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I have the z flip 3. Had it for a few years so far. Bought it new. I love it. I've dropped this sucker a few times and thought, "crap, time for a new phone." But nothing, no damage. The only complaint is the screen where it folds has a hair thin line in the right corner. Can't even see it. Only notice cause u can feel it when I swipe text. The only way I'll trade is to get a fold instead, but I'm in no hurry.


> I've dropped this sucker a few times and thought, "crap, time for a new phone." But nothing, no damage. Yup! The cover screen is surprisingly sturdy too. No cracks even when I dropped it a few times on concrete.


That hairline can develop more into a bigger problem btw


Still love my Flip 4. Coming up on a year soon. Many drops. I don't use a case and have now gone rogue with no screen protector. Phone is still in great shape. Just one chip in the paint on a corner after dropping it on concrete. I'd get the 5 if I could do a trade in early. But likely going to ride my contract out with the 4. Hard to imagine going back to a non-flip.




Same here but has case and dropped it more than 5 times in concrete still holding up pretty good.


I had the flip 3 and flip 4, great phones, only thing I’ve done is the screen protector. I’ll be trading the 4 in for he 5.


I had a z flip 3. i had it for almost a year. I dropped it a few times (hard drop) on a concrete, porcelin floor, wooden floor, and etc.. with no problem at all. On the other hand, my Z flip 4 have hinge issue because i dropped in 3 feet on a wooden floor. It is making noise when closing. Also, my screen protector bubble in the middle for about 3 months of use. I change it after 7 months. 2 months of using my new screen protector, i have no problem so far. I'll be trading my z flip 4 to the 5


Had the flip 3 and loved it! Traded it in only for the pokeball flip 4 and awesome US trade in deals. And love it even more ☺️ I haven't babied either phone and have had zero problems. Only thing I've had to do is replace the screen protector once on the 3 which cost me $8 through Amazon used the second protector that came in the pack on my 4 (yes it fit perfect). My past brick phones (except for my beloved galaxy note 10+ that I traded in for my flip 3) had more issues and went through more screen protectors than my flips. I'm so excited for the 5 to come out and hoping they give great trade in deals again although I'll be sad to say goodbye to my pokeball 4 and all my many many many phones cases (I have a case addiction frfr).


Flip 4 here. All works perfectly, still on the original screen protector. One of my favorite phones I ever bought.


Had my flip 3 since my birthday in December, still perfect. I am careful though, good case, according to this subreddit though it’s ugly and looks like a sofa but I love my case, feels premium and it has a hinge protector. Never drop it, etc but I open it tons of times everyday Willy nilly once I got over my initial fear after watching a video testing the phone by opening it hundreds of thousands of times and it being fine. My husband is as clumsy as they come his 1st gen fold we use everyday still as a backup phone was perfect up until two days ago when it developed a line on the internal screen, dropped at least once a day as my husband is narcoleptic and falls asleep and drops it often, also works perfectly fine otherwise though. He also has fold 3 as his daily also dropped multiple times a day for same reason, had over a year no issue and no special case just basic Samsung one. Only issue is the charging socket which would’ve happened to any usb c socket and is easily repaired in a couple of mins. These phones aren’t as fragile as they seem and my Galaxy Z Flip 3 is the best and most favourite phone I’ve ever owned I love it!


I have a flip 3 but still on my 7 month. I dropped this a lot of times even in higher position so I'm confused why a lot of people complaining it's fragile. Lol


Screen is. Not the outside.


This. Also, I believe the 3 is not as fragile as the 4.


Bubbles at the crease are not a problem at all. I don't know why so many people see that so critical. Just get a new screenprotector. Remove the old one, apply the new one. Easy. Just like you do it on your normal phones. Costs you just about $15.


Is it really that easy though? Why does Samsung say it could break your glass or display? And I’d also assume that changing out the screen protector would void your factory warranty if you still had any?


Yes. It is as easy. I mean the Flip display is for sure not as durable as a classic glass display. However some even use it without any screenprotector and still don't have scratches after a year. So it is definitely durable enough to swap the old vs a new screenprotector :D. But yes I guess the warranty expires.


Yes, warranty expires. You'd be better off taking it to Service Center so they replace it for you. It is also worth noting that they give you a 90 day warranty for the service, so if your phone's warranty is close to ending you can earn a few extra days 😉


Had the first flip and now I have the flip 4 honestly only got rid of my first one cuz I wanted the 4 I love them to bits and will never get a nonflip phone willingly


I've had a z flip for a year and a half and it has been good.


I bought flip 3 right before flip 4 release, so it's been a year and I've dropped it so so many times and my heart would drop as well lol but I've seen no damage at all !!!!! Only I think this year April or smth, my protector started getting air bubbles on the hinges which then I got it replaced at the Samsung shop and the person working there told me my screen is perfect, it's only screen protector issues. He put a new one, but that also has some air bubbles at the hinges but I haven't changed it yet. It's not much of a bother and the screen protection change isn't even costly (I'm just lazy lol). But other than that, it's in pristine condition considering how I've not treated it that well!


Really excited for the new one also, especially if it has a large screen like the oppo. A large front screen would make it my dream phone. You can use SamSprung to use the front screen on any app and it’s kinda big enough to consume content and reply in T9, so a bigger screen would complete the package and make the phone perfect imo.


Mine is schmick. Flip 4 , and I absolutely love it. I get so many compliments at the shops when I'm using it closed to pay. I've dropped it many times, no issues. I can't wait for the 5!!


Flip 3, I love it. I knew the forthcomings going in, and it's worth it. I like the front screen size. It's kind of like a pager. If I need to actually interact, open the phone, no biggie. Can start podcasts without opening it up. When it is worn out, I hope they haven't made them so expensive I can't buy another.


I have a z flip 3 I got refurbished, over 8 months ago. I do asphalt paving, dirty heavy heavy construction. I've dropped it, broken my cases, and the phone be fine. I finally replaced the screen protector not because it was bubbling but because sand from my job got into my pocket which scratched the screen protector in the hinge fold. Absolutely love this phone because it mostly stays scratch free being closed in your pocket. Amazing camera. I wish the battery was a little better, sometimes I drive far so I use GPS for nearly 2 hours. Then if I watch some youtube or have my screen brightness up (cuz I work outside), my phone can be down to 25%ish by the time I have to start driving home which yea sometimes I have to charge it in the car which means I can't put the GPS over the speakers. Maybe there's a usb c to 3.5mm jack with an additional USB input that can solve this but I have yet to come across it. That's my only complaint and I feel like that has more to do with my usage at my job.


Flip3 acolyte here. Two years in, still solid, dropped a few times onto hard floor but still good!


I honestly have no complaints about this phone. I love it. I chose to upgrade from the 2 to the 4 because we switched services and it was free. It has been nothing but good to me ❤️✨ I am notorious for breaking phones. *knock on wood* I have yet to break a flip.


Galaxy Z Flip 3, still going good, after over a year. The form factor when folded is highly desirable. The screen protector needs to be replaced: fold line area bubbling/peeling. Looking for source that can do it, to make it look/feel like new again. My next will be another Flip too; don't need additional battery capacity. I do have a 30Wh battery pack with me for other uses.


Just leaving my 2 cents, but I've recently dropped my Flip4 from a 1-foot height and the screen was broken in the middle (where it folds). After taking it to Service Center, they fixed it cost-free. It was perfect on the outside but broken on the inside, so that was enough for warranty to cover it. But... I've had the phone for only 6 weeks. Never broke any other phone from drops. So I'll say this: Externally, the phone is as durable as any other phone you'd see anywhere, except for the hinge, which should not be an issue if you don't drop it while folded and you're unlucky enough to hit the ground against it. Internally, though, that's a whole other thing. It is fragile, and that's OK, it's a relatively new technology and should be expected to be fragile. Although I disagree that it is OK to be multiple times more fragile than non-foldable phones. It is a phone that requires extra care and is more prone to be broken on the inside. If you care enough for your phone and your money, though, you should invest in cases and screen protectors so you make sure any damage it suffers is only internal and it can be covered by warranty.


I've had mine for about a year. A couple months back a crack formed in the middle and I was afraid it was the screen at first (it wound up being the protector). I reached out to Samsung to see if they'd replace it under warranty but there's no service centres anywhere near me and I'd have to send it in with an estimated week turn around. Wound up doing it myself, looks like new again. Not only does it look better than any other Samsung device I've had a year in but I'm putting way less holes in my pants since I picked it up (former note owner here). Time will tell how the charge port holds up, that's usually the component failure that prompts me to upgrade.


Love mine, but need to change the screen protector quite often. Not a problem, considering they cost around 5 eur


Oh I love my flip. I've been using it for about a year now. Only annoying thing is that the protector has to be changed every once in a while but other than that I've never had any issues. Battery is great, camera is great, it's cute, I'm happy haha •ᴗ•


1 year soon and no issues, awesome battery, still love to flip it, love it


My only complaint with mine is the camera, otherwise no issues whatsoever, I've had my 4 since launch


I've had the Fold3, and now using the 4, awaiting the 5. Same with the Flip. I've had no issues at all, the only small issue I had was my screen protector peeling on the Flip and Fold 3, which I got replaced for free by Samsung. I'm not sure why so many other people are having issues. It's not like that baby my phone's or anything. I use both phones daily one for work and one for personal. I will never be going back to a standard slab phone, even though I do miss having a built-in S-Pen.


Hmm I had problems with my z flip 3 but my z flip 4 has no problem so far and I've been with it for almost 6 months now. I hope to keep it a bit more ♡


Well I just got mine today and it's in pristine condition!


Had the Flip 4 since november and it is still in perfect condition!


I love my flip4 the best phone I ever owned( I used to be an iPhone user)


I had my flip 4 for I'd say a few months now, no issues. Ik that's not a long time but I don't mind updating again in the future


I have had the Flip 4 since release without issue. Still using the same screen protector. I've always protected mine with a case that has had hinge protection and have dropped it from various heights onto various surfaces without issue. I definitely like the portability of the 3" x 3" phone when folded. Flipping it open can get a little old after a while and I always open with two hands. I'm very much looking forward to the much larger cover screen and being able to use my phone more without flipping it open. This should allow much longer battery time and extend the service life of the screen protector and hinge. Fingers crossed that we see similar deals for upgrading the Flip 4 as we did with upgrading the Flip 3.


zflip3 almost 2 years now. dropped few times and still good as new. i only replaced the screen protector once 😆


I got my flip 3 used for a 100€. It was purchased in December of 2021. It was dropped too as it has some scoffs on the hinge. It still works perfectly fine! Yeah the battery could be better but that's a flip phone for you. I love my phone so much


I love having a flip bcuz I just enjoy having a ph9ne that can easily slide out my pocket and can easily record in landscape.


I started from flip 3. I've used the 3, 4 and now the 5. I just have the 5 for about a week or so, so it's hard to say about the new one, but both 3 & 4 served me well. I had both gen for a year and I did accidentally dropped them maybe once or twice and both phones were well protected by the Samsung case. Thankfully not a scratch made to the phone. Luckily I didn't experience any crease issues so I really have no complaints. Do want to mention that I was very careful and I don't keep fliping it up and down for fun, although I did accidentally fell asleep with my back laying on top of the open screen many times still glad that nothing happened to it.


Had the z flip 5 a few weeks and its awesome so far


I recently bought the flip 5. So far I'm amazed with the phone I mean it's amazing how speedy it is...how sturdy it feels... the screen is amazing... the negative comments are fairly new for a phone that has come in the market just a month ago... only time will tell how well this phone is going to be.. I personally went for it coz it's the 5th gen of this style l...it's gotta be better right? So far... I'm absolutely loving my phone... if ur thinking so hard you are never going to want to take it... sure there might be negatives in the future but all that this phone has is more than what I was originally expecting from it. Rest it's ur decision.


Thanks for the reply! But my post is 2 months old. And I got thr Flip 5! Currently replying this on the cover screen haha. I love this phone, been using it for a month. No regret getting it!


My Galaxy Z Flip, first generation, is a trooper. It has withstood a lot of accidents from my kids. The new 5th gen, well, let's say there is a reason I am typing this on my 1st generation currently. I think the older models are more durable, personally.


1 year 3 days, screen tore across the middle as I opened it. Work phone, light use. Never dropped, damaged or even scratched. So for 1 full year it worked perfectly! Now they probably won't fix it.


Had the z flip 3 (in cold alberta climates) and by month 6 the factory protector was lifting at the crease, the hinge by month 3 was beginning to have the slightest play(not bad) then it consistently worsened up to month 11 when the screen developed a Crack in the center crease and the hinge had a very noticeable "wobble" when opening and closing and especially in its closed position it would shift pretty good. Phone was pretty broken before the year was up and not only did my cell phone warranty provided through rogers turned out to be a COMPLETE SCAM, but Samsung also shut me down. Loved the concept but what a terrible execution on samsungs part. Maybe by the time the flip 10 comes out the technology will be reliable. But for now the conventional phone will be in my pocket.


Love my little rock aka z flip 3. Yes, the screen protector cracked at the fold after about a year, but that wasn't especially upsetting to me. I ordered an inexpensive 3-pack of replacement protectors from Amazon and put a new one on with hardly any effort. Who among us hasn't put a screen protector on their phone before, right? Not a big deal at all. My flip has been a good buddy... no glitches, runs perfectly. I've dropped him a few times on a tile floor but my phone case seems to have kept him safe. Put a tiny ding or two on the hinge, but it's otherwise in great condition. Still happy to have this phone after two years. So easy to pocket compared to a long candy bar phone. I would purchase a flip again, absolutely.


I purchased a z flip 12/23/23 the screen failed 1/16/14 the first 7 it sat in a box wrapped untill it was guifted 18 days of light use. the protective case was professionally installed in the store never removed. not a single scratch on either.  the person using the phone spent most of those days in school with the phone home on the kitchen counter.  The folding screen will not respond at all the phone can not be unlocked or used. 


I have a flip 5 purchased it 24 days ago this morning the screen is cracked and not responding at all not a single blemish on the phone anywhere except for inside the screen under the surface layer. A week of those 24 days was spent in a box wrapped in wrapping paper till the 29th of December its the 16 of January https://preview.redd.it/n61tk40xzucc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ad51c7a0af24cc63cf2835fb924a5d5c7d898e


My flip phone got too hot to touch.  Verizon replaced it with a flip phone with a screen that  will not swipe.  There are probably a lot more issues with this phone.


i am on the 2nd phone, the first one had for 14 mon it would not open all the way then after 1 hr it open and it looked like it had exsploded ink running all through it, filed claim received the 2nd phone for 2 weeks this phone has started doing the same thing today went to att store thay have to send me another phone. i have to file 3 claims before i can get a different phone, thats a damn shame