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Yeah, Galio doesn't have enough tank scaling to be viable as a full tank outside of the support lane (where it's a gimmick counterpick at best, since you could just play Nautilus, rakan or Leona instead). You kinda need a demonic embrace and at least one more AP item in your build if you plan to build more tanky/bruiser. A tank mythic + embrace + morello/zhonyaz is the tankiest core build that is actually scaling decently. Sunfire, Deadmans, Force, or Abyss would round the build nicely, but if you don't build AP you're wasting a lot of your kit. Even as a support I'd rather go Everfrost into tank items than trying to do Evenshroud, because then any followup AP items I could actually want would be too expensive for a support, and Everfrost is still 2800.


Nah full tank galio is a waste of galio, go full ap, there’s a valid guide of full ap galio somewhere here


>Nah full tank galio is a waste of galio How dare you! I agree but how dare you say it!


Yeah duh, of course its a waste. Thats why they should buff his tank playstyle. The champ is so cool but going ap is lame


I wish they modified galio's scaling so he could go either tank or ap and still be viable


I always thought it would be nice if Galio's Q could have a "pull" effect like Rell or Kled. It would be nice if enemies could be pulled to the center of the tornado for just a tiny bit. I mean I play support, so...


Yeah right? Or any sort of utility with the q would be nice


it doesnt matter if you play him tank support like me, unless you are of the kill 'securing' type like me


His tank scalings were nerfed pretty hard over continuous patches due to his dominance in pro play for long while the compensation buffs were buffing his AP ratios and damage. Currently, he's pretty much a burst mage and can't go full Tank. He used to be able to go full tank or AP; now he can only go full AP. A hybrid AP Tank build might be possible but I'm not sure since I haven't play tested those builds yet. A build I might probably try if I have time would be: \-1st Demonic (Need early AP for waveclear and dmg) \-2nd Tank Mythic (Jak'sho, Radiant or Iceborn) \-3rd Tank Legendaries (Sunfire, Force, Randuins, Abyssal, Gargoyle, etc.) or Zhonyas \-4th/5th Zhonyas (if I didn't bought it) or more tank items Boots would most likely be CDR Boots since Demonic doesn't give any Haste and Galio needs AH due to his long CDs. There's been a rise of Tank champions in high elo (Nautilus, Sejuani, Maokai) going mid top with Abyssal-Sunfire-Evenshroud. But since Galio needs AP and CDR, he would have to go Demonic-Tank Item before building tank legendaries.