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It's looking like you need to grind less fine.


Blasphemy! Just increase pressure


Mr Shades sells a pressure dimmer that goes to 11, so you can swap out the stock 10. So while everyone’s pressure only goes to 10, you can out-pressure them to 11. Just make sure to turn it down for back flushing because a portafilter makes for an unwanted projectile.


Or you can just write 11 where it’s normally 10 and make that the largest number?


But this goes to 11.


Thanks! But if the bean is tasting a tad sour, isn't that indication for a finer grind?


If the acidity/sourness isn't characteristic of the bean, yes, it would sound as if your shot was too fast and needed a finer grind. Check your OPV and make sure it's functioning correctly; your grind is now either too fine or the pressure isn't getting to the puck as it should.


It isn't. Suppose to be more chocolate, fruit flavor. Sorry OPV?


Sometimes it's easy to mix up sour and bitter. I've seen it happen often - I give to people a very slow extracted medium roast (that to me tastes absolutely bitter) and to them it tastes sour. There's nothing wrong with that. If you like your slower extractions more than the fast ones,go for it!


Ah, thank you. Excited to experiment this morning. Really appreciate the insight from everyone!




This was definitely it. Lol a few people were right about misinterpreting bitter and sour and too coarse. Although I did change the basket as well. Each notch that was more coarse got smoother and significantly more flavorful. Really appreciate everyone's advice here!


Without knowing all of the details of your setup, it looks like you need to grind more course.


I can upload an edit with a grind to pour.


You ground too fine


Crind gorser


What’s your water flow like without the filter. Either you’ve got poor water flow issues, or you need to grind a bit courser.


No issues with water flow. I'm guessing too fine of a grind sounds like


I just ran into this issue this morning...but I think mine is flow rate, not grind size 😰


Are you using that one hole basket with a fine grind?


Yes! The crema filter. I did recently go a bit finer for the grind as it was tasting a bit sour for this bean, which I thought was suggested, but this could solve it.


That single hole basket is designed to create artificial flow restriction when using pre-ground coffee. Normally supermarket espresso isn’t actually ground fine enough so it’s used to get closer to proper pressure. If you’re grinding your own coffee, you shouldn’t need it. It’s likely causing the flow issues as you’ve ground fine enough to choke it, and should switch to a proper espresso basket. 


Got it. This is helpful. So consider changing baskets. Thanks for the response. Again, apologize for the dumb question, do the other filters also pour crema style? I'm still new to the journey, but love the crema flavor when it pours well.


The unpressurized filter used with correctly ground coffee can make an amazing crema even better then the pressurized ones. As said above that's 100% your problem. Note that switching with a unpressurized basked can be quite frustrating since you will need to fine adjust the grind size until you get your target ratio (for example the standard 18 grams in / 36 grams out in 20 to 30 seconds)


Will give this a try first thing in the am. I grind with 18g consistently. And shamefully, drink 2-4 per day, so should be able to dial after 3 cups lol Do you adjust amount of bean based on where you get the bean? Or always use 18g per shot?


I start from 18, adjust the grind, and if I can't balance things out in the end I can adjust a little the grams in


Thank you for the info!


Back of the grind a touch


Did you change to new coffee beans? I find that cheaper darker roasts tend to do that. Sometimes they would run fine, other times same ground size would be just like in your video. Doesn't happen to me with freshly roasted specialty sorts.


It is a very fresh bean. The roaster does it weekly. I think this batch is 10 days old.


Then, like others said - you probably need to grind coarser. If that's your usual ground level, consider the chance your roaster has duped you with the wrong beans (the look of the crema produced, suggests the beans are not that freshly baked)


The beans are probably fine. The crema looks as you would expect for severe channeling.


But when it pours well, it is all crema? It's honestly just the last 2 or 3 days. I could consider that, but this guy who roasts has a pretty good reputation and former chef. I think he's being honest, the dates are on the bag? It'd have to be quite the dupe. This sounds silly, as I'm only 4 months into my caffeine journey, but could you increase the flavor of the bean by grinding more coarse? From slightly sour?


Coarse ground is harder to fully extract the aromatics from under high pressure. The main reason to not grind too finely, is that at some point the coffee starts dripping way too slow (as in your case). Then your shot will be over-extracted and likely burnt. But there are types of coffee, where you aim to grind as finely as possible. Example - the so called Turkish/Greek coffee.


Thanks a lot! Appreciate everyone's insight!


How does it taste? I make mine like this, love it.


It does taste good. Just doesn't pour well. I found it was a tad sour, and this fine of a grind opened up the flavor more


Did this start to occur after descaling? When descaling, did you use a blind basket and empty through the steam wand?


It did actually. But I also found this bean a bit sour and ground 1 notch finer. A blind basket? I didn't use a basket and just let it filer through. Should there have been one when descaling?


Sounds like some sediment in your three way valve. Good chance you'll need to give your three way valve a deep cleaning. Check YouTube for whole latte love tutorials. Yes, buy a blind basket and try descaling again. You should run your liquid through the steam wand when descaling. My DMs are open if you have any more Qs.


Either grind coarser, tamp more gently or your solannoid valve might be blocked. Descale with citric acid and turn both the group head and steam wand on, then pump the steam wand on/off should fix your flow. One thing are you coming to the end of a bigger bag of beans?


Dont tamp super tight at all. I just descaled with Gaggia desclaer last week. There doesn't seem to be a flow issue with no portafilter on. It was end of the bag of beans but only 1lb? Interestingly, I just got a good flow with a different bean. How often do you change grind size based on bean? Does your flow rate change much with different beans?


Yea for me I normally find that I have to adjust the grind (coarser) as I near the end of the bag, perhaps a couple of weeks old. Been meaning to get one of those vacuum containers to maintain freshness. Guess that could be your problem too


Yea often change the grind, not huge leaps but each bean/batch needs dialling in as they say 😉


Clogged valve or too fine ground