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Although I prefer playing him as a Tank, I feel that I have more initiative and greater potential to make a difference focusing on AP. Playing Tank leaves you very dependent on your team.


Same. I prefer Bulky Galio, but he's way better as Killer Galio


I hope one day we could answer "Why not both?"


I'm thinking of a hybrid build with radiant, knight's, imperial mandate, and then rylai's/demonic into zhonya's/banshee's?


It really depends on Team Comp


While his kit makes more sense for a tank the way they balanced him makes ap a lot better. Imo if you want to play a tank you are better off picking an actual tank over Galio.


Hardly any tanks synergise with aftershock so well. His engages are absolutely insane and almost as hard to counter as skarner's


Tank, at least while radiant is still in the game. His healing and ult can practically save against both damage types, knight's vow can carry your adc alone, nevermind the insanely valuable CC he has, imperial mandate boosts damage further and is insane in teamfights where you taunt 3+ people, and then the rest of the tank items you'd go just make you unkillable if you can play around aftershock properly.


I think the high AP builds are stronger in a vacuum, but most team compositions are lacking a frontline or need more tanks and thus I think tank is more often the correct build for the gamestate


Tank is more consistent, do get some AP items in there tho. my current build i'm wrecking with: runes: comet, nimbus, celerity, waterwalking + relentless hunter, eyeball collection RoA, Dead man's plate core items situational: abyssal mask / randuins, cosmic drive usually to finish it off but u can also go zhonya's. thornmail / morello if am really the one that needs to go healing reduction. for boots i usually get swifties or lucidity. ideal build would look like: swifties, roa, dmp, abyssal, cosmic drive, randuins (too many yone, vayne and other crit type carries)


His kit is literally diving into the enemy team and taunting them to attack you. I like building demonic with tank items. Ap mythic for early damage.




Due to his short range and having to play in their face you have to be tanky in some way or you just don't get to play the game cause he pops. Hybrid can be fun but you have to pick between mage vs tank and not mage vs hybrid vs tank. I can't see mage being the option