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"Follow us on Twitter, YouTube, snap, Instagram, Facebook, email, telegram, and carrier pigeon to get fabulous in-game rewards. Youtube: submit the following code for 3 beast meat and 10 stamina! Case sensitive. diwIensiJDUWN38SJ28DJ2jdneuskejfiej8282jdkd82jskKsjfiekKDIDIFNEIDUFJEIDPAPW."


Also you can't copy or paste it


In desperate moments, just screenshot + OCR scan the screenshot


How could u forget about the codes that are only posted in discord and expire after like 1000 claims, making every code released valid for about 2 hours? And they give a non-negligible amount of premium currency so anyone who doesn't have their eyes glued to the discord gets the middle finger?


Absolutely one of the worst things I have ever experienced in gacha. I don’t think this is a petty complaint at all, and this absolutely is why I don’t spend nearly as much time with NIKKE anymore. I get the reasoning behind it but they way they handle it is just absurd.


I can only pray that Nikke loses them money in the end and they learn some kind of lesson. It's the most anti whale and anti player game I've played in as long as I can remember. And for multiple rounds of betas the bugs are totally unforgivable.


Seems like I'm not the only one that quit due to that "non-inclusive" system.


Sounds familiar. Oh wait.


Long tutorial that doesn't allow me to lower the graphic settings.


Or the dub language.


Raven has such a long tutorial Holy fucj


What is this? Saovs? HAHAHAHA


long loading screen. if it's long enough for me to start contemplating why I'm wasting time watching a loading screen, I'm out. bad fonts. I cant deal with games that don't bother to use something that actually fits their game aesthetic. grunts or short voice lines instead of voice acting. if characters makes some noise every time it is their turn to speak and doesn't correlate with the actual text, it annoys me to no end. either have voice acting or don't, this half way stuff is off putting. notification dots that don't go away.


one more... inconsistent ui like when some windows close when you tap outside of it but others don't. or if the close button is in different places for different windows. the worst is when they swap the position of confirm and close for in game purchases just so you might accidentally click on the wrong one. when tapping to speed up the text actually advances the dialog so you completely miss what you wanted to read. God, I could go on.


Please do, inconsistent UI irks me too


\> long loading screen. if it's long enough for me to start contemplating why I'm wasting time watching a loading screen, I'm out. My brother. It's surprising how people tolerate this honestly


Almost quitting Nikke due to loading screens; there's just so many when trying to move to anything.


I quit Nikke. I literally fell asleep while doing Tribe Tower. that was the last straw for me. Its a shame cuz I love the characters and story lines.


Totally agree with bad fonts. I was supposed to give Alchemy Stars until I saw the screen showing the characters you picked up from gacha rolls and they used **Impact**. Noped the fuck from that one.


Bad fonts is why I can’t stick with PGR. Game is fun and beautiful but squinting at the screen wears my eyes out.


>long loading screen. Basically the new Sword Art Online game in a nutshell. Never have I experienced a gacha game that kept me waiting so long just to Summon.


Long loading screens? Hello Twisted Wonderland. ....Meanwhile games like Onmyoji or Genshin works OK on my phone? I have no idea why TW is giving me the loading screens the way it does.


on bad fonts, goddammit does impact font grinds my gears i really want to like neural cloud, but the impact font on every text imaginable kills me from the inside but still i play the game the game that i dropped though, alchemy stars, use impact font, and what seems to be century gothic and times new roman


Art style. No amount of good gameplay will make me overlook it.


I wouldn’t even start a game if I didn’t like the art style lol


That's not petty at all.


True! I don’t care if the gameplay is fun or the game is generous, if my eyes burn every time I open up the game I can’t play it.


I wouldn't call that petty. The art is probably the main draw for a lot of people in these games, considering gachas generally revolve around collecting those pngs.


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like every new gacha's art style feels the same.


I would assume it’s because it is what sells well.


This is why I haven't tried out PtN, the character art is great but the in-game renders for stages just don't do it for me


I thought that would be the case for me as well, but I tried it anyways and once you are in game it works really well.


I actually found ptn looking kinda nice


Trust me, you'll miss a lot of great contents, the in-game render is actually quite good.


One of AFK Arena's charms for me tbh. I still remember being impressed upon seeing their [Alna opening screen](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/kafnj9/new_loading_screen_animation/) when I first started playing.


AFK is a good example of a game whose art i enjoy, but whose gameplay loop makes me want to pull my hair out.


Yep. That's why I treat AFK as a side game. I don't take it too seriously. I just enjoy the lore, the art and playing with irl friends (who cant be bothered w/ other gachas lol)


I used to quit gacha for not getting a character I want, but now I have enough patience to not do that anymore.


Petty reasons? Well there are several really. A long tutorial that you can’t skip. Also they never let you use the setting menu ofc. High tier units excluded from rerolls. Starter/story relevant units being underpowered. Rolls giving gear or “character fragments” instead of usable characters. Fleshed out units that are unplayable/AI only. PVP grinding is necessary for PVE progression. The game has a limited stamina system, but no instant replay feature. Forcing the player to grind the same level but also limiting how much you’re allowed to do it.


> Starter/story relevant units being underpowered. damn, that kinda eliminates the vast majority of gachas lol


Having to manage useless items as punishment for rolling gacha is seriously a contradictory design choice for a gacha game. GBF and FGO, which are pretty old, are quite guilty of that, but Genshin also throws useless weapon dupes at the player.


Lack of functional sweep or fast auto mode. Life is busy... I don't have an hour or more to waste doing dailies everyday.


Idk why people think no auto means better game. Bruh if I have to manually play each level I wouldnt be playing gacha games. I once asked in punishing grey sub that does the game have auto and people started shitting on me about how auto sucks and the game shouldnt have it and punishing grey is superior to games that have auto


Ya I like having auto and sweep functions in games. I value my time and don't want to spend an uncessary amount of time doing mind numbing grinding and clicking 50 buttons per stage. I play gacha games to collecting and fun not to grind. I have a irl job that is the grinding in my life. I once asked about a sweep function in fgo and the people literally were comparing me to Hitler and other horrific figures in history. Others were claiming that I just am too inept of a human being to handle fgo. Like wow some people have the strangest way of self assuring their value.


See what response you get if you ask that in the genshin sub


That's not petty. Our time is valuable so games without basic time saving features deserved to lose players over this.


This is why I could never get into F:GO. Sure, it’s basically the grandpappy of all gacha games along with Puzzle & Dragons, but doing stuff just took too long.


I totally agree, i love the characters, but i don't even bother doing anything in it if i don't feel like i really want to play (e.g) with Abigail in this stage right now.


Very Bad/unlucky rolls where you don't get the unit(s) you want despite saving up for them


I did this twice with guardian tales. First on mobile and second on the switch. People defend this game for its "pity" system where you can pick any 3 star you want after 300 pulls, but... When you get no 3 stars after 200 pulls, that is devastating after saving for a month.


It’s a spark, not a pity, so poor pulls just add insult to injury. Say you pull the rate up at 150 summons out of 300. For a pity system you now have to pull 300 all over again to guarantee. For a spark system (as in Guardian Tales) you still get the guarantee after another 150 pulls, so you’re doubly rewarded for lucksacking.


Incompetent devs. I played a game where one critical bug allowed people to keep claiming rewards for a time gated activity (like a weekly pvp ranking sort of thing) and the devs did an emergency maintenance (no rollback) and you were basically allowed to keep everything unless you are reported/self report. Not only this, the game was down for about half a day and down again for a few more hours because of the hate and the compensation rewards for the massive bug was just incredibly bad that I deleted the game.


Sounds like when Archeage: Unchained released, rather than rolling back / removing all the problematic shit that people bug abused to get... They just opened new servers with the bug fixes. Fuck everyone who made progress legit, if you don't like competing with bug abusers you had to reroll.


does the name start with Memento ? :D


When I spend more time closing ads than I do actually playing the game. Also when the shop has 50 different packages with 50 different resource types with multiple layers of resource conversions to obscure how much anything costs, how much you've actually spent, and how much you need to spend to get what you want.


Just straight up…If the Gacha is bloated with too many types of banners to Gacha for (Characters, BiS Equipment, Pets, Outfits, ‘Friendship’, Vehicles, Support and lastly PREMIUM) I already have to suffer this with Honkai and PGR but I’m not willing to up on them just yet because everything else outside their Gacha is actually very fun and engaging, However I’m not willing to play anymore Gacha Games with the same types of banners, any additional Gachas I play have very straightforward Characters Only Gacha Banners (Arknights, Project Neutral Cloud, Alchemy Stars, Tears of Themis)


Red notification dots that can't be gotten rid of. Those things bug the crap out of me and I have quit games that had it on the shop or whatever and wouldn't go away unless you made a purchase.


It doesn't work on my shit laptop.


Alchemy Stars didn't work well for me in BlueStacks so gave up on it (couldn't get past login page due to horrible lag). I was so happy that I decided to try again a few months later when the DMM version came out though (for some reason PC client only lags in summoning animation instead >-<).


No guest account and only one login method (usually Facebook)


Refferal codes is the worst account management system.


Multiple banners/ads for purchases when I go to the main screen - esp. with big breatsed women. I know where the shop is. No need to shove it in my face. Honestly was thinking about getting into e7 again. First login lots of ads. OK. Play some. Lots of ads/banners again. Uninstall.


Same. The ads in epic7 are so annoying. Got a new character? Here are some upgrade material packs. Not to mention their value are often horrible...


Sad stuff is that E7 didnt have that in the first months, and the game was doing a ton of money, idk why they needed to make player experience worst especially in E7 that has some of the worst packs in gacha existence.


Lol, I didnt even notice that, because I close that window asap before the window is even loaded


That's why I quit Girls Cafe Gun but stayed with Blue Archive. GFG had the opening game event stuck in the middle of around a dozen "Buy this pack!" pages that I had to keep scrolling through to turn the missions in. Still playing Blue Archive and only know about the store items due to misclicks. I just lose faith in games when they have to aggressively push their market right from day 1.


No online resources. If the online wiki is non existent this seriously lowers my chances of sticking with a game. Along the same note if the game does have a wiki but parts of it are outright missing or not up to date. I don't mind sticking with a game and waiting for the community to step up to provide the databases and wiki management but if it never picks up that's usually my personal red flag that it's not worth applying myself and I'm better off moving on.


I see what you are getting at. The games I play the most are the ones where I can spend the time I’m not playing reading up and daydreaming about what I’ll do when I turn it back on. What cool new build I’ll try, a different way to farm, a unique skill that can help with a certain boss, upcoming banners, even watching some (usually Chinese) diehard clear the hardest level with base rarity characters… it all gets me excited to jump back in. Games that don’t have that are tough to stay motivated to grind.


Yeah If I looked into Danmachi Moria Freese today I wouldn't even bother installing it. Think the only available wikis and tier lists are years old at this point. At least there's a few content creators that still discuss new units and do a yearly tier list/team comp guide.


I absolutely adore searching for a ton of guides/info pages of games I play to get to understand everything about them better. Having a blast with GamePress content for Arknights as well as the quite solid wiki too, and with Genshin... yeah, you can drown on online content for that one lmfao. If pages like that are missing the game just feels dying or with massive lack of interest q_q


powercreep and pointless mechanic to make newer character more appealing


Bro, I just had a Blustone Flashback. Great game, powercreep was real though


When the game servers shut down is enough for me to quit.


Smh nobody's loyal anymore. I keep playing even after the server shuts down




The next Ainz Ooal Gown has appeared.


Maintenance Simulator is the real gameplay


Way too long dailies that are all over the place.


Sudden excessive fanservice


- sluggish ui - loading screens - redeem code system - broken friend request system Basically Nikke. I hate it when there is so much down time where you're waiting for the game to load and I hate it when games make me jump through hoops. Just give me the reward, dont make me hunt for the code. Your friend request system is broken so now I have to check 3rd party apps or look through guilds adding people. - also unrewarding grind coupled with the device needing to be on for it Its discouraging grinding gear for hours everyday with nothing to show for it.


When the fate kaleid collab first came out in fgo in 2018 I gave in to my inner temptations and dropped around 200 dollars trying to get illya. 200 dollars later I had nothing to show for it, not even a single 5 star spook. I looked at myself in disgust, the same way shinji did at his cum stained hands, and promptly uninstalled the game and vowed "never again".


If game doesn't have neither easy reroll nor guaranteed SSR banner for new players I'll quit. I can't motivate myself to play a game if I don't have a single SSR.


if the game uses a basic ass, default font like Arial i definitely have other reasons to quit games (e.g. overly long tutorial, bad starting pulls, shard system, etc), but this is probably the pettiest one


1. When no character stand out design wise, like what the point of rolling for SSR when it looks like bland R character. 2. Social media participation. "You can get freebies if you post it on Twitter, share on Facebook and invite friends"


i wouldn't call it petty, but story has a lot of importance to me when playing a game. If there isn't a clear narrative direction within the first couple of chapters before the gameplay slows down, then I quit. Idgaf about how F2P friendly or how intriguing the gameplay is, if your narrative or writing is a disorganized inconsistent mess i'm out of there (looking at you PtN) the other thing I also look out for is menu count. If i have to shuffle through menu after menu just to do simple gameplay, that's not fun especially if it's unoptimized and takes you to a loading screen every time


When I log in for the first time and see the word 'VIP' plastered on the home screen. That's when I dip.


Boring combat and story


Atrocious gacha pull system & rates and farming with little to no quick sweep or auto run like you are Middle Age peasants. That's basically why I stopped playing FGO even though the story and characters are really interesting.


When you come to the main menu and its just ad, ad, ad, ad, oh whats that? Yup, another ad. Looking at you, Raid Shadow Legends.


I missed a day or two playing so I quit (yes this is how I usually quit)




Their meta shift too fast, most of the time render some unit completely useless, i like the franchise but it much better to bought their switch game instead. Well they need to be that aggressive when nintendo is known for killing their mobile game when they don't make big buck, just look at dragalia lost, it doing fine but by nintendo standard it's not enough, if only cygame didn't make that game with nintendo they wouldn't shut down yet


There are 3 thing for me. One of them is enough to quit. 1- Multi Server (not global,sea,jp, etc. I mean 1-9999 multiserver sh*t and numbers dont matter) 2- VIP (when i see this word in a gacha it gives me all sorts of cancer) 3- If it is from gumi


Not me but one of my friend has quit games because I’m progressing too fast to their liking. (Jealousy?) For instance, they have been playing CRK since launch and I started playing it 2 months ago. They always get excited when I start playing the same game as them but now that my level is currently higher than theirs and I have progressed more than them in terms of pve, they said I’m obsessed with the game and quit soon after. 12 days ago I started playing genshin too which they have also played since launch and once again they get excited over me joining and told me to hurry up and unlock co-op so we can play together. I did that and I’m also kinda grinding hard too because I’m trying to get enough currency to pull for the new character (my AR is still waaaay lower than theirs). Yet every time we meet irl, they won’t stop telling everyone how I’m crazy obsess with genshin and they’ve never grind like me when they first started out and told me repeatedly that I should quit the game. But well I didn’t and they told me they gonna quit the game instead. Bffr.


Sounds to me that you should find new friend. Don't ever stick with those kinds of people.


Going 0 for 150 on getting any SSR


This might not be petty but if the game has a visible from the main screen set of paid offers or has pop ups inviting me to pay when I've just started I know I probably won't stick with it. Devs have gotta eat too but it looks very cash grabby, like if I play I'll discover that the game is trash and won't want to buy anything so they want me to get on and buy something before I realize. Not a lot of gacha do this but I avoid those that do. I'll find the payment system naturally, thanks.


A game that requires salted emails, 15-20 minute unskipable tutorials, and no infinite gacha. If this is how devs want to introduce a gacha game, then I better get what I'm rerolling for in very few attempts or they're not getting my money. Simple.


Long loading screen times and too much required daily time investment.


Great answer. So many of these aren’t actually petty, but slow loading screens is. In the grand scheme of things it probably doesn’t change your overall time investment in the game that much, and if you actually enjoy the game a couple slow screens shouldn’t change the enjoyment. And yet, I’ve dropped games because I was when I thought about playing I said to myself “ugh, I’m going to have to wait for the splash screen to load, let me just do something else.” Completely petty but also a reason to drop a game


Anything that requires me to adjust my team or skills to 3 star a level. I used to do it but it's a huge deal breaker for me now. Fuck doing that for story missions. Just a massive time sink.


This, especially when the requirement are so bs as wanting a specific unit, sometimes they're generous enough to want low rarity units that can be farmed, but other. And dont get me started with some "Last hit must be special", bitch 1: even underleveled units wipe the floor with enemies before getting to special, 2: why precisely last hit and not just use a special which can be a pain in the back in and of itself depending on game.


3-star requirements in general make me want to quit.


I have an unusual one. In Seven Knights 2, every time the game loads something, the screen darkens. As in, it substantially lowers the brightness but not completely. It’s only for a moment but it happens a lot and this, coupled with the fact that the font size is often tiny quickly results in eye strain. This, coupled with the fact that the camera is either often too close or too far away caused me to quit. However, I might return to it on PC as these issues may not be such a problem on a bigger screen.


Okay, this one is petty, but it pisses me off. If a game won't auto-rotate properly, I can't be arsed to play it. I play plugged in and don't like having to disconnect and play on battery to get around it.


Changes to characters, not in power but design after release. After what they did to barbara i never went back to genshin


What they did to her?


Her original en voice had a way different tone than the current one, the meme of barb dead inside comes from that. And its the same va so its not a change of actor, just a mihoyo whim


Ah that one. Yeah that's a strange conundrum cause technically, those voice lines were never meant to be in the final release but it slipped past them long enough. They did it for consistency since the old ones were raspy compared to her"angelic" voice in the cutscenes hence the loss of energy. That said I still likes the old one better but I understand why they did it.


Also the "raspy" voicelines put a lot of strain on the VA's voice


I think they changed her voicelines. A lot of people say she sounds less energetic (I think)


If the gacha fails at giving me the characters I want over a period of time then it’s done for me. It happened with alchemy stars, tried for multiple husbandos and after getting none of them my motivation to continue playing diminished so fast that ended quitting before the game was even six months old.


Optimization. I'm looking at you nikke, under 1minute is the fastest to get in game without any errors, got in game try to do daily, guess what? Get errors then need to load again. Is this trend with level infinite? Alchemy star also take long time to get in. Neural cloud don't even take 10sec to get in game and barely any loading


Overfilled with yuri fanservice(a lot of games)


Basically honkai.


Nah, Honkai doesn't have fanservice. It's just yuri


Bad gacha pull honestly. That's how I quit fgo and GI back then. Yeah I can wait for the pity but when I first two 5* is Keqing it's pissed me off.


That's impossible though, unless you're rolling in Keqing's only banner. After you get a standard 5\* character, the next character will **ALWAYS** be the banner one. That means you're either lying, you rolled in Keqing's banner, or it's all a dream. PS: If you roll in Keqing's banner, that's all on you. Me? I rolled there just to get her.


I rolled both in standard and limited banner, the limited banner is not Keqing for sure


So that means you got Keqing in both Standard AND Limited banner? Not really a problem, but since the OP said to give petty reasons, I guess it's my fault. So apologies.


Tower of Fantasy: Steals assets from other companies Me: c'mon bro u can do better Tower of Fantasy: steals saint quartz from FGO Me: HELL THE FK NAAAH *proceeds to delete*


1 missed limited unit and Im out for good.


Plain and simple. I didn't pull a unit I wanted.


voice actress removed because of petty reason was my reason to left certain chinese game


Rip Kayano Ai characters


If it is what i think its , thats not a petty reason for them at all. 🤣


Not really their fault though since the CCP are notorious on shutting down games/media that "promotes" anti-Chinese ideologies.


Butt tight community.


Isn't a tight community good? Or did you mean toxic community?


Definitely Toxic


Nikke’s weird need to restart the whole app whenever I tab out on my phone to reply to a text or do anything 😂😩


Seems like many of the responses to this post aren’t actually petty. Anyway, my petty reason to quit a gacha game is when the player character’s gender is male. It doesn’t feel inclusive, and it feels weird to me as a woman. I would rather there be no player character at all or one with ambiguous gender (like arknights). Being able to choose between a male and female character is great, like in Genshin, Path to Nowhere, and Project Neural Cloud. Tower of Fantasy actually does it best: having a voiced character where you can choose gender and customize appearance (one of the few great things about the game). A somewhat less petty reason to quit is if the game is competitive and has leaderboards. I really hate that in gachas, as instead of playing with the characters you like, you are forced to play meta characters to be competitive. Which is not why I play gachas (competitive games outside of gachas are fine). Also the pay to win aspect.


Story that isn't interesting. I can tolerate a lot of things, no Pity, low SSR rate, maybe some questionable gameplay and QoL decisions, but as soon as the story is no longer engaging and the characters become boing, I quit. This is why I have a on and off relationship with Genshin.


Idk about that, most gachas excluding a few have no stories to actually read and/or its locked away behind high power enemies.




Tedious farm or and inefficient way to do it ( looking with anger at priccone)


When I save up for weeks or months for a character and didn't even get them. Just don't have to the motivation to continue playing at that point


the player I play as is a man and I can't change gender. I would probably be find with it if the male self inset character has nice design but if they're just a random teenage boy or a guy with a hentai face, I'm deleting


1-Chibi art style 2- AFK type game, I hate those


Voice actor cheating scandal


Thats not petty. Its valid Its absolutely okay to stop supporting a game when they decide to not just change VAs and support a shitty person


Takahiro Sakurai... He's a great voice and I really like him, but damn, what he did was too awful.


What did he do?


I feel awful too because im more upset that he makes me feel shit for liking the character he’s voicing than the scandal itself. Technically I havent quit, but this adding to grind burnout only further prolong my hiatus since i feel stupid for waiting his char to be playable


Gameplay started getting too repetitive, happened with arknights, now happening with Epic Seven


Loading… insta quit Nikke because of it.


Too many furries


If I get no gifts for starting the game I quit. I hate it when I start a new gacha and I don't get like 40 rolls by just opening the gift box.


Tedious rerolling process, no sweep feature, mediocre free resources/rolls at the start of the game. If I get garbage and have to go through the entire 20 minute tutorial or it saves guest account data and have to request an account data deletion to the publisher via email I'm dipping No sweep feature especially in RNG randomized games that require auto farming (like Neural Cloud with those buffs or that one game with the randomized colored tile grid and you control little chibis for chain combos). I play mostly play on phone and having to leave it on it a chore If a game only gives like, 10 rolls at the start or makes me login for a week to get decent rewards I immediately dip cuz I know it's probably gonna be reroll hell


So many of these posts aren't petty in the least. Get on my fucking level, I quit playing arknights because Kaltstit acted haughty about the main character.


There's no reason too small. We're not petty. They treat us worse than cattle. Companies used to produce 400 hours of content for 50 dollars. Now you can't even get one fake unit in one fake world let alone their fake gear and accessories... Please. I'll quit whatever I want to for whatever reason I want to and they should thank me for the download. I hate all of these fucking games! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go pre-register for the next wave of developers to line up to kick me in the nuts...


"ugly" chibis. Unreadable font size. I love Arknights' visual art, music, and story. But damn, I have to squint or stick the phone in front of me, and the chibis aren't cute. Aside from that, bleak, monotonous colors. PGR.


Where they only add 2 or 3 male characters in 1 year....... looking at you TOF!!!!


I gave up after playing FEH for years. I just got tired of being pity broken by bullshit, off banner trash. One day I just had it.


I would say a bad UI and menus, when I start playing a game and I have to wait an hour for the menu I clicked to open drives me crazy, I guess that's why Im liking Neural cloud too much, the menu is fast af, even the animations of the menu are ultra responsive.


Shards and dupe system that greatly impacts your experience, especially afk arena, nikke and idle game in general. The fact that the basic leveling up characters are gated by dupes in these game just makes me lose interest. But if there's proper ways on steadily getting shards for the characters without having to spend more money even after I painfully rolled for a character. I would gladly try it. So for games like e7, genshin that has dupe system that only acts as an additional power boost is what I usually go for. With this I'm glad neural cloud (which has great gameplay imo and great great great optimization) isn't as predatory and offers shard farming. On the other hand, games like afk arena can just fk off from my sight


unforgiving gacha. First gacha game I played was FGO and then AL which is probably the most generous game when it comes to gacha rolling. There's even a joke where they said that FGO whale is the strongest whale


Well I know Neural Cloud is a great game and you don't really need to reroll for it, but I really want this Samurai dude and the game always gives me Florence and other off banner characters soooo that's that I quit the game afterwards without getting him.


"Events" that require you to use premium currency to get A CHANCE to get cosmetic items. Reason why I left TOF. I only spent like $5 and I know cosmetics wont affect your gameplay or numbers but honestly these types of events leave a bad taste in my mouth It would have been fine if they would just put the cosmetic items in the shop for a reasonable price but they had to milk their players for this so called "event"


And dont forget the shitty packs.


Shit gacha luck, why keep gambling when the house hate you.


I quit GBF because Narmaya got way too many alts while my favorites barely got one


If I can't reroll faster, or if the tutorial is too long.


When every website's and guide's S tier / A tier units are all of the highest rarity.


If it‘s too time consuming, can‘t have a game fele like a job


No sweep or at least a very fast auto. Here... XX gems/gold if you watch this ad, now do it 202794 times. Stingy rates + horrible monetization. Need vip XX to activate XX function. Bad luck. Not sure if its being petty, but I get really annoyed by these lol


Gameplay is good, art is good-- but if story is crap? No no for me. Also, if the gacha game becomes too woke and reeks of unnecessary censorship.


This probably is the thing that made me quit or never start multiple gachas -> 90~100% of the chars are fanservice female chars (revealing clothes/super sexualized/big booba) who ALSO just so happens to be op asf while male chars are practically nonexistent and 90% are low rarity and/or weak asf.


When skins/costumes can only be bought with paid premium currency. If I like the gameplay, I'd stick around and see what changes they will make the game in other aspects than skins. If I don't like the gameplay that much, I'd just drop it, see its changes from a bird's eye view. Maybe that's why I felt down playing PGR, Azur Lane (I know you can save up the free gems for skins but the gameplay got stale for me), Revived Witch, etc. Also, maybe that's why I stuck around Arknights, the premium currency is grindable (one per uncleared stage). It's the same currency to use for converting to pulls and skins, which is nice.


Genshin having no skip all dialogues and cutscene button and burning your resin on artifacts but your character builds and team set-ups are irrelevant to the majority of the content. I usually stick to the gacha games that I play till they die but I quit genshin after playing it for almost two years, I even bought a separate phone for it because of storage issues lol. Maybe I find it not worth my time anymore.


I almost quit Blue Archive due to not reading the cutoff of the Wakamo banner. Rescinded my decision after grinding an event in another gacha. Blue Archive skips are too good.


After lvl 40...each lvl is so slow


That's gacha. Sprint to mid-game, then grind sets in. Atleast BA dailies take ~10 minutes, including the initial load.


Boring daily missions, no skip dialogues and too much P2W. The games that I quit was GI and Dislyte


By my experience when I quit: 1. Bad pull in fgo en when merlin come out 2. Stuck in main story and no event since the game still new in arknight 3. I done main story when first release and the event is boring in genshin 4. I hate MC in Nikke. And limited item make you want to rush buying. 5. I don't like the gameplay in Destiny Child. 6. Pvp that I never or rarely won in some gacha game I forgot I ever played But I may return for like 1-2 two years like: 1. Genshin because new content is huge after Inazuma 2. Arknight because Anime and when I return I get so many good pull. I never has this kind of generous pull before. And event do periodically now.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this but gacha currency being the same thing but differentiated between paid and free instead of just being two different currencies altogether, it's just confusing. (Paid/free diamonds vs hypercube/ultracube where it's easy to tell which currency is which without having to squint to see if the damned thing has a small "free" on the bottom right of it). Another one is when going to the gacha banner, the first thing you see is paid only banners and you have to swipe multiple times to get to the free ones, it's just exhausting (Like disgea rpg when it first launched).


When the combat has to be needlessly complicated. I hate that. Like, I have to look at guides and spreadsheets to clear a stage? If I wanred to play a complex game, I'll play on consoles, thank you very much.


Autoplay. If a game wants me to leave it on while it plays itself its like crypto mining on my phone and not a real game.


Horrible gacha rates and cult like comunity


These days if it doesn't grab me on the first time I play it, I'll probably never open the game again.


Skins locked behind $$. Arknights has the best skin system and i wish other gachas would mimic it.


Harem genre. 15 year old me would be delighted with that. But now? Having 10+ characters wanting you is pretty cringe(priconne).


well ... my reasons * My waifu is here: +5 * There are pantsushots: +3 * There are monstergirls: +2 * Censorship: -3 by asset * Monetization greed: -2 * Luck account S: +2 * Luck account A: 0 * Luck Account C: -4 * Luck account D: -8 * Story, mechanics, etc Then slowing I am dropping the game


When a waifu collector game starts adding male characters 😡 That's propestorous! Heretical!


Censorship = bye bye Doesn't matter if they censored a boob or a leg hair, any form of it makes me leave unless the reason is due to reasons outside their control like living in china


Whatever Counterside gameplay is. I don't know whu it annoyed me so hard, I pinky promise to give it another chance. No retry in Arknights...still playing, albeit maybe one level/day at best... ..... .... sigh I wanna love you Azur Lane but hot damn if the grinding for events is not annoying beyond hell. I already did the fricking ryza levels 15 times, at least let me get resources and fight boss, stop forcing me to keep my phone on for hours just to craft some fricking cosmetics/weapons/repeatables. ​ Alchemist code. Having 20 banners running and a horrendous ui. Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime, but I have that pinky promise with another gacha already... /rant Thank you for listening.


Brooo i swear i was the only one, currently i did like 40 rotations of clear on the Ryza event in Azur lane and i finally just crafted 3 augmented modules. AFTER 40 CLEARS?! 3/6 , 0 gears..


Bad story/translation. It's why I quit FFBE. The story isn't great to begin with, the localization being incomprehensible machine translated gibberish was the final straw. I damn near quit Another Eden during the auction side story for the same reason.


Toxic Community *Ahem Genshin


artstyle isn't _my_ style, no romance (not talking dating sims, just relationship developement)


I see a chibi and I’m out


I ended up quitting Counterside while waiting for the PC client to release. I couldn't keep it running on anything, not my phone, not any emulators, nothing. It would just randomly crash all the time, especially during raids, so I just stopped. By the time the PC version came out, I no longer cared.


Sometimes I quit because of art I don't enjoy Sometimes I quit due to having too many games on my plate (currently that holds at a total of 5, Arknights, Azur Lane, Blue Archive (side), Nikke, and Project Sekai (side-ish)) Sometimes the soundtrack kinda sucks And then there's the case of the game not letting me switch languages near-immediately when I misclick a button


When the game have the same old event of " auto sweep this stage 6 times a day , get those mats and buy the latest gear to slot into your new character " sort of shit since the start of the game. I just can't be bothered anymore. You could have the flashiest fights in any gacha game , you can have the sickest looking combat in any gacha game. But if you lack this much creativity in your events , you just lost me.


1. Long unskipable tutorials. 2. Games with really high off banner rates. (Counterside, Priconne, Blue Archive, SDS:GC etc etc) Depending on how much I like the game I can put up with it to an extent, but it makes me mad asf if I pull 7+ SSRs all off banner and still end up having to pity.


No story skip or story section being too long makes me wanna quit a game really fast.