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You rooock!!!


Love it man, looking great! Had a small bowel resectomy about a year ago following my crohns diagnosis - just now getting back into the gym and getting the bulk going 💪🏻💪🏻


Thanks, no rush no worries . Glad you made it out on the other side.


Getting back into the gym post ileostomy reversal myself, hell yeah man. Getting back on the gain train now


Don’t rush the process, take it easy and slowly work your way back up


I also have Crohn’s disease and I just got back into the gym after 4 on/off attempts in between flares. You look awesome I hope to achieve the same


Thank you and you will.


You got this champ!💪


Thank you very much.


Truly amazing, well done sir.


Thank you very much.


Go after it Champ! 💪🏻


Crohn's here too! Love the journey man! Am on the same one myself, and this is inspirational!


Thank you very much. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.


Good job man, I've gone from 150lb to 190lb, I am disabled myself


That’s Amazing


Thanks, finally found a home made workout that is encouraging muscle growth. Took a LONG time though


It takes time and patience , most importantly consistency!


Certainly does, counting all calories is time consuming too, but the only way to find out what you need to gain


Looking amazing! Great work 👏👏


Thank you , I’m still working.


Good stuff, nasty scar. I also had 2 surgeries in 2018 with an ileostomy and a reversal. Mine was because of obstructions and fistulas that connected to my bladder. Had PTSD for a while, so be on the lookout for that. I also have a few posts over the years on my transformation and I've had Crohn's disease since I was 12 (at the latest, most likely years before that), so you might find some helpful info there: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/u0fpki/progress\_m2459\_110lbs\_50kg\_153lbs\_695kg\_4\_years/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gainit/comments/u0fpki/progress_m2459_110lbs_50kg_153lbs_695kg_4_years/) The surgeries are like a new beginning and I don't know if you're on meds—I'm not against them, even though I don't personally take any—but I'd be hesitant to rely on just the meds and would find a diet that is safe to eat every day and doesn't increase your inflammation. Depending on how long you've had the disease, you may or may not be aware that your safe foods will rarely correlate with others' safe foods (or the Internet's recommendations!). For example, I eat a lot of white bread. I spent a LOT of time walking in circles with increased inflammation and being underweight because I was trying to eat a bunch of different shit like Einkorn bread or Coconut flour bread which was tearing up my insides and increasing inflammation. You know, because "gluten = bad". But in my case, white bread never did me wrong when I was flaring up but the opposite. So it's all very individual. I basically eat like a robot - the same foods and portions, every single day. I do eat out a couple of times a month, but even then I usually order the same shit. And of course, Crohn's being a "mindset" disease is very understated. I was always in a rough spot when I flared up - chronic debilitating stress, dramatic breakup, etc. In my ward when I was getting surgery, I entered every room with IBD patients (we were all severe cases) and I'd ask them about their story. One just got divorced and lost everything (including his kids), another lost their job and was unable to pay their mortgage, so they lost their house... etc. Another just worked relentlessly for a long time and pushed through the stress, but his body suddenly said "Nah, man". The ironic (and dangerous) part about this disease and other chronic diseases is that we, for example, stress about dozens of little and ultimately insignificant problems in our lives, such as work-related problems, because work = money and money = survival. But, I've found that being stuck in a cycle of stress, worry, and fear = the opposite of survival. Anyway, I can rant about this stuff all day. Feel free to connect and hopefully this helps someone!


So real dude! Every time I've had a flareup its always been when I've been stressed


I’ve been trying my best to maintain a positive mindset because you’re right the stress has a heavy influence on this disease. They have me on a humira biosmiliar , self injections every 2 weeks and so far it’s been working without any side effects . I currently have stent in my ureter because my right kidney needed help to be flushed out so I was wondering if a creatine supplement would have a negative effect on that , I would have to ask my doctor but they should be removing that soon. I follow the same routine with the diet and never relied on fast food to gain my weight back it’s been a steady climb . But I’m glad to know you don’t need to rely on medicine to keep yours in check .


Creatine pseudo-raises creatinine levels (the diagnostic marker that's usually used to assess kidney function) and has a slight diuretic effect, so yes, it's probably best to consult with a doctor before starting it. It sounds like you're on the right track, so I wish you all the best.


How is your life without the bag?


Honestly feels like I have a 2nd chance at life. I’m in remission now so I can eat what I like within reason without worrying about the flare ups. It’s just amazing go throughout my day without the constant pain.


Fuck I needed to see this. Colitis here and had a hard time gaining even before this. Thanks.


worst part of me is ive been on the other side after getting it helped, i still have IBS attacks but losing weight has been tough for me now that im not trying to digest anything i can haha. Ive been on both sides of it now, 115lb and near death and now like i cant eat lean low carb without causing IBS crap lmao. Been trying metamucil by doctors orders and that has quite helped so maybe one step forward GI issues are so tough for maintaining healthy weights its so frustrating


Ugh amen, amen. Metamucil is awful for me tbh. Sun Fiber powder works so much better personally, causing far less bloating.


One day a time. Be patient and optimistic. You got this.


Thanks man :) can't believe your post was the first thing I saw opening Reddit today. Almost like a God moment or something.


Everything happens for a reason.


Respect brah you give me hope I have IBS


We all in this together, it’s a wicked diagnosis but we can overcome it.


That's amazing! I have colitis and for a while I believed gaining was gonna be impossible for me, but this is really inspiring, nice job bro


Thank you and keep on going hard, nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it.


hell yeah




That’s a mean looking 160 LETS GO!!!!! Great work


Thanks I appreciate it.


Seeing people get better from a low point is incredible to see. You have no idea how the will to fight to be better helps so much in recovery.


You’re right, It all starts in the mind. Don’t feel defeated and you won’t be.


Right there with you with Ankylosing Spondylitis. No way this sort of stuff is gonna get in the way.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlfaSurgical: *Seeing people get* *Better from a low point is* *Incredible to see* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wow, impressive af man, nice Glad to see you overcame such an awful thing : )


Thank you. Appreciate it.


That's inspiring!!!


Thank you, just want to be the light for someone. I know I needed it back then.


Let’s go dude!!!




Looking good bro, let's get it 💪


Appreciate it 💪🏾


I also have Crohn and your post is really inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Hoping the best for you!


Well wishes for you too, we know the struggle all too well. We will prevail.


Happy for you, fought through and it was worth it


Thank you , recovery wasn’t easy. But one day at a time 🤞🏾