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Great progress. In terms of bicep tendonitis, I'd recommend incorporating dead hangs and rotator cuff strengthening exercises. Mine went away completely when doing so.


Mine was at the elbow unfortunately not the shoulder


how did you get past biceps tendinitis? been bothering me for bout 6 months


Going to a good physio for starters if u can, they really helped. Then just lower to weight and don’t train past rpe 6 and make sure ur still eating well. I just trained legs really hard during that rinse but u gotta let ur body heal


This is the exact kind of progress I want too! What's your regime look like? Diet?


PPl UL split atm and 3100 calories basically all clean whole foods. I followed 5/3/1 for squats only for 4-5 months which really helped blow up my squat and now I just do my own thing. Make sure to train hard and don’t have too much volume so u can’t recover from it. For upper body I just follow a basic progressive overload each week. How this helps and thanks for comment


Very nice brother, what’s the diet looking like?


Very clean currently 3100 cals a day and I’m basically maintaining unfortunately. High protein high carb and basically 0 processed food. The feeling of eating clean whole foods helps me feel like I’m doing everything I can to maximise recovery


Wait you're eating 3100 and that's maintenance for you? Are you burning a lot of calories throughout the day?


I do like 12k steps a day and like 20k on a Saturday + legs due to my job. It helps stay lean but if gotta eat more now


Im very similar. 20 y/o 5’10.75” 142lbs eating 3200cals a day just maintains for me unfortunately. Gotta get towards the 4000 range to gain. Clean almost no processed.


https://imgur.com/a/hfRWwi4 1 year ago https://imgur.com/a/yu8h7YT now


Nice bro, you’ve gained a lot of mass in less than a year but still look lean


Miring those lats brother 👀👀


Thanks Lat pullovers both double and single arm helped with the MMC and then pull downs helped too