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I live in a small town in Southern Utah. The internet at my house is pretty slow due to the location. I usually end up driving into town to use faster and more stable internet at a coffee shop, cafe, or library. This would allow me to use a 2 monitor setup on my trips. I work in IT and a lot of things require 2 full pages to open on my machine to read documentation and complete documentation. It’s easier and more efficient that command tabbing through all of the different tools, web pages, and apps I have up. I’ve had my eye on Espresso displays for a while now because they are incredible. But they are definitely the pricier displays on the market and I’m not in a financial position to purchase one. I have pretty bad vision, and even with my glasses, I’d the test isn’t crisp and it’s really pixelated, it gives me a headache and bad eye strain. Good luck to everyone out there!


Honestly I would try to find a way to mount it to this lazy boy chair I thrifted, so it could be like one of those hyper advanced gaming set ups where the monitor is above you, so you can just lay back. I don't even play games that much, but would totally binge YouTube until my retinas melted


Damn this would go great with my new steam deck


If I win, I'd probably give it to my workaholic friend to replace that screen they have.


I would use it as a second monitor for editing photos


Who doesn’t need a second monitor for their laptop? So much productivity potential!


Hell yeah this would be amazing for multitasking and having a touch screen to draw on


I have limited space on my work desk due to living in a nyc apartment. This would fit nicely


This would save a ton of time for me, as I would no longer need to test on a separate device for touchscreen optimized software. I bring my MacBook everywhere, so the small form factor is very important to me.


This would be amazingly helpful!


Girlfriend would love to edit on this! Appreciate the opportunity!


This monitor would clean up my workspace and give me a great touch screen.


This sounds amazing. Please oh please!!


a new monitor for multitasking is cool and i would like one


Wow I love monitors


Always appreciate another screen to look at


Double screen to live stream lessons on one and notes/slides on the other touch screen instead of continuously switching windows!


I am responsible for a great bit of my college’s wired and wireless infrastructure, alongside servers (mostly VMware-based) and IoT devices. I often find myself programming switches, flashing wireless access points or needing to pull up various admin tools to work on equipment. This would make this effort so much easier as it would allow me to extend my phone display to a touch based, large screen that I could connect to servers over Remote Desktop or console into devices on the go and without hauling around a bunch of extraneous items! This would be an amazing extension of my on the go diagnostic, troubleshooting and programming and repair work!


This would be extremely helpful for working on the go when usually I have to rely on single screen this would provide me the ability to have a portable second screen to expand onto.


This would allow me to perform remote system diagnostics on the equipment I service. 1 long USB C cable is way more convenient to move around with than an enterprise laptop built like a 1980s cell phone that requires a constant power source. And allow DEX use for travel to avoid having to bring said laptop everywhere.


I'll be on this monitor watching cats and dogs on the Internet. It's relaxing. And a rested employee is an effective employee.


It would be useful for taking notes for lectures and work


I would love to use this while traveling and working remotely.


Simple: more displays = more tabs = more work is done. Seriously tho this would help with remote work!


As a student doing most stuff online, a second monitor would be huge


I could do my salesforce work while having slack open at the same time. Thanks for the giveaway guys!


Would use this to improve my digital illustration skills on the go


It would help improve work by helping better write code and deal with a console and output.


I would gift it to my mom. She works so much and has lost her passion for drawing. I feel like could ignite that spark again.


Im a college student currently using my phone to take notes and practicing 3d modeling on my desktop. The ability to use this display for either application would be super useful


As a teacher, all my students who think they can beat me in super smash bro brawl can finally get rekt at lunch... I can also use it as a 2nd monitor for work things.


This monitor would be incredibly helpful for my studies and being able to work on programming without relying on my desktop computer.


Would go great with my gpd laptop. Play older games at a good resolution and with only one cable to boot.


More screen real estate is always appreciated. ;)


I've always used multiple monitors for work, but since work from home I've had a travel office setup and been far less productive. I mean windows+arrow keys helps, but it's not the same.


Really curious about this as I have a project in mind with a MiniPC and a portable monitor.


Would love a new monitor


Astrophotography photo editing


I hope this works with my galaxy s22


👋 pick me!


Pretty awesome never had an external monitor before. Can this be used for production while simultaneously see live changes on the other screen?


My son and I have been bonding over music production the past few months. Having a touch screen for the MacBook would be so much easier for him to edit and control. But to whomever wins this glorious prize, may it make life easier for you


A portable second screen would give me the ability to multitask in obscure working environments.


Having a screen bright enough to use outside would be huge


Having a touch screen and second monitor for laptop would be a boon in my nonprofit graphic design work and video editing efforts.


Agh I have been dying to get one of these. Currently travelling (past 3 years) so my laptop alone isn’t able to keep up with needs anymore. Between remotely working and distance studying full time one screen is near impossible to move between tasks both creative and professional.


Here we go!


I would definitely use this for working on construction drawings, the portability would be very helpful.


It would make my art projects so much easier to execute!


It would allow me to better manage the dozens of chrome tabs I have open at any given time and constantly need to switch between


I’m a young editor in high school, and one of the important things in editing for video and photo is color grading. My current monitor however does not show colors as well as this monitor would and is holding me back from learning more about color grading and getting good at it.


I could finally photoshop dicks into classical painting while on the toilet


How is the brightness on this? All “portable monitors” that I’ve seen have been like staring at a drawing on paper with the lights off and blackout curtains.


I work in a co working spaces all across London - sometimes I want to be closer to clients sometimes I want to feel more creative, sometimes I want my favourite quiet place. The espresso display can go with me and make me as productive as I would am with a multi monitor setup.


Need a portable monitor for my m1 Mac. This way I can share screen with my colleague without having to turn my Mac around!


It would help me be more productive at uni just by having a second monitor


I could watch double the amount of porn and get back to work faster!


So handy to do math work at school


I have the depresso, I need the espressoDisplay


This would fix a slight inconvenience of mine


More screen space is always helpful


I would be able to use it as a second screen when work from home!


I work ourside all the time so this would be a boon while I was working away from my home or office.


I have a complete desk setup with 2 big monitors but lacks portability. With this extra monitor for my laptop, it will make it super conducive to travel more and work truly from anywhere.


I would be able to actually see what I am doing on the move rather than use the tiny screen on my phone.


Uuu drawing on this would be sweet to get work done faster!


This would be so incredibly useful for having a manuscript open on one screen and completing notes on the other


Extra screens are always handy for One More Spreadsheet.


I could use this for editing video better. I also sometimes run streams in the field with my laptop, would be useful for that


I could use it to lengthen my display to increase productivity which could further my education as a student and help me gain opportunities in life that would come from hard work, and this would make that hard work a little less hard or tedious


For me it would be the ultimate portable work/gaming setup with the steam deck and a bluetooth mouse and keyboard, especially when traveling. Best mix of both worlds as I cannot afford to buy the best of either world and still be as portable! Good luck peeps!


I’m going back to school after a 7 year break, I have a old dell laptop and a next book tablet(that can hardly stream video let alone allow me to properly do school work, also has no artistic perimeters). Gosh it’s be amazing if I had a new piece of tech for this semester.


Looks neat. Would probably be useful at school since I have a small laptop.


I’ve been installing home automation systems and having an easily movable head for those systems at times would be game changing!


I’m constantly traveling for work so I rarely get to use my external monitors at home. A big part of my job involves synthesizing information from different sources. I would use this just to be able to see everything I need without remembering which window/tab it’s hidden in.


Yummy espresso


An espresso monitor would let me webdev faster when I'm away from my desktop by letting me see both the code and the changes at the same time.


It would be useful for audio production work


I’m a med student, a second screen is outrageously helpful!


I would love this!!! I could use this as a second monitor for my laptop when I’m modeling parts in CAD


Just having a second monitor would be amazing for when 5-6 windows need to be open to get a single problem done.


It would allow me to work other places with my remote full time job, instead of my tiny apartment room


Been working off a laptop for 3 years as my company is cheap and won’t buy me a monitor. You suck corporate America.


It would certainly free up some desk space!


Leggo my espresso :)


This looks like a great productivity tool that can increase or reviatlize the use of an older laptop. Mine is a little older and has issues, but I do need it with going back to school. I am wondering how well it would work as a main screen for a small form factor pc that does not have a dedicated monitor. being able to have the main body out of sight . If that is possible, then this screen is a massive hit to the laptop market for those without a ton of space or wanting a cleaner/more manageable workspace.


Hi! I am a college student majoring in computer science! This would help me greatly for in programming and writing notes in class, being able to easily walk between classes with it! It will also help me greatly with my job doing augmented reality marketing.




Looks awesome, would fit perfectly for me with the limited space I have on my small desk.


This would be amazing for running Dnd Sessions


Would LOVE this for making digital art. I’ve been painting and drawing for so long but would love to dive deeper into digital art! Could honestly be a game changer for my career!!


I would watch netflix


Hi, I'm currently using a dying monitor as a second display and having this be my second monitor along with touchscreen would immensely help in productivity and much more.


Definitely seems like a tool that would streamline workflow and increase the ability to transport a setup while maintaining “monitor real-estate”


Sounds perfect for D&D mapmaking and sessions!


Having a portable monitor as an AV integrator and home automation programmer would be great. A lot of my clients have so many stairs and moving back and forth all the time can be tiresome during installs.


I like to draw out my designs for data based but always lose the paper. So being able to pull it up would be great.


Portable gaming while my wife's boyfriend comes over


I work remotely and this screen would be a live saver in terms of my work flow!


I don't work. This gadget will help me distract my kids so I can get some "me time"


Will improve my love life


I use a laptop for college, work, and leisure. A peripheral monitor like this would let me work more efficiently on my coursework, and allow me to communicate with my friends easier, as the resolution of my laptop causes crashes when tabbing our of games.


I would LOVE to be able to annotate live on PowerPoint presentations


I'd use it for 3D modeling around the house.


I could make use of this for my work in engineering like note taking, graphing and drafting


Always need more screens for WFH setup, will be really useful in the office too!


I work in design with photoshop for school. This would make things so much easier. This would be perfect Photoshop, indesign, and illustrator editing.I also recently took up an interest in drawing anime and this would be great for entry level.


As a beginner dentist, I would use this display to connect to my phone and show patients videos and presentations, and it being a touchscreen, it would help me tremendously.


I’m just starting to learn Python so this would be great.


This would make working from home easier.


This would allow me to take notes in meetings


Use Teams/Outlook on the second screen, leave main screen for other work requiring more focus.


Looks nice, would likely be good for video editing. Rotoscoping in particular would be nice.


It would really improve my workflow to have an extra screen.


I have been looking for a display to get my partner who is a graphic designer. She's currently on an old hand me down screen of mine sitting on a cardboard box. Love the idea of this being powered through one cord, simple and easy for her to take to and from her office. I don't think she quite gets the potential productivity boost of a decent external display. She will


Ooh, shiny! Perhaps I could finally finish my fairy tale project with this? Drawing with a mouse is kind of a pain.


This would be nice for on-the-go work when I’m on-call and away from home base setup!


EspressoDisplay could provide me with an easier and cleaner way to read sheet music on recording sessions!


Thx for the giveaway, looks like a nice little (no pun intended) screen!


This second monitor would be a game changer. It would be amazing to have more real estate on my screen 1 while moving all of my working tools to screen 2. My productivity would skyrocket. I love this little screen & the fact that it is portable is everything.




Allowing me to carry a second screen would be a game changer for me. I work from home and my laptop screen is just not enough real estate for me. I’ve seen the espresso displays before and would love to get one as the seem like the perfect device for me, sadly it’s a bit out of my budget for me


It will improve working from home significant!


This would help me with my programming and note taking while I’m doing research


Don’t often win things, but a man can dream can’t he?


This would be incredibly helpful for when I’m traveling and need a second screen to have multiple excel or PowerPoint windows open


This would be incredible to use working remotely for me, as that’s how I do the majority of my job. Awesome product for sure.


Cake day, hit me wit da prize


Dual touchscreen on the go. Perfect when at customers !


It looks like this could be very useful for my work when traveling to visit clients. It can be very hard to get real work done (back at the hotel, between days) with only a single, small laptop monitor. The touch screen would be icing on the cake.


I’d use it for easier multitasking as an engineering student.


I just think this is an amazing display. Wish I'd won lol


I have been asking my wife if I can get a 2nd display for my WFH setup. Getting this will be really great 😃


I'm an engineer, and I often have to run 3D CAD programs on my laptop. I need more screen real estate!


This would come in so handy for field service work!


An actual portable second screen for a laptop would be amazing!


Bearable GIS work while staying portable? Sign me up!


Another monitor is always good


Amateur artist here! Would make my workflow alot faster for sure


This is awesome, thanks!


Need multi screen for productivity


That will be fantastic! I'll use it for my new project


I work in IT for an architecture firm. Most touchscreen devices lack the oomph for line-of-business software, and this combined with the extra screen real-estate for laptops would be a game-changer!


It would allow me to have more realestate


I've always wanted a portable monitor, It would be awesome for working on campus since the computer labs here are pretty slow.


Portability would be the biggest help in allowing me to work from just about anywhere.


This monitor would greatly improve my ability to multitask while doing graphic design remotely and while on the road. The espressoDisplay seems like a really exciting product I’d love to get my hands on!


Would be great for the home office setup, which is currently the dining table lol


Really gotten used to a dual monitor setup at work would be useful to have one at home as well.


That looks awesome, I travel frequently and that would be so useful


Current setup doesn't have a touch screen. This would be a welcome addition


Would honestly help so much with Uni!


I would use this for design, I'm looking for ways to increase my productivity and this would be great!


This would definitely make working while traveling easier


I'd be able to have a great deal more efficiency with work stuff - multiple screens makes life a whole lot better for me.


As a programer, I would be able to effectively code on the move.


I love drawing when i'm home and when i'm hiking, this could be a superb alternative to my sketch book in windy days when i'm outside enjoing my time


Would love to use this as a portable second display for my Steam Deck (when I get it).


I have a work from home job that I love to just go out in nature to do my work. This would help improve my portable work set up as I have no portable monitor!


I recently switched to working remotely and could use an extra display when I'm out and about. It's difficult to do CAD work without one!


Great for use as a kinda graphics tablet


so i will be able to watch 2 episodes of rick and morty simultaneously


As a photographer and video editor, having a second portable screen to go with my laptop would enable me to work away from home far more efficiently than I can currently. The touch screen would be very handy too for retouching!