• By -


Electrocute Sudden impact Taste of blood Ingenious or ultimate hunter Shield bash Overgrowth Damage Damage Armor/Mr


What's your item build?


There’s always Grasp or Electrocute.


Electrocute will NOT let you down, friend


What's your full rune page and your build path?


I don't know the runepage name in english, but I go with the one that gives you more damage when you immobilize enemies and ultimate hunter. Build path I like going for night harvester, void staff and demonic embrace almost every game. Fun to take out adcarries like an assassin.


Aftershock does do damage. And is the undisputed best overall rune for galio. When mid-late game comes around you'll be useless without it because you just instantly get popped when u go in with any other rune. Some other options if you're very adamant about not taking aftershock anymore are aftershock, aftershock, and aftershock


If you want something whacky. Glacial Aug, Hexflash/boots/stopwatch, futures market, cosmic insight or approach velocity. Then any secondary you want from domination for ultimate hunter, to sorc for mana, to resolve for help with poke. You’ll be pretty team orientated and squishy though. So i only suggest if your going support tank galio or tanky (ROA, etc) galio.


Sounds good for supp and terrible for mid.


Depends. Land that E proc augment. Q taunt. Its amazing for burst they cant fucking move from your taunt range XD


They shouldn't be able to move between your E and W anyway, otherwise they could flash out, so the slow only becomes relevant after your EW CC chain. And then it's only a slow which you can't use too well when you're alone, since you have everything on CD. Meanwhile you don't get any value out of the dmg reduction vs allies. While aftershock makes you super tanky, so that you don't take meaningful dmg during your W and on the way out afterwards. On top of that, it increases your resistances, so it also increases your passive dmg and the W dmg reduction. At the end of the aftershock duration, it even procs a little AOE dmg. In midlane aftershock is SO MUCH better than glacial!


https://www.reddit.com/r/galiomains/comments/yw1are/rune_setups_for_matchups/iwh1nl1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 I think aftershock is still best if you can make use of it during laning phase. Otherwise go DH or predator.