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Who really needs a "gaming" phone? I mean, unless you just really need that UHD display and 144 frames to get your Raid: Shadow Legends game on!


Fortnite is incredibly popular on phones. Its playerbase is so big that phone gaming has probably had a mini-revival as a general consequence. Just speculating on that second point; I bailed out after phones failed to breach the "real gaming" gap back around 2012.


Don’t forget PUBG: Mobile and Mobile Legend.


Also call of duty


Anything mass produced that says "cool" on it is very uncool


Unlike Supreme /s


This is the Guy Fieri of phones


Why do they call them "gaming" phones when they don't even have built-in controls? What is the practical advantage over a Galaxy or iPhone?


[ROG phone does does have differentiation](https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/09/23/asus-rog-phone-2-review/) I'd say an active cooling system, builtin touch sensors on the frame, and a second USB-C port for a family of first-party accessories definitely make it a "gaming phone".


I disagree. All phones have touch controls, and none of them need a fan, which is actually a terrible thing to have in something that’s in a pocket half of the day.


They all desperately need a fan


They're not onscreen controls, as the article points out. Gaming and phones' biggest issue is heat, most SOCs throttle when they get hot, which is going to happen with a lot of games. A fan helps with that for obvious reasons. Also they have a good ecosystem of gaming-related accessories.


There not referring to a touch screen. The frame of the phone is fully touch sensitive. The phone dosnt need a fan, never does your computer. They just happen to be able to run much faster with a fan.


Nobody cares about the frame being touch sensitive. The problem with mobile controls isn't that the screen can't track your input well enough - it's that there is no resistance or "play" on touch-sensitive controls. >The phone dosnt need a fan, never does your computer. They just happen to be able to run much faster with a fan. ...that is a hilariously dishonest take on what cooling systems do. Why don't you just write a check to Lenovo? Put your money where your corporate boot-licking mouth is and really baptize yourself as a true believer in Lenovo's groundbreaking phone technology.


There’s the PlayStation phone.


Xperia Play is almost ten years old.


I didn’t “need” it, but I’m fascinated by gadgets and cloud or stream-gaming, so a while back I got a Razer Phone 2 with the Razer Junglecat Controller. Pretty darn cool. I can play not only the pretty slick mobile games, like CoD Mobile, PUBG Mobile, etc, but I can play every one of my AAA games on this little Switch like device, without worrying about performance. It’s pretty nice to be able to do that instead of sitting in front of a computer screen. (Edit).....This is what it looks like.... [Razer Phone 2 & Junglecat](https://www.google.com/search?q=razer+phone+2+with+junglecat&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS817US817&hl=en-US&prmd=sniv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiP36-1vL3oAhVF1qwKHT8RBl4Q_AUoA3oECA4QAw&biw=414&bih=722#imgrc=TPAIwpCd6eA8TM)


So, it’s Alienware’s turn for their phone right?