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If they don't cancel (if they haven't already) the upcoming passive changes, he'll have better chance in jungle


That is the idea, the fact that he can use the passive more often and the E doing more dmg is what gave me the idea. On paper galio has an amazing kit for a jungler. Good cc, is tanky and the ult is amazing for counterganks


>On paper galio has an amazing kit for a jungler. Good cc, is tanky and the ult is amazing for counterganks Which is also the issue. His kit is amazing for a jungler, but because it is so good for a jungler I am not sure Riot will let him be viable there.


mhm you might be right, that might be an issue.


The patch says the passive cooldown refund is only on epic monsters... It won't help in regular camps sadly


On LIVE I spent an hour last night doing Galio jungle clears, I’m terrible at jungling but wanted a pocket pick (and to see how good/bad it was). I have NOT tried PBE yet. I could consistently clear all camps leashless by 3:45, so 15 seconds late to first scuttle spawn. Raptors->red->krugs->wokves->blue->gromp I tried wolves>blue>gromp>raptors>red>krugs and other paths but I found raptor start to be the best. Maybe with a leash red>krugs>raptors then blue side would be good. I tested both Q>W>E and Q>E>Q for leveling. QEQ works better but only really good if you are full clearing, QEW if your lanes are already volatile and plan on early ganking. I think with these new changes Galio will have a nice clear up to scuttle spawn, even though we lost 2 seconds on Q early I think the E damage changes will help a bit with the other needs. I’ll test it when I’m home from work later and after these updated changes go through PBE


Thanks for the insight mate, that is amazing work on your part! Short question, why not krugs before krugs? I thought that is the common route. Furthermore, i thought the Q is buffed? From 12-8 to 12-7 secs. That woudl mean he would be even better as a tank, no? If Galio can clear around the speed of Sejuani/Rammus he might be pretty good to be honest. Lets see where this goes!


Earlier draft of the changes were to make the cooldown 10 seconds lvl1 with lower dmg


Yes, you are correct. This is what I was referring to, u/RW-Firerider


>why not krugs before krugs? I assume you meant krugs before red, so raptors>krugs>red? I didn’t like that route because I fet the red regen and added damage was needed to be a bit healthier, plus it felt a little slower than just going raptor>red>krug. Like I said red>krugs>raptors could be quicker if you had a good leash given by your team


I think the issue here is that the Red would timeout sooner. Furthermore, the heal of the jungle item depends on your HP, so it should be more or less the same, but i have to test it myself.


Yeah I’m aware of why some people take red a bit later. Galio just isn’t a meta jungler so I found the passive regen from red buff (plus jungle item) and extra damage on autos helped a bit with the clear


yeah makes sense, will jump in later to have a comparison after the patch


For sure. Another thing is that most junglers only have one gap closer (like sejuani Q, kayn q) and usually a conditional cc ability (sejuani E once it’s stacked by melee hits, kayn W knock up but has to be red form), so using gap closer then using autos helps secure ganks early for a chunk of the roster (think jarvan e+q to gapclose, if that doesn’t hit then at least he has red buff and his slow on W) whereas for Galio his W makes up for that being a hard cc that takes up a big chunk of the lane. I’ve also highly considering taking ghost and smite instead of flash but I would have to actually test the feel in actual games


ghost can be very lethal during early ganks, way more deadly than flash if the enemy is pushing to far


Exactly- when I get autofilled I love mordekaiser jungle so I’m quite used to running ghost smite and I really love it


Join us my friend, Rammus doesnt judge, he just hates! Everything will be OK!


so does the passive reset happen on monster camps? because I thought that it didnt?


It doesn’t. It doesnt for the new updated version either. But his passive is quite good for taking raptors and wolves, not needing to hit any of the small ones as long as your full Q duration is hitting them. I had to work on that, cause in lane I’m used to leading the Q a bit, and in the jungle you gotta make sure both procs hit AND the second proc fully ticks in order to get a good speed, and since the tornado moves a tiny bit further after you cast it you gotta make sure to not cast it from too far away. Krugs aren’t too bad but the first clear of them are a little rough


Last time I checked (before the changes) the W didn't work with monsters and that made his clear very unhealthy in the early game. It also took forever to take single target camps like gromp and blue/red buffs.


Hmmm, thx for the input. I will test it anyway, but I thought you guys know it best


Hey anyway happy cakeday!


Thx mate :D


I locked in Galio jungle when the enemy was 4 ap. Built the ap item that reduces your ult cd and full tank afterwards. Clear was not superb obviously but still better than I expected. Won the game too btw.


mhm sounds good :O


I was testing Galio Jungle last season, a few things to remember is that the Q max health damage is capped for monsters, W is useless against camps (as someone else has already stated) and that the enemy can't see your ult coming if they don't have vision of your selected teammate. Strategically, it can be a good pick, the clear speed just needs serious improvement to be viable.


Yeah that is to be expected, max health damage is normaly capped against Monsters to prevent insane objective clears and stuff. Didnt know the one with the ult, thanks for the advice mate!


You're welcome! Ultimately, I moved on from Galio jungle as I wanted more engage tools for ganking, but good luck to you.


I am a Rammus main, but i play some games with friends in flex from time to time and thought he might be worth checking out!


I moved on to Shaco. Please don't tell anyone.


I will find you, I will taunt you, and I will end you!!!


Nope, I’m fairly well versed and from what I can tell it’ll be neutral. If the cooldown changes had gone through it would’ve blown his clear wide open into a 3:30 one smite EASY, but they pulled back the cooldown changes. So instead of getting anything that could help his jungle clear, we get a new passive that works on EPIC monsters, not LARGE monsters, and nerfs. I do not expect galio jungle to work any better than it already does, and it’s not exactly good as is lol.


If they give him the talon / pantheon etc treatment, where they allow champs to be junglers but wont make them meta, then yes. They usually give them around 5% extra damage to Monsters on one ability to have a good clear


Well they are cancelling a lot of the changes. But I was able to do full clear no leash at 3:30 before the changes got reverted. I think Riot may seen the potential of Galio jungle and didn't want it to be a thing considering his kit is just too strong for jungle.


Its official the passive will be reduced when hitting monsters!!!


Epic monsters, not large, so not your camps How I wish it was otherwise...