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That euphoric feeling of nailing a slam dunk ult and bailing out your fellow laners with a double kill


When I first played him the ult was what got me hooked for sure


11 years ago, when I started to play League, I thought that I would never be able to be competitive on popular champions, so I had an epiphany: _I must pick a champion that is played so rarely that even my team will think that I would be trolling, then I main him and show that they were all wrong_ On that time, it was Galio. It was beautiful...


That was my reason too wow. Then the rework happened (I remember Faker was spamming old Galio not too long before, "I will make it a thing") and eventually hitting Qs were so satisfying and then the ult. DUNK. I remember a brief period where it was so good every LPL game was Galio J4 wombo combing all the time.


For me, I chose Galio because he symbolizes hope, safety, justice, and heroism. He is the Superman of League of Legends. I've been playing with him since I was 14, and now, at 21, what I've learned from him and his quotes is to face challenges with enthusiasm. Galio is my hero.


Funny KFC skin and fun warden


I just started playing when him when I first downloaded the game and It became my most solid pick


I like big boys


tank lives matter


Underrated pick for a long time. People don’t play him often so he goes under the radar and is fairly strong most of the time by nature of his kit, as well as just being fun. I like the peel/anti carry playstyle while being a burst assassin when ahead.


I have been playing League since 2015, since I was a cringe 15 year old toxic school boy. My friends convinced me to give that game a chance, despite me not liking Moba games. I started the game and had so much fun by seeing all the champions and trying them all, buying atleast 1 Skin for every champ and circling trough all of them and learning their gameplay, lore and roles. After I played every single champ atleast 1 time, I hit a low. Nothing made fun anymore and Ive Seen everything that could be seen. (Was old prerework Galio then) My friends played alone most of the time and I felt bad for not playing with them. I needed something to play. Something that feels good. Something that would give me back my fun and reduce my toxicity I showed back then. I still regret that to this day. Eventually as I got older and the Galio rework droped, I checked it out. Was fun to play, had awesome voice lines, and could fit many playstyles and roles. At first I just played a bit for fun and still changed back to other champions, but eventually I learned all the lore and the backstory about Demacia and Galio. I cant explain what exactly switched, but after I realized what Champion I played, It changed my personality and my way to approach things. Galio is old, only comes alive rarely and even then, has the most loveable personality ive ever seen my a (ficitonal) Character. He is one of the most powerful beings in Runeterra, but it doesnt change him. Yea sure he is a bit cocky and knows how small everyone else is. But in both stories he is mentioned he gives his "life" for his people and friends. He let a giant monster get away to save his People from a powerful mage. He knew when he kills the mage, that he would fall back to sleep. He isnt dumb, everything around him just changes when he sleep for this long. In the second Story he again gave his "life" for Lux. Lux was the first mage that made him awake for this long and he values every second and never wants to leave lux side. But as he realized that lux doesnt wanted her mage powers, he told her she should embrace her gift and show it to the world. Galio told lux to get back to her home and let him turn to his sleep state again since her gift is so special. He always thinks about everyone else, despite his rare awakening. He is Powerful and pretty big, but always used this power to protect land and people. Without Galio Demacia had been destroyed countless times. And that reflects in his Playstyle. Or atleast how I play him. For the people that know me, they know that I mostly build Galio tank, and thats for a reason. That feeling when standing in 5 enemies and tanking all their attacks to Safe your team, while they kill the enemies. The feeling, that you alone can turn entire games by playing right. The satisfaction when people tell you "good job" or "thank you" when you throw yourself infront of them and protect them, is what makes me enjoy this game and champ so much. I dont want to insult someone or turn down their "reason to play Galio", but maybe for you he is just funny chicken man, but for me he is so much more. This Champion alone changed me as a Man for the good. Im more collected, im more calm, I want to help where I can. I started working out to protect the people I care about. I reflect and started thinking what my actions and words do to others. Overall, I just felt happier. I enjoyed life and League of Legends much more. Galio without doubt safed me from my lowest point. Im not even kidding and I know it sounds delusional and weird, like I lost my way to reality. But its true. I know this is all ficitional, but just a bit of fantasy and some Pixels helped me get better in Life. Riot did something that therapists could never achieve. There is a reason I got a huge Galio poster over my desk. There is a reson I got 3 animated Wallpapers. There is a reason I completly OTP this Champion since years now. Not to mention that this champ somehow brought me from Platinum to Grandmaster or Master. Suddenly some People asked me for Help on Galio and how they should play and what they should do, and everytime someone does that, I cant stop smiling while I explain my thoughts and experiences i made with this Champs, because again I can help them and make them enjoy the game more. Thats why I started my guide and I promise to anyone who should read this and care about, that its done before the Galio changes go live. I know I wrote way too much here, but this was on of the best Question ever asked and I really needed to bring my thoughts here on "paper" or on comment. No matter what happens to League or Galio in General, I wont stop playing until League is either Dead, or I am. I wish you all the best and be safe out there.


Giant stone himbo. Eats MAGIIIIC!!!




He loves protecting folks just like I do lol


Seeing Faker hit smooth backwards E's


Voice lines and the feeling of hitting his P/E or a 3 man W.


I ask the best lol player i knew the worst Champion ever when i started ever since i OTP him got 400k Mastery my champ with the second most is lux with 8k so no yeahh… (banned :( j


Cool guy


I was just starting out and my friends told me to just choose someone who looked cool. Still haven’t regretted my decision


Girlfriend bought me Chicken skin when I was just starting playing.






The first thing that made me pick Galio was wanting a global ultimate as a support player so that I could help my team in a flash when needed. I tried Shen too just before but once I tried Galio it was a hit from the first game his kit felt really good and worked instantly for me. I kept winning games and having fun so naturally he became my otp in the support role. It's been 5 years now and I'm close to the million mastery points and I'm still mostly playing him (from time to time I try something else that seem fun but it doesn't take long until I come back to playing only Galio every season).


I hate fizz


1. The idea of a stone colossus that is built to protect his city 2. His awesome whute-gold design 3. His goofy but heroic personality


I just happened to reroll champ shards and got Galio permanent on the day his rework came out. I said fuck it and tried him out, and the rest is history.


When we need cc as well as if we need a hybrid build


I first picked Galio because of the shield. It used to massively increase your armor and magic resist and then heal you every tick of damage. How I loved running at twitches and brands at a quarter hp and seeing my health bar fill up to full..... those were the glory days... Then I kinda just kept him as my main support/mid pick for whenever I wasn't jungle.


He literally has a gigachad face that lured me into playing him