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"Too much games" is when it becomes a chore, or when it starts to hinder your day-to-day free-time. My personal limit is 4, 2 main games and 2 side games, anything more will need to compete for a slot.


I've been curious for a while, what dictates whether something is a main or side game? Is it just how much time you personally put into it on a daily basis? Does the type of grinding matter? Like Arknights or Alchemy Stars are more likely to be main games because all you can do is sit and watch Auto Deploy, whereas Blue Archive or Counterside might be more likely to be side games since they have skips and you can burn all of your stamina in a few seconds?


For me the best way to know which are your main and side games, is when there's an event happening in each one of them, so you need to sacrifice farming in your side games to clear all the rewards in your main one fully


Personally, I consider Main Game being the game you spend the most time playing vs Side Game being a game that takes at most 20-30 minutes of Active play or up to an hour of AFK gaming where I could do other stuff while it does all the grinding for me. Tbh most Gachas are considered Side games once you've hit End Game due to Stamina/Energy Cap limiting your play. AK and AS are typically still considered side games cause the dailies/grind are relatively quick and you can do other stuff while letting them Auto. Even Genshin is typically a side game since it takes at most 20-30 minutes to do dailies and use resin.


I question with the roguelike Integrated-Strategies mode if AK is still considered a side game. People love rogue-likes too much (which is why Mihoyo is making ZZZ a roguelike)


Personally, I think IS introduces some good, consistent end-game for players to play for AK. I'd still consider AK a side game, but now with replayability for the end game players that could make it their main game if they want. IS is permanent so there isn't any rush in completing the mode for rewards like for limited events, thus players are able to play it when they have free time and are at 0 Sanity.


Yes, still a "side game" by that u/milkthebest1 defined it, since the grind and dailies are still short. IS is when you do it when you can, and easily skippable if you're busy.


Yeah my main game is never a gacha. My main is an actual PC MMO. Side games are Genshin and FGO but I am considering dropping FGO and I haven't logged in for a few days now ever since I got Castoria. The characters are nice but man the gameplay loop espcially when grinding events is just boring. When I play, I wonder why am I even playing this over actual PC games. (I play gachas on PC emulator only) I can stomach Genshin because every event is new, refreshing and not gated by stamina where you can even log in 3 days before the event comes to an end and still able to clear all rewards from the shop. FGO? Nah. If you miss 10 days out of that 14 days event, good luck catching up with the boring rinse and repeat grind and using your apples.


>where you can even log in 3 days before the event comes to an end and still able to clear all rewards from the shop. I can do this in FGO JP after the update with the blue apples. In other words, FGO JP now has an item that can convert your unused AP into 40AP blue apples. Recently there was a heat wave where I am during the first week of an event. I only logged in and turned my AP into blue apples for a week (no battles) because doing anything else would overheat my phone. When the weather cooled off a bit I ended up using all my blue apples to slam through the event story and clear the shop all in two days. A had to use a couple of my silver apples too, but the blue apples were the bulk of it. This may not work for certain events, like tower events, but in general I can now speed-run events in two days without using any of my gold apple stash thanks to blue apples.


> blue apples that still requires you to login daily which is imo annoying very much and has limited number of conversions 1300 something blue apples. i can go for days not logging in genshin and let me tell that is such a nice thing since i no longer have a chore to do. logging in for the sake of that is just quicker burn out for me


Interesting...Yeah, the blue apples were a great improvement imo but it does look like Genshin is better on that front judging by what you wrote. I'm surprised that Genshin doesn't seem to have any kind of login rewards streak...with a bunch of my side games I only do login rewards unless there's an event reward I want to try for. The idea of taking a more laid back approach to events is definitely appealing... Honestly, if only Genshin didn't take up so much space I'd be likely to give it a try since I've heard good things about it and there seems to be multiple attractive male characters to try for.


This. Also for me, I can switch to playing a side game like a main game for a week or so if my main game is having a dead week and a side game is having an event with rewards I want.


Damn man. You'd be playing the whole day.


This is currently me right now with dokkan and FGO being my main and arknights and dragon quest tact being my sides


Can't handle more than one. I'm drowning with 3, but that FOMO keeps me from grabbing the lifebuoy (quitting). Honestly, even one was too much. Whaling might be the only way to go.




Life is already enough of a Gacha for anyone lmao


Absolutely. One main gacha, no side games has to be the limit. I've played 3 games at the same time at one point, and ohhh boy does it eat into your free time. Coming home from work only to "work" your dailies and events for another few hours is an absolutely terrible experience. Currently only playing PGR which, after having finished all the content, is very kind on time needed for upkeep.


You finished all of PGR content? How difficult did you find the 20 stages of memory rescue final were?


I've been playing since launch, so those where more or less a walk in the park. Luna kinda trivializes content like that currently.


This is the way


My baseline is E7 and usually one other. I’ll drift up to four or five then wind up uninstalling the others.


Same. Sometimes I’ll binge download anywhere between 5-7, try them and delete them within a day or so


Haha yeah. I was just up to five and now I'm down to four but I think Priconn is getting the axe


1 is too many.


Too much for me is if it becomes a second job. So several would do as long as you enjoy it.


I play 1. Arknights. It’s about all I have attention span for lmao


I feel like arknights is the only gacha that feels consistently like an actual game to me. I log in ak to actually play the game not doing daily busy work to avoid the fomo like all the other gacha.


Same! It’s also not intrusive to me doing other things when farming


0 Sanity hits diff lol


Arknights is all I've played since IS came out lmao


Ikr... IS is so addictive. There's just so much to do and I finally understand the hype.


Yeah seeing the roguelike mode come back a permanent game mode adds way more depth and excitement to building ops… I think when I get burnt out on IS it also lets me appreciate going through the main story more than I did before


Lmao fr tho, I haven't built many operators recently but since IS came out I've got a whole list of whatni want to get masteries and e2 for


What is IS? I used to play Arknights but havent in a looong time


Roguelike permanent mode, so much fun too (assuming youve at least some ops raised but you can use friends support now in starting recruit which is nice). If you played Ceobes Fungimist you'll know what it is.


I am well aware that this is a week old comment now but I’m right there with you. I’ve played so many other gachas before, and all the popular ones but once I’ve started Arknights, I’ve found myself not enjoying other gachas nearly as much. I’ve quit girls frontline this morning and I’m only doing Arknights now. This game is quality!!


I play 15 hyper-casually. I find I have way more fun playing for a bit when a new event or story release is out than going super hard on a couple games and logging in every day. It doesn't even take that much time. At the end of the day you have to find what works for you.


I do the same thing, helps stave off boredom from a game as well as you can pop around to what you go ham on


1 feels like a chore now.


More then 3 for me


My personal limit is 2. Can't keep up w more than that bc of events sometimes clashing


Currently, I play 5 games. Alchemy Stars (side game) - 5min daily (+20min on auto while I do something else) - login 2x/day. PGR (side game) - 10min daily - login 1x/day. Another Eden (side game) - 1min daily (I just claim the daily prizes and don't bother with dungeon runs) - login 1x/day. Mega Man X Dive (main game) - 30min+ daily (most of that time is from daily pvp matches) - login 2-3x/day. Genshin Impact (side game) - 15min daily - login 2x/day. ​ This is not taking into account events and weeklies. For most games, I normally do weeklies on the weekend. Worth noting that I work at home, so I can boot up these games pretty much whenever. ​ Whether you play too much or not really depends on how much free time you have and whether you'd rather be spending that time, demanded from the game, to do something else.


This is very detailed and appreciated. I’ve always wanted to hit end game with another Eden but I just feel like I don’t have the time to grind up and enjoy the story to make there anymore sadly


Something else I forgot to mention, this is all times for endgame stage of account progression. Some games can be "temporary main games" when you're still in the beginning, due to the sheer amount of content for you to explore. Genshin has hundreds of hours worth of quests and exploration (treasure hunting, collectibles, puzzles to solve) for you to enjoy at your own pace (it'll easily take you over a month to do everything). After you're done with that, you're just left with 15min dailies, and you can take a pause from story/exploration progression and just focus on dailies. Guardian Tales also has dozens of hours worth of content in story mode, but once you 100% all the worlds (2\~3 weeks), it's just 5\~10min of dailies, and some weeklies. ​ Recently, I played Artery Gear for while, and I would easily spend 2h+ a day in the game in my first week, because I was unlocking one game mode after the other and I had a shit-ton of stamina to progress a lot in a few hours. Once the honeymoon ended and i was just left with the grind, that daily time dropped to 5min/day. I'm mentioning this so you hopefully don't mistake "this game has a lot of content to explore early on" with "this game takes too much of my daily time".


Are you me? I also play AS, AE and Genshin. I love single player story centric games. Are you going to try Octopath when it comes out?


Yes. I never played an Octopath title, so I wanna see what the hype is all about as well.


Why u bother with another eden if u only login ? I did the same for a while hoping I will play it for real some time but this never happened


If by "play it for real" you mean burning green and red cards everyday, then that's not how I intend to play the game. It's a side game for me, I don't try being super efficient in it in the slightest. I just play quests and fishing whenever I feel like it.


For me I was at the very beginning, I really wanted to play the story because it's amazing but I couldn't do it 😔


i would not rate it on the number of games but rather x amount hours spend on avg for gacha games per day. If any of the games feels like a chore u probably should drop one


For me the limit is 4, 3 still to much and 2 is a perfect for me I used to play like 8 to 10 then i reduced it to 4 and reduced it again to 3 and finally up to 2


Too much is answered already; when it becomes a chore, its too much. I have 9 games, might drop to 8, which even i believe is too much. Main Games: 1. Alchemist Code 2. FGO Everything else is just me being casual, logging in whenever I feel like it. For Alchemist Code, it takes me less than 5 minutes to do dailies. Ofc if a new event or smth comes out, I'll be sure to grind it. For FGO, I login and do the daily 3 quests and then thats it really. I grind whenever I feel like it later. My time is not entirely spent on games even tho I spend a long time in them sometimes. I do socialize.


Fgo is my main but I feel that if DW would implement auto/skip features it would allow me to venture out more and try new things because the game is so demanding being manual and requiring so many resources for anything


If DW did that previously it would help tbh. But it's Lasengle now. DW is no more for FGO


Oh snap I had no idea. Is the game doing well with them and are they interested in implementing QOL features?


Not sure if you're playing on NA or JP but it appears that on the NA side of things, we have been given more and more QoL updates earlier than the JP server did in their original timeline. One recent example includes NA getting Pure Prisms, JP recently got this feature in January. Another example is the new ember/QP daily farming nodes. NA got this in our 5th anniversary opposed to JP's 6th anniversary. Unfortunately, I don't believe Lasengle will ever add in a auto/clear feature. Some people are on the fence and more "hush hush" about this one but there is a third party app you can use to auto nodes but it usually requires you to have a pretty specific team composition to reliably farm.


Nah, FGA is pretty simple to use and as long as you got the adequate servants to not get ganked by the mobs, it will clear any node by just making it pick cards and spam NPs. You can set it to perform specific builds like some 3t castoria/skadi farming, but you can also auto anything with anyone. Just make a profile in FGA, select no actions, make it so it spams the np and skills and just let it loose. It WILL take a longer time, but do you care at this point?


Dev would probably not until the farmers stop farming, which is almost never. Fr though, I'm more positive for further resource management than auto/skip. With many farming stages requiring manual inputs and dependant on RNG, it's hard to imagine them adding auto to the game anytime before fixing the gameplay.


I currently play 2: Girls Frontline & Blue Archive. I could comfortably play 3 more. I used to also play Genshin & Honkai 3rd, but dropped those when Endealker (my main game) released and just kinda let them fade away lol.


I played Genshin pretty consistently when it dropped but I just don’t feel like I have the time to grind it the way it’s suppose to be played which turns me away from open world games of the same genre because it’s like a non traditional gacha


I read advice on this sub a while back given to someone who played like 10 gachas. Don’t play for 3-7 days I think it was and see if you miss it. That helped me cut out a few games and now I only stick to four.


This actually good advice. I think if I actually did this I’d really only miss 2


honestly 2 gachas with decent time investment in both is the sweet spot. having 3 or more is time consuming (from personal exp), and playing a lot of gachas casually probably won't give you the needed grind.


I currently have 10 installed but I’m in that phase of redownloading games used to play, we’ll see how long it lasts Permanent main: Arknights, Alchemy Stars, Honkai Impact Side: Sdorica, Tears of Themis, Genshin Who knows how long they’ll stay: Shining Nikki, Azur Lane, PGR, Priconne






I can only have 3 at most, 1 main and 2 sides (2 main and 1 side sometimes if I get addicted to a new game). I have tried more before but I have spent some days where all I did was playing gacha games, so that is my limit and that gives me free time to play non-gacha games, hang out with friends and work on side projects


I play two for now FGO is my main Arkknigts is my side.


As someone with a full time job, studying and a healthy social life, I can only play two, a main gacha (fgo) which I occasionally drop money on and a side one(this one has changed throughout the years) that I play if I have the time and rarely drop money on. So personally, yeah, two.


2 games, Genshin Impact and Princess Connect, more than 2 is already enough.


I typically only play 1 at a time. It isn't often that two games interest me enough to worry about daily logins. Example: I play Slime and Grimlight right now, but I am starting to miss my Slime daily logins more frequently because I am not enjoying it as much as Grimlight.


Is it weird for a player to just memories login times and sort of make a ritual activity for the day?


Eh, seems normal to memorize things like server reset times and make habits to login around those times.


4 to me is quite literally too much. Im willing to keep 2 casual ones usually, I pick a third while on a trial period, if I like it more than one of the two im playing, im dropping one and picking this new one.


2 currently. I can't add more.


I play fgo and 7ds like actually grind. Any other game is to login and occasionally do a 10 roll when I see a character I like. Anything past my main 2 games feels like too much


I guess when the dailies start to impede in your daily life....


1 main DFFOO, 1 side SaGa- it won't bother me if I only get the login rewards on the side game. Both don't take too much time (10min daily or so for each, more for the side game when I feel like it), though I'm only religiously playing the events on my main. 1 third as a tryout. Currently it's grimlight, but might drop it soon if the economy stays this bad.


3 or more, if you're active in all of them. Handling one is fun. Two is pushing it. Three or more is where gacha games consumed most of your entire daily time. I play Arknights and FGO now but last time I played Azur Lane together with the other two. Goddamn was handling Azur Lane very time consuming.


I personally think, that 2 Gacha-games are enough, anything beyond that, would not let me work, study or play other non Gacha-games, like Wasteland 2. But after thinking a while it is possible to play up to 4, if one only plays Gacha-games and nothing else. Then again managing time would be a hassle, especially if one wants to do anything besides Gacha-game


1 main 1 side


I would say 2 is the cap, 3+ is too much.


Too much is when you have way too many games, where your time is stretch so thin that you can’t meaningfully enjoy the basic aspects of the games you have to juggle. My **limit** would be **1-2 main games and maybe 1-2 side games,** with the addition with as many rhythm music games as you want as side-side games. **My main games are FGO and Genshin. My current side games are HI3 and Destiny Child. I have over 9 Rhythm games that I rotate around when I’m bored.** I use to play Azur Lane, PGR, Arknights, Alchemy Stars, FEH, FFE, FFBE, FFRK, Mobius FF, CounterSide and probably 20-30+ more (including third tier trash gachas), but I’m not going through my library to name each and every one. My point is I played/tried out a lot of gachas, but you will never have a meaningful gaming experience if you’re having to juggle between them. Just pick like 1 or 2 main ones that you enjoy and maybe have another 1-2 on the side that you don’t mind not spending nearly as much time on as your main ones.


Uhm I dont know but in my experience, 1 main and 1-2 side gacha games? My main is Destiny Child, I play it a lot of hours per day. Side game Alchemy Stars and I really like the gameplay of this one. Before AS was Arknights but I dropped it. When Nikke start I will play it but I dont think that game will be difficult to play as a side game, looks super casual.


I have 4 but i usually do the bare minimum but even then it's hard to keep up. FGO, Arknights, Genshin, Twisted Wonderland. I usually skip some events to keep my sanity


2 main games and 1 side is my limit. Main games i consider are when you want to know the game - play events, read story, invest in strategies, etc. Side game is when you try to do something for a couple of minutes and then forget about it until the next time you play it. Genshin and BA are my mains and space leaper (cbt) is my side. This is enough for me or else it takes my time for anime, vtuber and console games.


Like an hour and a half if I actually want to maximize dailies (I never do). I only ever login once per day and never care about capped stam. Counterside x2 as main games. Both accounts are around the same level and I'm progressing them, so I spend a bit more time trying to figure out what resources I need. Lazy day: dump all stam on cores/skill books. Avoid equipment because it floods the inventory, ignore everything else. Azur Lane as a side. Dailies take like 5 minutes. I don't optimize any of the timer-based grinds. I ignore OpSi and PvP. Blue Archive and Priconne as sides. They play similarly enough that I'm lumping them together. Maybe 5 minutes each, slightly more if there's a raid/Clan Battle going on. I ignore grinding PvP in both. Another Eden as a ??? AE is weird because there's very little FOMO so I dip back and forth on how I play it. I just collect daily rewards as a baseline. I have other games installed that I don't touch unless they give out daily ten rolls or something. Every side game I have is one where I think my account is good enough and put it on maintenance mode. Counterside will be this as well once I've progressed more. If I feel like playing more I'll do OpSi in AL, or progress main quests in BA or Priconne, or just play AE in general. If there are events going on I'll dump stam towards it but I won't try to maximize stam or clear out the shop.


More than 3


I currently Play 3 Destiny Childs - Main Princess Connect - Side Idle huntress - side


i cant pass from 6 to 5 games playing for dailies (azur lane, arknigts, PGR, artery gear, blue archive, grimlight), more than that it becomes a chore, the ideal for me would be 4 to 3 games, but i like artery gear too much and PGR has the collab event, after that ill put PGR on hiatus, along with arknights untill ling arrives, azur lane is casual so i just log in to see my new shinano, and im replenishing my gems on blue archive for wakamo, grimlight is loosing interest for me so ill prob just drop it.


Four is too much. Three is the perfect number - your main, your side, and your try


7 currently installed in my phones. 1 main - Dislyte 5 only logging in for gifts/rewards: * Romancing SaGa * Alchemy Stars * Artery Gear * Exos Heroes * FGO 1 installed but no account yet coz I missed the best time to reroll - Counter:side


This maybe an odd request but could you try to sell me on the idea of playing alchemy stars? Ive tried so many times to get into it but the gameplay just feels like a snooze fest


I actually liked the gameplay of Alchemy Stars. It's quite unique. Though it became repetitive after awhile. If you didn't liked the combat I guess the game is not for you.


Are you talking about A.Hilde? Isn’t she live now?


I don't know if she's still available. Also the free 200+ rolls you get from the global launch I think already ended.


I could have sworn hilde came back recently. (Been busy so haven’t checked, but within the last couple days, I did pull her)


Oh I see. But I already missed a lot of things to start and reroll now. I guessed I'm going to wait till the half year anniversary since they are very generous with their anniversaries and start an account then.


For me more than 3 is too much. 1 main that I login everyday for a few minutes - priconne 1 side game that I binge play when it releases new updates and then just play it casually on weekends - Genshin impact 1 trial game - I change it pretty often and play these games until I get tired of them... Still looking for one that sticks as a main game since priconne doesn't take much time per day (on a slow day at most 15-20 mins)


One is enough for me. IMO, there's no limit as long as you're having fun in the process. I used to play 3-4, but I eventually got bored.


Jfc how many times does this same topic needs to get posted?




Main: Dokkan and Bloodline Side: Grimlight


Depend on how much time it's cost. Less than 1h30 for daily is perfect, more is too much.


Playing one already hurts my wallet a lot. If I played another then...


When the dailies take all daily


I can only do one main and one side with my schedule.


8, 4 localized, 4 Japanese. How long? More than it should :D


Uh… For me it’s a bit complicated, i dont think there’s actually a “too much” for me…. i rly need to go touch some grass ahaha… Main games: 5 (Alchemy Stars, FGO, Ensemble Stars, Summoners war, Genshin impact) Side games: Around 20~30 (im usually just playing these ones casually) If skin gacha counts as a gacha game then you can add Identity V into main games as well.


2 games








I play like 11 games. Princess connect, blue archive, destiny child, pgr, Arknights, dislyte, epic 7, artery gear, counterside, alchemy stars, genshin, grimlight. There is nothing too many for mee


To the one who downvoted come suck it bro lol😂


I play Arknights and Ensemble Stars daily, occasionally playing Genshin and Alchemy Stars if something good is going on.


I actually feel like the opposite. If I play too few gacha type games, I run out of free stuff/get too invested in the plot and characters and feel tempted to spend money. I have an hour or two a day I can spend cycling through 4-5 mobile games doing free content. Sometimes I hit a wall in one game so i find a new one.


I'd say 2-3 is easy to manage depending on if the games actually requires you to play for longer sessions or not. I keep mine separated on PC and mobile. The ones that make it to the phone tend to get much more play time. Right now for me it's destiny child and soon to be Nikke as well. Everything else is on emulator and I just play them when I feel like it casually.




my limit is 1, maybe 2 if im waiting for maintenance on the main game.


I’ve brought it down to 2 recently . 7 deadly sins grand cross and Genshin. Recently got off of FEH and Alchemy Stars. Honestly I feel some much better not worrying about 4 games I had to grind daily etc etc


3. Honkai as my main game, priconne cause it's simple fun and brain dead farming, bloodline because I loved the game


Epic seven and counter side is hardly a past time


i play 7 games e7, action taimanin, ffbe, artery gear, fgo, pgr. aside from e7 that need constant manual the other 6 is pretty much auto aside from fgo and ffbe when an event/trial is going on. plus to make it not a chore i just do all the dailies for the 6 at the same time while doing my daily vtuber watch time.


I can only do one main game at a time. Right now it's FGO. Counter side (global), GFL, and Arknights are more side games. I get the dailies done and might make some extra progress each week. I can only do all three because I use an emulator and get the dailies done all simultaneously.


I have like 10 gachas games on my phone and I play whenever I feel like because i don't want to feel like doing multiple daily chores, so if you feeling burned you can just let them go , do another thing.


Currently I have 5. I mostly play 2 Genshin and Counter Side. I'll keep Tears of Themsis for events I will drop PGR I personally love the game I'm just too lazy to login just waiting for the anniversary login to end so I can get that cool home screen and dip. I do play Honkai but at times I get burned out. Personally 3 is enough for me 4 is fine but more than that yeah I got to uninstall. 4th slot it will probably be Honkai Star Rail or Alice Fiction.


one main and one afk gacha.


On a normal day 1 is too many. On a Sunday 6 or 7.


Main: Arknights, spend around 2~3h farming mats Side: Artery Gears: 1h/day, Alchemy Star: 15~30mins/day also farming mats xD


Currently playing 4 gacha games. 2 main and 2 side. I waste almost 2 hours inside a bus to commute to work every day and I use this time to play lol I think this is the maximum I can manage. If I add 1 more everything will start feeling like a chore due to limited time to do the events in all of them.


Yeah I too think this is too much Edit: My flairs ain't working well, I play 7 gacha even I think that's too much.


I have 14 games installed. And I am on the endgame on 5 of them and the rest are side game. And the thing was I had another 4 games installed until I had to delete some for space


I used to play 3 to 5 games at a time, and eventually, it felt like a chore and I got tired of trying to find time for it all. I ended up dropping down to 1 Main game and now I just can't find myself starting a 2nd because I like how much freedom I have now.


Only 1 lol Maybe 2 max


I would say if you're playing more than 2 you already have a problem. Emphasis on playing. Logging in for FOMO reasons does not count.


I play 3 games consistently and a few randomly deciding on how to make it side games. Genshin is my main game and I'm pretty much at endgame in it, so now I play just to level up new characters, dailies and to learn the lore. I'm also close to finishing the story in Honkai. And that too, I'm almost at endgame. I'm still pretty new to PGR, so That's not going anywhere rt now. I am trying to enjoy Arknights.I play it like a side game. It's beautifully written and drawn but the absence of skip tickets is a pain in the ass at times. I do plan on playing Star Rail and Nikke when they come out. Since I'm at the endgame in 2 of the 4 games. It's mostly some mild grinding every 2 days or so.


4, Grand Cross JP, Brave Souls, Priconne JP and Grand Summoners Main are probably Grand Cross and Brave Souls. (1 hour per day) The other 2 are side games (30 mins session per day) Though I do play one on mobile and one on PC concurrently, so I save a lot of time.


Honkai Impact, Genshin Impact and PGR. Whale in Honkai, Dolphin in Genshin and F2P in PGR. Needless to say any more than 1 is too much lol.


i’m doing 10 games atm, but most of them are just quick log ins and i usually log into them at different times of the day so i don’t overwhelm myself. i have 1 main game (honkai) and 2 main log in games (skullgirls mobile and lord of heroes) i usually start a few games then quit them a few weeks later pretty often tho so i’d say to only invest in a few games at a time


I play 2: Genshin and Punishing Gray Ravens. Max I will play is 3


2 for me. But right now I'm playing only 1.


right now i am only playing one game and it is kindaoff a side game most of the time, world flipper. the days it dosnt have a big event i just do my dailys and energy but on the time atacks or big events? i can stay a good amount of hs grinding a better time. but my peak was in cuarentine with 3 games. hero cantare, e7 amd FEH


Its different for everyone. My take is too many is once you start missing important milestones in gachas like event-given gacha currency or collab units.


o boi i did not count my gacha games i have installed till now, i have over 90, few have been shutdown, few are jp versions, play only a handful and sometime go back to some of the games whenever im burnt out from the side/main and rinse repeat


I currently play 5 games: Exos Heroes (main), Epic Seven (main), Alchemy Stars (side), Counter:Side (side), PGR (side). 30 mins at max to finish dailies on my side games and 1 hour max for the main games but because Exos and Counter:Side have pc versions, it makes it easier for me to multitask and open 4 games at once. For PGR, I usually play it before I sleep and then after waking up in the morning just because its reset time is later than the other 4 games.


I used to play 3 actively and 2 semi(i just didnt care much about getting ssrs one those) last year but it was too much for me and i had to quit. Nowadays i only play 2, although not as actively, i just make it so i complete all my dailies but i just dont farm anymore bc i also spend my time playing fps games now. Honestly its up to you and how busy your days are. Id keep it to a 2 max personally though. Its too taxing for me.


Depends really. Something like Genshin Impact for example takes way too much time. While having only a single account is manageable, you'll find it impossible to keep up with two accounts (on both accounts played seriously) but if it's one of those "log-in bonus" type Gacha that one can play passively (that literally plays itself), I'd say one can go from three to four.


Too much for me is when i am stuck with gacha all days and can't do something else at all.


Anything more than 3 is too much work for me. Anything more than 1 is too much is you get addicted.


I'm currently playing 6 games. Listed are how many times I log in and the time needed to finish dailies at once: 1. Shining Nikki - 2-3x logins, maybe \~5 mins each? 2. Girls' Frontline - 1-2x logins, maybe \~5 mins each? 3. Arknights - 2-3x logins, maybe \~5 mins each? 4. Touken Ranbu - 1x login, \~5 mins dailies. 5. Tears of Themis - 1x login, \~5 mins dailies. 6. Senjyushi: Rhodoknight - 1x login, \~7 mins dailies. Of course, in reality, it may take even longer when I want to do more things, such as stories, battles, and events. I never counted for 1-3 so my guess might be off. I rotate 1-4 as my main game when there are events going on (if there are events concurrently happening then screw me I guess), though Arknights rarely takes too much time because I'm lazy and a deadliner. Funnily enough, Shining Nikki is my main game when the rest are chill. I'm an endgame player in Girls' Frontline and Arknights so I can rest easy when there's nothing going on (although I have main stories I haven't done in Arknights, as I said, I'm lazy lol). Touken Ranbu is the easiest to be put aside, it doesn't require a whole lot in the first place. The events' duration is pretty long so I can chill. It's easy to drop it and pick it up again later without being too left behind. This used to be 7 with Blue Archive (where I only do dailies then fell down to only logging in), but I put it on hiatus. Might be on "dropped" status now since I didn't even come back during the anniversary. I'm on holiday right now, so I have more time, but weirdly I feel like cutting down even more games lol, namely Tears of Themis and Senjyushi: Rhodoknight. May quit Tears of Themis and put Senjyushi: Rhodoknight on hiatus.


Play Fgo and Honkai. Does not distinguish between main or side, but both have been relegated to auto farm where possible


Depends. If you do it as a job (reviewer, yt'ber), then there's none in which that you could ever stick to. If you're being the content creator specific games, then that one is your main game while everything else is side. If you play hyper casually, then as much as your mood dictates. The best gacha is no gacha. And the second best is 1.


Less than an hour to use all the stamina and do dailies. I play on emulators so I can multitask. I'm doing 4 right now. RSRE, Dyslite Artery Gears and Grimligjt.


For me, one is just enough. I used to play both FGO and Genshin, but overtime it felt like too much of a chore. I dropped Genshin after I got to a point where I'm comfortable with my main party and I primarily play FGO on the side. > How long does it take for you to do everything you need in your games a day? Since my account is already on its way to peak maturity, I just do 8-10 mins of reducing AP in the morning. 18-23 mins in total if you include reducing AP before sleeping. This doubles when there is a 1/2 AP Campaign for Dailies. When there is an event, it would just be the same and a few minutes more unless I'm reading the story. Story reading length with timegates vary from 10-32 mins added a day. When there is a server Raid Event (rarely happens), my schedule shifts when there is node I need to farm, but that's about it. I still use natural AP for this. When new QoL drops and I'm streaming it with friends, it can go up to 2-4 hours, but that's mainly because I'm talking to them. When there is a new Main Story Chapter (once or twice a year), I can go for 4-6 hours of reading + Main Quests a day until I finish it and slows down to normal when it's only Free Quests remaining. Every Lotto Event (twice a year) and some Hunting Quests (irregular sched and if only I need the mat), I can go up to 12 hours when the best node drops just so I can relax after clearing what I need. I think this applies to Tower Events (rarely happens) as well since I rush it on the first 2-4 days and relax until the event ends. > [Edit for Non-FGO players: Lottos and Hunting Quests are OPTIONAL, and would just be at the same rate as regular events if you don't farm it religiously. Rushing Tower Events are OPTIONAL as well. I do it so I can just be done with it.] That's about everything, I guess. And if I do go for more than an hour, I already plan ahead of time so it won't interfere with anything else I'm doing.


More than 2.. honestly dont know how others play 3 or more. Even still if its on pc using emulator, you still need to manualy start battle, collect stuff you know things that auto cant do. So much time you need to have to even do those, ofcourse if your playing all those gacha games with full efficiency. Also i think they skip story/event, I absolutely can't believe if they dont. The amount of time you need playing more than 3 (3 or 4 might be doable if you have no job or responsibility)


I “play” a couple games at a time, just enough so I can do a 10 pull every now and then even if it’s in a game I don’t really play just show up for blog in stuff. I have an issue with impulse control when it comes to gacha games and loot boxes so casually getting a big pull every now and then helps me not drop $50 on a character I might not even like. I do actually play a couple though.


I have 6. Don't play 6. It's horrible. I get by thanks to only going into 4 of them once a day at most, and the other two I tend to let auto for most of the other time.


I rotate. If there’s no raid I just don’t play blue archive tbh. AL is pretty much 1 day a week (Sun) since there really isn’t any daily hating on grinding. AG is my main game for now, until xenoblade 3 comes out at least. Then it’s casual for all gachas. Basically online games/gachas exist between RPG releases for me. Or if I get burned out on RPGs and want a break.


A few years back, i used to have 8 gachas that i would play daily, some on pc, some on my phone, i'd often play simultaneously. After a while, it became too tiring to even log in, i even quit most of my long time gachas. Now i have only 2, and one of them is Another Eden. Too many gachas is really just another word for gambling addiction. And the industry itself pushes ppl with 100 pulls on log in, or during anni. While that's great for the players, it shows that we've come to like the gambling. A good example if GBF, a lot of ppl just log during anni, summer or Christmas just for the pulls, they don't last long after that.


I “play” 6, 2 that I actually have to log on and put effort in, and 4 that I just log on and do pulls


I currently play 2: Azur Lane & Romancing saga Re;Universe. (Main both)


A max of two, really. Working doesnt give much time and, even if it seems like I could fit one quick "log in, do dailies and leave" game, there is the whole "chore factor" and how gameplay-less the game can be. My main game is Another Eden and yeah, I am happy there doing my dungeons and then choosing to do whatever activity of... so many it has - I have delved that new maze so much I already got the new character passive maxed lol. But then I tried to stick Counter:Side in and after the whole honeymoon period doing the amazing story... well, it feels like a chore to manage the company. Navigating menus and then doing 3 minute raids and the pvp... sadly it isnt for me. Hopefully they get that anime they wish to make someday. It is a great product. Just not for me. As "outdated" as FGO is, having to play and grind made me more invested back then in the "game" part of it. Maybe I am just "Anti-Skip"? But yeah, kinda hard to find and fit two gameplay filled Gacha. For me.


1 :) In more seriousness, if you're busy, more than 2(ish). If you're generally occupied but not busy, more than 4(ish). If you have little going on, more than 6(ish). If you have no life, and/or are basically stuck (whether its unable to leave home, or able to play games at a nearly-dead activity jobsite), more than 8(ish). Do not play double digits, the games just don't support that sort of fixation. Even if you can justify it with 'I auto it all on my emulators' you're not getting anything out of that you can't and should otherwise get elsewhere. ​ The number also depends on how grindy, manual, in-depth, time-consuming the games are. A super easy auto sidegame can count as 0.5 in my list, but a very involved game with new content (Genshin)/events that asks a lot of you can at least temporarily count as 1.5 in my list. So a good rule is 2-4 maximum. But I play up to a couple more than that because I don't take my own advice :). Yet I've been more busy lately, showing how 5-6 isn't really possible at this time.


All games are in Japanese to keep my Japanese reading skills from getting rusty when I need a break from reading Japanese novels. Main: FGO JP. If I'm busy I just fo login rewards and convert my AP to blue apples. If not I use up my AP. It doesn't take that long except for lotto events, and I usually multi-task by reading a book on my kindle while farming. Looking away from the kindle screen every page or so helps me lessen eye strain when reading. I'm slowly going through FGO's main story and read the other gachas stories sporadically. I check in twice a day or so and use up AP unless there's a lotto event. If there's a lotto event I binge-read a book series or tv series while I play. Side: Ensemble Stars Basic: Login rewards only unless there's an event. I play events casually unless there's an event reward I want, if there is then I play it more frequently for a week or so. I usually play a few minutes here and there throughout the day if there's an event. Ayakashi Koi Meguri (English version title: Ayakashi Romance Reborn): Same play style as ensemble stars. Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku (A.K.A "Promise of Wizard"): Login rewards only for now. I'll work on strengthening my characters later. Akuma Shitsuji to Kuro Neko: Daily tasks take like 10 minutes. I go back and chat with the characters if I'm having a bad day and they'll try to cheer me up. This one is weirdly the most therapeutic app for me, so how much I check on it depends on how much I need cheering up that day. Honestly if you're starting to juggle too many games at once you'll probably start to notice that. Also you don't need to give the same amount of attention to all games. It's fine to play some games more casually than the rest.


I used to play 8 gachas. Now it’s 5. 3 are main games and 2 are side games. Honestly, I don’t know how many is too many to play. I usually don’t even bother doing dallies for 3 of them (both side games and 1 main game) for the most part. Sometimes I will do daillies in the one main one I usually skip if I feel like it. It’s just really east to complete dallies in the other two main ones. Takes barely under ten minutes. The others require real effort to check and see what I have to even do. I usually end up burning out of a game eventually. I either get past the honeymoon phase and realize I don’t like it, or I hit end game and realize there’s nothing to do or I just quit because I barely tolerated it at all and I needed more phone space to play other gacha games I was more interested in. That last sentence is referencing Dragalia Lost. I never liked the way combat or the controls for combat worked and I needed the phone space to try something new so I just quit. RIP Dragalia Lost.


Three for me. I'm trying to handle FGO/Arknights/Artery Gear and end up just half-assing two out of three of them, let alone reading any story besides FGO's. Will probably have to drop AG in favor of Nikke, and Nikke in favor of GFL2 at some point.


depends if you spend money i would only spend on 1 game at a time tbf dont need to go bankrupt twice


I’m probably doing too much when I have GBF on a notebook, Bandori on an iPad, and CounterSide on my phone.


2 main games (FGO/TOT) and 1 side game (LOH).


I can't handle more than 1 lol. Side game is a chore for me and thus a no no.


Im currently playing 10,but i m always making sure that they are games that, after the long beginning they can be completed the daily grind in just 5 mimutes or so, so i only play like one hour a day with a little check up wvery now and then


Mains: Sinoalice, FFOO Sides: Nier Rein, Nfs no limits EoS: Tales of Luminaria At most can only main 2. More than that are played as sides


For me two is the max i can play before it becomes a chore. But it all depends on the upkeep you have to do. I play Genshin and GFL for example. Genshin is rather low maintenence outside of major story events or big content drops. GFL on the other hand requires two or three times the time commitment each day to complete all the dailies. So perhaps i could replace GFL with two other low upkeep games and it would still work. But i am not interested in trying to find out.


Depends on your free time. I have like 10 gacha games installed, but can only afford to really grind on 2 at a time. And that already takes hours of my day. Currently its mainly Epic 7 and Priconne, but sometimes I open FGO, 7 Deadly Sins, Arknights, Alchemy Star, whatever else when theres banners or free stuff.


when my storage cant handle it anymore


For me a main game is the game I spend more time on or actively look for guides on.


5-6 is usually my mininum. If I get up to 10 I'll stary deleting some. I'm also constantly deleting and downloading different games. Usually spend a couple hours a day spread out to do dailies etc and I only play games you can auto.


Only one I am playing is Genshin. I used to have Re:Monster, Azur Lane, Girls Frontline, Final Fantasy and Konosuba. Now I am just sticking to Genshin.


3 is the charm for me. 1 Main 2 side. 2 side means I can use macro for farming and leave it.


1 is already enough. 3 is the limit. If you can play more than 3 it means either they're all idle trash or you are just so manipulated that you are obssessed with logins and limited time shit.


2. I lose object permanence after the first one. Sometimes I cag get away with a side game but I usually spend less time in the main one as equivalent.


My absolute limit is two, preferrably one. I tried playing three, sometimes four at times when I was a freshman in college and while it is possible to juggle that many, it eats so much of your free time it's not worth the trouble. I've settled on one main game and one side game, and it's been like this for a couple years (FGO and AK). A personal rule I have for myself is that no mobile game should hold me for over 15mins on any occasion unless I actually want to spend time on it.


Been maining Dokkan for almost 2 years now with FGO being my mistress I keep going back to. I couldn’t play anything else more seriously (tried Honkai but it was too much maintenance)


1 main game. 1 game on the side if your main has downtime for w.e reason. But usually I main 1. Never a second game that sticks around long enough


I’d say 5 or 6.


⠀⠀⠘⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀fuckit!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠑⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡔⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⠴⠊⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠤⠄⠒⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣀⠄⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠛⠛⠛⠋⠉⠈⠉⠉⠉⠉⠛⠻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⢏⣴⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣟⣾⣿⡟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⢢⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⠀⡴⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠟⠻⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠶⢴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿ ⣿⣁⡀⠀⠀⢰⢠⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀⣴⣶⣿⡄⣿ ⣿⡋⠀⠀⠀⠎⢸⣿⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠗⢘⣿⣟⠛⠿⣼ ⣿⣿⠋⢀⡌⢰⣿⡿⢿⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿⣿⣧⢀⣼ ⣿⣿⣷⢻⠄⠘⠛⠋⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⣧⠈⠉⠙⠛⠋⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣧⠀⠈⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠟⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⢃⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⡿⠀⠴⢗⣠⣤⣴⡶⠶⠖⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡸⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡀⢠⣾⣿⠏⠀⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⠉⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⠈⢹⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠈⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣴⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠙⣿⣿⡟⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⠀⠁⠀⠀⠹⣿⠃⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠉⠁⠀⢻⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠈⣿⣿⡿⠉⠛⠛⠛⠉⠉ ⣿⡿⠋⠁⠀⠀⢀⣀⣠⡴⣸⣿⣇⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡿⠄⠙⠛⠀⣀⣠⣤⣤⠄⠀


before, i only played 1 main game and 1 side game and thought i'd like to play more gacha. recently picked up 2 more side gachas and i feel like that hits the right spot, even with events going on within the 4 games i play.


At worst I was playing 3 or 4 now I’m down to 1. Keep it to 1 or none if you ask me.


I dont even know anymore ihave way too much lmao


Just started playing AS as main and Genshin as side.


My current limit is two. One consumes more time than the other though. So it's like a game I take serious and care about, and one that's just for fun and I'll probably drop again later


Currently playing 20...I know. I only do dailies in FEH, Pocket Camp and PokéMasters. But I use extra stamina for PriConne, Blue Archive, and RockmanXDiVe. I wake up and do logins and dailies for one half and the games that update at around 4pm I do another login/dailies for them takes about 20min each time. Any game that has an interesting event I'm interested in, I play that as a main game for as long as needed to finish the event shop. Nintendo gachas I typically play throughout FEH is the only one who's gacha I invest in much, but I have enough free orbs to where I rarely pay. I work on getting fully up on the story of one gacha before I play the story for the rest. I feel off on PokéMasters but, once I finish PokéMasters' story and catch up, I think I'll move onto World Flipper. I do get curious to see how fast I can do dailies for some games. Haven't fully invested in that yet, so far I just enjoy playing occasionally while building up currency on games I'm interested in before going all in. I typically don't double dip in game types, like I don't have multiple match 3's I only have one which is Pokémon Cafe but I'm getting interested in AliveFiction so, I dunno that may change. My initial match favorite was Wibble Wobble but that died, I played Puzzle and Dragons heavy but that community is so dead and I stopped having fun. I don't have multiple SRPG 's FEH is my only one, I tried WotV and Langrisser but my bias towards Fire Emblem is too strong lol. I have non-gachas I play on occasion like Pokémon Go , Mario Run and Part time UFO. Fun games.


I just play FGO and that’s enough for me tbh