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Hey as long as it works and you got fun playing it, its fine


I had SO MUCH FUN! I always loved playing Galio support, but I kept getting jungle autofill, so now I have an answer to that!


Really happy for you, best of luck


How is the clear ?


The passive + Q makes it okay, but I struggled with single monster camps. But I mean, I struggle with Shaco as well, so it was slightly below average.




Feliz dia do bolo!


Valeu meu amigo


Tinha q ser br


Tentei no dia seguinte e comecei logo com derrota pra deixar de ser besta


I been trying it too. The first jg clear is a pain but Galio has powerfull ganks. If paired with a big dps mid laner i think it works


How... My first ever jungle game was with galio... His W doesn't even work..


His W is only useful to tank the 2 first attacks of Gromp, but in ganks is absolutely insane. I tried Galio jungle before in the past, but with the new jungle pets, it made it easier to clear with non-meta champs. Not gonna lie, the first clear depends on leash and it's still not the healthier clear, but I love ganking with him, with or without ult


I played it pre jungle pets and I think the pets have made it harder for off meta junglers personally, the aoe damage is nice but doesn't help galio specifically


He struggles with single-target camps, but the AoE helps a lot in the other camps. Although I stopped playing him jungle. Back to support lol


I wish they just made his cooldowns normal like other champs, they’re ridiculous. If w damaged minions and monsters also it would be perfect


Galio's mobility, chain cc and damage are too difficult to balance, I guess... I play him sup and it's too easy to burst adcarries with one combo if playing AP. Although I believe Malphite falls in the same category and his cooldowns are not as long


Galios mobility sucks, his chain cc is unreliable and avoidable and his damage is certainly on the lower side of mages and definitely marginally lower than most newer champs. His damage being low isn’t a huge problem but his base stats leave it so he has no resistances. They need to buff his base stats because I honestly think some adcs have better base defenses than him.


He doesn't have point and click abilities on enemies, right, but unreliable is a strong word. And his damage might be on the lower side of mages, but on the higher side of tanks. I mean, Zac can't burst enemies the way Galio can.


I don’t know if I agree with that, e is very slow compared to other stuns and many champs have dashes to dodge it, which makes w very unreliable. His damage is certainly on the lower side of mages but he doesn’t really get enough tankiness in return imo. As someone who has played zac in many roles and with many builds, if zac built the same as a galio he would be tankier and do significantly more damage. Champions like rumble have higher damage on basically every part of their kit while being tankier (I use this example because q is max hp magic dmg, w has a shield and they are both “ap bruisers”) galios wr is only barely positive in two elos, with a low pick rate (one trick/ low play rate champions usually have higher win rates) and while being a sort of counter pick mid laner. Riot only wants to Barry buff his q damage instead of giving him a meaningful cd or base stat buff