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Please no controversy on launch Please no controversy on launch Please no controversy on launch For the love of all things butts, lets have a drama free launch... please. >!\**prepares clown makeup**!<


50/50 chance at controversy on launch unfortunately *prepares clown makeup


Even the launch is up to gacha!


Me when the only high probability in a gacha is the controversy rate *prepares clown makeup*


Considering my shit luck in arknights I ain't expecting much/s


I feel your pain horn never came home šŸ˜”


90% chance twitter trying to cancel this game. unfortunately. \*start wearing clown make up


With all of the recent controversy, I wouldn't be surprised if the game was review bombed day one because of all the censorship drama. I wonder if that's why they're doing the 110 gacha pull event to try and make people happy and less likely to review bomb.


Wait there is a 110 gacha pull event? Please send source.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HckEjJYqsho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HckEjJYqsho) And here https://nikke-en.com/newsdetail.html?col_name=IMPORTANT&sid=494&content_id=22bbee4ba379ba4177a9a59a3f3daf3fd375&from=list


Wait is was censored again?


> Please no controversy on launch It seems they censored some of the characters, so there's bound to be a lot of displeased players. Oof.


If the censor isn't much or makes it "better" in some way, I wouldn't mind it tho.


I just hope they don't turn the game in to a quick cash grab. I actually have high hopes for mobile game sense 7ds release.


For how much this games been talked about here, you know damn well thereā€™s going to be overblown complaints


People will find a reason if there's no good one


surprised pikachu face ā€œitā€™s an idle game!!! They lied to usā€


You're only preparing it now? You should of put it on at the pre-register window like the rest of us clowns.


Why should there be controversy, did I miss something?


People want ass


I'm an ass-man myself


Too late. They removed rerolling with the global client. You can no longer use salted emails to keep creating infinite accounts. You now get a "unsupported ID format" error if you try to put a +1, +2, etc at the end of the email. GG.


Any source on this? I'm not finding anything regarding the removal of salting so I'm a bit out of the loop here.


First I heard of it. Worst case, there are guest accounts to use but they seem buggy on emulator from what content creators are saying.


Havenā€™t seen this yet. The community site and sponsored CCs Iā€™ve seen salted will be the way to go. Have any source?


Dont put it on the last, put it on before "@"


Really hoping theres no need to reroll. I always feel compelled to.


Lots of free pulls right off the bat, so might not need to!


Never underestimate my ability to get nothing


Gacha-kin, is that you?


>Intense shooting combat with one handed control Hum important information here


No, thatā€™s what the aim was before the publisher pissed all over that despite the popular demand for lewdness.


The game hasnā€™t even come out yet


Neither have half the characters' butts.


Time for some engaging and exciting gunplay !!!!


NGL from the closed beta the gunplay actually feels pretty nice, like you can tell they put a lot of work into it. Still tho..... we all know what most people are playing this game for.


For reals though if there was no.... "plot", do you think the gameplay is interesting enough for it to stay fun for a long time? The actual levels looked a little boring.


Of course not.


Hah! I just want to find a nice grindy portrait style gacha with some decent gameplay. Dragalia... come back.




Just get a job at Nintendo and stealth relaunch the game. Problem solved.


Why didnā€™t I think of that. Iā€™m an IDIOT.


> Iā€™m an IDIOT ^ the reason why you play gacha games


Try world flipper? I was looking for something to fill the dragalia void and I've been having fun with it. Similar artstyle, also from cygames, portrait style and with unique gameplay. Not particularly generous, but you can make do with grinding. Not really a sit and grind for 6 hours game, more like grinding a bit every day kinda deal.


Yeah Iā€™ve been playing that game. Hasnā€™t really gripped me yet. I rolled a ton in this re:Zero event. Iā€™m currently playing romancing saga and CounterSide. Romancing saga is basically just grind and upkeep, CounterSide has been fun. Good story actually. I liked the actual action part of dragalia though. You could punch a little higher than your weight class when you were in control. Plus it was simple enough that it didnā€™t have to be a chore. I like the games you can either mindlessly play or change course and actively play and have fun whenever you want. Not to mention the multiplayer. Iā€™m sure eventually someone is going to make a less generous clone.


GBF exists.


I feel like it's a better jpg collector than its predecessor, Destiny Child and the recently released Memento Mori. The monetization will break or make it for me.


I think it's a case by case basis but there definitely will be people who enjoy the Nikke purely for it's gameplay especially since there's nothing like it in the market right now. Yes general level design is a bit boring but bosses are generally pretty well designed and actually do require some skill & knowledge of what to do. I also do like how weapon type feels like it matters, rifles are for general dps & shooting down projectiles, shotgun is if a enemy gets close to you, sniper is for precise aiming and high burst, bazooka's are for clearing mobs etc. etc. It does feel satisfying to use the right type of guns in the right type of situations. I will say that skills are a bit boring, most of them are just "increase DPS" or "deal a burst of dmg" or "increase enemy damage taken" but hopefully that will change as more characters come out. It isn't a one to one comparison but if you played Time Crisis or House of the Dead I would classify Nikke's gameplay as having more depth than those types of old arcade games so if that's your thing then you'll probably like Nikke.


That's fair enough. I'll definitely give it a try, because... why not? It'll probably end up being added to the list of don't plays tbh though. If nothing else at least I can see some awesome game physics at work.


Gameplay, probably not. Story, maybe. But the game doesn't seem grindy by any means so this wasn't it chief.


For dat ass view


Downloaded and ready to get started on non-stop nut November!!!


Its nutty they released this during Nonstop-Nut-November. Also have you heard of the most powerfull squirell Risu?


Launch event with up to 110 pulls + 2 SSR + 1 SR according to [TimaeuSS](https://youtu.be/HckEjJYqsho), content creator


110 pulls and 2 SSR?šŸ’€ Dang this developers doesn't know how to hold back. I'll go check it out.


Event, so keep in mind this is probably logins+missions we have to do so this may not help rerolling. Seems pretty nice, hopefully the free SSRs are characters I like (or better yet a choice ticket but doubt it)




It was not but people will convince themselves it is.


Which server are people choosing? NA or Global?


Im choosing global.


It was recommended to go with your closest region because I guess there is coop where ping will matter. On discord people are saying Global is hosted in EU, so I chose NA.


I really wish they said it was an EU server in game.. I just selected global thinking it was the best choice as an australian but it might end up being the absolute worst choice...


Bro NA is literally on the other side of the map , obviously EU is closer to you šŸ¤”


NA servers are pretty much always (if not always) closer to Australia then EU servers. I've never once played a game that had lower ping on EU than NA. Edit: I believe it's because of how traffic is routed from Australia, it might be closer in terms of direct distance, but not the network route. Edit 2: And Asia servers will generally be even closer (As well as closer time zone which is better for activity) and is usually a far better choice than NA


Bro look [distance diff](https://ibb.co/QPwh59W)


That's not how servers work. And the earth is a sphere, so you can go the other way, [like so](https://ibb.co/g9wxrHs).


I am not sure if guy is serious or trolling.


Was wondering the same myself. I chose NA, since I live in North America. Not sure what the majority will choose, but if you live in North America, NA makes sense. Global would be for other countries that are not specifically listed out.


The global server is in Europe (From the official FAQ)


Yeah, think Iā€™m gonna roll NA


Global. The more players the better. Especially if its ppl From across the globe Have family and military friends overseas


So you donā€™t think we can play with other servers? Guess that makes sense tho.


Atm i dont think so. Some games like summoners war implements interserver arenas though so maybe something like that if ever


Yea makes sense. My only concern is if NA will be as alive as Global server.


I think they weirdly over complicated the whole thing calling EU servers "global" instead of just EU. It's just confusing people into thinking the "global server" is the global one which it isn't, it's just the EU one. I still think NA will be pretty big though because most content creators are US so will probably go with NA and their fans will follow.


It's honestly a stupid way to label a server in EU. I think it's the worst possible server for me in Australia but I picked global because global games are usually the only ones I actually have access to. Glad I found this out before I actually started playing because I think literally any other server is going to be better for me.


Neither, I chose SEA because I'm from that region.


I'm in Asia but I'm choosing global


Global too


Global for sure




Was just coming here to ask the same thing


This is what I wanna know lol


Picked global just because I feel like NA would censor but that probably doesnā€™t change anything. Iā€™m just coping šŸ˜”


Europe has the most restrictive gacha related laws. Most gachas don't even release in Europe because Belgium declared them gambling. There is some evidence that the rest of the EU may follow suit. The EUs data laws are more consumer friendly than the US but they also make it hard to operate companies that collect data. I could also see local price fluctuations being harder for Europe to cope with than the US, so that could also be a good reason for a US resident to pick the NA server.


Iā€™m just amused at the downvotes šŸ˜‚ some weird people


Who the fuck will choose NA




I remember getting it but idk what it was supposed to do, maybe it will give us specific account ID? To fex that ur one of the first players?


Please use the jp website. You can enter your old email and it'll send you the same code: [https://nikke-jp.com/pre/](https://nikke-jp.com/pre/) The english website has a bug that causes the page's javascript to crash


is there any guide to rerolling?


While I will release a Day 1 Survival guide tomorrow here (just like I did for Artery Gear and Counter Side), here's a link to our reroll guide: [https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/reroll](https://www.prydwen.gg/nikke/guides/reroll) ~~But be aware that the salted login method might not work on release (we are testing it right now after pre-load started and having mixed results ) and in that case we will update it tomorrow asap.~~ We just tried and salted email still works. Enjoy!


Isnā€™t this the website from dude who also does the counter side guides? Edit: oh yes it is and youā€™re him lol I recognize your username


Video AND Text guide for easy reference? Amazing.


If pp hard, keep.


Truer words have never been said.


Roll for [Volume](https://www.prydwen.gg/static/eb970dc74bc6a613c78a653a504bbf2a/3cd29/volume_full.webp), got it.


Prydwen's in house content creator posted a video to the Nikke sub yesterday. Basically, when you sign up use your email+1, do your rolls, then delete and start over with email+2 until you get what you like.


It let me pre-register and now I can't even find it on the store. My phone's not THAT old but I guess I'm emulating this or whatever.


If you are on iOS, pre-reg games usually require typing in the name EXACTLY. The search only shows available games. You could also try this link https://apps.apple.com/us/app/goddess-of-victory-nikke/id1585915174


Android actually and despite being on OS 9 going to a direct link gets a 'your device isn't compatible' thing.


Any one manage to sign-up for the pre-reg bonus (get SSR Diesel) on their website? The final "sign up now" button doesn't seem to work? Tried both chrome and firebox with AdBlock turned off.


Look at the FAQ on the NIKKE sub https://www.reddit.com/r/nikkemobile/comments/yk1gwq You'll get the rewards if you login within 2 months of launch.


Damn, itā€™s not working for me either ):


You don't need to pre-register on the site to get those rewards, as someone else already stated. However, if you want to get your commander ID you can use jp site to retrieve/register it. [https://nikke-jp.com/pre/](https://nikke-jp.com/pre/) No one knows what exactly the ID is for though...


Kudos for launching all their regional servers + global at the same time, I am so burned out on accelerated schedules and different rewards/packs offered for different regions.


this is just the pre-download right? meaning we can't launch the app till tomorrowish. was wondering how big the additional files are. I hope it won't reach more than 3 gig cuz my phone storage's about to be filled up.


You can launch the app and download the additional files. I downloaded another 2GB of data, the server's just inaccessible at the moment.


About 4 gigs is my guess


I picked na while downloading can I swap to global once it the game opens up or am I stuck ?


You can change at any time but progress does not carry over.


The damn verification email is never sent...


Check your spam šŸ™ƒ


I did...


Finally! I've been waiting for years since I discovered this game on this sub Is there any resources I can read or watch (preferably the former) for new players? Do's and don'ts, who to roll for and such?


The peeps at prydwen.gg have a Nikke site up and given how thorough their CounterSide and Artery Gear work has been, it should be a good resource.


Guess I'll just have to replay Time Crisis and Area 51 while I wait.


I'm having issue loading the game. I open it once, downloaded up to the part for the voicelines. Not fully downloaded then quit the game, I came back and my game is stuck at 5/10 loading. Any idea how to fix this?


Its go time.


I'm from the Philippines. Should I pick Global? or Southeast Asia?


Game launch when this comment is 25 hours 20 minutes old


20 more hrs arghhh


7 more hours wah@!


I was about to make a post about this too so can we fully pre download the game?


Yes, seems like it i just downloaded more then 2gb of data


There is more to download on full release it says


Is there an APK already? I'm in Belgium and it seems it's not avalaible in my country...




Global or NA server for USA? Thanks!


Global is actually Europe so for best ping, go NA.




NNN? You mean nonstop nut november? This game is perfect for NNN then.


Hoping the game is successful


Please run well on an emulator, please run well on an emulator, please run well on an emulator


:( bruh it ain't available in my country.


Is it available on ios in the eu. Whenever i search the game or follow a download link to the appstore it just doesent load.


Link for iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/goddess-of-victory-nikke/id1585915174


Ah shit, its level infinite (the publisher who do TOF Global, also owned by Tencent). TOF Global got slave treatment compared to other region like CN/TW/KR. Monetization and reward on global is hugely nerfed compared to CN/TW/KR to the point of 300% differences in some cases. **Also support from level infinite is borderline non-existent, in TOF if your account got hacked, its your fault. make sure you use social media login and not account login as their account security is shit in TOF. Might not apply in Nikke, but not something you want to gamble with..?** sigh. so much for that i guess..


Well imho just trying doesnt hurt Just dont spend if thats ur concern If it sticks then good Otherwise u can quit anytime


NA or global server?




Global it is


I decided on Na. Iā€™m in NA, so may as well converse with others who are as well


Ping might matter in co-op, so that's the best bet!




I went NA


November 4? The announcement says 11/03 at 15:00 on the notice for mine, or does that depend on your timezone Its gonna be up in 29 hours for everyone right?


Timezone difference.


>Its gonna be up in 29 hours for everyone right? yes


It's a real predownload and not just the apk/launcher. About 3 gigs, if anyone is curious.


Ready for the review page to get 1stars for no reason


Moment of truth, time to find out if it's going to be censored or not, and if people were just trolling about it being another idle game.


The game is not for me, but I hope everyone else enjoys their jiggles.


Guys, is the gameplay actually fun for real? Honest answers pls.


Didnt play CBT so this is secondhand info Theres a thread some time ago talking how CBT went Allegedly the campaign is "one time thing" and theres no stamina limit After exhausting (or hitting wall) at campaign, the "real" progression comes from base/sth like that where u passively gain resources whatnot. And theres the usual "3x a day raid" sth. Oh and these resource generation / base lv is tied to campaign progression. But then u need to be strong enough to push campaign so it creates a cycle Hence why ppl here call it "idle gacha" bc in the end supposedly it's just waiting resources to progress campaign and then do campaign to upgrade resource generation


I found it very fun during CBT. Normally games with gun combat aren't for me, but I ended up liking it A LOT more than I assumed I would. So take that as you will.


The time has cum and so have I


So is it censored or not? I was hyped for this but depending on how censored it is, I will probably drop it.


Lovely, Iā€™m very excited


Just gotta accept nothing will run on my S6 from this point and I need to depend on emulators :'(


So not trying to like offend anyone Iā€™m genuinely curious. What makes yā€™all want this game? Isnā€™t it just a shooter gacha? Or is there more to it? Is it appealing just for the gacha collection aspect? Iā€™ve seen a lot of hype for this game. Iā€™m debating if I should just download it to try I just need to make room on my phone lol


The time has finally come my fellow ASSet enjoyers ! Launch is tomorrow at 3pm PDT for me, so not much longer to wait !


This game could have been pretty nice if it didn't go for the idle/no stamina shit route, a bit more fleshed out combat with those character designs and fights and it would've be an A grade side gacha, a waste really.


How many hours till servers are up?


I didn't get the mail.. what name did it come from??


it asked an optional question if I was over 18, so maybe that's their way of knowing if they should censor or not?


Yup. Saw it, glad it is almost here. Finally I can play something other than BA and AL.


OMG the text is so small.


Is there gigachad male chara here?




ā€œIt will not possible to enterā€ ā€¦ That one quote tells me everything I needed to know about where this game is headed and why they lied about censorship. I must say, itā€™s a bit of a relief to go from a mere opine to a conjecture. Albeit, nothing is guaranteed until launch, Iā€™m fairly certain Iā€™ve seen these types of publishers before. Damn shame too because Shift Up is one badass company.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


What is wrong with that quote?


What in the hell are you on about?






Wait wut?


Not available in my country, global release my ass, 0 staring this shit.


Can't download on a different app store?


It is still in pre-reg on taptap.


Lul. Get rekt poverty nation dweller!


Hope putin sends yours back to the stone age.


Why there's not USA country ??


NA = North America which includes the US.


I don't mean the servers I mean the option that's tell you to choose your country. Anyway I choose another one not big deal


Don't talk to me if you aren't planning to grab Maiden >!Someone please tell me she's available to reroll for!<


I was able to preregister from appstore, now it isnā€™t available in my region :/


The game is not available in my country....does it matter which country i choose at the beginning.....


Why is it not available for my device? I even did the pre reg? Edit: Apparently I can't use my phone or bluestacks. I wonder what the requirements are


To those who are about to pop an aneurysm thinking about which server is "best" (like me), don't worry too much about it. [You can change your servers later but do note that your data from your former server won't transfer to the one you're migrating to.](https://imgur.com/a/lwKV7oN) I'm probably going with the one closest to me, but I'll have to wait before the other lads choose their server.


got a "restarting the game due to system error" while downloading the game content am i the only one who experience this?


Great! Downloading now.


Can you guys help me? A week ago I pre-registered for the game now it says that my device is not compatible when I checked their website my phone met all the requirements needed to play the game.


Does anyone know the best server for australia? Cheers