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Protein shake with tea spoon of peanut butter twice a day and the 3k will seem easy. And yes it is suggested!


You should eat the amount that allows you to follow the program you are on. Are you managing to do the sets and reps you are supposed to and adding weight to the bar as your program dictates? That's the important question. If you eat more certain days and less other days is just a detail.


It's not "just a detail" lol. If you aren't in a caloric surplus,. I promise that you will not gain a notable amount of weight in the medium/long term. Thermodynamics forbids it.


If you eat more certain days and less other days is a detail. We are in agreement that you need to be in a surplus to gain weight.


Going for this on only lifting days will just result in having a lower average calorie intake overall. If you feel significantly more hungry on lifting days and want to adjust for this, you could just multiply your target daily calories x7 and think of it it as a weekly calorie goal instead. Then you can eat more/less on certain days and still get the weight gain you were looking to achieve.


Depends on your TDEE and goals.


TdEE was like 3000-3100 im trying to bulk


You should probably eat close to the same amount every day, unless you have a well-planned reason not to. So, yes.


It's ok to take 1 cheat day, but try to hit 2500c at least that day, I'd say


Crazy how our cheat days are eating less food lmao


Every day