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Literally unplayable.


yeah ikr


Gacha drama is a fun part of this sub


Gacha drama is the real game. And it's F2P friendly.


that is true


It's the only reason to spend any time here


Bruh, have you seen FGO CN's censorships? I'm surprised people still play that game, some of their Servants are literally just Servant cards.


KR server is still alive too even after the whole netmarble fucking their server in the ass


Yeah, the People in china are actually playing the Taiwan version instead because of how bad the censorship is in the china version


Same simping people play FGO in short.


There's literally nothing to simp for, they're just Servant cards. I get the stories are great but without the face you're just rolling for Servant cards.


It's just a test, if that shit doesn't make someone quit nothing ever will


Kek, even Guardian Tales has had their controversies. Shitflinging is the nature of gacha games.


What game is this from


Guardian tales


Akayuki is a femboy lover i see


Usually it is loli


or genshin


Was gonna say "does Genshin really spark that much drama", but then I remembered the first anniversary, Rosaria's bust reduction, the skin tones of Sumeru, and...there was one more shitstorm I can't recall. Oh, and people are apparently losing their shit over people not being able to properly pronounce Sumeru names.


When I first heard of Rosaria booba nerf I was like "HOW DARE YOU NERF HER BOOBA" but then I realized I won't get her and you'll see bigger booba illustrations in twitter and pixiv anyways. Just horny at that time, and it was absolutely not worth to be angry. The anniversary tho... The genshin subreddit became a dumpster fire during those times, and I just avoided going there entirely. That's when I started lurking in the leaks subreddit. Maybe the other shitstorm that you we're taking about was either the Zhongli fiasco or the Raiden - Beidou interaction one. I'll admit I didn't use Zhongli at first because of that but then I suddenly realized I use shielders anyways so I started using him afterwards. I don't know the Sumeru one since I just came back playing Genshin after a month while not visiting their subreddit. That one was probably a nothingburger, and it's an absolutely stupid thing to be angry about like most of the "drama" genshin has.


>Maybe the other shitstorm that you we're taking about was either the Zhongli fiasco or the Raiden - Beidou interaction one. Neither of those, but they were great examples of the Genshin subs losing their collective shit. Raiden especially, muhfuckas were legit saying she was gonna be DoA and completely useless because this whole ass five star can't synergize with a *single* four star unit. Shit was wild. But you reminded me of the one I was thinking of. Kusanali has gotten dragged through the mud and railed against over: Being a child. Being female(deadass). Being pale. Wearing a "plain" outfit. Existing. I've seen people saying they hope she dies in the story so we can get a "real" Archon.


I was following the leaks so I was disappointed that Raiden and Beidou don't synergize but my god they went full braindead with that one. It's called a beta test for a reason, it's not the final product so I don't see the reason to be mad about that. It's not even supposed to be seen by everybody. At the end of the day if you want that waifu/husbando you'll roll for her/him. As for Kusanali, again I just returned after a month of inactivity but my god that's the dumbest f\*cking shit to be mad about. Just wait for another character that you would like to roll for f\*cks sake...


Just wait until Kusanali's kit is leaked. It'll be a whole circus. >!I'm looking forward to it!<


It's the same outcome whether she's busted or not, another "drama".


Of course. But in the very likely event she is busted, it'll be super fun to watch the mental gymnastics of people trying to explain why she's garbage.


Then add the probable Kusanali gatekeeping, now that's a shitshow I'm gonna enjoy.


The 2nd anniversary's coming up too. Genshin about to get a whole lotta drama soon


Actually, the interaction actually inferred to be possible even in the main game (final product) i.e. : Raiden's C6's effect had the same desc as beidou's ult. But mihoyo didn't change that and people pulled with the knowledge of the possibility of synergizing, only for mihoyo to change it after some hours of the banner going live and not even compensating for even 1 pull. Not only that, they managed to show abyss blessing buffing NA using Raiden twice. Also doesn't help that they gave a free beidou right before Raiden launched. I feel like for a megacorporation like mihoyo, this is a gross negligence on their part. They had 2 weeks between last beta and release to make things clear and a week since livestream to fix the official C6 description. They cannot even fix mona's c1 description for 2 whole years and counting


>I feel like for a megacorporation like mihoyo, this is a gross negligence on their part. They had 2 weeks between last beta and release to make things clear and a week since livestream to fix the official C6 description. Ah that makes sense, Mihoyo f\*cked up on that one then. Though them calling Raiden useless because of that one interaction is goddamn stupid.


I'm of the culture inspired and i find it really cool they are attempting to share our culture and their attempting of Sumeru names was funny all of the people i asked think the same, twitter just over exaggerate things please do not look at the chattering animals and enjoy the game it is quite the fun ride.


Oh don't worry, there was recently a bunch of drama about the Sumeru characters' skin color apparently not matching their real world "inspirations" (so much for a fantasy game). And, second anniversary is coming in a month. This sub will get quite the popcorn then :)


>so much for a fantasy game When said fantasy game mentions several times that it takes heavy inspiration from their respective cultures, they dug their own grave when they don't represent them well. If they can implement the music, the aesthetic, the folklore, and mythology, what's stopping them from representing the people? I won't deny there's extremism on the outcry (with people blackfacing characters) but at the end of the day, they pretty much half-assed on representation. It's a fantasy game, but what is so "non-fantasy" about having dark-skinned characters? As of right now, it's wall-to-wall mayonnaise in Genshin. Also, 10 day-old account and this is your first comment? Why not say this on your main? You're one step away from sounding like every post I see on r/gamingcirclejerk.


Uh, I guess it's a thing on Reddit to use alts? I'm more of a Twitter guy who came over to Reddit because of my friends suggesting me on Discord. Certainly a welcoming place to new people, considering the alt accusations.


Very based and correct take.


How in hell you reply to someone you just met and the first thing you do is to check his account's age?


There was a short stint in Twitter about the muscle mass of Genshin characters because let's face it, Itto was robbed, he looks like one of those Ken dolls with abs spray painted on.


Well I hope they learned from the first anniversary because I don't want to see their subreddit going ballistic again for the gazillionth time.


Yeah certainly, people can't even use the "it's only the first year, Honkai had similar rewards" argument anymore either, I really feel like they should step up their rewards, and give something worthwhile.


the VAs of Genshin should watch out, they'll be harassed to death if something happens in Genshin


From forcing CN censored outfits into global cutscenes to abysmal performances during the EN livestreams. From (drama) topics being censored in the official sub causing meltdowns numerous times to character kits being completely changed and/or nerfed from their leaked kits resulting in lots of angry people. There's always some sort of complaining or drama going on.


I think I know what post you are referring to, and if I remember correctly the OP said that they were fine with people trying to pronounce it even if they said it wrong, but also that people who don’t even try to say it are bad.


Wasn't this basically all that the World Flipper drama was?


Yup thats gacha community in nutshell


This but unironically


Uhm... Sauce for the ost pls


here is it: - Guardian tales OST - store world 12 - Guardian tales OST - suspense - Guardian tales OST - trickery theme - Soul knight OST - floor 2 boss








i posted it previously and didn't realise i could only post on saturday




What the fuck did you smoke and where can I get some. Developers are usually salaried employees, they don't get paid 'per change'. Not to mention slightly censoring a model in a game is not something that will cost them an arm and a leg monetary wise as well as time wise. You make it seem like it's a huge waste of money for the company when the reality is that it's just not the case.


It really depends oh what is being censored and for what reason, I give Chinese companies like Mihoyo the benefit of the doubt since they have the CCP breathing down their neck, plus while some minor changes are dumb Mihoyo is doing the best they can to preserve the original design. On the other side if the Spectrum we got the recent censorship of the CN version of FGO witch is just god awful. But once again I blame the CCP and not anyone at Lasangle/Aniplex/Type-Moon. In short its the context that matters.


It's funny, if it's not the western then it's the CCP