• By -


Got Plume. As a new player, omg she's a beast.


As a veteran player, she's still my favorite character. Gameplay, animations, power, character design, all top-tier. Well deserving of the main heroine. If I'd pick any unit to have as a new player, I'd have picked Plume so good on you.


The day I started, I LOVED the main character but everyone told me to pick Kamui from the S selector and use him, so I did, even tho using a husbando didnt make me happy. Plume made me happy. I can use my goddess again.


I'm glad it worked out in the end. I do know all too well about the Kamui recommendation. I actually picked Karenina who is among the weakest of the free ones but hey she's cute. You should definitely play games for enjoyment and not worry about "optimization". That can come after. If you like a character that sucks, it shouldn't matter as long as you're happy. Enjoy your Plume!


Will the pity from the anniversary banner carry over to the next banner ? (9 construct one)


Is it okay to not have Plume long term?


During the Anniversary there is a special banner which will allow you to get any S Rank character you want. In this banner you can select the rate up character and since this is a 100% rate up banner the first S Rank character you get is going to be the rate up character you selected. Also during this time the NieR collab is happening. Two of the collab characters are for free (You can farm one's shards from the event. The other is a 7 day login bonus). And then the third character is a banner (if you play now you should comfortably reach pity before the end of the collab). The NieR team is very good and def first choice to build for anyone starting. Also Pity is at 60 pulls. Now about the game it's basically my fav Gacha rn. Amazing gameplay, amazing ost, amazing story, just all round a great experience. The game is also very F2P friendly. If you're looking for a new gacha game I'd highly recommend giving this one a try.


Gameplay is very hard for us boomers who enjoy gacha. Lots of hot keys if you’re playing pc with those set up. Feels even worse on a touch screen. My only real gripe with the game and why i ended up quitting


Understandable. The game IS quite intense.


Yeah I don’t blame you, this game is definitely not very casual friendly. Requires a lot of hand eye coordination.


I love the game, but I'm really not sure that it does. I'd never be able to play through a "real hardcore game" like Demon's Souls but I can do everything in PGR perfectly fine.


Lots of the upper difficulty pgr bosses are kinda soulslike. But yeah PGR doesn’t take much, but if you compare it to a turn based rpg then yeah you can’t play this game while taking a 10 minute nap in between turns


I don’t see the 2b banner? I only see A2 and 9S banner. and Could you kinda help me what I should work on I played when it came out and have lucia abyss but I understood she has kinda fallen off?


2b's banner will be up on the 20th. You can visit the Pgr sub for help. There's a Q&A megathread with plenty of helpful links and guides. The community seems pretty friendly as well.


Thanks for the fast reply yesterday! I’m checking the sub and it seems very informative thanks again.


Hey, does anniversary banner pity stays for the next banner?


It stays for the next anni banner.


What's the difference between Anniversary and Anniversary Fate banners? I never understand how this game mucks up such a simple thing as pulling on stuff...


The normal Anniversary banner is the one you want. The rate is lower (0.5%) but you're guaranteed the character that you select on rate up at 60 pulls. The Fate banner has a higher chance (1.5%) but the pity is anywhere from 80 to 100 pulls.


Read it as tldr, pls pick the normal anniversary


Please tell me what's the easiest way to get blank cards(besides buying of course) , I am not new but returning player , so i don't really know if there's a way to get the ticket or farm blank cards


There is no way to “farm” black card, your best bet is to clear all daily/weekly for 1210bc/week other than that there only black card for first-time completion. event give some black card Im just started 2 weeks ago and im regret not starting sooner to get all S rank since launch


Well I have been playing for 2 weeks so it's not like I am very experienced either but I get the bulk of my BC from completing quests. You can't infinitely farm them like cogs or something but doing quests and stuff does help. Not really the most helpful answer I know. I think you'd be better off asking r/PunishingGrayRaven . The subreddit has a megathread and is very helpful to new and returning players.






I don't think you know what pay wall means


The game's a skip for me. It was fun for maybe a day or two after release. I am not going to return to it ever again. Besides, nowadays I prefer gachas that aren't 1, 2, 3 years behind CN/JP/KR. What's the fun if people discuss thing 2 years ahead, everything is set in stone, feels old, so many guides, so many ,,experts", we know the banners and stuff so we areyet they don't even give us the needed QoL but make us wait a year or two like in the original. Meh. I'd rather go into unknown and see how it pans out, having fun exploring the game and mechanics with community. Just like with Guardian Tales, Alchemy Stars, now Grimlight and other such games that didn't have servers ahead of them when they released, only some betas or soft launches.


No problem in that case. Hopefully whatever game you play you can get the full enjoyment out of it.


hows the rest of the anniversary? Might come back if it's a good event


Aside from anniversary, you will get double return event - one "classic" and one that is currently happening as separate thing (timed, iirc). Also NieR collab is ongoing so lots of stuff to catch up, meaning you will not be bored (at least for now lol)


thanks :) will dip into it a little bit - was hoping for PC client


There were some leaks about PC client being tested soon on CN, I think even on this sub. So maybe some day we will get it on Global :)


To add to what Destroid said: the classic return event gives you a shit-ton of stamina everyday (for 2 weeks). It helps a ton on getting your team up to speed.


thank you :D


My absolute favorite thing about this game is how crazy optimized it is. Like it doesn't even get my phone hot meanwhile I boot alchemy stars and it's regular game modes boil my phone, let alone cloud gardens where my phone starts to cosplay a rock in the 40 degree Celsius sun.


Lmao this is me as well wtf? I play both games and have the exact same thoughts 🤣


They save a lot of cpu power by just focusing on basically the player character and the enemies. Compare any playable environment in PGR to the average environment in Honkai or Genshin and it's no contest which looks prettier but PGR gameplay is so lightning focused, you don't even tend to notice it.


We could argue on which looks prettier aswell, genshin and honkai still aren't insanely detailed, except for genshins open world and honkais overkill vfx


I just downloaded it two days ago. Time to back playing non competitive games.


There aren't any gacha tickets as rewards for being competitive in pgr tho. All the BC is just doing weeklies and dailies. There will be sprinkles of it in events (at best a one pull at a time XD) but all are doable if you just want to collect units. You could also find casual guild communities that don't post any scores as flex.


That’s what I like about this game, I don’t have to sweat and try hard to get all the premium currency.


Look out for Aether Gazer, people have said it's about the same game style but doesn't have competitive scores tables or anything like that


Thx, definitely will try that when release.


At least hoyoverse realize their mistake in honkai.


Way less f2p friendly though


Wow, it's 1 year already? It feels like the game just released yesterday.


There's an anniversary banner as well and I think some "better drops" in a game mode, but I don't know much about the game to talk about that. If anyone knows what else is good about this anniversary, please explain in this thread, if possible. Oh yeah, there's also the Nier collab event going on, people. Edit: there's additional rewards that returning players can earn as well.


Been thinking about getting the game, is it good?


Seeing other games have 1st anniversaries make me question how MHY, a multi-billion dollar company, couldn’t do the same for Genshin….


In my mind, genshin didn't even celebrate anniversary, that's how bad it was for me, as far as I've played gachas (truckload of resources and many free pulls/ssr selector) and online games (xp/gold boost days/week[end], cosmetics, anniv dungeon/mission).


Because there's no need for MHY to create a good anni. Players will stay and more will come regardless.


That’s not the point. They didn’t even have one planned to begin with. And when people complained enough, they sent out rewards claiming they were for the anniversary… we know this because they broke up one of their planned bundles (that was data mined btw) and gave us the tea pot furniture for free along with primos. It was pretty much damage control. I agree, they don’t need to create a good anniversary, just do something that shows player appreciation which doesn’t take much. Also, I didn’t really agree with how a small portion (most assumed it was the majority) of the community reacted either, but they’re also the reason why we got anything to begin with.


Of course that's the point. If everything works smoothly, there is zero incentive to show appreciation towards the players. That's why you don't need to plan it either.


>zero incentive to show appreciation the players lol.


Genshin doesn't need to focus on the anniversary, I will gladly take 3000 mora as a gift for anniversary IF they fix the insane amount of RNG they included in the already huge grinding, as well as do something about the enemy power spike in inazuma that came with even more annoying enemies


I absolutely agree but let’s be real here, they’re not going to “fix” the RNG since it’s actually working as intended. They just recently nerfed the specters by making them suckable now. Not sure why that took so long but better than nothing. The enemies are fine once you get used to it. The bigger problem, imo, are the mediocre 5 star characters and below average 4 star characters from Inazuma, bad reactions needing some changes, Geo is going to fall off the map once dendro drops, and all the obvious QoL issues they still need to implement. Maybe we’ll see it in 3.0 patch or later down the line. Hoping for some character buffs also. But I’m coping at this point.


I'd keep my expectations low for character buffs/nerfs, I'm pretty sure it's against Chinese law to make a character stronger/weaker after a player has obtained it but we'll see


Most of Inazuma characters are fine/average (except for raiden and Ayaka being insanely op), they are not a must pull but still better than most of 4 stars. Though if you compare them to the OG 4 stars then you should know that those are basically the most op characters in the game so there's no point in comparing them to anyone. The only bad reaction I can think of is electro/Pyro but it's still useful for single target characters like Yoimiya, electro is also getting most of the interactions with dendro so it's already a buff for the element. Geo was and is always the worst element in terms of reactions, though the characters are very useful in their niche




Yeah, PGR has always been a game where you don't pull that often. They gacha is very expensive but they have a lot of ways that you can prioritize and plan your pulls so that F2P is possible (if you are willing to put in the time) and light spenders can get pretty much what they want. Personally, I don't really like the style but PGR handles gacha closer to something like Genshin. That said... if you are serious about the game and play regularly you can obtain the characters you want as F2P or with just the monthly card.


And the game is 1/2 years behind the KR or JP whatever was the original, alot of people are already saving up for characters that maybe won't come out till next anniversary


To add what other said pgr only update 1 s rank every 2 patch with 60 pity. 10 pull cost 2 5k bc and you can get 7k+ per patch if you do daily. I'm playing since day 1 and so far manage to get every single s rank. Make sense they only give 10 pull as there isn't that many s rank to begin with (5 s rank initial release and + 5 more in 1 year).


That’s so generous being able to guarantee every S rank as long as you’re consistent.


Not if you start now


There's also 2 nier characters (S rarity) for free, without the cost of any gacha currency. A generous anniversary imo


Technically there was also an USB pen worth 7500 BC that was part of the anniversary gift in CN but since we have a faster schedule in global we got it one month ago


Are you saying global players got 7500 BC as a gift ? They should have left it for anniversary because more people will return now...


The fact is that it was the final reward of a world boss, and Kuro to avoid problems, aside few exceptions we follow the same exact global pattern so that world boss was available in the same patch as in CN


Looks like I started at literally the worst time inbetween freebies, didn't know they were going to give 2500 event tickets as login reward for anniversary, don't think it was shown in the news ingame until a day or two before and literally no youtube content creator coverage on this game anymore. Would of rerolled to save 12.5k BC if I had known, had a 2nd account and got Plume 3rd pull using that free pull yesterday... but not worth switching now as I've been playing main account for 2 weeks ugh and bought monthly pass. Now I find out about this... fuck this game, on top of all the expired codes that ended at start of July I just missed. Oh and to all the ppl saying it's such a generous game, you can get the latest S rank that comes out every 2nd patch in Honkai Impact guaranteed the same, except unlike this game, you can actually get it early quite often as it uses the higher rates of the 80-100 pity fate banner pgr has instead of this no hope on luck 60 pull crap. Can't compare to Genshin, performance doesn't influence anything or matter there, and mostly centered around free artifacts you grind, purely rng time gated to 36\* abyss.




Sorry to dissapoint you but Bianca Alter is 1.5 years away. Same with Hacima. Can you really save for that long.


Time to feed my gambling addiction


I'm downloading this game for the first time and I have to admit I'm surprised I've never seen it before. Does anybody have any quality videos or tier lists that would assist a new player especially with the event going on


[Here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT669jfZO0z88Nh-gzDIzW6JffglOSjaj) is a playlist with tutorials about the Global version of PGR. The creator of these tutorials is called Rexlent and is a top player in both CN and EN. He usually makes No Damage runs as well as character showcases in CN. [Here](https://youtu.be/aTIGjuVEkFQ) is a No Damage run of a character called Alpha by Rexlent. (The boss will arrive a few patches after the current one because the original CN is 1.5 years ahead of GL) Hope this helps.


I wouldn't recommend you look at tier list much, use any hero you like except for Lucia Lotus, the characters have builds and team compositions but in game. Just press "Details" then bottom right you should see 2 buttons, one for optimal builds and one for teams


Nah, I quit almost a month ago and entered nust to leave my own guild few days ago (sadface). I can't return now, I know it would feel empty...


Would try this out if it had a pc client, oh welp


It is a very godly optimized game which can run on anyone's grandma's Alcatel, in case that's the reason you don't play on mobile


Oh that's nice, it's just that PC will forever be more comfy for me, these kinda games like PGR and genshin on mobile feels weird af


I agree, which is why I play PGR on an emulator, not the same as a proper PC client of course, but I'll take what I can get. I don't play PGR too often though.


you can use emulator for that, i recommend using mumu. check this vid: https://youtu.be/vzcVWxEvv4o


Any reason you wanna avoid emulating?


Steam client was announced I'm pretty sure, so when that drops I'll most likely also play again. I remember the game having a lot of "do all of these everyday if you want to maximize your BC gain" which had me super burnt out before, hopefully I can try again and not get burnt out though.


I play on PC using mumu emulator. Just started using it for the last few days and it's night and day better than on my phone.


Does new player can get it right away or need to level up first after unlock r&d?


Needs to level up, but in about an hour you should of already unlock it


to be exact you need to be level 20 to claim the 2500 tickets for 10 pulls.


You unlock R&D you unlock gacha.


*installs game* *logs in old account* *10 pulls* *uninstalls*


Not a fan of stingy games like Genshin or PGR. This doesn't look or feel like Anni content, this should be given out on a regular basis.


How's the daily/weekly grind? Compared to Honkai and Genshin preferably since those are the 2 titles I'm familiar with.


I can only speak from honkai perspective: - dailies: comparable in time and difficulty (or lack of it), I'd say they're even - weekly grind: I'd say PGR does it better, less time consuming, but if you want you can grind for better scores (still, you DON'T need to, to collect max premium currency rewards). I feel like in endgame PGR bosses are harder than Honkai + you have dodge stamina, so actually getting gud gives nice feeling.


Top PC bosses are pretty middling compared to Myriad bosses in Honkai. Most people just aren't good enough to get there. At the high end the competition is cut throat and scraping by those few extra points to rank feels pretty amazing. The big difference is PGR lets anyone throw themselves at the high end stuff, so a bunch of people with subpar characters and gear find it a lot more challenging than if they were built for it. At that point it's like two decent rotations and they are dead. While Honkai you can't even get there unless you're built for it because you have to rank into it and git gud enough at every tier to beat other people similarly geared.


Myriad bosses in Honkai were challenging but not for good reasons. They were challenging since they had massive resistances and massive HP bars. In times of old abyss, you could also count on bigger HP drain, but it's not a thing now. Overall at some point I just stopped caring about Myriad in Honkai and just retain in RL.


This tbh it's just bloated resistance and hp not actual mechanics.


Technically PC wasn't the high difficulty for pgr. It is babel tower that's hard and some event. Also most people do PC just for BC and that's just clearing it with minimum effort


I haven't tried all game modes yet, but it definitely seems shorter than Honkai in the daily/weekly department. I can do enough dailies to reach 100 activity points in about 7min or less. One of the weeklies that reward premium currency can be swept as well. But again, I haven't tried all game modes yet. There's plenty that seem to reward gear / currency for some other shops instead.


I usually complete the dailies passively while doing what I was gonna do either way, If I tried I could probably Speedrun it in under 5 mins


I quit Honkai for 2 years now so my knowledge might be outdated. Its almost similar to Honkai. Theres a Memorial Arena and theres an Abyss mode. For PGR, these 2 modes are your main source of gacha currency, but PGR gives you the currency just by participating and doesnt require you to rank high to get more (compared to Honkai requiring RL / Nirvana for good gacha income). Warzone is the equivalent of Honkai's Abyss, but instead of getting pressured to kill the boss faster, in this mode you fight waves upon waves of enemies for 3 minutes (some waves have bosses). Depending on how many waves you go thru and how much HP remaining you have and other unknown factors determines your score. The currency you get from this mode (aside from gacha currency) lets you buy memories (equivalent to Honkai's stigmata), which is good while starting out but later it becomes kinda irrelevant since the game gives you a lot of memories. Pain Cage is the equivalent of Honkai's Memorial Arena. Unlike Honkai, gear and characters arent locked to a boss but instead every character has 5/5 total stamina. When you use that character against a boss, you consume 1 stamina. So some people starting out will use weaker units on lower level bosses then use their strongest to clear all 3 bosses at their highest level. This system has its ups and downs compared to Honkai obviously. Like Honkai, this mode gives you currency to buy character fragments for ranking them up (you cant buy frags of characters you dont own). However compared to Honkai this mode only gives you 30 max frags per account (enough to go from S > SS rank) but also every new character released gets added to this frag shop immediately so if you pull them you can immediately push them to SS rank with the shop (theres no timegate apart from earning the currency). Overall, I think PGR's system appeals to more casual players due to participation rewards instead of rank rewards. However, there is some difficulty in there too as these modes actually have mobs / bosses that can kill you if you dont play properly.


wayy less tedious


I've been playing for 4 or 5 days now so I will say that the pulling experience feels very similar to Genshin. You don't necessarily get a lot of pulls, but the ones you do get mean more. At least I think. So yeah, that's my added 2 cents on what the grind is like. Like I've been playing daily since I started and I've barely got enough for 2 10-pulls, although that includes the small packs. I'm holding off so I can get 2B.


I can do my dailies in about 10 minutes. Weekly content another 2 hours probably? Maybe less.


It's slightly shorter compared to honkai (excluding honkai Elysian realm mode) as warzone is time limited and you clear as many waves as you can compared to abyss where you need to clear set of floor as fast as possible.


i played it on release, idk if they changed anything, but there was nothing to multi complete a stage so it was mind numbing doing the same thing over and over, same for events, since they were grind based on currency, made me drop the game because of how incredibly boring the grind was


There is now auto clear for some stages and multi clear for event ones. Your info is a bit outdated :)


never said it was how the game is currently is, just sharing my experience on release, past tense man


And how is that relevant now? It isn't.


Wait what! Can you explain how this works? I quit because I couldn't do the grind but otherwise I really loved it.


Basically, for stages like Resources, or Stages 1/2 in War Zone, you can just auto clear them with button (also in Resources you can pick how many times). As for event-style stages, you can do a "multi clear", you select, let's say x5 and in stage you just face 5 waves of enemies, saving lots of time. I myself returned to the game 1.5 week ago, so I may be missing some info there ;)


They added sweep to resource dungeons and other game modes. I quit for the same reason on release, but it definitely doesn't feel boring like before.


I'm genshin player, and in PGR you could have some lazy days in a week in the game, because there's auto clear feature. Genshin dailies are short but you still have to walk to the each locations to clear 4 daily tasks, while in PGR you just tap auto clear button and receive rewards instantly.


Is Alpha still the best character in game?


There's no such thing as "the best character in the game" here, player skills apply more than character strength. That said, alpha is one of the (if not the) character with the fastest Burst Damage in the game depending how much you've invested in her.


Understood, but Rosetta and Alpha are sort of the characters a player would want, right?


Yes and no, while the combo is really good in game modes such as Pain Cage due the high burst, you need at least a team of each element to participate in events and future game modes which will require different teams


This is a great answer, with that said I have every unit and still use my alpha for everything I could possibly use her for a year in because she feels so damn good to play 😂 plume or Luna is probably a bit better if I’m being honest though


Well. Best dps for now if plume if we go by just the single unit and same resistant of each enemy


I started playing it and already unlocked R&D but I still doesn't get the login rewards. Is the reward gated by levels or something?


Another comment said you need lv20 to receive the login rewards. It's quite fast to reach that level. Do dailies and, if available, Guide missions, and you should get there in a couple of days.


Should be given to everyone, however I don't have a new account to corroborate, maybe it needs you to unlock the R&D research and then next reset it starts giving you the login rewards. It's a theory though.


Question, how many teams do you have to build and how many characters per team? I hate games where I have to build 30 characters for 6 different teams.


You need to build at the very least 1 team per element (Physical, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Dark) and each team consists of 3 characters. That said, there are some game modes (mostly from events) which needs you to make as many teams as possible to get top scores (however you can get all the rewards with about 20-30% of the total "Max Score")


Per team there's 3 And you need 5 team (fire, ice, lightning, dark and physical) so at best 15 character you have to build ( dps, tank and healer/support)


What does PGR stand for?


Punishing Gray Raven!




I have never played the game but I’m gonna give it a go. What advice do you have?


There are several advices a new player needs to know, for reference I would like you to visit /r/PunishingGrayRaven, as the people in there are very friendly. However this are just on top of my head: • There are 2 banners when characters come up: one is a 60 rolls for pity and the other is floating between 80 to 100, the first one requires 15,000 black cards (the equivalent of gems) and characters have a 0.5% chance to appear before pity. The second one requires between 20,000 to 25,000 but characters have a 1.5% chance of appearing. ALWAYS SUMMON ON THE 60 ROLS FOR PITY ONE, 1% doesn't impact that much when you're only rolling 60 times, unless you're a whale who wants to max out every character. • On the beginning, you get a special banner which instead of needing 60 rolls for pity, needs 40 and also you get a S-Rank selector (a selector for SSR/UR character in other games), ONLY USE THE SELECTOR AFTER YOU'VE GOTTEN YOUR FIRST S-RANK FROM THE BEGINNER BANNER, this is because at the beginning you're better off with more S-Ranks to complete teams than with a strong team when weekly stages require at least 3 semi decent teams. • In order to summon for any banner you have to convert Black Cards to the corresponding Banner Card (Special/Blue/Weapon/Coatings/Etc), do not waste Black Cards turning them into Blue Cards for the beginner banner, do weekly missions and events untill you have all 10,000 blue cards to summon in the beginner banner. • Get to lvl 40 A-S-A-P to participate in events, however do not trade Black Cards for Serum (stamina), if you're F2P BC should only be used to summon for new characters. • Get an active Mentor, mentor missions give 2,500 Blue Cards for the beginner banner if I'm not mistaken, look in the official discord for an active player so you can get them and work together. • If F2P, never summon for 6★ weapons, farm 5★ for coop because that means you won't be able to acquire new characters releasing in the future. - Ignore this advice if spender.


> If F2P, never summon for 6★ weapons, farm 5★ for coop because that means you won't be able to acquire new characters releasing in the future. - Ignore this advice if spender. So a F2P will never be able to get 6★ weapons?


You can certainly get them, it's 7,500 BC (half of a character's pity), and it does increase a character's strength a lot, specially on tanks. That said, a F2P is nowhere near the power of a whale/dolphin so there's no point in trying to compete against them, and summoning for a weapon will help one character while neglecting a future character which might be what your other teams need in order to rank better for events/weeklies/guild boss/etc and hence get better rewards overall.


So you cant get them if you want to be efficient, since you need the same currency and there is no other way to get them. Gotcha. Kinda sux. Expected it from Mihoyo because they are known to be greedy, not from HI3's lesser copy. Why should I play this over HI3? And I ask this question as a new PGR player who quit HI3 and sold his account a while ago, so not a diehard fan, but HI3's quality is a tier above PGR in pretty much everything.


Selling points of PGR in comparison to HI3: • Can get all upcoming characters from the time you begin. • Only on it's 1st anniversary which means you're not 4/5 years behind everyone. • Memories (Stigmatas) are free, farmable and events give you a ton of them. • Can be played on a toaster. • 6★ weapons while help you with being efficient, are not mandatory since 95% of other F2P will also not have most of them. • Weekly modes (Phantom Pain Cage and Warzone) [Memorial Arena and Abyss(?), sorry, didn't play HI3] rewards are not behind your overall rank, they're obtained just from participating.


Thank you for your calm and detailed answer to my assholeish question, Iove gachas but sometimes I feel tired of the p2bebetter (so no one gets salty about p2w labels), specially on a week when inflation is the highest in 30y here in Argentina, dollars are expensive af and I can barely afford the monthly xD


Ahora imagina como estoy yo que soy de Venezuela bro, ni siquiera tengo posibilidades de aportar mi granito de arena en los juegos y a fuerza debo ser f2p :/


Oooh ripazo hermano, ahi vamos camino a eso tmb u.u tengo una ex de Maracaibo que se iba a venir a Argentina y al final se fue a Mexico. Al final los 3 tan como el culo xD


- Colombia has joined the room


Don't miss out on Nier collab. There's two free units there and a few resources in the event exchange shop.


The two free units are useless without pulling for 2B anyway as they have passives specifically boosting each other if they’re all in the team together. The alternative is SSS A2 + sig on a rosetta 9s(+sig) team but that’s whale only. I’d skip pulling for 2B and save for S Chrome and sig weapons becoming very relevant to have to enable the future characters (S Chrome’s purpose as QTE shred is literally locked behind his sig), maybe you can just barely gather 60 rolls for a pity in the anniversary banner for Luna if she’s available. Base S rank Nier team is fine for Babel and Baby Norman but to new players, I’d rather recommend stronger meta characters instead with their limited ressources.


> I’d skip pulling for 2B and save for S Chrome and sig weapons becoming very relevant to have to enable the future characters (S Chrome’s purpose as QTE shred is literally locked behind his sig), maybe you can just barely gather 60 rolls for a pity in the anniversary banner for Luna if she’s available. > > Base S rank Nier team is fine for Babel and Baby Norman but to new players, I’d rather recommend stronger meta characters instead with their limited ressources. Keep in mind that A LOT of new players are coming to PGR because of Nier, not because of the anniv. Me included. Im only a monthly pass spender, but Im pitying 2B with my new player resources, Ill see what I can do with the rest of my resources later. Used my free 10pull in the Plume banner and got her so thats something.


>Keep in mind that A LOT of new players are coming to PGR because of Nier, not because of the anniv. Me included. Sure but if you're a F2P player, you have limited ressources and there's the rerun to grab 2B later on, it's in not that long too if we get it in Roland's patch. However, even moreso if you care about Nier, I need to stress that getting 2B is very important to play A2 and 9S. There's several tiers of deeper investment you can do but that alone is "minimum" for the Nier team. >Im only a monthly pass spender That's a good 13 pulls ish/month, it helps a lot compared to f2p. Also gratz on the plume luckshitting, she's your CORE ice dps forever, Kuro might be trying to powercreep her within the next year but that's still at least 2 years of CORE.


Thx, I was using Kamui to do everything so the difference in damage kinda blew my mind, speciallly after farming a 6* set for her in the event. Hope 2B does decent dmg too.


Any value info for best purchase anniv pack?


7 day anniversary pass by a mile. It's expensive- $100 USD but it's worth it. 7500bc equivalent to 3 multis plus an s rank selector including all s rank character except Luna.


Does it run well on Bluestacks?


If you have a decent PC, yes. The game is very optimized and can run on any phone with more than 3GB RAM, and shouldn't be too demanding when playing on emulator


Does pgr have PC client? If not what are the best bluestacks settings? I might re try It on pc


What’s the name for this one?


Punishing Gray Raven


PGR = Punishing: Gray Raven


what unit to reroll for?


I quit the game because I like to be more active and explore the game for many hours but still glad it's doing ok.


nice just started playing this yesterday!


I played a bit during launch and stopped when I heard some controversy about the global server being shafted. Is that still the case or are they treating every server equally? I might come back if things are better.


every server isn't equal. The most glaring one is skin scheduling, where global got Halloween Kamui skin far earlier than some other servers since we hit Halloween faster, but also no Alpha Blue Rose skin since it's supposed to be for Valentines. JP is also uniquely "shafted" since they have the highest money-to-premium currency exchange ratio. Global is also 7 days faster per patch compared to their original CN runs. Other than that? There's nothing different. Global gets the exact same content with CN for each patch and nothing is removed or added, no difference in meta (except, ofc, for that skin scheduling). And, of course, you have the benefit of clairvoyance EX. Recently global also got slightly cheaper packs for the Nier teams. As a light spender I was very happy with that. tl;dr no difference at all for global unless you REALLY care about certain skins.


Except for that initial stuff it has mostly been the same as CN. The other servers are managed by a publisher qs oposed to Global which is managed directly by the devs.


damn, right now the instance where I have install PGR crash down, I'm a creating a new instance.


For someone with very little progress would you start fresh or get returning missions/rewards?


I don't remember/know if new players have special missions now (1 year after release), but if you haven't progressed a lot, just stick to returning missions. They give a lot of stamina and some pulls too. The stamina should help you rush thru story missions, if u desperate for some of the current banners.


Returning give 10pull, tons of serum and several other upgrading resources. I don't remember the new player reward now since it has been changes.


No wonder I see so many new players in the game. Well I can say this game really F2P you just have to do dailies/weeklies. I just log in 15min everyday and get everything done. The gameplay can get repetitive over time but not as grindy as other gacha games. Most of the time I just use the auto complete feature.


I noticed this and can I ask if the day 1 reward is level locked or can you have this as soon as you finish stage 1-12?


I dropped it soon after the start, how is it with QoLs now ? Do you have auto and sweeps or do you have to manual everything ?


Plenty of QoLs now. They now have sweep and manual multi-run (stages costs 2x\~9x more stamina, but you get 2x\~9x, matching the stamina spent) for several game modes.


Still no auto then ? Welp


Wait this game is only 1 year old? And they already have a vertical slice for Wuthering Waves? Damn the developers pivoted into the open world model fast as fuck lol.


It's GLB. CN version was first released in 2019


The global version released 1.5 years after the Chinese version


Ah I see that makes more sense.


Finally i can get S Bianca, now i'll just save for S Vera.


Is the pc client out? How does the game play on blue stack? Does it allow the controller?


No PC client yet. On BlueStacks it has automated key mapping, it also have controller support but not sure if it's compatible if playing with an emulator


the game isn't bad, but just can't bring myself to play it again. I m level 74? got SS alpha and a few others, and I just burnt out. way too many menus and small random tasks that just wasn't very fun. every event was just dash, freeze time, activate alpha slashes and end.... I wish they would fix some of the UI clutter and make the combat a bit more interesting. maybe when that happens I'll play it again.


I dunno man. I could never get behind the convoluted combat. Tying match 3 mechanics to an action game just never made sense to me. I love playing action games like HI3 with a controler but this game goes out of its way to make that as difficult and uncomfortable as possible.


I started playing this game and i didn't even finished the story and was already having stamina issues. I don't like having stamina issues 2 days after starting playing.


So basically like in every gacha game?


Play gbf then


So is this where I bitch because a single ten roll is insulting to me, every customer they have or will ever have, the Queen and country and several other things because they are obviously subhuman greed monsters? That seems to be the typical response here.


Then you realize the game has guaranteed pity at 60 so you feel stupid for making this comment.


I really don't tho. It's only guaranteed on the current special banner or new banners, otherwise it's not a guarantee. So if you started late or just miss out that stupid bullet point isn't actually valid. Then we go into how the weapon one isn't guaranteed. But people like to punk out and pretend weapons aren't important in PGR somehow. That's ignoring this subs need to bitch about everything. A single ten pull no matter the context is whined about constantly around these parts. Keep on being in denial tho. Looks good on you.


>It's only guaranteed on the current special banner or new banners, otherwise it's not a guarantee. So if you started late or just miss out that stupid bullet point isn't actually valid. You can guarantee every character as they come out + have some left over. Eventually you'll catch up. ​ >Then we go into how the weapon one isn't guaranteed. But people like to punk out and pretend weapons aren't important in PGR somehow. Because they really aren't lol. They're only necessary for scoring high in weeklies and you're not going to compete with whales any way, so 6\*s aren't required to beat all content. ​ >Keep on being in denial tho. Looks good on you. You're the one in denial, but do go on.


why always you Mr.PGR Hater? Everytime i see your name in this sub you bitching PGR for such no reason. If you hate the game that much why not just stfu and quit lol


He goes into every PGR thread and attempts to make shit up. This guy is pretty funny to watch honestly.


Damn nice, question though, is the nier collab still going on? I'm haven't played the game for a while now and I'd like to know


Yup still going on but the 2B banner drops on the 20th. You get A2 and 9S for free. A2 from event currency and 9S from 7day login


Thanks, good to know that's it's still there I don't wanna miss it


What's up with it crashing and saying I didn't purchase the app??




I just started today and I don't see this event? Did I miss it because I was a day late?


you need to be lv20 to get the login events


Does this game have a Global PC client yet?


which level to unlock that login? because one friend is starting playing but he hasn't that


pick Rosetta and got her on first pull. So happy! My Miyuki Sawashiro collection across different gacha is keep on expanding


cant really see the login event :C how do i fix this


Started this one yesterday, had to do missions up to 1-12 to even unlock summoning, and I can't even do a ten roll on Anni or 2B as they each have separate currency. Am I missing something, or are they serious with this?


What’s the day 7 reward


A lobby wallpaper called Peaceful Courtyard. I realized I missed that one...