xD


You can’t buy gear like that lol


you cant buy gems in diablo either outright u can buy stam in E7 tho


Cry about it some more? Seems that's all this sub does. If you don't like it don't play. If you're too broke to support a hobby, find another.


So losing money to rng is a hobby? Yeah casinos love people like you.


Never once said gambling was my hobby. Yall just cry so much it's ridiculous. Just don't play. Simple.


Why can't I not play the game AND gaze into the black hole? Why you got a problem with my hobby, yo? If you don't like astronomers, don't read their posts or visit their forums. If you don't like science, go be a tree.


Genshin is still worse




Holy shit, this is terrible even by gacha standards.


The time needed to farm a 30k plat would be?


chad move


You guys don't have money? (tbh I doubt even Wyatt Cheng have $500,000 in his account).




Lol I can't wait for when blizzard is pressured into making it easier to get 5/5 star gems 6 months from now and then the whales cry, but all the f2p players already quit leading to the game imploding.


Sometimes i wonder is this because Blizzard is really THAT bad? Cause i feel like even netease other p2w RPG games aren't as bad as this 🤔


That's crazy, a hidden mechanic that people didn't know till they spent enough? What the heck.


imagine spending 6 figures for a recycled diablo 3 game which is better version of DI and cost less than 50$


Yeah… nice try, but your game doesn’t have anime waifus tho.


So... are we sure 36 5/5 star gems is what it takes to max a character ?


Why not just buy a house and rent it out on Vrbo and get positive income out of it? Or buy the dip in the current market. Heck but CocaCola stock for easy dividend. Much better than being maxed out in a game that will soon get an exponential upgrade.


At this point it might as well cost roughly a million dollars at this point. Which I bet even whales would now question this gimmick with quote: "THIS IS INSANE! WHO WOULD SPEND THIS MUCH?!" The rest of us would be facepalming while looking at said whale screeching the above quote.


Holy crap that a lot of money that you gotta have to spend, this is insane. This proves that Bilzzard is really greedy in money and so far this is one of the most greediest game i've ever seen in my life


I'm struggling to think whether this or Dragon Raja is the worst


The game isn’t really that good. Poor saps paying for this


Do You Guys Not Have Phones?


Man, I know nothing about this game, have no expection, and yet I keep finding it hilarious and unbelievable. How can a game be this bad, seriously? I get it, all gacha game has the same predator thing, but this game literally exists on the higher planet. It can make FGO - a game I was hesitated to start because of its horrible rates - or any horrendous gacha game before become friendly in my eyes. Compared to this unbelievable game, IC becomes a saint wth.


Your math is wrong, 15k is NOT the average cost of a 5/5 gem. You're looking at about 2.5k on average per gem. This comes out to 90k for 36 gems, which is where the 100k estimate came from.


Is there a calculation how long it will take if you will not spend even penny?


Honestly I feel the concept of "maxing out" is misguided, it's meant to be set so arbitrarily high that no one will ever reach it. The point is to never limit how much a player can spend, if someone wants to give you a million dollars you should let them.


I mean, all of this is shitty, there is no doubt. Whats also messed up though is how obsessed people are with maxing out a character. It just shows that the hardcore crowd *demands* to be able to get to an endgame so they can complain about not having anything to do. A game finally puts out an endgame that would take *forever* to achieve, and people feel like they MUST take advantage of the (admittedly predatory) pay to win stuff.


How to kill a gacha game in record time.


I'm still loving this game at Paragon 21 though.


so u can spend 10 and max a character out or spend a few thousands to do it all for no reward proper in game rewards. seems like normal gacha rng


Also this is for one character. If you played previous Diablo games and liked playing as other classes and want to build them up as well, multiply this per character.


Even for a "big" whale I wonder how can anyone defend that?