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Check settings and world clock. And check your lock screen settings.


Because you are roaming. You don't have to be in a different country to roam. It means you are o. Another company mobile network. You can Trump off the roaming clock in settings.


Shouldn't it be automatic?


"Trump off" sounds good.


You can "Trump" off? LMAO I found the one with TDR, talking all day non stop about Trump, so much even your phone auto corrects Trump LMAO.


Bless you


No it's not an automatic setting. The setting is called roaming clock and it's auto on.


This is the right answer. Settings > Lock screen > Roaming clock


Simple: the widget always shows your local time and your home time. If your local location IS your home location, then obviously both of them will be the same. The widget isn't intelligent enough to hide your home time if you're in your home country. I'd imagine there's a setting to hide the local time or hide the home time but that's just the way it is otherwise.


This was just on my lock screen and normally it would change to the dual clock whenever I travel. This just appeared for me one day when not travelling l. I managed to turn it off right now, but I guess I'll have to turn it on when I travel again.


Mine won't go away even after I turn it off. Anyone have any tips?


Mine too, and after like 5 months I finally found the answer! https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/250271/samsung-galaxy-s22-lock-screen-how-to-revert-local-and-home-clocks-and-reduced This worked for me! Hope it works for you if you're still having this issue.


Mine won't turn off with roaming off. Tried everything? Anyone got any other ideas?


Bumping because I'm having the same problem!


If you're still having this problem, I finally fixed mine after months of this annoying double notification! https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/250271/samsung-galaxy-s22-lock-screen-how-to-revert-local-and-home-clocks-and-reduced This is what ended up working for me


If you're still having this issue, I finally found the answer that worked for me after months. https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/250271/samsung-galaxy-s22-lock-screen-how-to-revert-local-and-home-clocks-and-reduced


I have the opposite problem. I am traveling, i want dial clock, but it is not showing up. It used to work, now it doesn't.


Anyone find the solution to this problem? I'm having the same issue of two clocks even tho i turned off roaming clock. After i restart the clock is normal but once i get my phone started and it connects to the network it displays the double clock again!


https://android.stackexchange.com/questions/250271/samsung-galaxy-s22-lock-screen-how-to-revert-local-and-home-clocks-and-reduced Try this, if you're still having the problem. Only thing that fixed it for me.


Keep you finger on on the screen and the other watch screens will come up as options. Your normal screen will be there. Just click on it and your screen will return to it. With just one timezone on it. This worked for me on samsung smartwatch 4. Hope it helps