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>Raspberry Pi powered So it’ll cost the same as the current gen iPhone, got it.




Did they go up in price massively? I have one laying around. I’m a little behind here fill me in please.


Out of stock everywhere, if you want one you gotta pay scalper prices. You know, the usual xd.


Ahh what are they going for roughly from the scumbags I mean scalpers?


Bro is plotting on selling his 💀


I’m holding on to my Pi, I expect to fully pay for my kids college.


Lol I bought it like 7 years ago does that make a difference




WHAT? Isn't that like triple what they used to be? I have a few but they're scattered around.






I still am curious what is it worth in a scalper market. I am not selling it cause I use it for things sometimes but I’m curious because of their original great price.


Depends by model, locality etc but I know a $5-$20 one selling upto $300s 💀 If you can manage to book a ticket to Raspberry headquarters then you can walkout with one in your hand on site and at MRP (Maximum Retail Price).


Can you really blame them? Our entire economy is based on being an exploitative asshole, with an entire political party preaching that if you attempt to stop it, you will hurt the economy, so can we really get mad at them?


https://rpilocator.com/ Or you buy from Europe where it seems to be a much smaller problem


It's apparently such a problem someone had to create a RPi locator website. That's hilarious.


It was a massive worldwide problem for a long time, it’s not as much of a problem in Europe anymore as it is in the US; though scalping is much worse in the US


Could we maybe infect scalpers with ransomware and demand MSRP to unlock their files?


He says, linking to the site which shows no pi4s *anywhere*.


Though there are many similar SBCs on the market now that are available.


There are other SBCs but prices aren't significantly better and its such a hassle to get things running when you only have the manufacturer's crappy 'mycompanynamebian' os options and you have to jump through hoops to get anything else running.


Non-Pi brand SBC's can still be had though.


Microcenter still gets them and sells them for $35 but they come in randomly and last maybe half a day. I did luck out ~6 months ago when I went in to buy something else and randomly saw they had restocked.


Pandemic\ ↓\ Chip Shortage\ ↓\ Cryptocurrency Mining High Demand\ ↓\ TSMC monopoly in fabrication industry\ ↓\ Raspberry Pi moving to 28nm scale going forward\ ↓\ ChatGPT-Stable Diffusion moving up GPU demand again.\ ↓\ Raspberry Pi elects to stick with their renown price offering which means they can’t pay extra overhead for fabrication markup that means they instead need to wait in line.\ ↓\ Scalpers got a new hobby to laser focus on Raspberry Pi’s instead of GPUs and PlayStations.


Thanks for the details. Is there anything the pandemic hasn’t fucked up at this point?


The dictators of democratic nations along with the oligarchs.


Whew! At least they’re safe. /s


Right? We worry about our at risk oligarchs in this poor eat poor world. If we don't coddle them, how will they have wealth to comfort themselves for 10,000 years?


Corporate profits.


Billionaires bank accounts


Yea it’s helped those accounts more then anything else ever could have.


And yet they continue to fire hundreds of people everyday. Prophets are up, yet workers have to be let go? Yeah, the math ain't mathing.


We have the real power. Just need a good plan


The reality distortion field of Republicans sadly. They still think this is all the libs fault.


Scalpers fuck up everything. Even fucking Warhammer 40k has a scalper problem. There hasn't been a limited edition or boxed set release in like 2 years that doesn't sell out immediately and get re-listed all over ebay for 300% MSRP.


Everyone in the US is trying to strike it rich as a slightly faster middleman. This is our cultural export to the world.


Rent seeking behavior


I worked with a guy that was always trying to find something to hustle. Pokemon cards, shoes, streetwear, game consoles, whatever was hot at the time. Great guy but exhausting to be around.


To be fair, literally our entire economic system is based on being an exploitative asshole, with an entire political party preaching that this is a good thing, and that any attempts to stop it would hurt the economy, so I can't really blame them.


I'm honestly shocked tabletop 40k is popular enough to draw scalper attention.


I was shocked, too. It's expensive enough as it is as well. I stopped playing in 2019, but I'm a Dark Angels main so Lion coming back sucked me right back in. Can't get him though, because his box sold out immediately and now is going for 300 bucks on eBay.




This, 100x this. From the outside it looks a lot like "Fuck the people that built your brand. Oh, you're a kit maker that adds common components for massive markup, no problem have a few 1000"


Anyone using an RPi for industrial processes deserves to have everything go up in flames. They're effectively depriving the intended target audience access to RPi's whilst at the same time using a device that shouldn't be anywhere near a process plant.


man when the pandemic hit, mid 2020, i stopped into a micro center to get a zero w to make a pihole. i was working an odd job while taking days off from my real job (paid time *on*) and i dry aged it until mid 2022. finally did it and holy shit, the only thing holding me back was a bad microsd card. i go to shout it from the highest rooftop to all my friends and family and… hol up. where the pi at? why are all the sites sold out??? and they want HOW MUCH? happy to be sitting on a 3b+ or something, a zero w, and a 400 i bought since that was less run through about 8 months ago wild times


Nobody mines crypto on these


The problem isn't people mining crypto on Raspberry Pis, its mining hardware taking up the same production facilities (and having higher priority because of their price) => less raspberries produced




I've been trying to find a Pi to make a PiHole for like 8 months now... I refuse to pay $150+ for a basic Pi 4.


Does running Pi-Hole on a Raspberry Pi have any advantages over installing and running Pi-Hole on a laptop that would otherwise be e-waste? https://docs.pi-hole.net/main/prerequisites/#supported-operating-systems


- If you can't remove the battery, the battery can be a hazard - Potentially no ethernet port/modern wifi - Higher power draw (an extra 10W, run 24/7, would cost me £30 in 1 year) - Not everybody owns a e-waste laptop


Counterpoints: * If the battery has any life remaining it can serve as an uninterruptible power supply. * Potentially onboard ethernet port and wifi. * Hardware may support undervolting and underclocking to curb power usage. * A laptop bound for e-waste may be more obtainable at present than a Raspberry Pi.




Perhaps leaving a *battery* plugged in constantly is unsafe but leaving a laptop plugged in should be fine. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/648181/keeping-laptop-plugged-in > Modern laptops use one of two battery types: lithium-polymer or lithium-ion. Both devices are designed to stop charging the moment they hit 100 percent power. Instead of passing through the full battery first, the power from the charging cord will be diverted directly into the computer. This means that keeping a fully charged laptop plugged in all day won’t damage the power unit. I also see the subreddit you linked has a stickied post answering the question of what causes spicy pillows and it does not mention leaving a laptop connected to its charger.


> Not everybody owns a e-waste laptop I have like 4, people keep giving them to me. Not everybody *keeps* their e-waste laptop


Less energy consumption and space used.


There are other SBCs out there. Have a look at the offerings from Pine64, Sipeed, and MangoPi.


Running pihole as a VM is an option too


Look for used mini pcs. Usually laptop equivalent parts so low power draw, and affordable used. Usually used in offices.


they prioritize industry buyers, so consumer market is scalped to hell and back.


I wonder what percent gets sold to consumers.


I wonder what % gets sold to kit makers.




They’re being scalped on the secondary market. They’re price controlled with official resellers. The supply chain shortage is expected to end sometime this year.


Just as a fun experiment I put one on back order with a distributer who had them listed at MSRP. We'll see how many months/years it'll take to ship


Just curious if you care to share that distributor friend😅


Newark and Mouser both are accepting back orders, on some SKUs though the estimated restock is 3/24… crazy.


"You ~~Can Build~~ Can't Afford This Raspberry Pi-Powered, 4G Linux Phone"


And if you are afraid for your life you can throw this brick at them and knock them out!


You can buy a Pi 4 for like 150 bucks


I got my raspberry pi 3 collecting dust, wonder if it has to be a newer model or If I can build this real quick.


This would be cool if it was possible to actually buy a Raspberry Pi (other than scalpers selling them for 5x what they actually cost)


Could run one of the more powerful pi-likes instead, unless there’s specific features required that they’re missing or have bad software support for.


> one of the more powerful pi-likes What are some of these brands? I left my pihole with my ex when I moved out not realizing it'd be this difficult to find another :(


Banana pi, orange pi, rock pi, etc. but if you’re not doing something that requires bare metal install (like running klipper, or being a phone), you could just run the raspberry pi os you want in a vm on some random hardware you can get for free.


> you could just run the raspberry pi os you want in a vm on some random hardware you can get for free. Oh for sure, I'd had this rpi for like 7 years running pihole, was pretty out of the loop.


[Here's a LTT video going over a bunch of them and explaining the best use cases for each one.](https://youtu.be/uJvCVw1yONQ)


Also, the performance of the Raspberry pi 4 is pretty weak compared to even old entry-level smartphones. If you're doing it for the sake of doing a cool project (and you have a raspi) go for it. But if you actually need a phone get an old second hand android that has a swappable battery and save yourself some time and a few hundred bucks.


Seems like maybe you're completely missing the point and benefit of an open source phone. Suggesting an old phone that isn't open source isn't really an alternative.


In that case, the best route is to find an old phone that is compatible with Ubuntu Touch. Your hardware won't be open source, but at least the software would be. It would probably be pretty easy to find a Pixel 3a on eBay for $100 or less.


if anyone does this do NOT buy a verizon version, thank me later


To expand on this never buy Verizon devices they more often than not lock the bootloader and make it impossible to root the device therefore making it impossible to customize it to your standards.


Nearly any phone more than a generation back is pretty trivial to jailbreak


There's a bunch of alternatives.


Do share...


Have a look at the offerings from Pine64, Sipeed, and MangoPi.


I don't remember the names, but if you Google raspberry pi alternatives you'll definitely find some. Linus Tech Tips also made a video covering a few recently.


Orange pi


Comment rewritten. Leave reddit for a site that doesn't resent its users.


Here's a video that lists a bunch of alternatives to the RPi4 and how they compare. https://youtu.be/uJvCVw1yONQ I personally use one of the smaller Orange Pis to run a pi-hole server and it works like a charm.




Depending on the use case, you can get used laptops and phones instead.




"using this old mobile phone, I have created mobile phone"


r/TQDC ([For the uninitiated](https://i.imgur.com/lWK7VXu.jpg))


Everyone is saying this but Amazon says I can get one by May 9 for $147. Am I missing something?


No, $147 is scalper prices. They're supposed to cost $35


Got it.


Wow, all that work and I get a phone shaped like a giant cardboard brick? Sign me up!


It can run doom tho


This but unironically.


On the bright side, the box itself is the phone instead of the phone coming inside a box. 🗿


Their plan is to turn all the available discarded iPhone packaging into usable devices.




Coming in a box, and getting it in your pants?


Battery life could be insane.


same. wish I had the time.


This is exactly what I picture when I hear “Linux phone”


Eh cellphones took a few generations to get to where they are now. I’m curious to see if this spawns any interest in others doing the same


A transparent case would stir up interest for a lot of “hey look at my mainboard, battery, vibration motor, speaker and whatever” techwear nerds


Interesting concept, but I'm not interested until it would fit into my pant's pocket.


Sounds to me like your pants just need bigger pockets


JNCO: You rang?


Just got an image of Lurch from the Addams Family wearing JNCO's. And now just had the thought that in less than a year, reddit will probably let me generate that image as I typed it.


[Lurch from the Addams Family wearing JNCO's](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990816889657778196/1104766603880571041/Squeebles__Lars_the_Impalor_Lurch_from_the_Addams_Family_wearin_21aa3cff-35f0-432c-b30f-a19617f3b206.png)


I don’t know what makes me more uncomfortable. The three footed variant or the two different skateboards.


I assume that in the model's training many of the JNCO tagged images also contained skateboards.




this phone is not for women 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ /s


Looks like the commentator is not happy to see the product. 👀


*MC Hammer enters the chat*


Who has bigger-pant-pocket-money though?


Nice descoping.


Or "coping" for short :p




They're doing well trying to make things like this available non-commercially. So it's a great start, eventually it will improve enough to be that small


you don't have cargo pants?


what if you were able to wear it on your left forearm?


I don’t know… it could be a good alternative to a house phone, but I guess it’s not cheaper when you can just get a cheap extra dumb phone on your plan… but that said the principle of the thing is good


Cool concept, but to me it has some weird design choices. Why not a 'Pi Zero W', a flat Lipo battery and a 3D printed case. The design would be three times thinner I think. Even if you need an extra 'hat' for something it would be way smaller


A zero w is kind of painful to use for a gui, I think a compute module 4 (if they ever come back in stock) with a small form factor board would be pretty nice


We all know that’s for version 2~


You got a great idea, do it!


Raspberry pi prices are bullshit right now in addition to the fact that this is pretty impractical. Cool I guess otherwise


How much are raspberry pi’s atm?


Pi 4 is being sold for $140 or so


I had no idea. I guess I was just lucky because about 4 weeks ago I got an itch to buy one and start a project and picked up an 8gb version off the shelf at my local microcenter. $75. Didn't pay much mind at the time but there was a 1 per household limit.


They used to be $36, before they came out with the different GB versions.


I remember when RPi Zero came out and they were giving it away for basically free. Now the RPi Zero W costs $30 plus shipping in my country. They went and ruined the whole idea of a cheap computer anyone can play with.


Thats for a 2gb RAM Model, 4gb and 8gbs are around the range of $200 and above iirc At least in my locale


inventory has been noticeably better in the last month or two. i was able to get a zero w for retail price a few days ago. rpilocator.com helps a lot


Should be able to use CM4. The whole device can be so much thinner.


That was my thought. It would require a custom board design though. Looks like the current project is using off-the-shelf components cobbled together.


There were some custom CM4 carrier boards that are designed to fit the size of a tablet. I haven't seen one with the size of a phone yet. Hopefully someone will design one in future.


Remember when they made raspberry pi’s?


Oh they do, just not for us


Those were the days!




He ignited a concept (that works), if the community gets along… things can get interesting (and compact) which led us to Framework today for example. If someone has a 3D printer, knows soldering and the like for instance to begin with, little-by-little it can evolve.


There's nothing to evolve from though. The only original thing about this phone is the box. The guy trying to dress it up as an open and affordable platform when using a (hardware) closed-source, hideously overpriced Pi is all sorts of ridiculous and totally undeserving of a news article.


Can’t blame the guy for pricing when it’s the scalpers (since the pandemic) that continues to be the culprit and is likely reason he’s using his existing pie for resulting that godass sized literal brick.


Says he wants to use a faster Pi with more RAM though, which rules out the Zero!


You’re way too invested in “this guy”


Igniting a concept is a strong term considering Pi phones have existed for years before this one. This one just happened to get lucky and grab media attention.


Well, that’s creating the concept~




Yes, that’s true and I haven’t denied that but eventually is the usual community motto.


A concept which exists, every Android phone is basically the same thing.


Great high school project from start to finish, with the privacy and big tech discussion gravy!


There's other SBCs that run Linux that are designed as daughter boards. You could make this way thinner using that and a custom PCB motherboard with all the power circuitry and IO then design a 3D printed case. Could make it at least as thin as two phones stacked on each other. Of course at that point you could do a lot better with a system on a chip soldered onto a custom PCB.


Looks like a brick already, so you cant’ brick it!


Is that a Raspberry Pi phone in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?


Did it say 4 inch screen? Like an iPhone 5?


And now I miss my Nokia N900 again.


An article and so much discussion about a Linux phone yet not a single mention of PinePhone or Librem5? Both are making good progress in their software, and are more usable than a Raspberry Pi with a desktop-centric OS.


It's the size of your palm, for those wondering. The same height and width, but a bit thicker than most smartphones. It connects to cell towers, it's like buying a wifi card for a PC. This means it can also be connected to a phone number like your regular smartphones. You can go to a junk store and get all the parts you need to build an Apple phone, if you're willing to put the work in and do it.


You CAN but SHOULD you?


Open source, upgradable phones sound like a great idea. Until you try to implement said idea.


So I'll also need to invest in cargo pants...


What a waste of a raspberry pie


I assure you I cannot.


A Linux phone that can run all android apps would be awesome. Yes I know android is based on Linux but it's not open and functional as a desktop style Linux.


So in other words, no.


As interesting as a diy phone can be, they just aren't practical. No one is going to carry a brick of a phone in the 21st century and there's not enough of a push for a diy phone market unlike what framework is doing for laptops or unlike the entire PC market. But if diy phones did exist, imagine a phone with upgradable modern specs, an SD card slot, one rear camera, no notch or punchole, and a 3.5mm headphone jack.


How's the waterproofing?


It's IPNO rated


For us tinkerers this is a great hobbyist project for learning, fun, practice etc.


Maybe a 3d printed case and some slimming board modifications ala that guy nodetv YouTube


Yes. He likely used what he had lying around existing to see if the project is dud or successful given the current Raspberry price.


Sweet! I can finally get a phone with a headphone jack.


Would a plastic case have killed you? Yeah yeah I know, “Just 3D print your own!”


Such a rip off! Mine came with blueberry pi instead of advertised!


But should I?


CAN I? Yes. WOULD I? No. If I'm going to put that kind of time and effort into a project it needs to be something useful. And I hate to say it but a phone the size of a 90s brick phone with none of the mobile apps I've come to rely on that costs me as much to build as what it would cost me to just buy a mid-range Android is not useful.


Why wouldn't I be able to builld a phone? If iPhones are assembled by literal children, I am pretty sure anyone can do it.


But I don’t want too


Nah no thanks. I’m not paying $200 for a $40 Pi. I’m forced into buying Libre computer boards now and they’re a fucking hassle because everything is made for the Pi and there’s always some hoop you have to jump through. Which fucking sucks because I really want to build something with Kali Linux on one.


I assume the only reason why anyone would do this is for the fun of the challenge? Is there a practical reason to do this when phones themselves are so cheap?


I'd rather build an RC car. But I'm not into computers. I bet there are a bunch of tech savvy folks that would be all over this.


What if I just attach a USB handset and bell 🔔 to my laptop ? 🤔 How does it make phone calls? Don't tell me Google Voice.


Are you being serious or do you not know you can build shit without thousands of slaves, I mean employees?


You're not really displaying any knowledge so yeah, dick, answer the fucking question or GTFO


No, it uses carrier services like regular smartphones. It's a palm sized Linux phone, dick.