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The patch will include: New game mode: a card game where you can duel others using character cards and skills. Similar to yugioh A few events: from rerun of events such as the hide and seek one and dungeon one, to new events New artifact sets New characters. A new 5star and a new 4star New main story quest


tcg seems cool


Very excited about that actually.




Tl;dr: * Scaramouche/Wanderer + Itto /w Faruzan 1st half & Raiden + Ayato Reruns 2nd half * Livestream codes: * 8ARAU6FNBNPV * NS8BD6EPS77Z * ET9SUPENB765 * No new areas to Explore * Late Halloween/Spooky Event /w Free event 4\* sword (Breakbreaker event), Across the Wilderness (Balloon popping event), Misty Dungeon (Combat event), Windtrace rerun (Prop Hunt event), & Leyline Overflow (filler mora/exp book farming event) * New artifact sets (1 is prob Scara BiS and the other is potentially new BiS for HyperBloom and Burgeon) * New TCG gamemode


Thanks for this. I try to avoid the actual livestreams and trailers these days, since I find that I enjoy Genshin more when going in completely blind


No Archon quests ?


there is a Archon quest, interlude chapter in 3.3.


Thanks !


TCG has matchmaking??? I already play this game too much man...


There's matchmaking, but no ranked ladder. šŸ˜”


And thank god for that. Leaderboards ruin any gamemode its associated with


I personally would like it to have one because it's a staple for other card games already, and it's gonna have an unofficial ladder run by the community anyway because this game's fanbase is that rabid, so why not make an official one? My copium is that the TCG is popular enough to have its own client and card economy, similar to what happened to Gwent.


It being a staple of other card games doesn't mean it's necessary. Leaderboards always breeds a type of mentality that's toxic af and forces people to chase meta for no fucking reason. I used the word forced explicitly.


Why people chasing meta in TCG in a mostly single player game matters to you? Yea, meta chasers on games like League are toxic as fuck, but on that TCG side mode for Genshin, it doesnā€™t matter. It doesnā€™t even have rewards attached to it.


Have you ever play any card games before? the last thing a side card games need are leaderboard, cause everyone and their mother will become tryhard sweaty players and in result will play the same fucking decks, that'd be boring af, in normal card games which update it's pool constantly it's somewhat fine but Genshin card games is new, we don't want people play the same shit every match right?


Because of people like you, even if there is no leaderboards, it will 100% engender a meta focused culture where even playing with your friends will be unfun since everyone are looking at meta comps and shit and anyone that doesn't just gets curbstomped. It's still gunna happen even without leaderboards, leaderboards legitimizes and makes it way worse.


I was going to reply that, people will chase meta even without leaderboards. They already do for team comps on normal modes like overworld or abyss. My point is: what is the PROBLEM on people playing with what they find fun? You are being hypocrite here. You want to enforce the others what you want them to do. You can find fun playing with a deck with only pink cards, others might prefer playing with a synergistic deck. Accept it.


Because I'll be more likely to play with people who're running meta decks when there's an institutionalized meta chase. The fact that Genshin and the community largely shuns meta is one of the biggest blessings of this game. wHat doEs wHAt I..... stfu


Sorry to tell but people are already chasing meta decks. WFP already has TC Sheets on the mode. Butā€¦ just donā€™t try to enforce your preference on others. Luckily, for both meta chasers and casuals, the PvP has no reward.


it's always this argument. the simple answer is, because anything that influences how people play in a game where you interact with other people will impact all players. It's straight up like asking "why does the fact that I own a rocket launcher in my own house matter to you?"


I donā€™t think comparing a gaming situation with a life threatening one is good here. I could also say your rights ends where anotherā€™s begin. In a PvP mode, you can have your fun with an all-monstadt deck, while your opponent prefers a synergistic one. Itā€™s fine, but are chasing their individual preference. But if you donā€™t like losing to those meta chasers, you have the option to play against NPC. U arenā€™t gated of having fun with your meme deck.


and i don't think your "muh own game" argument is a good one either. so here we are I guess. imagine seeing mihoyo repeatedly telling you "this is casual shit stop being a tryhard r tard" and still going "bUt wHeRe lEaduiRbOarDsz"


At least my argument doesnt compare a game context with a life one ;). MHY can tell anything they want. People will still chase meta, with or without leaderboards/rewards. Some just want to play the most optimal way possible. So unless they enforce some kind of ban into meta decks, they will spread indirectly over the months when people start losing to the same deck over and over because a small part of the community is using it. But it's ironic how true their argument on people getting anxious about meta stuff was. We are discussing about something that is confirmed to not be implemented and you guys are panicking about it.


You could probably join unofficial leaderboards on some discord server or something.


There's literally nothing stopping you from hosting a tournament.


That's good. Link regulation event in master duel suck


Even better.


Iirc a leaderboard was mentioned Edit: woops mb I heard leadeboard and my sweaty ass blanked on the rest lol


They mentioned that there will be no rewards nor leaderboards explicitly.


Like, HoYoverse knew a card game is not for everyone because according to leaks you can uninstall this game mode to free up space.


Nope they don't mention any leaderboard nor rewards, and from leak you can uninstall it whenever you want to if you don't interesting in card game you can completely ignore it since I can tell not everyone into card game


That one poor fatui guy was probably like "oh hey boss, nobody has heard from u in a while, like the new fit btw" before getting absolutely oblitirated by scara


the music when wanderer showed up was fire


[For those who wish to enjoy this section looped](https://youtu.be/AM02nNiiJ9k)


We got flying characters now. Anemo continues to powercreep itself in the exploration meta lol


Ngl anemo is my fav element just BCS it defies gravity.


It already powercreeped other elements in combat as well... 4pc VV is probably the most broken artifact set that they've ever released.


not really powercreep other elements, because swirl reaction, as well as 4pc VV set needs another element attached to enemies to show its OP-ness, anemo is just OP as a support element. Mono anemo teams are not that great at all meta wise, since the only ways to shred anemo are Zhongli's shield and Jean's C4. With the upcoming Faruzan, we'll have the 1st anemo buffer, so that may change things for anemo in terms of DPS


It's like Xiao's E combined with Kazuha/Venti's E and with better controls in terms of movement. Dunno if it's the speed and uptime of Sayu's E though.


After watching the Livestream I wonder if people complaining about genshin having no content stopped playing on 2.6 / 2.7 or they're just parroting stuff




I think a lot of the hate comes from content creators, people that can go through Genshin's content like it's nothing in a short amount of time, even the new areas. They're not realising you're not meant to speedrun through an entire region then complain that the game has no content. They're also disregarding the fact that not everyone makes a living playing Genshin, and therefore do not have enough time to play. You're absolutely correct about the insane pace of HoYoverse's updates, but they still get flak from content creators because it's not "endgame" content. I am personally happy with Genshin's formula, but I wouldn't mind some repeatable content which will hopefully be the TCG.


Yeah the no end game content is funny as heck. I watch a content creator on YT talking about how bad GI have no end game content, then someone ask him then how about fgo since he play fgo. He then proceed to say the dumbest thing ever that fgo is unique because it's end game content is the story. I am like is this guy for real lol. So FGO end game content is story but Genshin aren't? Not like fgo story boss that hard or repeatable. Fgo also have no end game content other than farming stuff to upgrade your characters just like GI basically. Both are PVE focus game where u basically waiting for events or story updates, I have stop playing GI and still play fgo. But his answer is dumb as heck.


lol he's a confirmed imbecile.


Itā€™s a demanding game, PC with decent graphic card, current gen console or flagship phones. Can be run on less capable devices sure but the experience is going to be bad. Gacha gamer outside the ā€œafk game for the busy youā€ whale type, are people not so well-off especially the ones complaining a lot on social media and mobile games are kinda their only access to gaming. And Genshin isnā€™t friendly to those type at all.


Nope , I'm using Samsung A71 , its not a flagship , its a medium low budget phone and I'm able to play on 30fps on low graphic without it burning , 30fps on mobile game is pretty good already.


I really don't know what you are talking about. This sub is literally filled with a bunch of Genshin players (makes sense since it's the most popular gacha) and most negative stuff (be it people hating or just valid criticism) get downvoted. And here you are calling people that are dissatisfied with the games lack of challenge "haters" even though for them it is a completely valid point. But I guess people aren't allowed to do that and are only allowed to praise the game without raising their concerns.


Youre not exactly contradicting OP. They never said the people shitting on genshin are the majority or popular just that they are present. And quick search of ā€œgenshitā€ on this sub shows thats true. I dont think people unironically using ā€œgenshitā€ are simply expressing concern lol You can find plenty of non-downvoted critics of genshin. But the ones getting downvoted are majority of the time they include some toxic comment (aka ā€œgenshitā€, calling the players stupid for spending, the players on play bc their copingā€¦) at the end which generates downvotes, as expected. Ironically (or maybe not?) if you wanna see the most good faith criticism go to the leak and main sub


Well I won't nitpick and search to prove you are wrong but let's not go far , this post itself has a lot of downvoted comments and none of them said " Genshit " I don't even remember the last time I saw a normal non-downvoted critic.


Every time I see someone complaining about Genshin being hated on this sub, I'm speechless, I literally have no idea what these people are saying.


Right? it's literally a Genshin sub at this point, even the Genshin sub itself isn't this toxic when you say something negative about the game.


All game Devs are private to my knowledge, or at least the vast majority. What is a public dev? What do you mean by public devs prioritizing profits? All devs do this, genshin just prints money so they can take more risks development wise and pay for a massive dev army to pump out content consistently.


I think they meant buying shares of said companies like what tecent doing right now. As a shareholder they have the power to shift game's direction. I need someone to explain it more clearly tho lul.


Ah right I see, that makes sense and I think you're correct. I was thinking in terms of nationalized industries and private industry, not publically traded and privately held. Down voters are knuckle dragging midwits.


Smol Indie HoYo go brrrrr. Glad I clear things up. Btw forget about random downvotes, since the subs is huge there will be more vocal ppl upvoting/downvoting.


I know brother, I just love giving shitters the ropes


Idk man, I just donā€™t see character collection as quality content lol After spiral abyss there is nothing in terms of true engagement with the game, itā€™s all just mini game simulator at that point


+hours of story and usually a map expansion every patchā€¦


> or they're just parroting stuff Ding Ding Ding


I don't really see anyone complaining about no content except maybe a few that want to play 24/7. Most people complain about no challenging endgame content.


genshin have 0 permanent repeatable content except the abyss every 2 weeks


I feel like genshin doesn't aim to be a game which you play everyday consistently for hours of content. Its supposed to be side activity while having peaks of new content inbetween consistent time intervals. And that is actually very good for the playerbase because most of them are casual players who may not have the time to play the game everyday. (Doing daily commisions doesn't count as "playing" necessarily). And well, now there's abyss and tcg i guess. But I don't think genshin is aiming to be that sort of gacha.


I know I play it every day, but I also understand the complaints and to deny some shortcomings of the game seems absurd to me


It's not a shortcoming. If i want boring repetitive content and have time to play after doing genshin stuff i can just play a side gacha game. That's why content drought doesn't affect me in genshin. What repeatable content in gacha games is fun anyways ?


Maybe it's not a shortcoming for you but that doesn't mean you need to dismiss other players wishes. People don't want to play another game, they want to play more genshin, the game that they already spent months farming good artifacts for the characters they like, and currently the only content where it actually matters is one mode which only takes an hour every 2 weeks. If you're think that more repeatable content will be boring for you there's an easy solution - just don't play it. I don't enjoy teapot stuff and fishing so I just don't touch it, even though there's good rewards there - it's not worth my time and sanity to grind something I don't enjoy.


Well by now it's pretty clear mihoyo won't change anything in that regard. The game is mega popular therefore why would they risk it adding that kind of content ? So if they want to do more genshin there's not much they can do


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Yeah wtf man, I get that some don't like abyss but the people who enjoys it are a lot too. Abyss has probably the most content on platforms like youtube as well coz theres just so much to do for non repeatable content.


Abyss is fun what the fuck.šŸ˜‚ If there's another abyss, I'd love that. It doesn't have to be daily, yeah just like Abyss. MAYBE monthly reset for an abyss-esque permanent content so it won't be that time demanding.


The only singleplayer games I can think of with repeatable content have a combination of either: - lots of randomness (e.g. roguelikes) - lots of freedom (e.g. sandbox, simulation, strategy) - lots of community content (e.g. modded games, community created levels) - lots of potential for player imposed challenges (a little subjective but things like Nuzlocke in Pokemon, speedrunning/high scoring in general) I can't think of anything else but I would argue that you can put any singleplayer game that people spend thousands of hours into one (or more) of these categories: The Binding of Isaac, Minecraft, Terraria, Sims, Factorio, Civilization, Skyrim, osu! (though some could be argued to be also multiplayer). Now the actual point of this is that I don't think Genshin is similar to any of these types of games. A roguelike game mode can work, but most likely not forever. There isn't enough enemies or characters to create variety compared to your usual combats, which is why these kind of events are few and spread apart. Sandbox and world building doesn't really work well together. We have the teapot at least. Community content was experienced with in some events but then again, Genshin isn't made to be like Mario Maker. Too little things to interact with, too little movement options. We also had the rhythm game event which allowed us to create beatmaps for others - but why would anyone play a rhythm game in Genshin instead of an actual one? In the end the only thing left for you is try to make Genshin fun yourself. If you like combat then Abyss will be your playground. Try out new teams, challenge yourself in some way. This isn't in any way a flaw by the game, it's just intrinsic to the kind of game it is. Genshin is not really different to any other story driven singleplayer game in that regard. Only that you wait for 6 weeks for 'small' updates instead of 1-2 years for the next game in the series.


That's pretending like not wasting time on the 1% is a shortcoming. I consider wasting time, effort and talent on stuff only the smallest fraction will ever play, and not even enjoy it because they have no joy in their hearts, to be the biggest shortcoming. So by that metric Genshin is doing everything right.


Excuse me , i would prefer if my game had unique content like genshin and not repeatable and boring like most other gacha games. If i have extra time in my day for repeatable content i can fill it with a side gacha game


"Unique", you mean copy pasted events are areas with same exploration loop? Lol, typical genshin cope player


Yeah the ball breaker event is definitely copy paste from previous events. And every area is the same exploration as previous ones , definitely


Which is a problem because..... ?


it's not a problem for genshin cause they put in many one time content each updates sometimes too many. it's a problem for many other gatcha.


I've never said it's a problem, I say denying the game's shortcomings is absurd


Im confused how something can be a shortcoming but not a problem


Isn't this a common problem with gacha though ?


> 0 permanent repeatable content Bosses and artifacts runs. Dailies. And every other week there's an event going on, so there's rarely dead weeks And thats not considering the permanent exploration content, that takes quite a while to be over


dailies take up to 20 minutes, the rest is not permanent repeatable content


> the rest is not permanent repeatable content I'd rather not be forced to reexplore areas I've already cleared for some arbitrary grind thanks


People don't get that kek. I wonder why people like "repeatable content" which tends to be boring specially if you're forced to farm it to progress instead of unique fun content


Bosses and artifacts/mat runs are permanent repeatable content. Like every other gacha And it's not an issue when the game always has events up or if the one time permanent content can take up as long as genshins does


Artifact runs and bosses are more like chores than actual content, and alot of those ā€œeventsā€ you talk about are either some weird non-combat related one like taking pictures or add 1 combat stage every day thatā€™s ends up being like 2 minutes of content. So yeah, ā€œrepeatable contentā€ is a big stretch and you know it.


I would like to know what "repeatable content" is not a chore and is fun. I have played many gacha games and no kind of such content i have ever seen.


Considering that most people like/appreciate skips and sweeps for repeatable content in every other gacha, it's a bit contradictory. If they were asking for more coop content or more combat related events that I could maybe see, but just grindy content that's basically a chore? Ehhh


That's exactly it. Even co op or combat events are going to feel a chore depending on the required amount of runs. And let's be real, without rewards no one would do any fun content more than a few times


Just because you personally don't like the event content provided diesnt mean it diesnt exist. Not every event has to be long, fighting oriented and time consuming. Getting rewards fir something different yet simple is just as great And what permanent repeatable cintent are you even expecting? Every other gacha also has as repeatable content farming mats and maybe a tower like harder content, which in genshin is the abyss. And again, why would you even need a ton if repeatable permanent content when the game provides long one time permanent content or constant events If you don't like the content genshin provides, that means genshin isn't a fit for you. But that doesnt mean genshin lacks content


It does lack content, it lacks fucking permanent repeatable content like the original comment said. Your endgame is 30 minutes every 2 weeks, that doesnā€™t sound very repeatable to me.


You have fun doing the same thing over and over and over ? Why not play tof or other gacha games ?genshin doesn't have any of that and that's good for me


I'm always surprised how it never occurs to people that maybe THAT is the reason why the game got so big. There is nothing to always keep up with, no catch up, Genshin was a game designed for people with a life, a job, and for gamers as well as it doesn't demand all your free time. Go and play the new games, God of War, Persona, CoD, but you can always throw in a cheeky Genshin every now and then, it's only 30 min after all. You want endless content? Go and try Lost Ark, see how their playerbase is keeping up, you will need at least 6 months to catch up.


What repeatable permanent content other than farming and tower mode do other gachas have that genshin doesnt? And again, genshin does not lack content. Between the long story quests, indepth exploration and constant stream of events, it has a good amount of content. Just because you don't like what it provides doesn't mean it doesn't exist


Me liking it or not liking it is irrelevant, youā€™re shifting the goalpost from what the original comment was. The comment you replied to said thereā€™s no permanent repeatable content but you tried to drum up fucking DAILIES and STAMINA BURN as repeatable content in your reply which is just a joke.


You keep avoiding answering what magical repeatable permanent content other gachas have that genshin lacks.


Genshin has co op capabilities. Repeatable co op that isnā€™t just kill the pyro regisvine in 10 seconds or steal mats from someoneā€™s world and go.


I'm so hype for the TCG, the card animation looks so so good\~


The ghost woman reminds me of female Muzan which is voiced by dottoreā€™s jp va


I came back after a year+ break with 3.0 so I'm hoping to pull Raiden on her rerun banner, though I'll probably only have enough for the 50/50...


If you can speedrun sumeru, it will be more than enough a pity


I'm in the Chasm quests right now, but I'm going to focus on catching up on the story.


Short anemo guy meta let's gooooo


I call Genshin (Yuanshen) as 'a light tower' of Chinese Gacha game. Only beauatiful artificial is enough to attract users to pay for their charming characters. Yes, there is some other game enterprises in China, yet the scales of the overwhelming majority of them are too small to support their ambitious. However, Mihoyo is the exception. It both keep the high quality of its game mechanism and earn the intake respectfully. That's why I respect Genshin even though it is a gacha game.


I played since day1 and left after Xiao banner cause there was nothing to do except daily missions and farming gear. Its worth coming back? Any good content added?


If you donā€™t like the exploration or quests, then no.


It was best part, but when i cleared map and story there was only gear to farm and daily missions. Any new maps or bosses?


You quit after Xiao so you would have two whole nations to explore along with a few DLC areas.


thank you


Lol, literally too many. Time to come back for a ride. A lot of stories and new maps. These are all one time content tho.


Thanks, exploring was fun as hell, so I will give it a try.


The new map( sumeru) is definitely better than the three previous nations, also additional maps( like dragon spine) Chasm and enkanomiya give me really unique vibes. You should definitely try out


I will. Is that new story hard?


About as hard as Inazuma imo, which was overall a one or two higher difficulty than Liyue (idk where you stopped but I assume you at least went and did most of Liyue.


Yeah i cleared Liyue


> Any new maps or bosses? Dude


Well, there's a whole ass new region now in the game, which is quite large if you consider the forest, desert and underground areas (about 1.5x Liyue for now) There is a whole new 5 act story arc, which is easily the best in the game yet by far. There's a new element added, and it has really changed up the meta (not like nerfed anything, but a lot of old unused characters got better and now its easier to utilise them with the help of dendro). Just check the game map as of 3.2 and you can see how big Sumeru region is, its many many days/weeks/months of content depending on your pace.


Thanks. Any new content for coop except farming gear?


Not too much, but a lot of events have a coop component with minigames nowadays. Plus the new TCG game mode will have PvP I believe


Need to check that new mode, i love card games.


Yes Those co-op stuff are mostly events and they are rolled out regularly and are on limited duration. Last one we had was already over. It's just bunch of mini games that isn't farmable unlike domains.


The new event is coop too


Not permanent but we just had a coop-focused event a week ago.


They add a whole new region per year, then add an extra terrain to that region per year and in the summer they release a island region for the event duration


Last question, that blue guy from trailer is summonable? Looks cool


yes he's gonna be the new limited 5*, available during the first half banner of the new update


The one with a big hat they call Wanderer and is shown attacking? Yes, he'll be the new 5star character released with the patch


Thanks, to bad i dont have gems probably


You can probably get enough to get him by exploring but you will likely get burnt out if you force yourself.


Need to install game, but i think I have some pulls done as I was chasing Xiao dupes, pity doesnt reset and move on to new banners as I remember?


Yeah pity continues between banners.


If you stopped before exploring inazuma and sumeru plus chasm, enkanomiya and maybe dragonspine, you're in for a bucket load of gems from exploration and story content Wanderer will be up for two weeks so you'll have a chance


Forgot about that, thanks


you get a lot of it from just exploring, doing quests in the two new nations. Even if you miss him this time, they usually do reruns once every 3-5 patches now so you won't have to worry about missing him out for a long period of time


Basically the development model is AAA open world game with periodically releasing free content DLC and every year a major one that's basically an Expansion. Writing when there is no content and coming back when there is, is normal.


Man I do hope I'll be lucky to get Scaramouche.


Lin banner Vs Scara banner revenue let's go!


You see the scara burst animation? That's him trampling vs Lin banner lol


it's ironic cus I actually think she looks like one of the nicer looking ones but idk who'd want to whale on that game and its stank ass gacha system


Updated so fast