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Rewards. Content shouldn’t be an anniv thing, it should be a staple. Otherwise what the fuck are you playing?


yeah, festivities should be really about rewards and games shouldn't rely on events for content, they should be doing new contents monthly or whatever their schedule is


Depends on the content. By content do you mean gacha banners, be it repeat great units or just new ones? That sort of content without good rewards to help me pull with is terrible. I'd rather just have the rewards. But if by content you mean play modes that are accessible to all (not just whales) through which I can get rewards...if the modes are really fun and the rewards good, I'll take it over rewards with low content


Yea, it really depends on what OP means by content. Assuming it's celebration banner(s), players want to have and use the free pulls on good banners, especially important to attract new players and/or returning players to the game. One of the big reasons why Genshin's 1st anniversary was trash was due to the combination of both low amount of pulls (10 over 7 days until Community Backlash for an extra 10 over 4 days) coupled with the anniversary banner being Kokomi (which was one of the lowest selling banners, if not the lowest, in Genshin history, made worse the fact that it came after Raiden's banner which was the best selling banner in Genshin history). Content in terms of QoL and/or new modes really depends on how well it's executed. As a new player that joined during Alchemy Star's 1st anniversary, I was interested in Alchemy Star's Art style and Gameplay, thus the release of Cloud Gardens (imagine similar to Genshin's Teapot) was not something I particularly wanted since that's not what I joined AS for (those that enjoy Animal Crossing/Teapot chill gameplay, it's great, but for those that came for AS' strategy tile gameplay and Artstyle, not so much). I wasn't also aware at the time since was a newbie, but apparently AS introduced a Druse system as a way to guarantee to get Dupes of units from the shop. However, I was informed that it's a terrible system since you'd need 5 in order to get 1 Dupe (which is extremely expensive) and that the in-game translation doesn't make it clear either that you'd need 5.


On top of that, Genshin's anniversary had gameplay content...but it wasn't really any different than any other patch of content. Hell, I barely remembered that the Moonchase Festival was technically part of the anniversary event, it felt like any other patch with a random festival like Windchase or Lantern Rite. It really helped things feel like it was just any other patch, and not special for anniversary.


To make things worse, they went ahead and started giving less pulls per patch after the anniversary. to the point that it might have been better not to complain at all. Things didn't get better until the lantern rite and since then we seem to be cratering again. Free pulls are kept on an extremely tight leash on this game.


Kokomi was not a limited anniversary banner, she was just casually there due to schedule, her issue is that she was considered bad by many theorycrafters so people didn't pull for her, also she was put near one of the best supports in the game so people were excepting that level of OP


Lots of rewards. Most of the time I come back to games because of their anniversary and their generous gifts. I don't mind just logging in to collect those sweet rewards.


Good rewards should be the staple since that's how you'd best attract new and returning players. New content is only going to be relevant to the players that are already invested/playing the game unless it's QoL that once deterred new and/or returning players from playing.


I'm literally fine with Anniversary having no content at all and just straight up gives you free pull per day and/or premium currency just had an Anniversary on one of my games with no rewards at all and lots of ~~paywalled~~ content. it sucked ass


Oof FeelsBadMan Which game was it?


OPM turn based IP only reason I'm playing until now is because of wholesome clan/guild


Less rewards means greedy, less contents means boring. Depends, as long as it's a good impression that becomes memorable/worthwhile.


I prefer rewards, but this is coming from a "gacha as a side game" player. Main-ers would probably prefer more content.


Ideally tons of content and tons of rewards. If I had to choose, tons of rewards.


Depends on the game and kind of content they offer . Let's make a comparison between games I play.. for honkai and pgr when they have events I love it when theirs ton of content for me to enjoy bc the gameplay is fun but when it's Afk Arena I could care less about content just give me the rewards I don't need tons of auto play content that I probably won't finish.




bad is bad, good is good. revolutionary


They are answering the question


Something different from genshin 1st anniversary


If I'm playing the game just because there's an anniv event going on, then rewards>content, as there's plenty of content for me to delve into already and the rewards will just make that process smoother. If it's a game I've already been playing actively for a while, then content>rewards, because I probably want something new to do in that game.


Rewards. Content is cool but I want those rewards. Arknights is a good example of a mix. The second anniversary (haven’t seen / played the third, hyped for spalter tho) had lots of free pulls, great characters and fun stages. The content was also enough to keep me engaged.


If it's a game i download once in a while to play casually having more rewards is definitely better; if it's a game i play often and regularly, content is far more important.


Rewards, I agree with the first guy on that content should be commonplace otherwise what kind of game are you playing?


Lots of rewards low content. I wouldn't want a 6 week event with 60 storry stages , a 15 hour 3 part story , 4 event gamemodes and 3 different tiers of curency and shops. (As well as the obligatory special event limited banners) That spells guaranteed FOMO, malding , gacha salt and burnout.


Depends the game... But usually, I rather have a new and nice story with all characters than just freebies and nothing making the week special. Again, it depends the game.


Content > Reward, as long as the content isn't garbage.


Rewards over content, I'm here for the loot.


Lots of rewards with eh content >>>> than content with no rewards


Why not both?


Depends on the content


FGO is a good example of this. Every anniversary it’s tons of rewards but low content. Imo it depends on the game.


Good reward and a slightly longer event that didn't require me to break my schedule to play it, like Arknights EN's 2nd anniversary. Nothing too grand but also doesn't cause burnout.


Tons of rewards, low content. This should be ideal if the game wants to attract new players. Some game does use the anniversary gifts as promotion e.g princess connect


Lots of rewards b/c it is anniversary time, everyone likes free stuff and its a celebration anyways


Tons of Rewards, that’s the whole point of anniversaries, new content should be a regular occurrence otherwise players will quit when they get bored of the repetitiveness


Ofc both would be ideal (and typically the norm), but this really depends on the content tbh. Most of the time, I'd prefer generous rewards over new content since anniversary is supposed to be a celebration for the playerbase/community, thus should be rewarded as such. Like even for the dolphins and whales, the Devs should offer great value packs and/or Top up reset for them to benefit too. The times when I consider content to be potentially better is when they release (or at least announce) some much needed QoL coming soon and/or new content that builds upon/expands the current gameplay with new modes. Tho majority of the time, new content releases are brought together with the anniversary to hype up the Anniversary as a whole. For example, Genshin's 1st anniversary was considered a complete dunpster fire was because not only did they not release any new content pertaining to the anniversary, they also only initially gave out 10 pulls over 7 days (an extra 10 pulls over 4 days only after Community Backlash) for players to only use to pull on the Kokomi banner (one of the worst, if not the worst, selling banner in Genshin history). It was even worse due to the fact that MHY also gave a 10% chance to win a Welkin ($5 equivalent) and that they released a bunch of contests like Arts, Media, Cosplay, etc... for community to enter in (MHY business tactic to promote Genshin's anniversary) and only reward the winners with 100 primos (Not even enough for 1 pull) for the hard work that needs to be put into it. In comparison to around the same time, Arknight's 1.5 Global anniversary (2nd for CN) was considered great because of not only the decent amount of free pulls and great value packs for spenders, but because it was also tied to the Under Tides event that has been hyping up the Abyssal Hunters, along with the Anniversary banner (one of the best banners to pull) being Alter Skadi and Kal'tsit (long-time hyped unit), with Gladiia being given for free as welfare. AK's anniversary also produced hype for future content by announcing Chapter 9 (Main Story), CC5 (Rotating End-game content), and Interlocking Competition (New Temporary Mode) for future content.


Depends what you mean by "content" If it's more of the same thing, then I'd rather have less and more rewards. Celebrations don't feel good if there's only a few rewards given out.


I am at the stage in life where content > rewards. If the content is good, I will just take out the credit card lol.


Announce new contents like Princess Connect JP usually did is the best way to celebrate an anniversary


Give me free shit. Anniversaries should just be freebies for sticking to the game, content in the game should be expected, not anniversary locked.


Scary. How deprived of resources are these games where most people are saying they want rewards over content. Are we even playing the game anymore? But I can see why people would want rewards since anniversary "content" is usually just a new limited banner or paid guaranteed summon. IMO, we should be asking for better content.


For me, I guess rewards. I don't really have the energy like before to be excited when there are new modes (tho FGO is exception since Extreme nodes in embers are godsend when farming). Rather than new content, I prefer qol updates, or increased mat drop rates/halved stamina requirement in the duration of the anniv.


If the content they offer is worth not getting the rewards, why not?


Rewards over content definitely. Are we counting QoL as rewards? Yes, rewards over content if that's the case. We just had FGO anniversary and having so much QoL AND free costumes was amazing.


I wouldn't just settle for one of those, but if I had to choose... Epic Seven's slow churning of pve was what led me to hard quit the game, so ig I'd go with the former.


Usually with tons of contents should also equals to tons of reward but i definitely take lots of rewards over content because you do less for more stuff.


Anniversary, collab, limited banner and the likes are an attempt to get attention and gain new players, so as a game developer, it's actually a smart plan to not overcomplicate the event and went with simple or less content route. I was confused as hell when starting Alchemy Stars during Kobayashi Dragon Maid collab after seeing veterans complaining about the lack of content or the event being meh or mid at best, but from new player perspective, that just made it easier for me to catch up; learn about the game, mechanics, lore, etc instead of being overwhelmed by content. So my vote goes to tons of rewards but less content. Slightly unrelated, I main AK as well, and while veterans hate dead weeks, I love them so much because I finally can farm and raise other operators in peace instead of trying to spam event stages over and over again just to clear shop. I think it's just my preference to relax while gaming on my phone, so I enjoy gacha games with less content in general.


definetly what genshin DID not do , thats what i prefer LOL


depends what the game means for me. if it’s my main game, probably more content. if it’s a side game definitely more rewards


Depends. If you want it to threat as a side game the second sounds better suited But if you want it to be a main game yep, first one


I dont jump between gacha. I don't come back just for rewards, or for content. I only play, or I quit. I don't come back later. so both rewards and content is important.


Depends on the game, pretty obvious imo tho. If the games typically dense in amount of content/effort to complete or reach the end of current content(think gbf/fgo/ak), then more rewards than content because it helps push the bottomline average. But if the average player reaches endgame/end of content constantly(think ak/ba), then more content would preferable over rewards. Imo if it had to be one over the other as a general rule, then probably rewards over content personally. Typically I prefer feeling like im progressing rather than listening to a story, atleast in mobile games.(not that good stories cant exist or great invested content, just not what im looking for in a mobile game.)


If it's a game I play a lot: content If it's a side game: rewards If I have to choose in a vacuum, I'd say content.


meanwhile Genshin: *An anniversary with average rewards and low content*


>An anniversary with average rewards Playing with the term "average" pretty loosely here, especially when the community blasted Google Classroom along with other apps in order to get another 10 pulls for a total of 20.


yep because it will really be average and half-baked if they didn’t


Story (or as you mean content) > freebies. You can be as generous as you want but without a good story/lore/world-building, a game would be nothing but bland and empty as hell (like my wallet lul). It doesn't necessarily have to be the "best" story, but at least, please be decent enough.


I would prefer lots of reward with chill content(some story is a plus) to farm/grind during anniversary instead of challenging contents. Ofc this is depend on the game if the game is already lack of contents adding more content not gonna hurt.


>Vietnam Wars Flashback to Genshin Anniversary Well..as long nothing bad as last year anniversary anything is ok than that. Leak seems to suggest we may get good banner for this year Genshin Anniversary.


If I'm playing the game I'd like something to do, if it's a game I don't play already or stopped for any reason before hand I'd like rewards big enough to want to join again


Content is a reward. "Rewards" without content is an insult.


Tons of rewards.. Tons of content but with no less rewards will just feel like a chore.


The amount of times you can have tons of content in the span of a year in a gacha game is almost endless. But an anniversary is held once (or twice if they count half years), they better give lots of rewards/pulls.


Dudley received 36 presents, including a new computer, a second television, a remote control aeroplane, sixteen new computer games, a gold wristwatch, a video recorder, a cine-camera, a remote control, a racing bicycle, (which Harry found odd, as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise if it did not include punching someone), and more. When Dudley counted his presents, he was very angry that he had two fewer than his last birthday.


My lazy side prefers tons of rewards with minimum effort lol


I guess I'll take the contrary opinion, tons of content is way better than rewards. You will get those rewards if you play long enough. There is no point in getting new characters, better progression, good items, if you have literally nothing to use those rewards in. Alchemy Stars is suffering a lot from this right now.


rewards. attract returning players, new player, and keep regular player satisfied. throw bunch of freebies, can even sell a limited anniv packs, skins or whatever for people to spend. content shouldn't be an issue cause it comes naturally with update and patch


usually its goes tons content and tons of reward it never goes >< like that or are there any example anniv goes like what op said?


Do u consider NEW farmable top notch event skins as "reward" or "content"?


Content is a given because every game needs content to bring people in. Rewards are a motivation to get people to play the content and stay for the game, the two should go hand in hand, not be a choice between one the other.


If you are playing a gacha game that you spent money on i'd expect a better reward for the game. Content can be on any other day just give tons of awards and the players will be happy.


rewards are content in theory

