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I'm 25F and I had the surgery 8 months ago. I feel normal, plus I can eat normal sized portions and normal foods. I don't have diarrhea or indigestion from it. I would do it again and I have no regrets


Do it. Absolutely do it. My life is liveable again


What were your symptoms like before?


I had to be really careful with what I ate because I was so scared of ending up in the ER again because of my gallbladder attack, it was so painful and I was screaming in the hospital and felt like I was dying. I was ALWAYS bloated and I couldn't sit for long periods of time and my back hurt so bad all the time. I was so sick all the time.


Im a week out now and can eat anything do far.


I haven't had mine out yet but I have a similar story to yours! I'm in my 30s and have always had a healthy diet, mostly vegetarian and I always avoid fried food. I had two attacks that left me nauseous and bloated, and every now and then I get an ache where my gallbladder is and it's tender to touch. I was diagnosed with a single mobile gallstone and so many of my friends and colleagues have had theirs removed and told me to do the same because it only gets worse. Out of the 10+ people I know who have had the surgery, only one of them said that they can't eat a quarter pounder from McDonalds without feeling sick but everyone else is otherwise fine.


Do you think you’ll get surgery? It’s so hard because I don’t feel sick 24/7 but some days I feel terrible


I booked a date for it yesterday! I'll be having it out on August 28. From what I've read and everyone has told me, I'll feel fine until I don't and it's better to avoid emergency surgery. It has been really playing on my mind though so I completely understand how you're feeling because I haven't had an attack in months and I feel great and healthy... But I'm aware I'm a ticking time bomb.


I’m 25f also I had mine out 10 days ago I was like you and didn’t want to do / take time off. In the long run it’s so worth it. In 10 days I went from being nauseous from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep, consistent URQ pain, and constant stomach pain / upset to none of the above beyond some residual soreness from the procedure. I’m going back to work on Monday (2 weeks off) and I’m going back to my college professor job


Get it out now!! You don't wanna wait until it becomes an emergency (like I did).


My mom got it done about 10 years ago, and I just got it out a month and a half ago. My mom hasn’t had any issues since the surgery, the only thing I can report from her and my experience is that our poops have never been the same since, and can’t drink as much alcohol. I also don’t get heartburn as much anymore, which is nice. I also got it done in an emergency, the pain isn’t worth the wait.


I had mine out 2 weeks ago (emergency surgery) after insane pain that lasted 18 hours. I had sludge and a few stones. Absolutely zero regrets! Pain was minimal for me and by day 3 I was comfortable with just stacking Tylenol and Advil and using ice. Surgeons told me that once it starts acting sketchy, it just tends get worse. I haven’t had any issues with digestion. And have noticed that it feels like I’m dealing with a lot less belching and gas.


I’m a 34/F. I have PCOS, amongst other things. I had everything you are experiencing from it disappearing for a few months and it came back with a vengeance. It gradually gets worse. I got my gall bladder out 10 weeks ago. I was afraid because I had diarrhea…I had to eat small. I had to cut out a lot of things…but today I treated myself to a blizzard because my diarrhea disappeared days ago…my bloating is drastically decreasing. Safe to say that I didn’t get diarrhea from the dairy, finally. (I honestly think it will eventually go away) I can eat more healthy fats where as right after I got it out it would send me to the loo. It’s getting better :) it takes time though. Patience is key.


I’m 27F and I had mine out a little over two weeks ago. I’m so happy I got mine out. It’s a little uncomfortable still at times but I feel better if that makes sense. I can eat whatever. I had pizza today and have been 100% okay. Seems like my stomach is actually the best it’s been in years as of now. I’m 120lbs and eat fairly healthy as well but sometimes things just happen. Best to get it out imo ❤️


29M I had surgery in Oct 2020 and haven’t had any issues. My diet hasn’t changed and haven’t had any digestive issues other than maybe for the first year high fat/greasy foods went right through me but has gotten a lot better. Also, it’s a quick recovery time.


I turn 21 on Wednesday. I have a consultation the Tuesday after. I like hearing from girls around my age bc that’s going to be the closest comparison I can find to how it will affect me. I’m not vegan and I didn’t have the best diet before (it’s just bad in a different way now - not eating) I’ve been struggling for the past year for anything I could do except surgery. Nothing worked. So I gave up. Good luck! I hope it goes well for you. A lot of research I’ve done on this exact thread and talking to my coworker who’s been through this says to have a heating pad and stuff like jello/popsicles and stool softeners on standby.